I always hated this attitude of being told you're enjoying something "wrong" if you're critical of it at the same time. as if the only correct way to enjoy media is to shut your brain off and not think about it lol
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Depends on how and where you do it. If you barge into a space that is trying to appreciate something, and then spout the same criticism they've all heard a thousand times before, it is not going to be received well. Not every place is for criticism, and not every critique is valuable.
But that’s the thing, what people consider “space to appreciate something” is fandom circles and social media in general. Trying to push out criticism instead of having a healthy discussion with fans (or just IGNORING THE CRITIQUE) is toxic
I thought people complained about League for the bit, so I'd complain too cuz I was really into the game and lore but then everyone would tell me to shut up already and uninstall it 😔😔
People think that's how we are supposed to exist. "Don't think about it or criticize it, just blindly consume like the good capitalist puppet they groomed you to be."
I think the distinction comes from people who insist that something is terrible and then still claim to be a fan of it and insert themselves into those spaces just to talk about how much they don't like anything about it, but still somehow are a fan. Usually with old vs new instances of a franchise.
Yeah, critiquing something you love is valid and to some degree necessary, but if you're actively throwing yourself against it and making the conversation around it bitter just out of spite that's kind of a questionable direction for some people to take things. I think it then becomes a reaction,
Where fans who do enjoy something have this instinct to immediately see any critique as someone being that kind of extreme person and not leaving room for something in between. This is kind of a common issue online in general these days with algorithmicly induced rage and extremist opinions.
I find it so strange. Personally I find critical examination of media I like and thinking about ways it could be better really quite fun to do. I don't see how there's anything bad at all about consuming media that way.
They miss out. Often even junk-food movies have cool things deeper in, intended or not.
I think most just don't like examining things thry like, less thry find something that they'd be repulsed by or others might judge them poorly for.
there's a really bizarre mentality i see online that assumes that people who are critical of media cant enjoy anything when like. no. there's a lot of shit i love that ive criticized. even my favorite things ever i've criticized. because i enjoy something and see its flaws.
like i can totally understand just wanting to enjoy something without digging too deep into it, but this mentality that people who are critical of the media that consume are "miserable" is so weird to me. because... no? not really? i quite enjoy picking apart and analyzing what i love.
what’s miserable is when you’re trying to watch a movie with someone and they’re criticizing it out loud the whole time. do that shit in your head and tell me after lol
I think there are a lot of people who only pick media apart when they're mad at them. So when they see someone else doing it, they assume they're the same.
Yeah that toxic positivity shit gets on my nerves. Sometimes I just want to call out things I find hokey. Sometimes I just sigh and let them say their piece, get it out of their system, whatever. On bad days tho I yearn to shut THEIR brain off.
I really resonate with this. Looking at stuff from all angles is a part of enjoying it for me. The less I like something the less I wanna look at it. Feeling like I can't criticize things I like goes hand in hand with feeling like I can't openly enjoy them at all
Same. I feel that to be able to dissect media to that degree is more so a sign of genuine passion since you care about it enough to want to dive deeper than a superficial layer of amusement.
Fair, I personally believe you can do both, Like I am rereading dune first time was for fun and the story second time I started to get certain things and start to become more critical of it
Same! People find it really weird that I’m fine with spoilers, but, genuinely, knowing that a thing happens has never even slightly decreased my enjoyment of media, and has often increased it.
My first philosophy professor pointed out to me what made me different from the other students he got. He said, “you give a shit.” And that’s why I’m swing here. Whereas most people do simply mind mind numbing blubber, you care about deeper significance and how things shape us. Don’t ever stop! 💓
I totally agree with you, I love some media that is not good, critically or not😅 For me being critical of stuff I enjoy anyways helps me to recommend it to people.
These same people probably don’t know what annotations are. Tbh with ChatGPT being used so much in school now I think we’re going to have to expect this “anti-thinking” mentality more often
I've had a similar convo with friends where like the more I talk about something and the more I pull it apart the more I truly enjoyed it. If all I have to say about something is "I liked it" then it kinda failed to me.
no one is trying to take away their fun on enjoying smth on a more surface level, most ppl just want them to not be fucking stupid and spout nonsense about certain characters or stories showing they barely paid attention
I sequence-broke some of it and am utterly lost at the moment. Janky fuckin' game, and I have no idea how I beat this originally, but it's a classic.
