Go to ChatGPT and ask it what the economic cost would be of deporting the 10 million undocumented people we have in the US.
It’s staggering! We would lose trillions in tax revenue, we’d go into a recession, property values would plummet, businesses would close, not to mention the cost of deporting
Trump says borders are just artificial lines drawn on maps. Oh, unless they've got brown people on the other side of them, then no atrocity is too far to defend them.
Change your state. You, collectively, voted for this. Don't kill the messenger. And trust me, I'm in a very red state, too. And they all voted against their own interests, also.
IF ONLY there was a way to make temporary work visa's a simplified process...😆
I guess striking FEAR into the hearts of poor workers with a threat of Guantanamo is the EASIER, financially responsible way to go about it...
I just got my snark buffed for the Trump ll season. Does it make me look fat?
Not really. Open borders would encourage encourage the sort of things Trump lies about happening now. Unscrupulous nations could (and would) dump anyone they deem undesirable in America. Criminals, the disabled or infirm, the destitute, addicts, etc. It would be a humanitarian disaster. (1/2)
Borders exist to vet who comes into the country. Most people do not want criminals wandering in, committing crimes, and fleeing back home. Or worse, violent extremists.
To be VERY clear, that isn't an endorsement of Trump's cruel policies. I want easier routes to residency and citizenship.
YES. I keep seeing this discussion on bluesky about which party can deport more people in the most cost efficient and humane way, and I'm like: surely we should be talking about why we are doing this?
No one seems to want that conversation. It can lead too quickly into conversations about the issues surrounding private property and top-down leadership. US Americans still seem to be struggling with the idea that people are still people, even when they're different from us.
Open borders is actually one of the best policies you can have in regards to improving both the national and global economy. If you need convincing, try reading Utopia for realists and Human Kind, both by Rutger Bregman.
There is no path to citizenship. Please remedy this. Stop people from being rounded up and placed in concentrated spaces ( psst! Con Cen Tration Camps ! Say NO)
We Are The People! We Want Open Borders! There should be border checks no doubt, but we want our society to be part of the global society! NOT a walled off playground for rich white men and their cronies!
The heads of the snake are companies and individuals hiring illegal immigrants. How many companies or individuals do you see being fined or arrested for hiring illegal workers? Zero because they are the profiteers and in the land of the greed and home of the slave greedists are Teflon.
Which is what most companies do. Using the word "illegal" gives the right an excuse to treat people poorly. They have been using this as an excuse to be racist and they will use it to create genocide her in the us of brown and black people. It is never undocumented Canadian or any else white.
If I drive without a license call me an undocumented driver vs an illegal one. If I write a check without having a bank account can you call me an undocumented check writer vs an illegal check writer..Semantics as the right treat people poorly no matter the label whether left, trans or illegal..
Most of these "illegals " have green cards or workers' permits, just not citizenship, and it is really easy with how slow our courtsystem is for people to get stuck in America with an expired green card. How expensive is it to move out of the us just to come back years later when you're approved?
If they have green cards or permits then they are not undocumented or illegal. There is no reason not to renew your green card if serious about staying in US and don't want trouble. If they have no permits or green cards then that is the line that makes them either undocumented or illegally here
This is not the case for most people when they are talking about "illegals" most of the people ice deports have had green cards and entered the country legally and then lost legal status.
I don't understand your last statement? Left and trans are not harmful statements. What do you call teens who's parents are teaching them to drive? We call them student drivers. Imagents who are here attempting to get citizenship are studying how to be an American citizen.
To the right calling people left and trans are label words to hate both just like you are saying illegal builds hate vs undocumented for some. My driving example was No license not learners permit. Apples vs oranges. If I do not have learners permit and drive I am undocumented or illegal driver
I don't think you are correct. Being poliacly left is just a statement, not a declaration of hate. I think your thinking of "libtard" which is their stupid excuse for an insult. Being trans is not an insult.
