The safest thing for concerned Tesla potential customers to do right now is to avoid Tesla dealerships altogether. At least until things calm down or Tesla goes out of business, whichever comes first.
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This is a shame (Don’t get me wrong, I can’t afford one). Years ago people bought Teslas for environmental reasons. Now those people are vilified.
However, when people’s Ballots are diluted by gerrymandering, they are forced to vote with their Dollars. And that was always the best weapon.
Until oppression breaks down so badly that it results in violence, the wealthy in charge don't care. From the Civil War to the Watts Uprising, we see that pattern play out in US history time and again. Our nation was birthed in the blood of revolution. Not sure why anyone thinks there's another way.
Well, I'm not against a French Revolution kind of thing, but little attacks here & there aren't going to do anything but alert authorities to stand guard. A molotov cocktail thrown thru a window just looks like some punk committed vandalism.
I agree with that deeply, and I understand what you're saying better now. It sounds like you're talking about spending our effort in concert, and it sounds additionally like you're saying that means getting on board with what most folks are willing to do. Right now, most folks want to... (1/3) power-cycle the government as a troubleshooting step, so that's what's happening. To that end, it looks like you're saying to save the violence for when it'll mean more and to save that card to play later and that starting it now before we've gone through that troubleshooting step... (2/3)
Maybe I'm getting ahead of the script, but it seems like Trump has been pretty mask-off about where this is headed. Project2025 certainly is prepared to deal with peaceful resistance. I'm definitely participating in the method, but it's going to be a troubleshooting step like power-cycling a phone.
The safest thing for Tesla potential customers to do is buy a different EV altogether. It won't explode, it won't go into automatic driving mode and ram into posts, won't get you judged at a glance as a Fasc sympathizer. Win-win.
FACTS "NEWS: New Tesla Model Y inventory is now completely sold out in Tex, Mich, Ohio, Illi, Georgia, Utah, Virginia, Ala, South Carolina, NC, Ten, Mississippi, Arkansas, Kansas, Mi, Kty, Ok, Indianapolis, Iowa, Nebraska, Hawaii, Wyoming, SD, ND, Montana, Idaho, Wis, Maryland and Del." $TSLA $258
And a school shooting isn't really terrorism but this is, especially now that Bondi issued this warning and making those charges stick is probably the only reason why she did because we all know damn well that Musk can't possibly be happy with the govt telling people to stay away from his dealers.
They don't even mention the possibility that it could be insurance fraud because these dealerships aren't selling shit. Definitely false flag shit going on here
Tesla dealerships are not the Reichstag and this is not being blamed on foreigners. A comparison to Hitler is more like he burns down Congress and blames it on Muslims. Not even MAGA would be ready to suspend civil rights over tesla dealership terrorism.
They didn't blame the reichstag fire on foreigners either they just called Germans reds they were the radical left that they wanted to shut down just like Trump does. And he has been working straight out of Hitler's playbook. maga won't stand for it? Maybe, but he's all for it believe me
The Jews didn't live only in Germany and if Trump blamed something like that on Muslims, it would be to attack them inside the US, which he would love to do.
We were closer to something like the Reichstag on Jan 6th and neither Congress, nor SCOTUS are going to cede their power to the WH.
And then you get to the reason why they wrote 2A and why even though it normally seems outrageous, Americans own 500 million guns. It's more than all of the militaries of the world, including the US, combined, and that number is not close.
What MAGA forgot is that you can't piss off 100 million people and expect them to just submit. There are endless targets, and the police won't be able to protect them all without brutality, and that often backfires. Democrats may be a party of empathy, but America is not a nation of empathy.
If you're going to organize a protest, step one is to read the applicable Federal and State laws so you don't turn five years in the slammer into twenty years in the slammer.
Yes. If you use an explosive projectile, you're going to receive an invitation to visit the US District Court House in handcuffs. sane as it's been for half-a -century.
It's not like the FBI should be focusing on human trafficking, child pornography, missing people, fraud, organized crime, unsolved murders or anything like that 🙄
How do we know Musk didn’t hire people to destroy his “trucks” ? He is getting lots of attention and sympathy from Trump. If he will hire people to destroy democracy, why not hire them to destroy his recalled cars?