I love it. Its like Shakespeare for the games industry. But yeah. Turbo jank. I realized how not actually useful more HP really was. But I still needed that pie
Even if i dont like something in particular i let people enjoy what they like and mind their own business, life is too shorth to be making other peeps life less fun, if it doesnt affect others that is.
I spent my entire time with Arcane being critical and picking it apart, and that's where so much of my fun came from! It was fun to think about, fun to rewind, fun to collect my thoughts, fun to pace myself.
I think the other side of this is that some people DO believe that, for example, enjoying media with sexism in it makes you sexist. It’s BS obviously, but that mindset being so prevalent does lead to more defensive responses to criticism of media. It’s an unfortunate side effect of purity culture.
I feel like this is coming up because this year, there was a lot of debate about how much Internet reviewers like NC influence how we see and consume media nowadays. Where instead of watching and forming our own critiques and opinions, we wrap it around what one critic says as gospel.
yeah, people just need more sense of humour
i had a phase of learning writting and stuff that i felt i needed to feel annoyed when something has "mistakes"
now i have lots of fun with friends watching things that are deemed as bad but are special in the way they do it
You criticize something because you do love it and want to engage with it more... maybe see why you love it in the first place or learn to love more about it. Criticism often times goes from place of love. No one can hate something more than one who loves that thing too.
If I ever gain any shred of notoriety, one of the things I'm not looking forward to are over-zelous fans who believe I'm a genius who makes no mistakes and attack anyone with even lukewarm critique 😬
So stupid. I hate that attitude as well. lol. Some of my favorite books and movies I proudly tell people are just my personal five stars for enjoyment. I won't even say they're good by most standards. But they're a masterpiece in my eyes. Haha.
Sometimes, the message and intent behind a certain work of fiction is a bit too on the nose to ignore. That said, I guess it depends on what you mean by "picking apart" - I find it quite boring and inconsequential when people start crying about problematic tropes and whatnot.
The six companies that own 90% of our media insist you not think for yourself.
How else will they get "tax breaks" like they enjoyed in 2018.
And besides, if they report the truth, republicans threaten them.
Exactly! The reason one criticizes something is because they care about it or like it. To be critical of a pice of media is giving it attention and time that they could be spending doing something else. That means they care.
If anything shouldn’t it be a good thing sense it encourages discussion?
There's a whole 4 channels that analyze media cause it's fun to theorize about the things we consume. People really need to take the stick out of themselves and let people enjoy things.
If I'm complaining about a work its because I care about it enough to see the missed potential. I'm not going to whine about something with no potential in the first place.
took my kid to some community theater yesterday and they loved it. my review was that "it was equal parts amusing and annoying" (locally written holiday comedy/lots of corny jokes) My kid doesn't understand mixed reviews, and the more detailed my critique, the more of an asshole I looked like.
Funny, I've had the same but opposite experience, I got convinced by Internet reviewers at a young age that I shouldn't just like something without analyzing or criticizing it. I finally have a healthy in-between but I was insufferable for a while.
Like hey, I absolutely love Kingdom hearts, it is one of my favorite video game series, hands-down. I will also criticize like hell how they have treated certain characters (Kairi), or how they put vital important plot details in mobile Gacha money sink games and are preparing to do it again.
Where’s your tipping point, though, between loving and also criticizing something because you think it could be better, and throwing the kind of online fit that ends with an actor quitting social media and/or acting? I’m thinking of Kelly Marie Tran specifically here, but there are others…
One of the most insane offshoots of this, especially when it comes to cult films, is they don't want to admit the schlocky movie they enjoy is not actually a good movie per se and what what they're actually enjoying are the flaws that giving it a life all it's own. Say so and many become enraged.
People like that are part of what brings the bad reputations of "you can't even criticize [x,y,z] thing anymore! The fans will always go and jump on you for having thoughts!!"
Like, yeah, some people out there are gonna be haters, but there's also many people that care by showing their worries
It's how I digest, process, and fully immerse myself in the story!! 😤 You think I am not hyper-analyzing my day to day reality?? An least with media it's fun and not dire and dreary!!
"Turn your brain off" is for things like how the Transformers perfectly replicate the size and weight of a human vehicle or how giant monsters defy the square cube law.
I've dealt with people like this, part of me just learned say nothing but praise when I was around them. Sorry that I can love something but poke fun or point out the little issues that are silly or I can laugh at the mistake.
