I regret to inform you that the WaPo editorial board has decided to draw an equivalence between people on social media reacting to a health insurance CEO's murder and the January 6th insurrection
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I understand the lawlessness equivalence, but, most people responding to the shooting deplore violence but also recognize how UHC has put people's care and lives at risk. It's complex. January 6 was a reaction to a conspiracy theory that put demoracy and people's lives AT risk, without complexity.
WaPo's CEO: OMG DO SOMETHING, WORTHLESS FLESH-BAG PLEBES--I'M IN DANGER! If you don't, I'll rent your children to my friend, the CEO of MeatGrinder Inc. I am VERY relatable, so MAKE THEM SEE, OR I'LL GRIND YOU AS FUEL FOR ONE OF MY YACHTS.
If you message support you may be able to get a partial refund and immediate cancellation. They might’ve just done it for me since I was part of the initial wave of cancellations after Bezos, but could be worth a try!
I almost don't even want to know what they have to say any more. I just want to know how to persuasively encourage others to abandon that zombie ship and start deprogramming themselves.
The Washington Post is a corporate newspaper owned lock stock and barrel by a single billionaire, and it is printed strictly with the sole purpose of servicing that billionaire's needs. Of course it will mock any movement that opposes his wishes.
If you did somehow wrangle this gaggle of internet smartasses under a single roof, let me assure you that saving bourgeois democracy is NOT going on our agenda.
Have they expressed any unequivical concern about ends-justifies-the-means approach of Biden and Israel re: Hamas? There are over 100,000 dead Palestinian civilians murdered by the "means." MSM can kiss my ass.
The GOP has been the ends-justifying-the-means party for YEARS...
They'll court you, shaking your hand while stabbing you with the other hand; they ignore laws, norms, anything that gets in the way of their ends. WaPo can pound sand.
This is a really hilarious equivalence to draw considering that a veritable volunteer army of people online helped identify the Jan 6th Insurrectionists and that community has collectively decided this time the cops can do their own fucking job
An all-things-are-warranted mindset animated the Nazi death squads. An all-things -are-warranted mindset also animated the troops that landed on D-Day. Same thing!
Billionaires who own the media (bezos, murdoch, ...) have been indoctrinating the masses with their prosperity gospel ideology that equates wealth with virtue, an all-things-are-warranted mindset to protect their financial interests.
I dunno, I think unrestrained profit-seeking that beggars most of the population is also flatly inconsistent with stable democracy. So maybe it's equivalences all around! Heck, I'll throwing "plutocrats owning the press" for good measure.
Billionaires get upset when they realize that they are more despised than admired; that they cannot risk appearing in public anymore; that even at home they will need massive security to protect them from stochastic violence like that which their party fosters against the other.
Chickens --> Roost
i for one can't tell whether J6 is supposed to be bad or not since it's not like the Post has seen fit to offer an editorial view on the primary perpetrator
This truly is a rich vs everyone else thing. maga folks are just willing to support insurance companies if they can keep women, people of color, LGBT+ folks, etc. down.
I wrote an email to "Shitley" Shipley who heads the board. I am sure it will be ignored as any asshole who actually makes that comparison has no brains in the first place. I think there are people who want to suck up to the Trump Admin, as they have already, and don't want to be a target of his.
They already lost the public trust with the Trump bootlicking, but maybe blatantly protecting the billionaires at all costs will jettison the remainder of their readership.
And ya know what WaPo, Trump is about to pardon those J6 criminals - yeah the guy your boss helped put in the White house - so take the high and mighty attitude and stick it up Bezos' ass.
Ahh yes, I forgot that it's important to maintain decorum in situations where, to put it frankly, we're well past that shit. Remember to offer the guests (folks that knocked down your door and are now attempting to torture you) a glass of water!
Oh and of course these costs have to be passed on to consumers since CEOs could never be asked to take care of these costs out of their 10 million or so salaries.
I like how it says “need” to be passed o to consumers. It doesn’t need to be, it is by a company’s choice. It’s the same mentality that causes people not to have faith in corps anymore and leads to negative feelings, escalating to events of late. Get the story straight WaPo
Truly. It’s wild that the subtext is “by being mean to healthcare executives, you are increasing your own premiums.” Crazy analogies aside, the leaps of logic are the strangest part.
By announcing that the people who have more money than the average person can easily comprehend will force those same average people to pay for extra security rather than cover the cost themselves, the WaPo editorial bezos - I mean board - has stumbled on a reason for the attitude it is decrying.
I mean, it certainly reads like that shit letter he wrote after the blowback for blocking the Harris endorsement: Inarticulate and angry that he has to take time from having sex with his super yacht to tell the proles to behave.
except one was based on a big lie & instigated by a malignant liar leader & one was based on the truth of a disfunctional greedy despicable deadly system - still not saying its right but they are not the same imo
I guess they prefer not to answer the question whether people earning billions of dollars profiting off entirely preventable deaths is compatible with a stable democracy.
It's really hard to care. Why should I worry about the Washington Post or their readers? Doesn't anyone reading the WaPo in December 2024 deserve to be lied to?
Of course they have.
Because it’s easier to falsely compare than to face the breadth and depth of the harm health insurance companies deliver to their subscribers.
How do the murders of children in schools play in? People are skeptical of the utility of thoughts and prayers. Are they also indistinguishable from insurrectionists?
Our mild appreciation of the schadenfreude of a man who was complicit in the death of thousands of people is obviously the same as the storming of the capital and trying to overturn an election while killing cops and hoping to kill some Democrats
January 6th, when Donald Trump incited a riot and led directly to the deaths and traumatization of hundreds of people and then didn't get in trouble or thrown in jail or suffer any real consequences and somehow became President again and maybe these things are related but not how the Post thinks.
How about the ends (increased shareholder profits) justifying the means (denying claims so people die of preventable conditions)? How does WaPo feel about that one?
I wonder if the editorial board will have any cognitive dissonance when they start publishing opinion pieces hailing the Jan6 insurrectionists as heroes of democracy in a month or two.
I'm not sure if this site will ever be what Twitter used to be, but "Have people gone too far in their criticism of the online weirdos celebrating an assassination?" is the sort of meta-debate that gives me hope.
I mean it’s dark that we have to ask that question but luckily the answer is still “yes”. If we get to the point where it isn’t, we’ll look back at this time with nostalgia!
Pretty sure they arrested the guy who invited the crowd to DC, spread a bunch of lies to enrage them, then told them to march on the Capitol. Can’t remember his name. Chubby guy, pretty old
That sounds right, because what democracy could possibly function if such an affront to all its principles were not only allowed to remain free, but even run once again?
In addition to admitting that the billionaires scurrying for cover won't pay for their own security.
WAPO: whoa whoa we didn't say that.
They'll court you, shaking your hand while stabbing you with the other hand; they ignore laws, norms, anything that gets in the way of their ends. WaPo can pound sand.
Chickens --> Roost
The Adjuster has brought us together at last.
I can't deal with this shit. Especially not the next four years of sane-washing a would-be dictator who has profound mental deficits.
Because it’s easier to falsely compare than to face the breadth and depth of the harm health insurance companies deliver to their subscribers.