Not really eurocentric, you could apply it to any monoteistic religion, so like , 5 and half continents :/ (Europe NA, SA, Africa, Oceania and half of Asia)
Exactly like I don't believe in any religion but I also don't spend my time reposting a 7-8 year old comic about how it's "so stupid people believe in this. I'm so smart and awesome for not believing in this thing" like yeah I used to believe in Santa doesn't mean im going around yelling at children
Maybe when you see a post like this and want to write that comment… you should read it. Read it again. What religion might be most offended by this? Perhaps the people who say all others are wrong? The people who spread hate online and in their lives. While an atheist may condemn religion, they 1/
don’t tell you you’ll burn in hell. They don’t drive cars into crowds of people. We just exist. And that is what most others hate about us. We don’t worship the sun, the stars, or a man in the sky. We are “wrong”. Just keep your hypocrisy to yourself.
Practicing religion isn't inherently harmful. Sure, there are harmful things that have come with fanaticism, but simply believing in the existence of a deity is amoral.
That's as true as saying possessing billions of dollars isn't inherently harmful. Technically true, but it doesn't take a lot of prodding to get a religious person to admit to something harmful.
This is especially true if you're Catholic, those fuckers have some serious moral issues.
I also think that it's dumb but as weird as it is it gives them faith and something to believe in, which can be a source of motivation, a tool to deal with all sorts of emotions, bad events, and so on. That's something we non-religious people don't really have. We just have each other and that's it
Which seems like a reasonable argument until you examine what that faith predominantly leads to - motivation to mistakenly place trust in others, a tool to diminish the non-believers, to excuse bad acts ...
Non-religious people don't have that excuse, and the good ones look out for each other.
Well,the main problem was you are nobody to tell anyone what they should believe.All religion just has the same meaning:"Believe in beautiful,good and nice things".So yeah,You're an idiot for trying to attract attention this way because you're nothing special
Nah, we actually have brains and can use them to find the truth without submitting to pathetic fairy tales. Do the world a favour and never speak again.
Culturally it has seemed necessary to acknowledge something greater than ourselves. It also was essential to food sharing as we transitioned to the agri-culture we are still doing today.
I guess you haven't been to the Church of the Grocer? I'm just saying that anthropologists seem to think this was behind the confabulation of early religions. People brought sacrifices to temple and the good was redistributed. Churches still have soup kitchens, etc., don't they?
This seems something out of a 19th century Western work of philosophy. It has the rather eurocentric and colonialist assumption that all religions naturally progress in a specific manner, with Christianity being the most developed, before being discarded.
Gonna be honest here, people worshipping animals and the sun and the ocean makes a lot more sense to me than “read this in a really old book” - at least the sun is a tangible thing that brings you light and warmth everyday. Not saying it’s some deity just saying I can at least understand it.
i mean, if you don’t know how the universe works the sun is fucking miraculous. it rises and sets and is beautiful during both and provides essential light but overexposure will burn you?? baby that’s a god
i love the show Yellowjackets bc the Wilderness is pretty much a character/an apathetic god
like sometimes it snows and sometimes it rains and sometimes there’s drought and sometimes it’s kind and sometimes it’s cruel. why not personify nature if it seems to have whims? especially if it seems like it has favorites. that’s what religion is all about y’know
so mad christianity tried to kill all of the actually cool religions
like who wants to believe in "thou shalt dash babies against the rocks and stone gay people" when you can read the actually cool shit
Not dumb, Just misinformed. When i was a kid I thought there was a monster under my bed and if I covered my head with the blankets, it could not get me. This was because I was afraid of what I did not understand. Even as adults we tend to do this. “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"
I do wonder if the world would be a better place if people NEVER disclose their religious beliefs to anyone else. Have faith, sure, but just keep it to yourself! Unfortunately, people do so love being in a gang, especially if there's a charismatic and convincing leader.
Groups can only spread if people are talking about them. Religion has also done a lot of good for nations. It unites people under one banner and without it, some nations woukd have been able to survive. This quote that im going to use is ironic af but...