See you looking at this incorrect because of the language used to describe these people. Technically, no one is illegal, just undocumented. So a company can hire an undocumented person and give them a sponsor for documentation. Which is what most companies do.
Hmm how come every company that I have ever worked for asked for my social security number? Should I have refused and just said I am undocumented and realistically think they would have hired me or thought if they pay me next to nothing they might let the SSN requirment slide....
Hmmm so free market only applies for price to go up when something is in short supply like eggs for consumers, but when labor will not work for the wages being offered just hire illegals vs offering a wage that people would gladly work for....got it...quite the fucking country logic..
hey, your getting it! maybe companies should be forced to pay a living wage. Blame the govt for allowing the loop hole to exist and submitting the knee to companies who want to pay as little as possible.
That's exactly what I was saying as govt as I am sick of the focus being on we need cheap and illegal labor than those hiring illegals go to jail and saying if they have to pay $30 an hour for someone to pick fruit so be it and if someone does not want to pay $5 for an apple so be it.
also add maybe the path thr citizenship shouldnt be ass and as time consuming/conveluted as it is to, idk reduce the # of illegals by making so they van actual become citizens
Yes path to citizenship should be
1) Followed process to enter country legally
2) Any felonies convicted on US soil or lied about during immigration process means immediate deportation
3) No access to US entitlement programs until min of 5 years paying into those programs
I was stunned when I found out people who came here illegally have no path to citizenship no matter how long they’ve been here or if they were brought here as children. Every time amnesty is brought up Republicans lose their minds.
Most people are clueless about how hard it is to come legally.
Gotta say I can't follow the logic of "it's the government's fault the Corp doesn't pay a living wage" like is it unsettling that the possibility for such low wages is there, yeah but I'd argue the corps taking advantage is just as much if not more to blame. Like they don't have to pay poverty wages
without governmental laws stating minimum wages that allow for survivability in a current economy, you get shortcuts. Ya, blame the company, but acting like they arent doing it cause they lack accountability is laughable. They are doing it cause of the lack of regulation
@zachweinersmith.bsky.social illustrated a really interesting graphic novel explaining how open borders could actually work https://openborderscomic.com/
Maybe you should take the rainbow and equality signs out your name their. Equal rights for all, not just those who agree with the statement, "equality rights for all."
As someone who lives in Florida, it's cruel and morally abhorrent to just write off all the vulnerable people living here. They don't matter to you? Not to mention that this is a huge state with a major gerrymandering problem.
Don’t think your state is exempt. We all need to be mindful of the fact our nation is toeing the line. Many of us are stuck in Florida and doing everything we can to fight this. Please stop being negative and hateful like the right.
And it's messages like this that made me deregister as a democrate the day after Trump won. This kind of BS is what made Trump win. Instead of leaning into working class topics and progressive policies, you do your best to look like moderate conservatives to appease GOP voters. Fuck the DNC
Meanwhile it would cost $100 million to process the applications instead. It would enable people to be citizens, to invest here and contribute openly here. To be legitimate somewhere the cost is small.
"Nobody wants open borders." That's a lie. I am a somebody! I want open borders! I compromise to there being checks at borders, but not if it only serves rich straight white men & their loyalists. Immigrants built US. We built this city on rock n roll, not oligarchs!
What I want is totally open borders, but I observe that's unrealistic. We must have a fair & just system in place for everyone's safety. However, what I don't want is a system that benefits only affluent straight white males at the expense of anyone not loyal to their whims and delusions of power.
Well I hope we can build a world where open borders is the best policy, it would save us a ton on immigration courts lol. We probably largely agree in principle, I just wanted to acknowledge the practical limitations.
Because it currently takes years or even a decade to become a citizen the "right way", and if you provide water or other aid to someone who has crossed "illegally" then you're liable as well.
