Just one she carried. The daughter after X was from a surrogate while he didn’t tell her that he impregnated one of his CEO’s with twins, at the time their daughter was born.
That CEO of one of his companies just had their 4th.
4 kids 3 and under.
Oh woe is me, still not able to have a loving relationship. I’m not the reason all these relationships have failed. Maybe he should reflect on what is the common denominator. Best thing he could do is write down five things he could do better and try to work at not being such self centred asshole.
You mean the one Zuckerberg ogled at the inauguration ceremony? There does seem to be a Gothic facial sculpture style, with flying buttress cheeks and silicone lip gutters.
How can we promote more harmful infighting among billionaires? They look way too docile and subservient to Trump.
This is literally what he means. He believes charitable aid to the “inferiors” is the greatest threat to the eugenics driven white supremacist order. When they say western civilization they mean the 14 words. He’s alas explicitly a fash as there is on the planet.
The original Nazis disliked most charitable enterprises; they would rather murder disabled children than help them.
A major exception was the annual Winterhilfswerk ("Winter relief) fundraising drive. But it was actually a gigantic extortion scam, & most of the money went to the party & armaments.
Right out of the mega bro movement it’s always a woman’s fault. There are a bunch of misogynists and the reason why Trump let those two criminals out of Romania for the bro movement.
He never married Grimes. He hasn't been married since 2008. He just has baby mommas. Which is you listen to the pastors is the sin of fornication and is the reason for the downfall of civilization.
the Boyz not well...Sorry, Grimes, its time for intervention...and since you're still corresponding with him, you have to do this..2 weeks in Sedona ought to do it.
Imagine what a moronic, narcissistic egomaniac you’d need to be to think that your personal problems (that you caused yourself) could be so important that the future of civilization depends on their outcome.
His pathology seems well beyond simple main-character syndrome.
She should be charged with encouraging people to vote Republican multiple times under an assumed name in the 2024 election. She removed the tweet on the advice of her lawyer because she could be criminally charged if anyone acted on that advice. It should be investigated. Manipulating MAGA? Who knew
Unbelievable. But then this seems to be the problem. Musk has never grown up. Presumably his two (ghastly) parents are to some degree responsible for that.
I love how many of these “alpha males” need their mommies to trot out on tv to swear that their sons are really good little boys, worthy of big boy roles.
He’s definitely “hurt” by all the hate. Elon is perplexed that we all can’t see how brilliant he is and what he is doing to make the world better. Completely delusional.
May Musk is a narcissist AND a Nazi, a daughter of Nazis who RAN to South Africa from Canada and reveled in apartheid, foisted two more horrible narcissists Kimball and Elonazi onto the world.
I think he’s closeted actually. He only makes new babies thru IVF and he’s had surgery to look more buff but his earlier appearance looks very effeminate. Which is fine but closeted men become very twisted and deranged.
Speculation that Hitler was bi-sexual, so he had millions put to death.
If Western civilization dies, it’s because men couldn’t stop being dicks. They couldn’t actually have human traits of empathy, and care about their fellow human beings, and the fucking planet, because it was all about them. And there are some women like that too. We call them Karens.
Literally the richest dude on earth, with more money than any single individual has had in human history, now apparently also with the power of the executive branch of the most powerful nation in history in his hands, and he *still* thinks he’s the victim.
All I've ever known is that things are never the childrens' fault 💚
This also applies to regime victims& all victims
Sending wishes of love, strength, peace and hope to everyone on our Bishop Saint's Day
St Patrick cleared the snakes out of Ireland 🙏🏼just saying ☘️💪🏼💪🏼
Of course, never the asshats they divorced for being narcissists hell bent on ending Western Civilization, as well as any other, in search of their own glorification.
Absolutely. This is why nepo babies are susceptible.
Their personality disorders and mental illnesses don't impede their livelihood, so they don't seek treatment.
meh, sin is for christians and people who believe in ghosts and magic. Mental disorders however are real and identifiable. The person who hordes extreme wealth while others suffer from lack of resources has a severe mental problem.
Greed is identifiable in other species besides humans. It is a basic narcissistic trait left over from childhood. Those who hoard do have an identifiable issue. Some also lack a moral compass. Musk, Pesos, Zuck, all good examples.