It's like criticizing your favourite series of games or movies or whatever. You praise it when it deserves the praise and the same goes the other way. You don't criticize your favourite thing because you hate it, you do it because you enjoy it and want said thing to improve on those flaws.
I see mostly the opposite, to be honest, i.e. people who hate 90% of everything their franchise of choice produces, bullying the fans who enjoy it. But I’m a Star Wars fan so my experience might be skewed.
That sounded like my last partner. Literally would resort to verbal abuse if I explained why I didn't like something. I said I didn't like modern marvel films, she asked why, I said why then she took it as me criticizing her for enjoying it. That's when the verbal abuse came out.
Dealing with it no longer. Be it relationships or conversations with random folk, I don't like to tolerate that kind of behavior over something such as books, movies or any other media. It's silly, pointless and petty. People should just learn to be respectful Imo.
Some people learned to think that if people find out they like something you hate/criticize, it means you must think there's something wrong with anyone who likes it. It's an offshoot of differences in belief systems causing horrible problems.
Understandable. That's most definitely not the case with me. In their defence, the star wars community kinda has a toxicity issue.
Say it ain't so, right?
I agree. There are some pieces of media that I like to just blindly enjoy and ignore the flaws of, but there is some stuff that I will love and adore while fully accepting that it sucks ass
I'd actually argue that you're enjoying something wrong if you're blatantly ignoring the intricate details that took incredible effort to craft into what you're mindlessly consuming
but i dont because im not a loser. enjoying it right means enjoying it at all.
I agree with you but to play devils advocate a bit some long form youtube videos from people who start by saying they love something and then spend hours ripping apart with every nitpick possible and even things that are just not true because that is good for views are a bit tedious and quite common
Like a guy that have a literature degree I consider that bullcrap. Like I saw irl the spark of the eyes of someone that loved Gabriel Garcia Marquez soo much that she published 3 books about it and go to vacations to his museum.
I was just in another thread shitting on the ridiculous plot holes of CARRY-ON, a film I absolutely enjoyed from start to finish. I'm allowed to like stupid things!
I see it all the time with all sorts of media. “If you think X is about Y, then you never actually played/watched/listened to X.” Even if somebody has a basic understanding of a work, they at least have some understanding. We don’t always have to delve deep like dwarves into the art we experience.
Excuse me I love watching something that gets my brain thinking! That's what I enjoy. You can't enjoy something wrong because enjoying something is subjective
You get this a lot with video games. If you're cheating, or not playing a specific build, or even not playing very well but still enjoying yourself. (Or maybe the game is too "woke" and you're not supposed to like that for some reason XD) Then some angry nerd is always going to say:
I can enjoy media for what it is and still be critical of it.
Cyberpunk 2077 I think is a pretty decent game overall, but there are plenty of valid criticisms with the story plot that have nothing to do with the multiple choice endings, rather with some of the various side missions.
If you watch something without thinking it leaves only feelings and no real memory. But if a show, movie, book or game can have you think critically and you still love it then it is a memory worth keeping. And if not then you can still have fun, but it will leave sooner or later.
I adore games like Disco Elysium or Torment Games. I can see some issues with them because I look at them critically, but it does not diminish them being some of the best pieces of media I've ever interacted with. And HB despite me not liking it now it still gave me ideas I can be passionate about.
Fantasy and science fiction are never 100% fantasy. Near universally, they are about creatures whose emotions we can empathize with, utilizing language we understand, extrapolating something interesting or compelling about how the world we know either currently works or could work.
We can critique it in two ways - either there are internal contradictions with the world's new ruleset, cracking the fantasy at its seams, or (more often) there can be failures where people accidentally import their prejudices or incorrect assumptions from our world and make them axiom in the story.
Why assume a reference to our world, and our rules of consistency, when the universe the story exists in is not ours?
For fantasy and sci-fi, it's easier to become a passive observer. Arguing over physical laws, assumptions, and prejudices as they would apply to our universe seems unproductive.
Even the language we speak comes laden with prejudices and assumptions. The only way to write a story utterly unconnected to our world would be to eliminate the writer, reader, and language from the equation.
The universe is being designed and written by people from our world. The laws, rules, and biases that exist in that universe will, whether or not it’s intended, be based on the creator’s views. If a work is to be entirely unconnected from our world, it must be created by something not of our world.