Well that's what the immigration bill Trump shot down was supposed to address, we desperately need more immigration judges and officials. If you're asking me personally I don't think there should be a limit, more workers = more GDP, we just need to process them to avoid dangerous people.
These dumb fucks don't think beyond the lies they peddle. They get talking that shit and say all kinds of outlandish shit that they then try to make happen because the magas go crazy for it.
I concur. I'm a 'somebody' and I want open borders. I'd prefer we abolish borders entirely. I acquiesce to the compromise of there being immigration laws & checks at the borders for safety purposes, but I don't want walls that only open for rich straight white men and their loyalists.
Democrats need to let EVERYBODY know President FELON is spending almost $1 MILLION per military plane to deport, when it's usual to spend $100k to charter a commercial aircraft. His photo ops are costing ALL of us a LOT of needless money, even as he's eyeing CUTTING programs that help people.
Why can’t it be how it was with original immigrants. You come through and check in and work to be a citizen. My friend is a teacher from another country and she’s been trying for 10 years to gain citizenship. Why is it so hard, especially for a needed profession like a teacher?
If someone comes into our country and breaks the law, then deal with it. That’s what we do with people who are citizens. This closed border or some archaic method to weed people you want versus don’t is wrong.
The Founding Fathers did. All sorts of Americans did for half the history of this country -- you know, the parts where we were expanding rapidly and becoming a super power, instead of contracting and stumbling and becoming a collapsed empire? Welcoming immigrants used to be what we did.
Borders are the location where one army ran out of soldiers.
They're a false construct built on imperialism, fascism, and fear. They do not belong in a mature and civilized world. Open the borders.
Nothing says higher taxes for the working and middle-class like Republicans.
Great if you're rich. Republicans made it so rich pay almost no taxes; they can tax deduct every penny of private jets and yachts. With school vouchers, you're now paying for their kids' private school.
I do not want open borders. But to be clear our borders are not and never have been open.
People saying they want open borders don’t realize just how many people would come to the US. Our economy would tank, homelessness would increase, air quality would be shit, we wouldn’t all fit, crime….
You think the correct answer to homelessness is to kill potential homeless people with a militarised border? This suggests that your objection to homelessness is aesthetic rather than ethical.
And many people would LEAVE the US, personally. I'd be somewhere in the Alps or maybe in a South American rainforest. You assume everyone wants to live here? 🤣 many people want to live in their homeland, but our foreign policy & interference make their home almost unlivable.
Dear fellow Florida Democrats, help our undocumented brothers & sisters. Create confusion!
If you are a U.S. citizen carrying valid ID & you see La Migra (ICE_nazis), make eye contact w/ them, then sprint in opposite direction.
When they catch you, do this if you are with your bestie:😂
Yikes. I know you’re not intentionally doing it, but this is wildly racist. You’re essentially implying all undocumented citizens are Hispanic. There are many races and ethnicities who are undocumented citizens. We’re not racists like MAGAts. I can recommend some reading. Interested?
Solid Prediction: when raids start in Miami-Dade, there won’t be busboys & dishwasher at any of your favorite spots in Brickell, then the (white) backlash/ outcry will begin.
It will happen overnight, same w/ housekeeping in SOBE.
I agree massive economic impact but more fundamentally:
When the next hurricane hits
Florida, there won’t be anyone to rebuild.
Same for TX LA MS AL, GA & Carolinas.
General contractors won’t have any laborers.
Labor costs & damage costs go up. Insurance goes up.
All to own the libs & fulfill their racist delusions of protecting the homeland.