I like to look at the fall of the Roman Empire as an example. It had nothing to do with ex-wives and everything to do with spoiled, self-indulgent, batshit crazy emperors drunk on bloodlust and power.
What school did this guy go to? Has he ever read a book?
He hasn't understood that all civilizations have died of greed and pride. Therefore, it is he and his cronies who are killing Western civilization.
No, Mr. Musk, money doesn't bring wisdom. It's culture, empathy, respect... love.
I read this in 9th grade & told every person who praised musk about it. Nobody cared. Some fell off his bandwagon with the "pedo guy" thing, more with Twitter, and the rest recently. If people could see blatant misogyny for the red flag it clearly is, who knows how much of this could've been avoided
I didn't know about his personal life, but when I found out how he treated his workers in general, and then when he took over Twitter... I was like this man is not mentally stable and definitely a terrible person
Send that to all the Project 2025 people. I'm sure their morals love out of wedlock unprotected Techo Oligarch random fertilization after divorce. God loves that shit.
Did he think he was some type of pack animal? Humans aren't a pack society like canines. I laugh every time a guy tries to say he's some alpha when he's demeaning himself by saying he's some kind of dog!
It’s odd the dtrumpf is caring for muskivite’s son… Hmmm seems like a very chummy relationship.. one making all the big decisions and the other rearing the children
They are so concerned about who loves who and hate women… kind of personal? The forbidden love that one must not speak its name?
Agree. Any society that fails to use the abilities of all citizens by purposely holding some down with poverty, lack of education, or opportunities deserves to fall by the wayside of history.
This is just nonsense, these narcissists POS are so stupid!!! this has no barring on anything. It has no sense ultra rich psychopaths are the end of western civilization.
Being Married To A Selfish Narcissistic Mentally Declining Drug Addict Who’s A Deadbeat Abusive Dad And A Cheating Husband—Is Every Woman’s Dream According To Elon. His Ex-Wives And Abandoned Children DESERVE HUGE COMPENSATION AND SECURITY STAFF FROM SICK DANGEROUS LUNATIC ELON!
I believe he only has two ex-wives (well, one he married twice but did not have any children with). Most of his spawn are that, e.g. with women that either runs his companies or dated. Often concurrently.
Sending love. It’s bloody hard to break free and you are always on high alert for similar behaviour…. We moved from the US after the election in 2016….
That's the first thing I noticed. When you're that big & influential, YOU CAN NOT POST BUTCHERED GRAMMAR!!!! But he's a man-child exposing himself for what he is.
Oh! I did read that Grimes took it as a response by asking 'are any of those exes in the room with you now', but I hear this. I'm so grateful to those billionaire x-wives! It's a weird thing for him to get his titties in an uproar about
Elon Musk is obviously on some mind altering medication as his statement makes absolutely no sense at all. I'm always amazed by how so many people think he is so intelligent. Intelligent relative to who?
Dear Elon, someone needs to tie your tiny dick into a wee bow. You are a fucking waste of space, sir, without a drop of empathy in your body. Too bad you couldn't be tied to one of your rockets and shot into the sun.
Did any of those money grabbing brood mares actually marry his disgusting ass? Most of those thousand kids were made with a long spoon and tinge of Ketamine infused cum. I think he's talking about the highly respected exes of Bezos and Gates.
Exactly. Saying it’s the woman who is at fault, the divorced woman who now lives modestly compared to her ex who had nothing to offer her but money. Elon is too high on drugs and says stupid crap like this. So, #GetOffX and #fuckElon
We are currently led by raging sociopathic narcissists who believe we exist in their world at their pleasure.
Their view is they know best, we have no power, we are expendable and everything they do is to increase and perpetuate their wealth & power.
It is time to rally and make "good trouble"...
Well, I was going more for the level of intelligence beyond just being able to screw people to make money and make you look intelligent. Good example of intelligence would be a Warren Buffett. My opinion! Ty💙
He's never getting over Grimes is he? It'll be 2052, he'll have 20 more kids with 15 more women and he'll still be like "That stupid woman had the nerve to dump ME!"
There’s a term for that: it’s called “Dead Beat Dads”, that don’t pay their child support pity kick…it catches up with them at some point, never soon enough though. My kids support was not paid and unenforced for 8 years…and I wasn’t even the slight bit rich. But I still bitched…for my kids.
