Like a worse NY post. At least The NYPost doesn’t take itself too seriously–they know they are just producing material to wrap old glassware w/ before its hauled down to Goodwill, or to scatter on the floor while house-breaking a pup. Being worse at your job than Murdoch? That's gotta suck Jeff.
What’s your point? are you saying this isn’t true? The White House and Congress are totally aligned with the Kremlin’s vision. Newspapers shouldn’t deny reality.
I believe the point is that the "Washington" referred to by the reporting side of the paper could as easily be referring to the Washington Post's opinion pages as the government.
And my point is that the news staff in the editorial page are not the same. Anyone who reads the Washington Post knows that. And while Bezos may be a toady and a coward, calling a pillar of the fourth estate a Russian asset is just stupid.
Why? When Bozo’s actions say otherwise? Why do I care about that paper? I can get Trump propaganda from many sources if I was nutz and a magat. Fuck wapo and their failure to act as a member of the fourth estate. If you think the news people are so pure why do they pretend Trump is normal? Bullshit.
Journalism is about trust. It's why reporters were fired just for fudging on facts, in the old days. When a publisher declares his paper will take a side, how can there be trust in anything they have to say? Newsroom "integrity" is irrelevant, because they can't be trusted.
This righcheer. Once upon a time, before everyone had internet, people would write op eds and letters to the editor for print media and this is where you would get to see other peoples shit takes. Im not pro WaPo, but this is just an oped. Ive read dumber takes in print.
Calling them political opponents is what makes you a perpetual loser. They are traitors, they don't have morals or give a shit for anyone else so dispose of as garbage.
Yall posting about how evil Substack is are the exact ppl who lost us democracy. Do you never learn? Sometimes it is the lesser of evils. That’s just reality. Momentum is what matters. There is momentum to change. There is willingness. Stop being the mean teacher and start reaching out to be kind.
I use Substack very little. I follow very blue content providers there. I do not apologize. Calling someone a Nazi sympathizer because of where they source their information is again your choice. I don’t think it’s the best way to support someone.
By constantly pulling everyone from one source to another because someone did something that you don't like or took a stand you didn't like just fractures who you want to talk to because not everyone is aware nor on the same page.
I also use Patreon as well. I apologize. I forgot this time to add alt text to the image. I do all of this for free, every other newsletter site cost money. So if you can find one that will set everything up for me for free and process it for free I would love to hear about it.
Bunch of options down thread in the post I shared. It's up to you where you choose to set yourself up. If that means standing beside Nazis because doing anything else isn't worth it to you then that's the choice. People have been talking about this for years now.
The nazi bar newsletter site doen't even get passing traffic from me, let alone a subscription because I don't actually like funding nazi bars, even indirectly.
it is more the financial side of Substack: Andreessen Horowitz is one of the big investors. This should shed massive doubt on the future intentions of Substack. Investors like Horowitz want money, no matter how. That is the big problem. They are not sweating over moral issues. has fought for years against extremism, including his well known photos of the Nazees at Charlottesville. It's worth a look at his free portfolios. Asking indie journos to switch is tough. I do agree it'd be helpful to use alt text though. Bsky makes it easy to remember.
Yeah I apologize I forgot on this image but I do usually to alt text. As a person who is a photographer this means double the work as most people on this site. I am working to be better.
Fuck off forever you shitty billionaire cucks. You continually rode off of my work from the Unite the Right rally and only gave me credit when I complained. Fuck off all of you access whores.
Yes that’s when I did it, too. I couldn’t remember so many things and time is all warped these days.
Imagine running a country and intentionally causing trauma and disorientation to your own people. Or imagine cheering it on as one of those very people.🤦🏻♀️
Yeah. I mean, I cancelled when they started beating that Biden "cognitive impairment" drum, then gave 'em another chance RIGHT before Bezos spiked the Ed Board's Harris endorsement. So I cancelled again.