My great grandparents immigrated via Ellis Island.. I was curious how they were treated back then- They had a medical exam & background check and were free to seek work immediately… Back in those days of you were white easy to gain citizenship w/i 2 years at no cost (Naturalization Act of 1906
Apparently Musk is touting replacing that workforce with a million robots by the end of the year ( and like many of his ‘claims’ is one big exaggeration)🤷♀️ More money for them though…😡
Yes , And here in Georgia their response to the murder of one young woman by an illegal immigrant ( while doing nothing about the other 700+ reported by the GBI) was to give police full immunity for false arrests of anyone the ‘suspect’ to be undocumented…😡 Jim Crow 2.0
The 2024 outlook, adopted by the FL Legislative Budget Commission on Sept. 6, 2024, estimates a $2.1 billion budget surplus in the upcoming fiscal year, FY 2025-26, and — without intervention — a $2.8 billion deficit in FY 2026-27 and $6.94 billion deficit in FY 2027-28.
That same labor shortage is also affecting your profession… (other countries experiencing those shortages )
Instead of going after those who only want to contribute and find a better way of like we should be focused on fixing looming & important issues..😔
Yep- and going to have plenty of impacts on other states soon…. We have a severe labor shortage that will get worse as the rest of the largest US generation retired by 2032…🤷♀️ Forbes also states that the only source of labor growth in the future will be immigration
Why should we be against open borders? They are man made. We are all humans. Will cartels even need to exist if we became one and shared resources? They certainly wouldn’t be able to prey on desperate people desperate for work.
The one revenue stream I'm curious about that she doesn't mention, all those rich snowbirds that flew south to live in those nice, gated communities. Who's going to keep the landscaping up, the pools clean. Putting "deferred maintenance" policies in place isn't going to cut it with these people.
Actually, I would love open borders. 100%. Spend all that money helping people who come in instead of on a fucking wall and border patrol boot lickers. Our economy needs those people. Let em come. Welcome!
Truth- apparently Republicans don’t care that we already have a severe labor shortage that will get much worse once the rest of the US largest generation retire by 2032… Per Forbes our ONLY source of labor growth is immigration..🤷♀️
Fast track these folks to jobs where all the anti vaxxers quit during COVID: law enforcement, first responders and nursing. Oh- and our armed forces could use a boost.
Yes. Hire state/federal employees to help the immigration process be more understood and move more smoothly. Background checks included. Helping people who want to be here and to contribute is a good thing.
I don't want there to be a limit on immigration, which means funding and staffing processing centers. The idea that we just let anybody in without checking is completely insane though.
I think they did it because if you don't have borders other nations can take your land through occupation, actually. They serve a practical purpose given that the world is still extremely violent even without the old powers.
I mean, I suppose you wouldn't have national wars, you'd just have roving gangs acting like Mongols raping and pillaging everywhere. What a fantastic world you want to live in, where you can't draw clear lines and say "If you cross this line you're subject to our laws."
I very genuinely don’t think this is true at all, and is instead rooted in racism. Also btw, we already in the US have a huge rape and abuse issue. Estimating 92% of offenders are men, 52% were white, and 96% were US citizens.. and that’s just what was reported and filed…
Some of us absolutely do want to return to the open border policies that were the law of the land from the time we threw off the shackles of the British King and led directly to modern American dominance
I think that borders are fundamentally racist bullshit and we should stop enforcing them altogether. Beyond what's necessary to act as good stewards to our environment, there's no reason in Hell why we should be keeping people out; we have an astonishing amount of room.
If you believe money should be able to move across borders unfettered while simultaneously advocating for hard borders for human beings you…may be a fascist. Just sayin..
Costing more than money. Here is the data on the demographic make up of Florida. Notice that WHITE population continues to shrink while the other non white populations grow. This is the real issue that scares the heck out of the "ruling class." They don't want to be in the minority. Reap = Sow.
They don't care. In order to remold a nation you have to break it first. People who are suffering will welcome any changes if it will improve their situation even if it is Fascism.
The GOP elites pretend they don't want migrants in order to milk racists for votes, but secretly enjoy the profits of their skills and work ethic by suppressing their human rights. It's the next best thing to chattel slavery, which is where the GOP's heart really seems to be.
