The guy at the center of the take-out vs home cooked meal debate is an anti-feminist fascist who wrote an article called "How to Beat Your Girlfriend or Wife and Get Away with It". His lack of kitchen skills is ideological, not because he just never learned.
The Bad Actors from Twitter (and other sources) are here in BlueSky, doing their best to drive wedges into any conversation, and stir feelings of hate and discontent. Prepare; because it will only get worse. Block liberally, and keep your head on a swivel.
'ha made you pick up my book' artist.
A MAN should know how to cook himself a steak and the veggies that go with it. Let me amend that - a HUMAN should know how to cook.
This will sound weird but there's a video of him walking and it's one of the strangest things I've ever seen. He moves like Vincent Donofrio in men in black
I am now as permadry as the Chilean Desert.
his eyes are more dead than i remember