This is the kind of shit you EXPECT from Marc Thiessen, for 15 years now. Nothing new here.
I guess he figured that if Musk is following Murdoch's lead, why not? Murdoch/Fox and Musk/Twitter-X need to be reigned in. The first thing that Dems should do once grifter trump is booted is shut down propaganda organizations via the FCC (which is headed by a right-wing propagandists).
I also canceled at that point. I have not logged in since the day I canceled, but my subscription is still active through May 2025. That rag has not been missed at all.
I canceled then resubscribed at $3 vs whatever their usual is because I kinda wanna read this shitshow for a few more months and see which names get the most cunty and which ones actually show an ounce of decency. There is no “liberty” without secularism. They would be wise to tell Bezos that
Unfortunately I had purchased my subscription with the yearly price so I can't really get out of it until it comes to the end of the cycle. Jeff Bezos has really ruined what was once a great newspaper.
Wow. I do not see how anyone with full possession of their faculties who believes in freedom and democracy could paint a picture where Zelensky is in the wrong. I am so ashamed of the US right now.
They're Nazi fascists in support of the Trump admin, AKA, New Russia, or the former America, called Trumpnazistan? T or NR, I think New Russia is more accurate, Trump is only Elons sock puppet, after all, or his four YO kid tells him to go change his nappy, and New Russia is what America has become.
I canceled and canceled my amazon subscriptions too. If Bezos was a decent human being he would be standing up for Zelensky and for democracy and donating money to Ukraine and those workers abroad that Musk left hanging in dangerous regions without support to get home.
I cancelled WaPo when they called Elon's Nazi salute an "exuberant speech". In the months before the election I also wanted to ditch the subscription, but I felt bad for some of the liberal writers. Now the paper is under censorship, and I wouldn't pretend that it is still journalism.
Do get! <3 You'll feel so much better! I did. I miss the convenience of the shipping service, but not at the expense of funding evil and corruption. It was making my soul sick. I canceled my Amazon at the end of December, I believe. There's other ways to get what we need. Consumerism is a lie. <3
Take your power back!
Start using cash again!
Close Amazon account!
Close AirBnB account!
Close X account!
Close PayPal account!
Close Facebook account!
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Close Youtube account!
There are also decent alternatives for every Google app (except YouTube.) Proton has encrypted email and I think also a word processing suite on par with Google docs. There are many encrypted browsers to replace chrome. Mapquest is still around and the app is reliable. @me for more suggestions/help!
Bummer! I don't know who Andy Yen is, but I'm assuming from context he's the CEO of proton? If so I recommend Mailfence, they aren't U.S. based at all, still encrypted but no word processing afaik. Does open office still exist? I'll look into it and update my recommendations accordingly, thanks!
Take your power back!
Don't shop Home Depot!
Don't shop Walmart!
Don't shop Whole Foods!
Don't shop Jimmy John's!
Don't stay at Wynn Hotel!
Don't buy a Tesla!
Don't use Starlink!
Don't shop Hobby Lobby!
Don't shop Chik Fil A!
Take your power back!
Move banking to local credit unions.
Close big corporate credit cards and get credit cards from local credit unions.
Close Robin Hood account
Sell off stock from Republican owned companies
Take your power back!
Delete Chrome from your computers and phones!
Change your accounts to no longer use Google email address!
Change email subscriptions from gmail!
Switch internet from Comcast!
Take your power back!
Don't subscribe to The Washington Post!
Reject news from The Daily Caller, Newsmax, Fox, RT, Breitbart, the New York Post, the Daily Wire, Epoch Times & InfoWars!
Subscribe to the New York Times!
Get your news from non-biased news outlets!
Watch Democracy Now!
Zack I got the same message(different date)after they deleted my post. I cancelled the account last month but I had paid for the year, they wouldn't refund my money..
Bezos sold out! I'm willing to bet he needs drugs to sleep.
