If you're having a rough day, remember that in 1991 Tim Berners-Lee's paper for the World Wide Web was rejected and he was relegated to the poster session.
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I had no idea!
I discovered online companies were spamming underage teens with gambling ads recently, but was refused funding to formalise the study by tracking box fresh phones on loan, because £100 smartphones were apparently ‘a luxury item’ and ‘this would skew the study’. 😂
For a lot folks, hypertext was super promising and totally the future, but WWW was a shitty implementation because it didn't even guarantee that links would work, like any good hypertext system does.
Might be some kind of lesson there but it's lunchtime and I'm hungry.
For those who have asked me = This meeting in question was “Hypertext ’91” held in San Antonio; discussed in Tim Berners-Lee, Weaving the Web: The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web
On this page there’s a video of one of the reviewers who explains why he rejected the paper hes very apologetic now 😀https://hapgood.us/2015/04/21/that-time-berners-lee-got-knocked-down-to-a-poster-session/
I'm sure there was a big science prize he missed out on, too. That year, it went to the guy who invented the widget at the bottom of a Guinness can instead
He was lucky, the protocol wars took 3 decades. As late as 2004 I had to sit through presentations, explaining why the Internet Protocol was wrong and would implode on itself. And I still have to deal with people saying the way we do routing with BGP is wrong 😆 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protocol_Wars
also it's the thing the big tech companies least respect about the www and are hell-bent on breaking. and when that finally happens we will lose all the history of the first decades of the web.
The Usenet discussions about his proposal were astonishing, filled with takes like "a solution looking for a problem" and "but we have x, y and z protocols already" - none of which significantly matter at all today, even for those that are still in use.
the wild thing is lots of news outlets will ask you how you want to be described, especially if they're treating you as an expert. he just probably said something like "i dunno, web developer i guess"
I discovered online companies were spamming underage teens with gambling ads recently, but was refused funding to formalise the study by tracking box fresh phones on loan, because £100 smartphones were apparently ‘a luxury item’ and ‘this would skew the study’. 😂
Might be some kind of lesson there but it's lunchtime and I'm hungry.
the sections about hypertext formats in
Didn't it come from JANET, the Joint Academic Network?
the big innovation of the www was that it was extremely low tech. that's what made it work so well.
small pieces loosely joined.
For better poster tips, try
because fuck them.
Striking a chord when jamming with a noisy society is a precious thing, the more so the more notes it aspires to include.