the problem with the "trans sports participation is a loser / 80-20 issue" framing is that it ignores how it got that way. it didn't just happen out of nowhere. It's been a 5+ year campaign by Republicans to make it an 80-20 issue, and noone fought back.
Less than 0.002% of NCAA athletes are trans. The NCAA reported to Congress that out of 510,000 athletes, “less than 10” are trans.
And yet it has more traction than cost of living…
He says it right there! "I agree on the merits." So he thinks trans girls are boys and does not care about the science of our sports performance.
Let local schools figure it out. Keep the feds out of school sports.
We had setbacks, Bush ran his 2004 reelection campaign on opposing gay marriage and won, but by 2012 it was over 50%
Leaders lead, if you don't want to lead, don't sign up to be a leader.
We'll win with or without you, and we'll remember in 15-20 years when you were against us when it benefited you.
Let's face it, transgender athletes have a competitive advantage when facing female participants.
Gavin Newsom is correct - it's unfair.
You can actually learn about the sports science all in 1 easy place by following
Then Singal and crew started pumping out thinkpieces and the right wing of their hate movement started calling everyone who isn't bigoted towards trans people predators.
Mack is a trans man with a vagina. He wanted to compete against boys and the state's anti trans law forced him to wrestle girls.
Better yet, change your heart.
People forget, they failed miserably when they started with the bathroom ban push. They found a winner with the trans athlete BS, and have used that to yank more trans rights away.
The AIDS crisis had crystalized in many minds the idea that gay men...
The Regime wants to erase trans people and their rights.
States are passing laws calling gender nonconformity obscenity.
The Germans followed the same playbook.
It has been a five+ year campaign by republicans AND useful idiots like Matt yglesias to get it that way
Homeboy is doing the “we’re all looking for who is responsible” routine when he himself helped a whole lot
From which I can conclude a lot about what polls are really worth to anyone.
ok well give me the polling numbers on your proposal of "genital inspections for every teen athlete" you fucks
a lot of people say something like "yeah cops should be able to catch X"
but once you tell them "that means any cop can do Y" they tend to back off somewhat
Instead of having facts to counter the purposeful attack on human right.
And the Democrats response has been weak.
... and even if it were, it's not the DEMOCRATS on the "wrong side." (in general, the American people are mostly supportive of trans rights, though we could be better):
Funny how sometimes polls have the final say and sometimes not
Every time you take their claims at face value you are simply platforming their claims and/or conceding some ground in an attempt to appear moderate and reasonable.
The way to fight back is to point out their claims are the same lies and fake ‘science’ every other bigotry uses.
What we have is trans female athletes taking drugs to be fair & limit their ability, it's the opposite of an athlete who takes (steroids) to be unfair.
Now, less than 30 years later, it's a 70-30 issue in the opposite direction.
I’ve always admired Biden’s courage for forcing Obama to act faster than he had planned.
Besides being simplistic, it’s an entirely amoral approach that requires pols to blithely accept things like genocide.
Sports already have precedents for dealing with “youth who is a size/strength/skill mismatch with peers” and “documented medical need for an otherwise banned-as-PED medication” and even “changing major classification category for what could be sincere reasons or could be gaming the system”
We honestly do not need to reinvent the wheel here at all. Apply existing rules or reasonable extrapolations of them if you really think it’s possible someone would go through All Of That for sport advantage.
I followed that advice. It damaged them - physically, mentally, and their trust in me. We are all still recovering.
Face it, everybody... your kid is probably not going to the Olympics, and trans athletes have nothing to to do with that.
But the media just loved them some light transphobia. And the Biden administration tried some middle ground bullshit specifically on trans sports bans which no one liked. So here we are.
-trans women are usually mid athletes with a very small number of exceptions
-making trans boys compete in girls' sports has resulted in extremely unfair matchups
-high school sports literally do not matter
-there are more Elon Musk baby mamas than there are trans D1 athletes in NCAA
That's like 50 people & they're all subscribed to Yglesias already
I’m tired of having to choose between political party headed by idiot wanna be fascist and an inept political party that loses to the idiot because they embrace massively unpopular positions as a virtue signaling exercise.
Is such dipshit.
meanwhile, you can actually give cons thing they want in a lot of other areas