Canceled mine last November. And I have been reading the WAPO for 60 years and they have sunk to abysmal fan boys writing. Does Beezos really think MAGAts will buy his "paper"? They can't afford it and can't read the words written. Maybe publish it like a "Dick and Jane" book. January (tho that dumbfuck will NOT reimburse me ...but saying my time is up in June. 😡 🤬) Thiessen has always...ALWAYS BEEN THE BLEEPIN TRUMP BUTT KISSER. THIS...HE JUST NEEDS TO GO JOIN Vance on the damn couch.
Sorry Marc, you still won't be invited to his tacky golf club, no matter how much water you carry for him. It all only goes one way you know? How does his little mushroom c*ck taste by the way?
"If a game show host/rapist wants your minerals, you should forfeit your country to him and his ugly treasonous goons"
A rebuttal: drive into a pole at 120mph?
Even for Thiessen, a token conservative back when that represented "viewpoint diversity" for WaPo, this is pretty low. He's a former speechwriter for Bush sr. and Rumsfeld, wrote a book defending war crimes as ok as long as it's our side, and thinks that assassination is cool, too.
Ok, having typed that all out now, it's less of a stoop and more the norm for him. He's always been awful, but he used to kind of sort of vaguely care about sounding reasonable.
They are part of the problem. USA has NEVER been our ally or friend. We don’t lean towards anything Russia nor dictators stand for. We’re supposed to be better than that.
He’s not the one who acted like a crazy man. Vance and chump must make amends not Zeleskyy. God these news sources have no shame in their reporting. They spread false information with every story.
Anyone still reading or subscribing to the Washington Post is being manipulated successfully by Bezos, who controls and steers the output so as to favor trump and destroy democracy! Such people enrich the oligarchs and financially sustain enemy propaganda! Boycott the Washington Post!
Oh hell, nobody’s buying that rag any more. Nobody wants to deliver it. The homeless refuse to sleep on it. Puppy’s won’t pee on it. Fish refuse to be wrapped in it. And people won’t even wipe their ass with it.
Goodbye Washington Post!
They really do have an old German font: over here in Deutschland, that font is inherently tied to Nazi Deutschland.. it's only used by idiots on the far right (who can't read anyway: try reading a longer tekst in that font..)
F that rag of an excuse of "news" ????? paper, it's become nothing more than a propaganda arm for trump. It's only use is to put on the floor and let you dog poop on it and that is a waste of money.....
Report spreads that Zelensky is offering to negotiate a ceasefire with Russia in exchange for the US withdrawing its troops from Europe, including NATO for...... See more
Cancel your F-ING subscriptions. Stop posting ANYTHING from them. Cancelled. Dead. Honest to Pete….would you post a headline from the National Enquirer? Same Shit. Less reliable.
The whole point of hoarding money is for power and status. I can guarantee that of money was looked down upon and didn't give them an advantage on everything they'd be hoarding something else.
Been raising the flag for years. They played the long game. We must too. Where is our leader, where's our hat, what's our motto? Maybe it's "PRESS", in tribute to all the journalists who died last year trying to get the people's story out.
Trump and Vance are a threat to our democracy—we must get them out of the White House!
Sign and share my petition to impeach Donald Trump and JD Vance, and remove Elon Musk’s dangerous influence from our government.
Is there any other reason they had to humiliate Zelensky in public, other than that Trump wanted to send the US troops to the front lines to back up Putin?
Zelensky needs to Kick America to the kerb and have nothing more to do with them. Trump will then be in trouble with his boss Putin for not getting him Ukraine
It's time to pull together now. And we will. We agreed to be part of the US empire and use its tech, let them into our security meetings, put nukes on our soil, let their soldiers station here. In return for protection. It wasnt free. Now that deal is broken. Fine. Bye.
Agree 100%… I wouldn’t expect anything less from that piece of shit, MAGAt mouthpiece Thiessen… but for WAPO to run the piece with that headline is grotesque…
Thiessen is a full bore Trump ass licker. Bezos only seems interested in opinion pieces that blather praise on the traitor in chief. A few months ago WaPo changed the comments section by adding AI review of comments provided by readers, which clearly demonstrates the quality of Amazon AI .