You would think the Moronaires would know that this would not be a boost to their bottom line and or the economy and that ONLY migrants want the jobs that they currently do bc they have no choice. Put out job applications for those same jobs and see how many U.S. Americans apply. Ill wait.
Don't forget when Trump puts tariffs on Mexican and Canadian products it is the u.s. buyer who pays the price. In part it is actually a tax on your own people.
When advocating for immigration being a positive you have to head off the insane counter arguments from the right. Just letting anyone in without checking is a recipe for violence, there are a lot of dangerous and cruel people in the world.
Wrong, the Biden Administration wanted open borders or they wouldn't have removed all of Trump's Exorders to secure the Border and ignore Immigration and Asylum Laws.
maybe not open borders, but the free movement of labor is a mandatory demand of the left. we need borders to inspect commerce for banded produce and sick animals, to prevent human trafficking, etc but there is no need to keep people from moving freely to work and live.
So, your major industries rely on overworking and underpaying vulnerable people? I wholey disagree with mass deportation but also think it's fucked up that we openly admit to making money off their backs and that's the only reason you all want them to stay. How about citizenship as an option?
These policies will have a ripple effect on our economy that will negatively impact our country for years to come. Not to mentions destroy families and communities.
Some of us do want open borders. I mean, open borders for people.
After all, we have a whole political establishment which pushes for open borders for money - gives money and corporations more rights than people. It's way past time to change that.
I want open borders. Please show me any statistical data that open borders would not improve the economy, the well being of the American people, and save tax payer dollars. Borders divide families and provide no provable protection that could not be done better by law enforcement and intelligence.
I look forward to all the MAGA farmers who voted for Trump, whine when ICE comes to their farms and collects all those folks doing the work none of us will do!
Good luck Florida farmers!!! I think you're going to need it. Unfortunately for the rest of us, grocery prices will go up!
I just heard the republiCon legislation took power away from DeSatan and gave it to the Ag Dept. That might be to try and protect the farm workers. Not because they gave a heart, but because farmers donate and vote for republiCons
Not trying to sound like an asshole. But fuck Florida. Yall get what yall paid for. Alot of the people that will suffer, voted for these issues. Now tell MAGA to go work these jobs that were taken from them... I'D PAY TO WATCH YALL TELL THEM THIS...
The people who want open borders - what about terrorists and other criminals? I’m confused why you wouldn’t want to allow everyone in, but allow people to be documented so they can work and be legal residents. I’m all for letting everyone in, but through an immigration system. Is that what you mean?
The United States used to have a pretty open border policy. Hundreds of thousands of central Americans would come every year to work the fields of California for a few months, then go back home. Then the GOP realized it could make political hay vilifying them.
Crossing the border became harder and more uncertain, so these seasonal workers stopped going home in the off season. Legal paths to immigration became more restricted. And here we are, with a massive disenfranchised underclass of America's own making.
Totally agree. Both sides of the political system have failed in making the immigration system better. I simply believe in changing it so everyone can come and go “legally”. Knowing people who can’t go home to visit sick and dying family members - it’s all so tragic.
This isn’t the hill Democrats want to die on. Having “orderly” immigration is common sense. I support allowing anyone in as long as they’re screened first. But that’s not happening, and Biden didn’t work on this from the beginning. Immigration & inflation lost the election. Moderate on this or lose.
“Go Woke. Go broke.” Just doesn’t seem to hold up to real world scrutiny and analysis… almost like… opening your eyes and educating yourself instead of acting through only your emotional biases helps to make less rash and more logical decisions.
(Insert surprise pika face here)
It’s staggering! We would lose trillions in tax revenue, we’d go into a recession, property values would plummet, businesses would close, not to mention the cost of deporting
Be loud!
that just won't stop till
he's outta office. LAME DUCK with no sense of humanity.
I guess striking FEAR into the hearts of poor workers with a threat of Guantanamo is the EASIER, financially responsible way to go about it...
I just got my snark buffed for the Trump ll season. Does it make me look fat?
