You lot should be ashamed🙄
I will not continue to support shoddy clickbait headline bs, so you just kissed my annual end of year contributions goodbye!
After your Oxbridge columnists & editors betrayed Guardian’s Chartist & progressive history by knifing Corbyn so UK Establishment’s Sir Keir could neuter Labour in service to honour-excreting UK oligarchs, who could doubt’s expertise on hypocrisy?
Would you like gongs with that?
Mmh I see the Guardian wants to lose more subscribers! You know perfectly well Biden is protecting his son from Trump's malicious appointed henchmen! Biden & Trump are not the same. Learn the difference! 😡
Joe Biden has lived his whole life as a decent man. He does this right thing for his son, and here comes the foreign publication to complain. How many articles have you published since 2016 about the convicted felon who's been lying every day sine then? Bye bitch.
Also, is this publication even faintly aware that Hunter Biden would never have been prosecuted but for his last name? His case was the real witch hunt by Republicans. And here you are, riding right along with the magas. You're just another rag. What a joke.
Article is complete horseshit. No one sane is upset about this considering that the other side is constantly fucking up. The audacity to point a finger at the pres and say “this sets a precedent” when the other aide has broken every rule, even the unwritten ones, and has NO ethics is just deplorable
FFS. You can’t be serious.
A rapist felon insurrectionist Nazi is about to take over the US with his f$$$ed up deplorable regime, and you are whining about Biden pardoning his son. Your legitimacy as a news organization is compromised.
Get it right or STFU.
Ah, The Guardian writing a balanced piece, in which they show they're able to critique "left" politicians being corrupt, as well as the right... Time to look at the comments and see people applauding actual balanced journalis...Oh...Nvm
Such a good man Joe! Your poor son didn't deserve any of that shit that the reThugs droned on and on about. I say Good on you! Please put in a few protections for natures wild animals such as wolf, moose, and bears, before the POS gets back to the White House
If you think any PARENT is going to leave their kid unprotected against the hoard of wackadoodles that YamTits is nominating, then you don’t understand what it like to be a parent.
These are NOT normal times.
I have no doubt that Biden would not have pardoned him in a sane transfer of power
The framing of the story is really something. I’m sure Biden had no intention of pardoning his son until he saw the cabinet nominations. He knew his son was going to spend decades in prison for crimes that are rarely prosecuted. We are not living in normal times anymore. Please stop pretending we do
Not just saw, but heard the *blatant* statements that they were going to go after Biden. Sure, they would never win in court, but the lawyer fees would be ridiculous. And unlike Donold, not paid by pacs and RNC.
The minor crimes of Hunter would never have been charged to any other citizen according to many legal voices of all colours. In fact a plea deal was arranged until Republicans demanded the Special counsel come to Congress. Political intervention. A victim of GOP attacks on his father.So Biden's Duty
I can see why you along with other legacy media on both sides of The Pond are sinking faster than the Titanic. Maybe stop leaning off balance in both your headlines and your reporting, hmm?
BLOG: A legacy from feudal times, we still allow politicians to operate with shocking impunity. Biden’s pardon of his son is a topical example, but all politicians do it. They also lie and break election promises. Here is a way to reform the corrupt system.
Is this correspondent doesn't recognize Trump's desire for vengeance would have immediately, upon taking office, targetted Hunter Biden for further criminal prosecution, he's either naive or ignorant. Biden had no choice, but to protect his son.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Dropping my subscription today. His son has been punished over and over again. Any other white guy would have paid a fine and walked. His son faces years of more targeting by Rump just for the sake of distraction from his own convictions.
No one thinks that Hunter shouldn't pay the price for the crimes he actually committed - but no one paying attention thinks what he's going through is anything other than persecution.
It’s actually terrifying that you learnt nothing from the last DT presidency and are once again all in on the DT sanewashing just like the US media. Shameful.
You’re right about a lot of things, but wrong about this. Hunter Biden didn’t deserve a death sentence for a ‘crime’ no one else in the US is prosecuted for. If left in the system to the incoming regime, he would never see the light of day again.
