3 would easily be the worst sans the ending, but if im willing to let a bad ending tank my opinion of an otherwise good movie (zootopia) then i think it's fair for a great ending to uplift my view of an otherwise mediocre movie
imo 2 > 3 > either 1 or 4. no bad toy story movies (yet) though
2 is the best, followed by 1. It’s a tough competition between 3 and 4 because they’re both around the same quality for me but I just don’t really vibe with the whole prison escape and Spanish Buzz stuff in 3. Idk why but it just doesn’t feel like a good conclusion to the characters for me
Meanwhile, the prison break stuff is actually one of, if not my favorite thing about the movie. Between that and CHICKEN RUN, it makes me figure that I should actually go and watch stuff like THE GREAT ESCAPE, I'unno.
Maybe my opinion comes from watching all the movies in theaters in a marathon back in 2019 when 4 came out. Doing that kinda showed me that
- 3 hits a lot of the same beats as 2
- 3 doesn’t properly address the overarching theme of Woody’s reliance on external validation the way 4’s ending does
All great movies though. Consistently fantastic series and I love all four films. Lightyear doesn’t count. Announcing a Toy Story 5 feels like a desperate threat, I think it’s over over now
Actually I changed my mind. I just remembered that Toy Story 4 gas lights its audience by changing the driveway in front of Andy’s house and now I’m so goddamn furious
I commend you for offering a take based on recently watching all 4 movies at once. I feel like most people who prefer 3 just remember the dump scene and Andy giving away his toys, and haven’t rewatched the whole movie since it came out.
I do wonder about bc 3 came out, what like ten years after 2? The repeat bits probably didn’t feel as repetitive when it had been that long. 4 came out after a whole mess of interstitial shorts and things that kept the brand going for a bit.
I’d seen that pointed out about how 3 was just kind of running through stuff that was already indirectly thematically explored by 2, and when with the montage at the end of 4 I could help but think about how it could’ve easily been the start of a Toy Story 3 without feeling too weird.
I’m fine with 3. Not a fan of 4 at all. Seemed completely unnecessary. Totally agree on 2. Seeing that one in the theater was actually one of the most enjoyable movie going experiences I’ve ever had.
3's ending feels more obviously... tearjerking for me in a very boring way for me given that yeah, of course putting the characters you love in an incinerator is gonna be sad. Toy Story 4 at least centering its ending around Woody basically retiring was way more emotionally engaging for me.
I've never found 3 that good. The first act had incredibly contrived drama to get them to Sunnyside, the third act was too melodramatic and cheesy, and it overall has an unpleasant tone. It also isn't funny. Ken's jokes in particular not only haven't aged well, but were dated even when it came out.
It's a good conclusion. Toy Story 4 felt like someone turning the lights on after the party. It's so unnecessarily messy, the morals are all out of whack, and it pushes that existential question the series plays with but doesn't want to actually engage with too far. It's just a unnecessary mess.
I one played in a DnD campaign where my character was a channeling with multiple personalities, all Keanu Reeves characters, each with their own altered skills, and every day or session I'd roll to see which one he'd be. Definitely had the Canadian stuntman on there.
Someone gets me! Not that I hate 3, I love 3! On my Letterboxd, all four have 5 stars, love these movies to pieces. But 3's my least favorite of the bunch and it's not entirely by default.
I love 3 but it's the one I revisit the least. It's just a little too sad and depressing for my liking. 2's my favorite because it struck a good balance of being fun like 1 while still having its dramatic, heartbreaking moments. 3 I felt leaned to heavy on the latter, making it less fun.
No, sorry, 3 is just fantastic. The way Woody has to deal with the end of the most important relationship of his life is great. It is not as groundbreaking as 1, but they are definitely the best ones.
it absolutely is my least favorite. it works soooo hard to be sentimental and doesn’t feel natural. 1 & 2 are classics, and 4 is hilarious. i love that a family movie has suicidal tony hale and key & peele
While I dont agree, I always felt like I could see where 3 might be too emotionally exhausting with most of the levity depending on whether or not you like Spanish Mode Buzz. Also the twist villain angle can feel repetitive, but I think they avoided it well by showing their hand early
Sometimes movies are meant to be viewed in a certain context by a certain audience. The whole reason Toy Story 3 works so well is because it was made for the all the adults who were 9 years old when the first movie came out. If that wasn't you, the movie probably wouldn't hit as hard.
It's an absolute fact. It's a lazier retread of all the interesting parts of 2, but with very open melodrama to manipulate you emotionally around the end that isn't actually near as good as stuff like Jesse's backstory delivery in 2.
I know future commenting changed this favoriting tier for you, however if Toy Story 3 is the least favorite that's a super high standard for the entirety of the franchise 🔥
imo 2 > 3 > either 1 or 4. no bad toy story movies (yet) though
- 3 hits a lot of the same beats as 2
- 3 doesn’t properly address the overarching theme of Woody’s reliance on external validation the way 4’s ending does
And nothing, NOTHING will ever touch TS2
(4 just sucked on all levels)