Heard the same theory on a podcast. Not so far fetched to believe he might intentionally do this not only for attn & sympathy but for the insurance $. If they aren’t selling anyway, maybe he figures why not.
it depends when I was insuring a commercial property once the form asked if I wanted to have cover for ' acts of war ' so I am sure some policies will cover for terrorism and some not.
If I had to guess, it would be that most contracts cover vandalism but not terrorism. You need people to actually be in fear to charge terrorism and the FBI just sent out a release telling people to be cautious about going to Tesla dealerships and I bet it's to make charges of terrorism stick.
If Elmo steals my social security, my grievances won’t be political. He has way more to lose than the rest of us do. He’d be smart to keep that in mind.
The only political grievance I have is the people who attacked you were pardoned and if we hurt Elon and mommy Musk’s bigly feelings then we go to prison.
I almost feel like making a twitter profile to see how long I can troll Musk before he bans me again. Last time was for repeatedly jumping on his tweets to call him mummy's little anal scent gland. He's so sensitive to criticism 🤣
54 of those deaths were the result of proprietary self driving feature failures. Hell, pintos were only responsible for 27 deaths and they’re a national joke.
And people talk constantly about Tesla fires while having no idea that around 250k-300k combustion passenger vehicles explode into flames every year while under normal use intended by the manufacturer. The fires are easier to put out but no less deadly to passengers.
After reposting, I went to look for when first tesla was sold which was 2008. Then I went to see how many people have died because of defective vehicles since 2008 and it is 97 (according to AI). THEN I clicked into the article to see what it said. I jumped the gun. Not first time, probably not last
Ok. I try to not spread misinformation. I was just asking because maybe you’re seeing something that I didn’t and the truth absolutely matters. Thus is how we are BETTER than MAGA so I appreciate you responding!
Exactly!! I have friends that have videos of when they attended protests. One friend in SF said Alex Jones showed up and attempted to incite people while having his kid pose as a journalist.
There were several reports of MAGATS infiltrating all of the BLM protests that summer. But of course the propaganda machine was churning out the lies and their viewers hung on their word.
I was speaking specifically about a Tesla protest, but absolutely YES they did! I was at several in STL and it was all-covered-in-black including masks POS cops and magats starting the fires. They were caught on video.
You can't predict where and when a mass shooting will occur. You can, with some element of reasonableness predict there may be more attacks at Tesla dealerships. Even foreign govts are apparently issuing warnings for Tesla dealerships.
My point is that they are comparing inanimate objects to human lives. BTW: even though that wasn’t at all my point, there are many times mass shooters have posted their manifesto’s online.
I honestly do not know what point you’re trying to make. I made a comment where your assumption of my point was incorrect, I clarified MY point that’s all.
You added the word "manifesto" to the conversation. I'm not trying to be a dick, but I just responded to the new idea. I had no idea you intended that to be the end of the conversation.
I can't really argue this but Musk has been slowly selling off his Tesla stock for years. I thought he'd gotten down to 20% already. Thanks for the correction.
Correct, however, burning something is a felony under State law. Using a projectile to burn something has been a Federal crime since 1970. People should know that...and bring kindling.
It doesn't matter how you start the fire, you would still be charged with terrorism. Though, the explosion you get from a Molotov cocktail would make that charge worse.
I don't know that that's true. A "terrorism" charge is dependent on the use of "a destructive device" and a Molotov cocktail meets that definition (see United States v. Mattis 2023).
To be clear, I was just riffing on the inanities that pols use after shootings and applying it here. Though maybe this points to the option of shooting up the cars at dealerships. In red states maybe that’s a misdemeanor 😁
No, terrorism is about scaring people and doesn't always need any action at all. A kid at a school near me was charged with terrorism just by threatening to shoot up his school.
If it's done to intentionally scare people, it'll fit into a terrorism charge and then probably typically pled down.
I have no interest in hypotheses or irrelevancies. The definitions of "terrorism' is included in 18 U.S. Code Chapter 113B in the section entitled "definitions."
The definition of a 'weapon of mass destruction are included in 18 U.S. Code § 2332a, again in the section entitled definitions.