Or better still - no borders
Borders exist to vet who comes into the country. Most people do not want criminals wandering in, committing crimes, and fleeing back home. Or worse, violent extremists.
To be VERY clear, that isn't an endorsement of Trump's cruel policies. I want easier routes to residency and citizenship.
This is something unscrupulous states do in America as it is. They do it to unhoused people. They just put them on a bus and forget about them.
Republicans are NEVER going to vote for you (assuming we even HAVE elections anymore) so STOP PANDERING TO THEM.
But I find it hard to feel bad for Florida when they voted for Trump 3 elections in a row.
We Are The People! We Want Open Borders! There should be border checks no doubt, but we want our society to be part of the global society! NOT a walled off playground for rich white men and their cronies!
1) Followed process to enter country legally
2) Any felonies convicted on US soil or lied about during immigration process means immediate deportation
3) No access to US entitlement programs until min of 5 years paying into those programs
Most people are clueless about how hard it is to come legally.
We are not all GOP, or MAGA.
Some of us are still fighting the good fight.
We FL Blues are working hard here and the rest of the Blues across the US should support!
We're the wall holding back the tide of crazy!
As for me, I'm fucked out.
They're completely different concepts. Florida fucked around with hate and racism, and now they're finding out. It's hilarious.
Why not get a proper work visa program and respect the people doing the hard work in farms/construction/nursing homes ?
Because it currently takes years or even a decade to become a citizen the "right way", and if you provide water or other aid to someone who has crossed "illegally" then you're liable as well.
Borders are a man-made construct designed to benefit the wealthy while limiting the movement of the poor.
We most definitely do NOT want open borders.
We have a means to enter the country LEGALLY, and yet criminals don't want to follow the rules.
Listen to the lunatic fringe, and you will continue to lose elections.
good thing i do not live in the anti immigrant usa
They're a false construct built on imperialism, fascism, and fear. They do not belong in a mature and civilized world. Open the borders.
Great if you're rich. Republicans made it so rich pay almost no taxes; they can tax deduct every penny of private jets and yachts. With school vouchers, you're now paying for their kids' private school.
People saying they want open borders don’t realize just how many people would come to the US. Our economy would tank, homelessness would increase, air quality would be shit, we wouldn’t all fit, crime….
If you are a U.S. citizen carrying valid ID & you see La Migra (ICE_nazis), make eye contact w/ them, then sprint in opposite direction.
When they catch you, do this if you are with your bestie:😂
Love the idea!
It will happen overnight, same w/ housekeeping in SOBE.
I agree massive economic impact but more fundamentally:
Florida, there won’t be anyone to rebuild.
Same for TX LA MS AL, GA & Carolinas.
General contractors won’t have any laborers.
Labor costs & damage costs go up. Insurance goes up.
All to own the libs & fulfill their racist delusions of protecting the homeland.
Instead of going after those who only want to contribute and find a better way of like we should be focused on fixing looming & important issues..😔
I do.
The powerful set up borders to divide us, because they know when we are united we are more powerful than them.
No borders, no border defined nations, no wars
There were no Mongols in Gaza and see what happened.
Ya, speak for yourself lmao.
I think that borders are fundamentally racist bullshit and we should stop enforcing them altogether. Beyond what's necessary to act as good stewards to our environment, there's no reason in Hell why we should be keeping people out; we have an astonishing amount of room.
Get your shit together.
Did anyone think there would be no costs associated with feeding, clothing and educating ???
Who pays ??
I forgot when I said that. Anyone care to remind me 😏
After all, we have a whole political establishment which pushes for open borders for money - gives money and corporations more rights than people. It's way past time to change that.
Good luck Florida farmers!!! I think you're going to need it. Unfortunately for the rest of us, grocery prices will go up!
Thanks Trump!!
Florida's economic problems are coming from the same fouled well.
(Insert surprise pika face here)