Pssst... our taxes are not higher in Australia than in the US, and we have excellent healthcare. Once you pay federal plus state tax, it's THE SAME, unless you live in a state with no income or other tax, but they usually have property tax that is very high.
Yes but calling it "free" is misleading. It is usually not free. It is paid for by taxpayers. Everyone according to their means. In simple words it's patriotism and national altruism.
I'm sorry, that's not available. Could we interest you in 374 medicore streaming tv shows? Or if you have a great deal of money, we also could offer an assortment of very large pick-up trucks.
if I don’t have to pay for something at point of service it’s free. choke to death on your impotent rage, pedants.
me: “fine, i’ll get the stupid fucking trombone, what do you want me to play now?”
irs: “blue bells”
me: “ugh, fine but this is like the 15th time you’ve suggested this”
hi 1 kidney plz
life hack number 2: get a second job.
life hack number 3: get a side hustle
life hack number 4: monetize your hobby
life hack number 5: DRAFT KINGS PARLAY
Here's a list of 10 not free things you can do to help!
(You can only afford to try a couple maybe, if you cut out one of your meals, and if they don't work that's also your fault)"
In Ontario Canada after $16k I pay 20% combined federal and provincial taxes
It covers a lot, including healthcare
number 2 will shock you