It’s not remotely bitching. It is advocating for you and your children. Not bitching at all, take credit for your efforts, don’t demean your power or purpose.
Thanks!…and all the years later my Daughters are having the same issues, meal issue, backed by lack of enforcement…but; I think both parents ought to be held to the same accountability standard as the custodial parent…as a mom I could not, nor would I, let my children or grandchildren go hungry.
young girls need to know exactly how this "system" works and, if they choose to go this direction, exactly wtf they are signing up for and how it may adversely effect their lives
Young or old the system makes money off interest fees for collecting back support which is seemingly exploitative of the children that have a right to support. That support is only paid by a state system if the custodial parent meets job or other req, bank receipts and much documentation of a need.
Consequently it’s the custodial parent not receiving support for the child that must meet requirements for what is owed to a child. Kids with dead parents get benefits, so should kids with dead-beat parent(s). It’s a catch 22. I do think it would be damn good birth control based on preliminary data.
I am so embarrassed to be from the US. These tweets from politicians, our president and Trump is childish but with huge life changing consequences. I just cannot believe this is real life. We are such a joke of a country.
I am embarrassed too. It’s hard to grasp how low the USA has sunk, so fast. It feels surreal to be living in this previously unthinkable juvenile political environment. It’s disconcerting too because juvenile behavior typically brings greater risk.
Is he saying that the ultra-wealthy men who now have ultra-wealthy ex-wives who are better humans than them …. Are using these wives as a “reason” these men are turning to fascism and are using their wealth to prop it up?
Mighty fucked up “blame game” there, MuskRat.
I like it too, if that's the right word. It's helpful to know how attitudes toward women fit into the puzzle that is current America. As a woman, I find it very disturbing.
I wouldn't share it with anyone young or still relatively naive. A lot of information is profoundly disturbing and graphic. I'd search for age-appropriate recommendations on the internet. At 66, I think I might be "too young" to handle some of it. I recommend it for mature women. Best wishes.
Okay, thank you so much for replying! Maybe I'll give it to my daughter to read so she has some tools for my granddaughter, who is only 14, but boys are becoming important at that age.
Take good care.
The knowledge that misogyny has such a strong grip is the part I found most disturbing. Future generations will have challenges we didn’t. Information is power. The innocent optimism I’d like to protect is probably my own.
He’s talking about Mackenzie Scott, Bezo’s ex, who gives away lots of money. Every time he criticizes her, she gives away more. Not sure why he cares what she does with her money.
Yes this one really perplexed me! Why the fvck would Felon give a carp about what Scott does with her money? He really is a piece of work. Mind your own business dude...I mean *literally* mind your own business.
Exactly, Musk grew up in Africa where you don’t help anyone, the USA does that job via taxes. He’s family believes in working people in their mines until they die.
I was thinking this exactly! MacKenzie Scott and Melinda Gates are two examples of caring, generous wealthy people who, through their philanthropy, regularly get under The Car Salesman's skin. He is truly a worthless POS!🤮🤬
He believes in Social Darwinism, that the rich are infinitely superior genetically. He thinks supporting the poor in ANY way passes on bad genes and poisons the gene pool. Let them die or prove themselves, but do not ever help them. JD is the same. Trump is the same.
But that's not Darwinism, as such a society as he fathoms, will not survive. A society devoid of compassion, a sense of fraternity and human grace, will not be able to thrive and develop long.
It will perish.
Well, sure, but he believes it. Social Darwinism was big among 19th C. Robber Barons since it justifies the uber rich as superior genetically. Herbert Spencer, the ideological founder, bastardized Darwin, but it was VERY popular among elites. However, it prompted a LOT of reform movements. So..
Look it up: democracies are more prosperous and advanced - in all fields, then countries under tyrannical regimes: in scientific research, medicine, tech, economy and art. For a society to flourish, a sense of fraternity and a willing cooperation of its members are needed.
For the Musks et al. it is irrelevant if democracies are far more prosperous because wealth is more evenly distributed. Hence the seizing of wealth over the past decades. They all value money for THEM and don't want to share. But it is highly unstable and fraught w costs of social control. Dumb.
Oh I see it now … I didn’t understand the tweet. Is McKenzie known for hating Jeff bezos? I’ve never heard that before and she seems to enjoy her causes. I’m sure it hurt at the time with him running off with his fiance but everyone mocks her. I doubt she’s that upset anymore.