It's not will often stand right in front of yous, and you all will ignore it because you haven't the social programming to know what to do with it.
I'm sure it's going to be tough, losing a part of your daily routine but having them change their narrative to right wing fawning isn't going to be very entertaining anyway.
I had to check this out. Apple gets a B from this group on their political giving and policy stances. Pretty pro-democracy. They lost points because of senior staff donations. But others got Ds and Fs.
And the losing points for Tim Cook giving a donation for the inauguration is misguided. Cook did that so that a) Apple would not have to, and b) to avoid malicious attacks from Trump on the company. Like the idiotic tariffs.
He did what he had to do. We don't live in a perfect world right now.
Marc A Thiessen speech writer for George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld and a helper of purporting the war in Iraq. Not surprising he takes a Pro Russian stance. Just all of our government and media is failing us to even show the slightest bit of democracy and honesty lately.
Why is no one talking about this? Russia has publicly revealed that #KRASNOV is in debt to them for helping him "win" the election and that they are coming to collect. PLEASE SHARE THIS!!
TG translation:
"Patrushev said that Trump will have to fulfill the commitments he made before the election, but that his campaign promises may not be matched by his subsequent actions."
This paragraph in the Newsweek piece is not mentioned in the linked TG post:
Patrushev said: "To achieve success in the elections, Donald Trump relied on certain forces to which he has corresponding obligations. And as a responsible person, he will be obliged to fulfill them.
Ah yes, the dictator playbook: bow to Trump or step down. Zelensky fights for democracy while Trump bends the knee to Putin. Maybe it’s Trump who should resign—for treason. 🇺🇦🔥 Follow me for truth!
I support AI taking all these trustfund reporters jobs they only got the job because they could write ok and kiss ass very well while makiing no money in some expensive palce
More accurately, Trump must heal the breach with Zelensky or resign or, if spineless traitor-enablers didn't infest the Republican party, be impeached.
Marc Thiessen has always been a creep, but his whiny creepiness has now taken on an Orwellian tone. Gross. Who reads the WP anymore anyway? I miss Carolyn Hax's column, but that's it.
So a paper in MSM trying to twist opinion to back up its government!
Against a truth that was televised! They are really obviously scraping the bottom of the barrel aren’t they!
Jeff Bezos (DBA) The Washington Post is trying to push the
FACIST agenda to keep up with the demands of Project 2025.
These rich fat cats(Oligarchs) will stop at nothing to take over
OUR GOVERNMENT! We the people will not stand for it.
Thiessen has always been a disgusting tool, though. This isn't new. What's new is that the sensible voices in the op-ed page have left or are being stifled.
That's a bunch of BS!! Zelenskyy has served his country with courage, compassion and perseverance. I don't even know why he's considering resigning. It seems like it would be demoralizing to Ukrainians if he stepped down as their leader.
The felon should apologize to the people of Ukraine and to Americans for that humiliating display of fealty to a God damn murderous war criminal Putin while belittling Zelensky.Theissen how quickly you have forgotten the HELSINKI HUMILATION when he took Putin's word over OUR Intelligence. FU and WP.
Bozo owning and running The Post, they should all resign.
He has changed the opinion pages to exclude opposing points of view. If Katharine Graham, listened to Nixon, we would not have know about the Watergate break in, I urge you all to watch this documentary.
The Washington Post is no longer a news outlet. It is the voice of Bezos. I do not want it in my feed. I will not read it. I don’t need to hear Bezos talk.
I think people need to understand that Trump WAS playing cards that day and stupidly showed his hand. He was always going to abandon Ukraine....but he slipped up and let the cat out of the bag......not a very good KGB agent.
America has abandoned countries before (just ask the women of Afghanistan)
Ask any one who has had to deal with Americans..