I get this a lot when it comes to The Last Jedi. YES I can enjoy the film as it does fill you with hope and kinda kills the whole "Jedis are just blood bacteria" nonsense, and YES I can hate the movie too because Rian Johnson doesn't handle franchises well and tried to make a heist movie instead.
Maybe my view is biased after going to art college, but critiques (as long as they are constructive) are how i know someone genuinely cares about a thing. if im being critical about a thing, i cared about it enough to consider it in depth.
in all fairness i do agree that you are able to enjoy in spite of its flaws, but people forget the fact that being critical of stuff you like not only is a good thing but it also shows that you care enough about that thing for you to point out its flaws, which is valuable in its own right
Same thing they used to tell me in History class. My critical mind doesn’t turn off. It has its pros and cons but overall I can’t imagine liking anything is a purely non-critical way.
there was a really popular video i saw on insta/tiktok that was like "im getting offended on behalf of media criticism as if i wrote it" like guys. guys thats not normal please stop having this mentality this is why fandoms are getting more hyper-aggressive.
People act like you’re a killjoy for pointing out glaringly obvious issues just because it “ruins” their perception of that thing. It’s a big problem in the book community. Can’t criticize anyone because your head-canon of Evil McAsshole is apparently superior to plain facts of their character.
I honestly think if criticism ruins someone’s enjoyment of something it’s probably because they noticed it too but didn’t want to acknowledge it and now they’re mad lol
Someone close to me would get visibly upset with me when I wouldn’t turn my brain off and “just enjoy it”. But…I am enjoying it. Discussing flaws of media I love is part of the fun, I don’t enjoy it any less.
somewhat related, I hate when people are like "see, I can't explain the joke to you else it stop being funny".
Like, buddy, I already don't find it funny, so explain to me so I can at least appreciate the mechanism behind it, and perhaps even actually find it funny.
Some jokes do rely on absurdity and multiple levels. Jokes are art not science, the person explaining it is the one who suffers from having to ruin it so no you aren't owed joke explanations.
A joke about the death penalty is not gonna get ruined just because you say it relies on the absurdity of that concept. If anything it's gonna make it more philosophically intriguing.
Hell, no decent joke is gonna get ruined because you explain how it work, that's how they were made.
A comedian's job is to tell jokes, not explain them. If you feel this role is so necessary find a joke explainer, but asking comedians to explain themselves is obnoxious. If you have no sense of humour then move on.
At what point did we start talking about comedians ?
Genuinely, why is that your first thought ? ANYONE, would assume that the context I'm talking about is outside performances... which it is, because who the hell is interrupting a comedian as they perform, even if the joke landed flat ?
Well asking a regular person to explain their joke is also annoying. It's the same principle. Don't ask a child what they drew either. It's about ruining it for the person who told it, not the person listening. Not laughing is enough to know it failed.
I wonder if it's because "don't like what I don't like" was the standard for so long? Because I've almost never been harassed for liking something wrong, but I have been harassed a million times for "liking something that's obvious trash"
criticism is another form of acknowledging why its so good or bad. Eastward is one of those games that are very very much earthbound-like but much muhc much more verbose but as a fucking huuuuuuuge nerd for good writing that flaw is 100% one of the reasons why i love it
At this point it hits like insecurity. If you can't reconcile the thought of someone critiquing a game and still liking it, that's just a personal problem lol.
Hell half the time I feel like this is only selectively applied too
This is where I use the words “subjective” and “objective”. Objectively, The Christmas Story is a good movie, because the majority of people watch it and enjoy it. Subjectively, I can’t stand the thing and change the channel whenever I see it on. I get that most people like it and I don’t.
I think people who have that attitude find the feeling of being constantly critical of things miserable and just can’t imagine how someone could enjoy living like that. It’s kinda like how some people haaaate roast comedy because it feels mean, but the participants actually enjoy it.
I drive people nuts because I watch everything thinking like a writer. Folks don’t want to know how the nuts and bolts work. Especially as the quality of most entertainment goes right in the crapper.
I think honestly a true fan of something acknowledges it’s flaws and how it could be better/loving it despite all of it’s flaws, there’s a lot of people who will love something and refuse to acknowledge the downsides and that feels very narrowminded of a way to enjoy things.
Some people don't understand how you can like something that you feel needs criticism. I tend not to like things I find problems with important enough to mention.
Do what you love as long as it doesn’t take away someone else’s yum, enjoy your own. For me I love analyzing books and their flow, but just because I think a flow could be better is not something against the book.