She is a confident, successful woman. I don’t remember reading anything about her hating him, another lie. Looking at him now, she’s probably saying ‘good riddance’.
Boo hoo! Crimea River Boy, Billionaire Lonnie, feeling a pin-prick of financial pain. Insensitive to the reckless shattering he’s imposing on million of lives.
Agreed. Although I'd go a step further and say he has a bit of disdain for any lowly, paltry human being who isn't him, because he himself is the absolute perfect human being.
I fucking hope they do! What we’re currently living is not ‘civilization’ this needs to be destroyed and rebuilt. And rebuilt NOT by white privileged men.
“Should filed be listed”? I’ve seen that Musk has tRump baby sitting Lil X but now it seems he’s also writing his tweets for him. What’s next, making tRump clean the toilet with a toothbrush?
I never liked the Slimy mess (but apartheid was a galvanizing issue during my political awakening). I trust I am too profoundly biased to be at all rational.
The wives married him & a whole lot of libs loved him enough to buy his fugly car AND stay on suX so, yeah, some apparently "like" him 🤮🤮🤮
I think people like Elon Musk, who've made billions off other peoples backs, should be the last one to complain about women who divorced rich men, he's been married twice, but two times to one of the women, is pissed because they left him, and he had to pay them to do it.
I feel bad for those innocent Poor children of his! that will become either serial killers, Nazi sympathizers, drug addicted and mentally disturbed hateful individuals, who no fault of their own deserve better parenting.
Thank you for that reminder. With all the craziness, I get distracted and try to seek rational motives in so much of the madness. I keep doing that, repeatedly forgetting that the real answer can be as simple as narcissism. Narcissism explains a lot.
There's legitimate science behind what occurs; a phenomenon that happens when some people reach a certain level of wealth too. They become unable to feel compassion for those who struggle and eventually become full-blown psychopaths.
I have verbal communications with myself about a cogent, sensible explanation for why certain people behave like the magats but the reality is there is no explanation for the narcissistic personality of others except the fact that they are very fucking sick, selfish and mean cunts.
The richest man on earth, for now, is out there creating multiple GM babies, by multiple rent-a-wombs. His idea of normal “western civilisation” is 💯% ℚuantity over ℚuality.
14+ kids ≠ having a family.
But yeah, it’s the super rich 𝕏wives, famously fanning anti-western ideals’ fascist flames!
I am pretty sure, like Trump, he doesn't actually understand or enjoy humor. "Joking" is just a cover to push the boundary on acceptable speech and move said boundary. Get people to laugh uncomfortable because they don't know how to challenge your bigotry, rinse repeat. Do it online and...
The context collapsing machine makes it happen even faster and what started out as ironic quickly loses that and just is and everyone is habituated to kt.
Muskrat is concerned that Grimes might expose his secret about a botched penile operation/implant. Most of his children were conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF.)
No, but this guy is a universal expert. Whether it's bushfires, irrigation, cars, firecrackers, politics, or marital relations. Add to that the pharmacy, from which he draws generously. So when he opens his mouth, I tend to close my ears.
Pay your dues A$$hole. You're the one who married over and over and over and over again. Looks like you'll do again maybe too. Musk is the real life Homer Simpson.
That CEO of one of his companies just had their 4th.
4 kids 3 and under.
Thats just a whole new level of gross.
He's a very broken toy.
I don't know what his parents did to him.
She's his ex-girlfriend (and baby mama)
In some ways she is the negative of Elon Musk, who has damaged more philanthropic enterprises than anyone ever has. He revels in telling the world.
The GOP Gargoyles.
How can we promote more harmful infighting among billionaires? They look way too docile and subservient to Trump.
A major exception was the annual Winterhilfswerk ("Winter relief) fundraising drive. But it was actually a gigantic extortion scam, & most of the money went to the party & armaments.
And what are each of these women attempting to achieve in their remaining time on earth?
And which deserves our attention?
I despair sometimes at the way the worst people rise.
Perhaps the best pysops would attack his psychosexual vulnerabilities.
Feel free to tag examples with
#Sabotage #SaboteurMusk
Why is this 1/4 trillionaire sooo unhappy all the time ?
Ruining (ALL?!) Americans’ lives?
A normal person would just buy an island and vegetate.
