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We kept saying trumps second term will be worse and it is. But honestly, I get no pleasure from being right. It’s so soul crushing to watch how stupid everything is.
‘No Way to Please Everyone’ Says Only University Where Students Are Regularly Kidnapped
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I got to get in touch with this Soros guy, because he owes me a lot of back pay based on this.
I sleep pretty well at night knowing the richest man in the world can be triggered by a Florida man and a Substack post.
American civil society is full of abject cowards, that is the issue. The government is a mafia state but it is winning because most American elite institutions are devoid of anything resembling integrity and are folding rather than stand on principles that were little more than marketing.
The guy whose daddy bought his way into Wharton, the guy whose grades were so shitty he's never disclosed them – that guy just destroyed the Department of Education. This is what dystopia looks like. This is what Fascism looks like.
Which wealthy people will Trump threatened today so he can shake them down and reveal their cowardice as they desperately and greedily cling to their piece of the pie while sacrificing their principles, choosing surrender over a difficult fight? None of it will ever be forgotten.
An unexpected visit from a water sausage
"The way I was taught is, if your family were immigrants to this country and came for a better life, the price you pay for that is you can never say that 'no one else is welcome.' That is what America was built on," said the Dropkick Murphys frontman Ken Casey.