My mum would always get on my case for that.
Cuz I had so many thoughts and theories and I like to analyze things I like.
But she’d just say I was too critical or can’t I enjoy things?
Like, I wasn’t totally happy doing it my way
Perhaps we should write and submit this as a conference paper:
"Charmed: Modern Women and Archetypes viewed through the Lens of Cultural Folklore and Fantasies: An Analysis" 😜😊
I've always said that to really be a fan of something, you need to be able to recognize all of its flaws and accept them. You can absolutely still love it in spite of its flaws but you need to accept that it's not perfect.
this is so true, i love watching the CW’s The Flash BECAUSE of how many plot holes there are! my favorite part is screaming at my tv every time bro just stands there instead of using his super speed 😭 it’s a great time
How do you like something and *not* know all it's flaws intimately and intricately?
I'm not even talking about the way Star Wars "fans" will get mad whenever there's a Black woman or lore inconsistency, I'm talking "I could write an essay about the copaganda in Dresden Files or politics of Mistborn"
There's a lot of flaws that didn't even necessarily ruin a work, and might not be noticeable at first:
Matrix 4 seems to give Neo a bubble shield to keep from needing Keanu to do stunts for some reason, and that entry especially has weird views on the Japanese; also I hate Keanu with facial hair.
If I didn't care about and enjoy these things I probably wouldn't really care half as much about their flaws, and the things that frustrate me and hinder the experience.
Control has amazing vibes but the combat structs, it's narrative edging, and it fundamentally misunderstands the appeal of SCPs.
The Assassin's Creed franchise has compelling story and characters, but the writers seem to have a mandate from above to not get TOO morally complex or critique the status quo, and the need to radically redefine the mechanics is frustrating
Also they're cowards for not giving more mythical monsters
I don't understand how anyone could love something without being able to pick apart the flaws. I will always think about how something could be done better, as well as what it says versus what it tries to say, etcetera.
My critical mind doesn't have an off switch.
Sometimes that is my preferred method of consumption, but IDK if it is possible for me to reach such an unbiased-state without meditation. Asking a non-buddha to just become enlightened at the drop of a hat is rediculous
It's called "The willing suspension of disbelief". If a piece does not engender that, it's lacking. If all pieces fail, then you're a stick in the mud. Own it, but don't blame others for it. Likewise, you're not wrong for being that way. It's just you. Pitiable, yes, but not wrong.
Yes! I am watching “Bones” for the first time and while I enjoy it, part of my enjoyment is pointing out how stupid it is. My husband isn’t crazy about this but I am still enjoying it.
I love the pokemon games, but I also know they could be so much better if the developers were given real time, a single fan remade the 3d models for every gen 1 pokemon, and it took between 1-3 hours for each one, and you're telling me this massive company can't do that for all of them?
Fr! I have strong positive AND critical feelings about the things I'm most fond of. Things don't have to perfect to he wonderful, and you can learn from the mistakes of others
On the internet people only see the immediate context. Somebody won’t know all the times you’ve praised a work when they see you criticize it. That’s why I tend to sugarcoat my criticisms. I express my love for something alongside my constructive criticisms so people understand I’m not just hating
For real, like I'm tired of turning my brain off I want to over think, be critical of things no one sees but me, research cause it's fun for me like come on it's fun to try and calculate the walk to mordor
For many people that attitude is not confined to media… church, nation, team… for those folks, questioning something, or even thinking about it it tantamount to blasphemy
I think this developed, at least in part, due to the "hot take" nature of social media. We're bombarded with them, so when someone tries to express criticism of something they enjoy, it's automatically lumped in with the rest.
Loving something, despite its imperfections, is a virtue not a flaw.
I think most just don't like examining things thry like, less thry find something that they'd be repulsed by or others might judge them poorly for.
‘Idk I just like it’ does not breed discussion like critique does
"Let people enjoy things" was a curse on us all.
no one is trying to take away their fun on enjoying smth on a more surface level, most ppl just want them to not be fucking stupid and spout nonsense about certain characters or stories showing they barely paid attention
I sequence-broke some of it and am utterly lost at the moment. Janky fuckin' game, and I have no idea how I beat this originally, but it's a classic.
Being critical was just a good time!
One commenter was like “you’re going to judge me for enjoying this?”