Money beyond a certain point is for pure enjoyment, not so you can keep going to the office forever
Anyone want to guess why?
His pathology seems well beyond simple main-character syndrome.
also the media that has elevated her
i remember in 2017, Ivana Trump wrote a book about how to raise kids like hers. Once ppl saw how fucked up her kids were, the book bombed.
Unfortunately for the world
He's an impotent fraud w/ hairplugs.
Elmo is running the country. We all know it. He bought himself a presidency.
Number of kids Elon fathered by different women
How many of those kids he sees every day.
Speculation that Hitler was bi-sexual, so he had millions put to death.
Just saying.
All I've ever known is that things are never the childrens' fault 💚
This also applies to regime victims& all victims
Sending wishes of love, strength, peace and hope to everyone on our Bishop Saint's Day
St Patrick cleared the snakes out of Ireland 🙏🏼just saying ☘️💪🏼💪🏼
Blame #Monopoly
Their personality disorders and mental illnesses don't impede their livelihood, so they don't seek treatment.
Are his wittle feelings being hurt?
Where’s my tiny, crying violin?
He hasn't understood that all civilizations have died of greed and pride. Therefore, it is he and his cronies who are killing Western civilization.
No, Mr. Musk, money doesn't bring wisdom. It's culture, empathy, respect... love.
Mt 19:3-6And Pharisees came up to him and tested him by asking,“Is it lawful to divorce one’s wife for any cause?”
"So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”
here endeth the properly cherry-picked lesson.
Elon Musk
"I think it would be a good idea"
Mahatma Gandhi
And at his own wedding! sheesh, man.
In as much detail as she probably felt safe telling for the sake of the first brood.
1. Man does something reprehensible/indefensible.
2. Woman discloses.
3. World pretends not to hear woman.
4. Other women amplify first woman.
5. World closely examines own cuticles, ignores *all women.*
Empathy will not be the fall of western civilization, its rich ppl devoid of human decency.
Couldn't make a proper sentence
They are so concerned about who loves who and hate women… kind of personal? The forbidden love that one must not speak its name?
Is Western civilisation dead?
He just wants to keep all his money.
I was abused by my narcissistic Mother and my narcissistic husband till I broke free in my forties. My heart goes out to his ex wives and children. 🤬
and, in the tweet of course, I’m sure he’s referencing some crazy conspiracy theory where it can only make sense in a ketamine-induced state
No boner for bonehead.
That's good right there.
Will we ever move on from this bollockry ?
These fucking pathetic cunts wasting our time and energy
Him and shitler need to go
Stormy Daniels spilled the beans about Trumpty's little 'shroom!!
- females
Their view is they know best, we have no power, we are expendable and everything they do is to increase and perpetuate their wealth & power.
It is time to rally and make "good trouble"...
Narcissist with fragile ego buys insult factory.”
young girls need to know exactly how this "system" works and, if they choose to go this direction, exactly wtf they are signing up for and how it may adversely effect their lives
Like his sad buddy Thiel (Palantir/Anduril) blaming downfall of society on women accessing contraception and divorce.
They can’t see past their greed.
Mighty fucked up “blame game” there, MuskRat.
Sounds like ketamine induced word salad....
Take good care.
He hates them.
such a personality is marked by being devoid of empathy, totally self centered, narcissistic and egotistical.
It will perish.
Too bad that's pretty far from the truth.
that one still hurts
but when you've had 14 children with 6 different women......
......maybe the problem is NOT the women
Grimes teasing us with the ultimate reveal. 🤣
Not sure how it would penetrate Tesla's share price?
Also much less cadaver & blubber to contain in the viewfinder.
'Why can't we have both?'
Do I have this right?
He has all the self-awareness of a dog licking his ass in front of a parade.
Absolutely juvenile
The wives married him & a whole lot of libs loved him enough to buy his fugly car AND stay on suX so, yeah, some apparently "like" him 🤮🤮🤮
Oddly, this should give us hope. Sickness can be healed.
Our challenge—as it often is with people suffering from a sickness of addiction—is to get our fellow Americans to accept that they are sick.
Deport Musk. The stench is overwhelming. 🤢🤮
14+ kids ≠ having a family.
But yeah, it’s the super rich 𝕏wives, famously fanning anti-western ideals’ fascist flames!