Stfu Guardian. Lmao! So easy to point eh? And yet we have a felon as a PRESIDENT!!!!! Commander in Chief!!!!!! Hunter Biden is not even a politician. 😂🤦🏻♀️
To correct your misrepresentation, it's not hypocrisy to pull your son out of the line of fire of an administration who made him a target in the first place & has every intention of making an example out of anyone who dares challenge the maga leader.
I respectfully suggest you fuck off, David Smith. It’s pathetic watching the Media slobber and grovel for access to a corrupt, fascist and vengeful Trump transition team. I hope Biden issues a thousand preemptive pardons to protect the innocent from these fascist criminals.
The day MTG put up his nude photos in the house. The people’s house, is the day he should have pardoned him. He became a victim that day. And the republicans who were not vocally repulsed were complicit. I was thoroughly disgusted that day.
Nov 5 showed pretty clearly that taking the high road is overrated and under-appreciated.
It is only fitting if the consequences of Joe Biden’s “heartfelt hypocrisy” match the consequences of Trump’s (arguably worse) actions - absolutely none at all.
Glad @JoeBiden pardoned his last surviving son.
Americans are sick of paying for bogus @GOPOversight
investigations using Chinese spies as witnesses like Gal Luft who went to jail after he admitted he lied about Hunter and President Biden.
Now Hunter should sue @FoxNews
You can fuck right off, Guardian. Why should he leave his son out there as a scapegoat? The lead criminal pardoned all his cronies and will soon pardon the traitors who tried to overturn an election and managed to kill a capitol police officer along the way.
Hunter checked a wrong box on a form
So, you're okay with throwing him to the deranged wolves who will make up the Trump administration? I'll take hypocrisy over that would be nightmare any day.
Fuck the main stream hypocrisy media again. Instead of going after a father, you suckers should go after these con men. Don’t pretend you care about law and order.
The article itself isn’t the problem. The framing of the name of the article is what I think was done to gain well commentary aka it was the e same as a YouTube video catch phrase
I’m trying to remember the term for it. Clickbait. The ones that originated that were the news articles. They exaggerated the news to make people click. The issue is that now a days it’s not exaggeration as much as using controversial names to get people to read an article.
They treated him as a non citizen,showed his genitalia to kids watching in classrooms and had a partisan stooge trick him into a deal they withdrew for lying on an application over addiction+ being late 2 years on taxes..they never convict on's garbage 🗑️
Almost everyone here needs to calm down. We're not on Xwitter. Yes, headline is click bait but disgraceful. The article itself is more nuanced acknowledging Hunter is a political victim, even if self-inflicted at times.
In Guardian's defence, it has held "orange man baby" to account more than any UK paper excepting The, wait for it, Daily Star.
Justified outrage must be proportionate, not xwitter level.
Thank you.
A man has a right to change his mind about an issue, in this case, the INJUSTICE of a private citizen being especially singled out the partisan MAGA MOB for a political lynching because he is the son of the president.
I would have felt angry at Joe if he had not pardoned Hunter!
Not any more hypocritical than Donald Trump pardoning his son-in-law's father for numerous crimes & then appointing that criminal as ambassador to France. Or Donald Trump's plan to pardon the violent mob who tried to overthrow the government. We expect the Guardian to post an apology!
Fuck that.
Hunter would NEVER have been prosecuted if he was not Biden's son. And Biden would not have pardoned him if trump was not re-elected.
But the media and the voters decides all of trump's actions and convictions do not matter so why the hell would this minor thing matter either?
If Hunter had any other last name (well, not Clinton, Obama, or Pelosi) he would never have been prosecuted, much less convicted. That gun charge is never levied alone, only when other crimes such as robbery or homicide are involved with the gun. Taxes paid with fines + interest aren't big targets.
This article is nonsense. President Biden is correct that Hunter's prosecution was politically movitated. And there is no reason to trust the Trump administration to do the right thing.
You made the top block list with MSNBC, CNN & all the other lame hypocrisy Republican owned mainstream media. You kissed the ring of the felon, grifter, con, rapist guy aka Putin’s Pet!
Done with you and the block is coming once this circles around the block!
Fuck off. He’s saving his son from a firing squad. I’m way OK with this and we all know he wouldn’t have done this had the election turned out differently. His son’s genitals were put in full display, how bad was it going to be during the next administration? Cmon now, don’t be so naive.