I was only there because I also like the game enough to GAF, ppl really think💩
The idea that I’d throw it away or something just because it’s sexist when it’s so well done is silly
I tried to explain to the designer (English not their first language) and their takeaway was “Americans like sexiness less”
I did my best to say, no, if you’re going to make a game that sexy, I’m just saying throw something in there for all the women and gay dudes etc
This was around 10 years ago, so, it went about as well as it would have today
i had a phase of learning writting and stuff that i felt i needed to feel annoyed when something has "mistakes"
now i have lots of fun with friends watching things that are deemed as bad but are special in the way they do it
How else will they get "tax breaks" like they enjoyed in 2018.
And besides, if they report the truth, republicans threaten them.
If anything shouldn’t it be a good thing sense it encourages discussion?
That I HAVE to "be able to admit what's wrong" even when I simply don't consider anything wrong in a project.
Like, yeah, some people out there are gonna be haters, but there's also many people that care by showing their worries
You can cook little bags of garbage water in 80 different ways, but they still taste like garbage water to me.
I pick at the parts where it's like "But this could be Even Better! Come on!" 😅
Say it ain't so, right?
-jenny nicholson
I'd actually argue that you're enjoying something wrong if you're blatantly ignoring the intricate details that took incredible effort to craft into what you're mindlessly consuming
but i dont because im not a loser. enjoying it right means enjoying it at all.
Do you feel there as many maps as people that guide each person in the way they need?
Cyberpunk 2077 I think is a pretty decent game overall, but there are plenty of valid criticisms with the story plot that have nothing to do with the multiple choice endings, rather with some of the various side missions.
If it's science fiction, there's an aspect of fantasy as well; the technology doesn't exist, and new scientific laws may be needed for the narrative.
For fantasy and sci-fi, it's easier to become a passive observer. Arguing over physical laws, assumptions, and prejudices as they would apply to our universe seems unproductive.
If you're constantly dissecting the story how are you entering the world it describes? It voids the escapism that the content provides.
Do that with video games too?
Think of it like a pocket universe. Maybe connected to the author, but not the author.
Loving something unconditionally doesn't mean you love it more, it just means you love it sadder.
Like, buddy, I already don't find it funny, so explain to me so I can at least appreciate the mechanism behind it, and perhaps even actually find it funny.
Hell, no decent joke is gonna get ruined because you explain how it work, that's how they were made.
Genuinely, why is that your first thought ? ANYONE, would assume that the context I'm talking about is outside performances... which it is, because who the hell is interrupting a comedian as they perform, even if the joke landed flat ?
The most important thing is to follow what inspires and brings joy, even if that includes a critical view
As long as we respect others’ boundaries, no one should dictate the ‘right’ way to enjoy something
If you haven’t okay, Hell Divers 2, for the love of all that’s holy, go play.
Make the worlds safe for managed democracy.
Hell half the time I feel like this is only selectively applied too
I drive people nuts because I watch everything thinking like a writer. Folks don’t want to know how the nuts and bolts work. Especially as the quality of most entertainment goes right in the crapper.
So no, being observational can be a vice too.
Cuz I had so many thoughts and theories and I like to analyze things I like.
But she’d just say I was too critical or can’t I enjoy things?
Like, I wasn’t totally happy doing it my way
I also like comfort food TV. Charmed for the win.
Perhaps we should write and submit this as a conference paper:
"Charmed: Modern Women and Archetypes viewed through the Lens of Cultural Folklore and Fantasies: An Analysis" 😜😊
Not criticizing anything and accepting it as is leaves us unaware of where it could improve, and let truly horrible mistakes slip by.
I'm not even talking about the way Star Wars "fans" will get mad whenever there's a Black woman or lore inconsistency, I'm talking "I could write an essay about the copaganda in Dresden Files or politics of Mistborn"
Matrix 4 seems to give Neo a bubble shield to keep from needing Keanu to do stunts for some reason, and that entry especially has weird views on the Japanese; also I hate Keanu with facial hair.
Control has amazing vibes but the combat structs, it's narrative edging, and it fundamentally misunderstands the appeal of SCPs.
Also they're cowards for not giving more mythical monsters
I don't understand how anyone could love something without being able to pick apart the flaws. I will always think about how something could be done better, as well as what it says versus what it tries to say, etcetera.
My critical mind doesn't have an off switch.
Loving something, despite its imperfections, is a virtue not a flaw.