WTF?!? Elon Musk reposted this on X before quietly deleting it:
“Stalin, Mao, and Hitler didn’t murder millions of people. Their public sector employees did.”
“Stalin, Mao, and Hitler didn’t murder millions of people. Their public sector employees did.”
Musk is a Nazi, obviously, so it's important to be prepared to prevent a worst-case scenario.
Intentional malice
We really need to take care of one another. There is so much anxiety being felt. I worry about all those people who don’t have a network of friends and family.
Exactly what Don-boy and his minions are doing. Deny deny deny.
We have to keep truth in the forefront.
"withheld in Germany based on local laws".
Never killed anybody
And a lot of lives got saved
And that goes for every public servant, I ever worked with
Musk has got to Go!
Referred to as "Bitcoin Jesus" (ewwwww), he was an early investor in bitcoin.
"For decades, I've been terrorized by rogue U.S. government agents who hate American freedom.
This is my story:"
followed by a TWENTY MINUTE video (no I did not watch it).
His Twitter profile banner is a plea for a presidential pardon
But the person giving u that order is also responsible.
In 1984 (!), a former KGB agent described the Soviet-planned, long 4-step process to destroy democracies from within. He even speaks of the billionaires and their quest for more everything.
Keep up the good work, you are appreciated.
Turning government workers and immigrants into scapegoats is deplorable. This man should not be buddying up with Trump.
I thought they liked us spending money that we earn our paychecks?!
Could postal workers create a nonprofit and sieze control ?
The only public YES votes are Schumer and Fetterman. They need 7-8 total. KEEP CALLING.
Call retiring Senators too!
(I was holding just now for 15 min. on the main line, then suddenly cut off) Pressure!
But I also think trolls living under a bridge alone in filth holds meaning. Musk is earning the rewards Nazis were rewarded with, trolling or not.
My question to future Musk: Was it worth it?
If I was on a jury, I'd award billions in actual losses and TRILLIONS in punitive damages
Elon Musk reposted THIS?! Comparing public service workers to Hitler’s regime?! Nurses, teachers, and firefighters are NOT the enemy — but Musk’s billionaire ego clearly IS. HOW LONG will we let this unhinged madness slide?! FIGHT BACK! 👊🔥 #NoToMusk #ProtectWorkers
They are trying to make this Shitreal!~
These are dirtyjews
We must stop focusing on their chaos and look at the con.
They want a white theocracy authoritarian govt with servitude class. All the chaos is the distraction to break apart democracy!
Then I said, "Here am I, send me."
"... against all enemies, foreign and domestic ..."
75th Infantry -- RLTW
Sic semper tyrannis
There's plenty of them that deny anybody was ever murdered in the Holocaust.
“But that’s worse. You get how that’s worse, right?”
And still we must keep reminding people “I was just following orders” not a moral or justifiable excuse in a war crimes tribunal.
#VoteNo #Resist
Hitler gave the order, the SS carried it out.
Mao gave the order, State Security carried it out.
Trump gives the order, MAGA and DHS carry it out.
19 out of 24 Nuremberg Trial executions were senior Nazi Party officials.
It's one thing to say dumb "thought experiment" sh*t among your friends, but it's dangerous to broadcast such messages to the kind of audience Musk has.
I put spiders outside instead of squishing them.
Jury is now out though if any rats of the musk variety get in.
'self-absorption and excessive self-confidence, manipulative, empathy-deficient, and willing to do harmful and destructive things to achieve their goals.'
Here's some documentation.
But I'm also not one to live by absolute notions/rules. I believe in exceptions.
That said, I found hope in this.
Otherwise, spot on!
*not condoning, but not knocking it*
Not merely “admires.”
ANYONE, senator, congressman, local politician or pundit who, after Elon Musk is assassinated, gives one of those groanworthy performative blathers about how "violence is not the answer! We must work within the system!"
Fuck THEM.🤬
This is how these things happen without the person calling for them getting their hands dirty.
He is telling you what they are planning.
Every accusation dot dot dot
We have the #Verbotsgesetz (Prohibition Act)
So any Austrian liking or reposting his post can and should be prosecuted.
They come from the...
I am definitely running out of ways to say 'unbelievable'.