Ok but like. Why do nations deserve to survive? Sure, there’s the transition period before a new government is formed where there’s increased instability, but the only people that are directly harmed are the leadership, and I couldn’t care less about (historically) rich evil white guys.
If a nation is held together only by religion… maybe it should fail! Something better can take its place. Religion keeping the world in a pious, unquestioning stasis seems more like a downside to me.
I feel similarly, I also don't think it's true. We stay together because it is what makes us human. We understand that we need community for protection and love. Ancient humans are painted as merciless so that future man can feel enlightened. I believe that our ancestors understood love better.
Hard disagree... people would have been able to find reasons to work together one way or the other.
What religion does if forge extremely strong in and out groups and yes, those were used by political leaders to keep people in line and united, but that's hardly a pro. (1/4)
They literally had 1/3 of the year to spend on whatever they wanted and they built the pyramids... which, is cool and all, but I feel like if they had the 'enlightened greek' as opposed to the 'god king' attitude towards things, they could have gotten to Renaissance tech before the year zero. (4/4)
Groupthink and uniting under a banner is the cause of division and conflict. Religion doesn't scale to a national level without some form of control and authoritarianism. People are individuals with their own values. The complete separation of church and state is essential for fair democracy.
Conflict is simply a part of life. There is no escape from it, regardless of whether it is for religious views or the hoes. The meaning of life is what we make it and if someone else's meaning contradicts our own, there will be conflict because it as an insult to us. That is just life, not religion.
Conflict due to differing religious beliefs shouldn't be accepted as being 'simply part of life'. Large-scale tribalism is not a force for good. Nations should respect the individual, and people should support their local community... 'for the greater good.'
I'll also add that I believe conflict can be a beautiful thing; a public display of how far someone is willing to go for what they believe in. With passion and intellect, one may even call it an art of sorts... I wrote what I said earlier with those thoughts in mind.
Religion is OK. Holy War is not. Christianity preaches love and compassion. The Old Testament preaches violence and genocide.
Religion as justification for aggressive warfare and slavery is just an abomination
All humans all around the globe looked up, saw a face in the moon and came to the same typically human conclusion due to our most basic instinct, facial recognition. It must be a god and it looks like its singing, or talking or something. So they talked back.
If you truly felt confident in the way you lived your life, you wouldn't find yourself resorting to posting such trifling bait on the internet. Maybe it's time to do a little self reflection as opposed to feeding your own ego and preconceptions about the world.
If more people had kept worshipping rocks and animals, we’d probably have civilisations based on respecting the environment and the creatures that live in it - instead of all this shit we’ve done to our planet. 🌍
I strongly think the outcome would be the same unfortunately. Religion was always about filling a psychological gap. In India they still consider cows to be sacred and we know how that is going.
I'm sure India's situation has nothing to do with 200+ years of British colonialism. But yeah let's talk about how bad of an effect Hinduism had on the country, that totally makes sense.
Nah, being Pagan is sick. Not only do I communicate with cosmic entities beyond my comprehension, but I also commune with the land and house spirits giving them little treats for not haunting me. As well as, keeping my lost family members in memory.
Religion is a perfectly fine thing to have for people in life as long as they don't use it to control those who don't believe in their god(s) I'd never use my beliefs to say what others can or can't do it polices *my* life not anyone else's but making hating religion your personality is just as bad
The heart wants what the heart wants.
I’m sure it’d be easier to start a fundraising page to get a goat.
However - on second thought, starting a cult to get it may be more rewarding.
Anyhow, while I’m here… by any chance, do you have a spare goat on you?
The real irony is, we consider people who speak and listen to burning bushes, clouds, angels in caves, etc. mentally ill today - schizophrenia. Yet, the 3 Abrahmic religions and others worship them and call them prophets.
I mean if you believe in full... a series of stories written by isolated middle-aged men several hundred years after the events supposedly occurred that has been revised repeatedly by multiple kings to tell the peasants of the era who weren't able to read how they should live... I dunno man.
A lot of religion in the past used stories as symbolic representation of a life philosophy or practice.
A way to view prayer is to imagine a conversation with a being that knows the answer to what you seek, not literally having that conversation.