He is acknowledging the reality of threat that has befallen the nation. A weaponized government is to follow. It already found a way to show its true colors as evidenced in the Hunter Biden extortion.
Despite the fact that there was a plea deal agreed to which the Maga tore up and sabotage in other words interfered with the law as they always do? If anything, Biden was sparing his son from any further torment those fuckers were gonna put on him. He plead guilty, but they wanted to keep it going.
The media has failed us. Not only did they allow Trump to divide this country but they helped him win when he was clearly not eligible and is terrible for this country.
Hey Guardian, why don't you write down all the lovely people that Combover Caligula pardoned (some of whom now have been given government positions) and then fold it, and keep folding it until its nothing but sharp corners, and shove it up your ass.
Oh I see David Smith is the Washington correspondent...I guess all those German Journalists who needed access to Hitler were just doing what needed to be done too. You lowlife.
This is why people are put off by mainstream media...this both sides type article is ludicrous when one side are literally fascists. Why don't you Nevilles grow a pair and stand up for what is right
Guardian you bunch of fools, Hunter should never have been charged, it was a bonafide political witch-hunt, unlike actual major crimes against the state committed by Trump and Co. Many of whom were pardoned.
It is not hypocrisy when someone is unjustly targeted...this is EXACTLY what pardons are 4
"Justice system" is something which STARTS to exist when you have a society which WANTS common rules binding/guiding every member of the society. Justice system can exist only by common assent to common rules.
50% of US voters just have VOTED the justice system out. So there are no rules anymore.
How bout YOU trust hyenas with your children's lives, hmm? He would have stayed out of it if Harris had won, but it would be idiotic to trust vengeful, unethical lunatics to do what's right. Stop trying to curry favor with corrupt trash. They will not spare you. But you will* lose the public trust.
Everyone who gets pardoned is guilty of a crime, but Hunter isn’t much of a criminal, and it’s not abnormal for someone who is not a threat to anyone to be pardoned. If the president didn’t pardon his son, I’d lose all respect for him.
In tonight’s letter historian Heather Cox Richardson says
“As Charlie Sykes points out, Trump's appointments are not only a "[m]assive Fuq U to institutions... [blut also a huge FU to the Supreme Court because Trump doesn't think they will be a check on his campaign of lawless retribution.”
He can do what he wants. He knows orangie will really go after Hunter. Joe has been run out on a rail , he owes nobody. Not to mention total immunity! Maybe you should quit tweeting orangie! Even eagles don't like you! And now Joe can get away with anything that is presidential.
Please just fuck entirely all the fucking way off. In fact, KEEP fucking off, in ever shrinking circular orbits of fuckoffery, until you fuck off right up your own fucking assholes & disappear.
These “journalists” are acting like we’re dealing with an incoming president with values and morals, not an amoral, vengeful dictator. Hunter and his family should also leave the US and seek political asylum in a country that won’t extradite.
The incoming president is nominating people who are making no mystery of their intentions to use the justice system to come after political opponents. I’m finding it difficult to give a fuck about Biden’s hypocrisy in those circumstances.
Why not write an article about how dangerous Trump & his henchmen are?
Why not write about the hypocrisy of Reps who have sent a convicted felon to the Oval Office. He also incited a violent mob attack on the Capitol & absconded with boxes of National Security intelligence!
The danger is real!
Where was all this energy for calling out hypocrisy when trump was in office, or during his campaign, or even right now with his cabinet picks? Our media has deeply failed the American people.
Time to drop the double standard and holding Joe Biden to a higher account. Clemency - what better use than to spare his son Hunter the depravity of the new Administration - take MAGA at their word. Hypocrisy accountability is dead and MAGA is the culprit! Bannon, Stone, Flynn and Manafort to start
Not only did the DOJ fail to protect the first family from hackers and other threats, they targeted his son for political prosecution.
I will not continue to support shoddy clickbait headline bs, so you just kissed my annual end of year contributions goodbye!
Would you like gongs with that?
Who, exactly, are you guarding?
Unlike JD Vance I respect his right to change his position on this issue
A rapist felon insurrectionist Nazi is about to take over the US with his f$$$ed up deplorable regime, and you are whining about Biden pardoning his son. Your legitimacy as a news organization is compromised.
Get it right or STFU.
These are NOT normal times.