You come, you prefer us around and then sell us your fucking coca cola and McDonald's...
You take everything which is useful and sell it back to us (just what Donnie wants to do to Ukraine: put in 300 billion and expect to take out over 500 billion)
I agree but it seems impossible to get the majority of Americans to move from the problem to the solution. You see the problem clearly but the moment we say ‘why don’t you..’ there is a resounding yell of ‘that’s socialism’, even from people on the supposed left. I don’t know the answer to that.
You’re not wrong. A big problem I see is we haven’t moved away from imperialistic thinking. Our country lies a lot to keep up a facade. The answer would start with acknowledging our entire history and not just the positive parts imo.
As a Canadian this has been apparent all of my life. The richest countries are the ones with the most minerals and fuel, not the US which has depleted theirs with a ridiculous GDP that relies on getting them cheap from other countries. Trump's actions could get countries to finally pull the plug.
Just as the White House is currently a branch of the Kremlin, is currently Russian state media like TASS or RT. Avoid it like the plague.
Agreed. If you work at WAPO, now’s the time to go. (If you have eyes to see what a Russian Run TV show looks like, and your take away wasn’t anything other than how the WH set up the “so-called” negotiations, with abject disregard for democratic diplomacy).
Actually, Mr Thiessen, it's the white house that needs to apologise to President Zelenskyy. You obviously didn't see what the whole world saw. He was totally disrespected from the moment he got out of the car. Maybe you should find another line of work, journalism doesn't suit you
Real hard working journalists who abide by the integrity of free press please rise up. I’m print. Broadcast has caused a gray shadow between entertainers and real trained journalists. If we don’t fight back propaganda and lies will be the dumbing of America.
They just set him up. Zelensky was the only man in that meeting, the rest were just Putin puppets. Disgraceful. Time to pull up our socks and do it ourselves. Boycott America until it behaves.
It was so that Trump could call him "ungrateful" and the MAGAts have eaten it up. Now they're demanding aid to Ukraine to be rescinded, because of this interaction.
Me and most of Britain experienced the same thing under Boris Johnson a few years ago. Just when you thought he couldn't possibly do or say anything more stupid or lying....he did ! So you get to the point where you are unshockable, and just want it to be over.
Doesn't Jeff bezos own the Washington Post, and he was in the front and center row at the inauguration for the trump? Bezos wants to see more turmoil and probably world war 3, 4 and 5!
I think he is just one of the many Members of the BBC... Billionaire Bastards Club. They were all in a row at Trumps Inauguration. Trump has become their Useful Idiot as they create their New World Order.
Oh yes, obey or you're "part of the problem!" Hilarious. You have no clue how painfully stupid you sound, do you? Please, keep going—your lack of self-awareness is comedy gold. It’s like watching a clown lecture people on seriousness.
I think the American Government should just take a step back at this point. They don’t want to help Ukraine so should just stay out of it. The rest of the world will (and is) moving on without them.
Boycott WaPo.
Drop your subscription.
Walk away.
But that's me. You support your pet Nazi, I guess.
Try again.
Control your own means of publication. Use services and discovery you can easily change out.
POSSE = publish (on your) own site, syndicate elsewhere. and practice this principle.
Also please use alt text on your image posts. You can copy and paste from articles to make sure disabled folks know what you're talking about.
The nazi bar newsletter site doen't even get passing traffic from me, let alone a subscription because I don't actually like funding nazi bars, even indirectly.
as far as I know
he doesn't have to protest what you protest
just protest him too
We've seen what they'd do...
Time to take appropriate action and cancel the fucking nazi loving scum!!
Imagine running a country and intentionally causing trauma and disorientation to your own people. Or imagine cheering it on as one of those very people.🤦🏻♀️
This is the kind of shit you EXPECT from Marc Thiessen, for 15 years now. Nothing new here.
Out damn spot‼️
Start using cash again!
Close Amazon account!
Close AirBnB account!
Close X account!