It would really be better for Tesla if Elmu cut all ties with them. Otherwise they're done. Who's wants to buy or insure a car that is going to be keyed multiple times in its life? It's not like this government is going to support electrics when they're done with him. Gonna be saved by robots? haha
Where exactly are these dealerships, vehicles, and charging stations precisely and what exactly are their security weaknesses? Asking for a concerned friend. 😜
Tesla stock was overvalued because it was a fad. The fanboys are selling their stock and Tesla is falling to a more reasonable price. It's not a junk company and cars aren't the only thing they do so it still has value but the lower the price gets, the bigger bargain it is, the more investors invest
Yes but...As Tesla's stock was tumbling, Secretary of Commerce Howard Lutnick went on Fox News to urge viewers to buy Tesla's “cheap” stock — a moment that appeared to violate government ethics rules and simultaneously offer misleading investment advice. This was 2 days ago.
Yes but that was pathetic and I haven't heard about conservatives rushing out to buy electric vehicles since they just spent the last decade bitching about them and laughing at Biden's policies. Rich investors that aren't buying for any reason other than it's a bargain will save Tesla.
You're suggesting we surrender to the Elon storm. I'd rather brave the whirlwind at a Tesla dealership and get answers (or laughs) than take the safe road.
Amazon has been a plague on its workers, locally owned businesses and the local govts who must provide benefits like food & rent subsidies to augment the inadequate pay scale Amazon offers its workers.
How long before Trump orders that all vehicles of the Federal Government nationwide be sold and replaced by a Telsa....
Did anyone consider this is the angle Musk is working? Then damage becomes a Federal crime. Place your bets.
Tesla investor, it IS different this time.
When Rump, Ted Cruz, and Virginia Foxx are pimping your vehicles, you've contracted a fatal case of #ETTD. 🤣🤣🤣
That language triggers the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970, which was enacted so the Feds could go after the Panthers and then the FALN. Same fight, different generation.
And we're trying to do that to help make charges of terrorism stick in court. That's probably the only reason Musk isn't going nuts over the govt telling people to worry about going to his dealerships.
perfectly avoidable situations for people. Anyone choosing to go to a dealership at this point likely has a garage full of ammo and is perfectly capable of defending themselves without needing the FBI to hold their hand
"Linked to political grievances..." LOL SMDH. Yeah, stand across the street with a sign. I wouldn't do anything more than that. The brand is toxic by now and headed for the cellar.
I agree. It's more like the odd design of a hummer for a passenger vehicle than what "truck" means since I can't put a half ton of gravel in the back of it. 😆
Look at the Tesla stock. It was driven down to like 225 last week and now over the weekend trading it is back up to 249. All this is due to the US administration and Fox News Thursday and Friday telling people to buy stock. This country is broke all the way to the core.
The saddest part is that self-driving cars had the potential to quell the 40,000+ vehicular deaths that occur in the US every year. But now the most promising manufacturer of such cars (built entirely in the USA) has disintegrated due to the hubris of the moron who bought the company. It’s tragic.
Keep in mind that the violence and vandalism have been isolated incidents, and that this is a press release (or tweet, or whatever) from *Kash Patel’s* FBI.
Re Tesla vandalism, It’s possibly the only way people feel that they can manifest their anger with what Trump & Musk is doing, it’s understandable and it’s better than taking up arms and attacking the Capitol.
so glad our protests are getting their attention...Not to worry for existing tesla owners, your insurance will definitely compensate you for
more than its worth..especially when it goes bankrupt & there not be any repair stations for their parts or labor.
When you burn these cars you don't cause physical harm to a person, but indirectly some one is going to be out money for food to calm hunger pains, money for transportation so no education or medical attention. FBI will shut you down so let Magat be unlawful not us.
Martial law is not going to happen. If ever there was a moment since the Civil War that people went, "Ah ha! Now I get why we have 500 million guns", this should be it.
Our citizens have more handguns and rifles than all of the militaries of the world, including the US, combined and it's not close.
The Tesla vandalism will stop when Elon agrees to fight me in mutual combat. Sell tickets. Proceeds can go to a nursing home for struggling billionaires. I will not weasel out of it like a ketamine fueled coward. I will punch his fucking weird looking face into the dirt.
FBI: “Individuals require little planning to use rudimentary tactics, such as improvised incendiary devices and firearms, and may perceive these attacks as victimless property crimes.”