I have no doubt that Biden would not have pardoned him in a sane transfer of power
Where were you with the criticism of Trump when he pardoned REAL criminals who committed ACTUAL crimes?
Bannon. Flynn. Kushner. Manafort. Libby. D'Souza. Stone.
Brody. Pirro.
Have adopted Trump TALK
(situational ethics)
The MAGAtards will deflect and cry deep state if they are confronted with their own criminals being pardoned.
The fascists aren't gonna get to fuck with Biden. That's good.
A plurality sent the felon back to the Oval Office, & it would have been beyond stupid for 46 to sacrifice his son to a standard that doesn't exist.
Holding Dems to a higher standard is what got Trump elected.
A 34x felon ALREADY promised to pardon January 6th rioters. America already proved it didn't care about morality & ethics when it voted for Trump.
No one thinks that Hunter shouldn't pay the price for the crimes he actually committed - but no one paying attention thinks what he's going through is anything other than persecution.
You know it. We know it. So quit your bullshit.
What will your headline be when The Orange Fuckface™ pardons the J6 MAGA terrorists?
"Trump frees Antifa hostages from the clutches of the former Democrat regime" (probably)
Do better, or suffer the fate of MSM.
It’s time to get their targets out of here.
To correct your misrepresentation, it's not hypocrisy to pull your son out of the line of fire of an administration who made him a target in the first place & has every intention of making an example out of anyone who dares challenge the maga leader.
Seriously, why do I even follow this publication now?
Get ready for a 4 year lesson in what the word "hypocrisy" truly means.
Look at what Trump's DOJ did to Michael Cohen.
Biden did the right thing!
It is only fitting if the consequences of Joe Biden’s “heartfelt hypocrisy” match the consequences of Trump’s (arguably worse) actions - absolutely none at all.
Americans are sick of paying for bogus @GOPOversight
investigations using Chinese spies as witnesses like Gal Luft who went to jail after he admitted he lied about Hunter and President Biden.
Now Hunter should sue @FoxNews
Hunter checked a wrong box on a form
Justified outrage must be proportionate, not xwitter level.
Thank you.
A man has a right to change his mind about an issue, in this case, the INJUSTICE of a private citizen being especially singled out the partisan MAGA MOB for a political lynching because he is the son of the president.
I would have felt angry at Joe if he had not pardoned Hunter!
Hunter would NEVER have been prosecuted if he was not Biden's son. And Biden would not have pardoned him if trump was not re-elected.
But the media and the voters decides all of trump's actions and convictions do not matter so why the hell would this minor thing matter either?
You made the top block list with MSNBC, CNN & all the other lame hypocrisy Republican owned mainstream media. You kissed the ring of the felon, grifter, con, rapist guy aka Putin’s Pet!
Done with you and the block is coming once this circles around the block!
The only ones clutching their pearls are amnesics, hypocrites and cynics.
Will never made the same mistake again.
If you behave like WAPO, you will perish like WAPO
Hey Guardian, why don't you write down all the lovely people that Combover Caligula pardoned (some of whom now have been given government positions) and then fold it, and keep folding it until its nothing but sharp corners, and shove it up your ass.
It is not hypocrisy when someone is unjustly targeted...this is EXACTLY what pardons are 4
50% of US voters just have VOTED the justice system out. So there are no rules anymore.
He's not who reads you. Nor are his cult
He’s protecting his kid.
Not only was Biden right to pardon his son, he should pardon as many other Trump targets as he can identify.
Justice is over. The rule of law is finished. This is just about power.
“As Charlie Sykes points out, Trump's appointments are not only a "[m]assive Fuq U to institutions... [blut also a huge FU to the Supreme Court because Trump doesn't think they will be a check on his campaign of lawless retribution.”
With a "bloop."
Biden's pardon was a heartfelt FU to MAGA.
Have a read of the article, so far it's not bad.
I don't fault Biden for this, I fault him for not giving more support to Ukraine sooner and for not replacing the head of the DOJ when he started.
You’re no better than the other tabloid rags in the UK. This US version is BS too.
How the mighty have fallen. 🐝
Why not write about the hypocrisy of Reps who have sent a convicted felon to the Oval Office. He also incited a violent mob attack on the Capitol & absconded with boxes of National Security intelligence!
The danger is real!