Close PayPal account!
Close Facebook account!
Close Instagram account!
Close WhatsApp account!
Close Youtube account!
Don't shop Home Depot!
Don't shop Walmart!
Don't shop Whole Foods!
Don't shop Jimmy John's!
Don't stay at Wynn Hotel!
Don't buy a Tesla!
Don't use Starlink!
Don't shop Hobby Lobby!
Don't shop Chik Fil A!
Move banking to local credit unions.
Close big corporate credit cards and get credit cards from local credit unions.
Close Robin Hood account
Sell off stock from Republican owned companies
Delete Chrome from your computers and phones!
Change your accounts to no longer use Google email address!
Change email subscriptions from gmail!
Switch internet from Comcast!
Don't subscribe to The Washington Post!
Reject news from The Daily Caller, Newsmax, Fox, RT, Breitbart, the New York Post, the Daily Wire, Epoch Times & InfoWars!
Subscribe to the New York Times!
Get your news from non-biased news outlets!
Watch Democracy Now!
But a great list!!!
Bezos sold out! I'm willing to bet he needs drugs to sleep.
and I approve this message.
He does not want to trade away his people's future. And, he's holding firm.
He's smart and has nerves of steel.
Don't buy or click on WAPO. Sorry good WAPO folks, you're now riding with a traitor.
So anyone outside the US couldn't give a f about your opinion.
A rebuttal: drive into a pole at 120mph?
just ignore them because they aren't credible
Fucking traitor.
radical right mouthpiece - former GW Bush speech writer
A true POS snivelling coward
funding from
F u bezos
...Journalist to reporter
He’s a former GW Bush speechwriter
& snivelling coward for the Russian regime
now installed in Washington
Goodbye Washington Post!
I’m sure there are plenty of reasons to dump WaPo (I haven’t yet) but to pull out a Thiessen OP-ED as WaPo fact is like saying Fox News is reality.
Sign and share my petition to impeach Donald Trump and JD Vance, and remove Elon Musk’s dangerous influence from our government.
He is a supersized loser.
He is playing the “pick me” to get in Trump office, period
tesla meta amazon google apple
He did what he had to do. We don't live in a perfect world right now.
The Washington post is a childs comic.
Why is no one talking about this? Russia has publicly revealed that #KRASNOV is in debt to them for helping him "win" the election and that they are coming to collect. PLEASE SHARE THIS!!
"Patrushev said that Trump will have to fulfill the commitments he made before the election, but that his campaign promises may not be matched by his subsequent actions."
Patrushev said: "To achieve success in the elections, Donald Trump relied on certain forces to which he has corresponding obligations. And as a responsible person, he will be obliged to fulfill them.
Time to get rid of the wrecking crew and start rebuilding government of the people, by the people, for the people as intended.
Trump is a pariah, America is sidelined
Go fuck yourself
Meanwhile, we continue the fight on U.S. soil. It’s gonna be a long one, so strap in!
Against a truth that was televised! They are really obviously scraping the bottom of the barrel aren’t they!
This must be the "interesting times" the curse references.
FACIST agenda to keep up with the demands of Project 2025.
These rich fat cats(Oligarchs) will stop at nothing to take over
OUR GOVERNMENT! We the people will not stand for it.
I regret I had only one to cancel.
He has changed the opinion pages to exclude opposing points of view. If Katharine Graham, listened to Nixon, we would not have know about the Watergate break in, I urge you all to watch this documentary.
America has abandoned countries before (just ask the women of Afghanistan)
You come, you prefer us around and then sell us your fucking coca cola and McDonald's...
You take everything which is useful and sell it back to us (just what Donnie wants to do to Ukraine: put in 300 billion and expect to take out over 500 billion)
If they haven't quit by now .. They're not going to ... And they are as soulless and evil as bezos is!
Pushing an anti-democratic agenda should be shunned.
If you still subscribe, please understand you are supporting fascism.
It's all part of the plan .