[I don’t think the perps see the attacks as victimless…]
Holy crap! I'm glad you were able to get out of the way. Talk about a terrorist--trying to run peaceful protestors down is pretty terrifying. These people are nothing but violent criminals and scum of the earth.
Not that I would wish it on anyone, but Trump is so fucking stupid, he may send this idiot to El Salvador in the morning…because “Tesla + Terrorism=El Salvador” 😳
Maybe they’ll send him right back tho because #IVF 🤣
Oh your talking to a vet
Trust me
They got all kinds of meds they can issue him
Bandaid fix in pill form
Until he can see a doctor
And there is always community care
No. If anything, they’ll follow the republican playbook of imposing stiffer prison sentences that have no deterrent effect. Republicans are all about vengeance, not prevention.
You are less likely to get people to feel differently about guns when the govt is in a period of instability than any other time - this is literally why they wrote it. There wasn't a single gun control issue on the ballot in any states last Nov.
The fuck. Damn they are hard headed, the military has to fulfill their duty and protect and enforce the constitution 💥💥🔥🔥🔥🔥 time to go 👊👊👊👊✊✊✊✊👉👉👉👉🖕🖕🖕🖕
1. Sell your Tesla car to used car dealers,
2. Avoid going to Tesla dealerships,
3. Sell your Tesla stock,
4. Do not buy Tesla stock,
5. Tell your friends to do the same.
That's unfortunate. The FBI did too and I suspected it was entirely just to support charges of terrorism in court. Terrorism requires some element of fear or trying to instill fear in people. If governments are issuing travel advisories, those charges are more likely to stick.
There has been video, I'm not sure how much but I saw one and the person in the video was dressed in all black with a black hood so not only couldn't you see crap, it was grainy footage that wouldn't have been worth much in terms of identifying a person anyway.
Translation: "The FBI is saying to stay the fuck away from anything Tesla - including its flawed and combusting Tesla cars and cybertucks."
3 teens killed, 1 badly hurt in fiery Tesla Cybertruck crash ID’d as longtime pals as police probe possible cause
By Natalie O'Neill
Published Nov. 29, 2024
We’re looking at the magical stock number of $120 evidently tactician say that once it gets to that they’ll call all of his debts at which point he will be of no value to Putin or Trump
Tesla has been overvalued but that's lower than even the worst predictions. The problem with the idea that value will drop and force a margin call is that the further it drops, the bigger deal it is for investors and people start buying like mad again.
No doubt you’re correct but one of the things we have to factor in as well is not consumer confidence but consumer distaste and I’m gonna say right now regardless of the price he’s going to have a bit of a challenge getting cars off his lots.
I get it but Tesla doesn't only make cars and if you closed the car division, the rest of the company is probably still worth more than $114/share. Car sales are obviously plummeting but Tesla can ride that out for a few years as long as sales eventually come back. They've got a billion in bitcoin 2
It's not magical thinking but people shouldn't expect that this will ruin him. Don't hold your breath and be happy that he's already lost enough money to buy Mars. lol
Yeah, goals are good, if TSLA could somehow be driving below $114 that would be insane.
IMO, you got to be either really brave or some kind of crazy(my vote for the latter)to want to purchase a Tesla! I understand those who have one w/o knowledge of how 🦇💩🤪 ‘druggie boy’ is, but know knowing & still want one!😳🫢😬
imho, President Ellon is funding this. His business is failing, and burning teslas at the dealership is both an insurance scam and an attempt to make anyone left of hitler the fall guys, and an excuse for martial law
However, when people’s Ballots are diluted by gerrymandering, they are forced to vote with their Dollars. And that was always the best weapon.
Vandalism, violence... it's not going to do a thing to stop the coup.
I hate this regime as much as anybody but this isn't an effective way to protest.
Why do a few bad actors always take things too far?
Everyone can livestream this event on March 27th, on the Institute of Politics' YouTube channel:
Need a more coordinated effort.
This is how I see it, and there is data to support it:
After market is as soft as a “my pillow”.
Inanimate objects> children's lives for the GOP crowd
We were closer to something like the Reichstag on Jan 6th and neither Congress, nor SCOTUS are going to cede their power to the WH.
Al Prazolam.
He takes from us, we take from him.
Fair is fair. 💁♀️
It looks like a tank, not a civilians vehicle.
What is the attraction?
Sending Tesla to the automotive graveyard is okay with me.🪦⚰️☠️
If they're buying them now knowing what's going on, then they're Trump supporters, and they don't care about anyone except themselves.
Fuck them and fuck that!
Here I thought the Tesla dealers were being targeted because that’s where all the cheap chicken eggs were hidden.
Thoughts and prayers to victims of gun violence, though.
736. To be exact.
I’m talking about deadly crashes. I’ll go back and reread it, but if I’m wrong, why are you reposting it?
Of course, I don’t want to spread misinformation. But, you’re missing the point.
Teslas have killed more Tesla Drivers than Tesla protesters.
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
We can have a general idea here though right? A bomb threat is terrorism, shooting someone is murder. 🤷♂️
But I'm not gong to burn his cars or his buildings.
I bet Bondi is hoping for that.
It's like I suddenly got 55 years younger.
He is using it as collateral but people hoping for a margin call shouldn't hold their breath, it's not happening.
why buy one who's valve drops to -0- the Minute you drive out of the dealership
If it's done to intentionally scare people, it'll fit into a terrorism charge and then probably typically pled down.
The definition of a 'weapon of mass destruction are included in 18 U.S. Code § 2332a, again in the section entitled definitions.
Did anyone consider this is the angle Musk is working? Then damage becomes a Federal crime. Place your bets.
When Rump, Ted Cruz, and Virginia Foxx are pimping your vehicles, you've contracted a fatal case of #ETTD. 🤣🤣🤣
We Need To Move On From This..
Sound Familiar?
Those Were Kids Though..
F Him!
That would be very bad. Please don't spread the word or repost this.
Love it!!!
FBI: Tesla Protection
𝔶𝔢𝔞𝔥 𝔦 𝔣𝔲𝔠𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔰𝔞𝔦𝔡 𝔦𝔱
more than its worth..especially when it goes bankrupt & there not be any repair stations for their parts or labor.
Have they become WOKE? What's next, the owner of wind generators donating millions to the regime and they become fans of wind generators?
The Pedo Party is comprised of nothing but whores, selling themselves for $$ & selling out the American people!
Vigilance, n
1) Alert watchfulness.
2) Close and continuous attention.
And… these loyalist just lied directly to WTP during their confirmation hearings. Most of us aren’t surprised.
All of them lied. But here we are.
Our citizens have more handguns and rifles than all of the militaries of the world, including the US, combined and it's not close.
FBI: “Individuals require little planning to use rudimentary tactics, such as improvised incendiary devices and firearms, and may perceive these attacks as victimless property crimes.”
[I don’t think the perps see the attacks as victimless…]
A Trump supporter tried to run us over today at our rally in front of Tesla West Palm Beach.. the closest one to Mar a Lago!!
I dodged, he missed me (thanks #Y-3 !) 😉
Maybe they’ll send him right back tho because #IVF 🤣
Buffet Budget Buster
This T-rump supporter tried to run you down with a Japanese import?
What. A Tesla couldn't cut it?
And ashamed to see he's apparently an Army veteran
Needs to apply to VA for mental health support
Trust me
They got all kinds of meds they can issue him
Bandaid fix in pill form
Until he can see a doctor
And there is always community care
"Whatever you do, don't give Nazi salutes,
or it will hurt your car sales."
Musk: "I already did."
Homer: "D'oh!"
2. Avoid going to Tesla dealerships,
3. Sell your Tesla stock,
4. Do not buy Tesla stock,
5. Tell your friends to do the same.
I’ve seen no video footage of who started the fires, which is strange because surely dealerships have video security.
Where was there gunfire? Is the concern injured people or cars?
3 teens killed, 1 badly hurt in fiery Tesla Cybertruck crash ID’d as longtime pals as police probe possible cause
By Natalie O'Neill
Published Nov. 29, 2024
Hoping this isn’t magical thinking on my part or anyone else’s, but at least we’ve got a goal right 😏
Yeah, goals are good, if TSLA could somehow be driving below $114 that would be insane.
Tesla's business is being CANNIBALIZED!