In modern times and past times, this has been...
Taken to extreme levels, and people in power have used religion in a literal sense to control people. Our modern ideas of religion are not always how religion has been used in history and these concepts of following an imaginary diety blindly is very much a modern idea
How boring would your best friend be if you knew everything there was to know about them and everything they were going to do in the first 2 mins of friendship? :)
You forgot to mention the part where the stupid people are told to give 10% of their income to the people who claim to represent the people who come from the sky.
Well, digging through a short history Hindu terrorism towards muslims, Buddhism has expressed violence in the past, Islam, judaism, Christianity, paganism, Sikhism.
There's around 7% atheists globally, so your point is extremely insulting to the 93% of the world population. None of us can speak of our ancestors before ~3,100 BCE, as civilizations weren't as evolved or unified. Moreover, we look to the "sky", because the universe is God's greatest manifestation.
The universe is indeed a wonder and our existence in it is a miracle for sure. No mystical creator is required to explain it. The world would be a better place if we focused our faith on our fellow travellers instead of some absentee “God”. We only get one chance with no reruns so use it well 🤷♂️
He's not absent. Ever since I reverted to Islam, I've asked God to help me with things which I thought were impossible. My life is much better now. Personally, I have published 4 books, I've been married for a decade, and The White Bamba has music coming out (including a single which came out today)
I’m truly glad for you. I’d just counter that it’s your belief in a God rather than God as an entity that has helped you. Other, differing beliefs help many others get through this life. Take pride in your own achievements for what they are, your own! Be well 🥰
Not really. God is God. You can call Him Allah, God, Yahweh, the Great Spirit, Ahura Mazda, Zeus (and the others) etc. But at the end of the day, 93% of people around the world are worshipping the same entity. The one who expects of us to respect each other at the very least.
Last Time I checked all of these want different things from humans and humans go so far to fight each other over their god, holy something... Just a god without any characteristics seems to be an unnecessary assumption
No God wants people to fight each other. Why would a God want people to fight each other, instead of worshipping HIM? What you are suggesting is akin to a soccer team not playing together, but bashing each other instead.
Yet never mind the fact that religion has been the cause of more deaths over the history of mankind, then most plagues. I'm sure the Great and powerful God must have done that to thin out the unbelievers right? 🤣🤣🤣
This is earth, not heaven. I am perplexed as to why individuals believe that earth is meant to be a good place or that bad things can't happen. It's a neutral place, and it's YOUR job to be a good person in order to be that noble creature at the side of God.
Here's the point <•> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> here's you .
You are right, we create our own heaven or hell here on Earth. And thankfully we have something called history which teaches us that religion Is used to justify hell on Earth.
Extremely abrahamic view of religion, but somewhat accurately aligns with James Frazer's theory of culture.
To note are non-abrahamic religions practiced in cultures such as those practiced in SEA, polynesia, native america and africa, whose history doss not align with this comic as far as I know
Probably because it's such a small niche religion that doesn't affect them. Christianity is the main religion of western countries so a lot come from Christian families or live in Christian communities.
Modern Shinto is a fairly new religion and has not caused controversy since WWII. After that, it was separated from the state, and Shinto themes were blended into new religious movements.
With only 100,000 members globally, Shinto doesn't pose a threat like Christianity does
Here’s the gamble: if one follows the ACTUAL teaching of Christ (NOT Christian Nationalism) and it’s wrong about an afterlife, they would have been a good person helping and loving people.
If one refuses to believe in Christ and Christianity is right about an afterlife, external damnation.
Yeah, and if you believe in Christ and it turns out the Eternal Marble Quantum Kitten hates Christians you go to hell anyway. Pascal's Wager doesn't work.
The good intentions of Chritianity have always been perverted into twisted ideologies of violence and greed. The Crusades were mass campaigns of warfare, pillage and rape. The Thirty years War of Europe killed 4 million and created 4 million refugees. All the victims were Christians. Religion caused
100%. Power exposes true intentions, and plenty of leaders of the church have committed atrocities in the name of being holy. This is EXACTLY why separation of church and state is mandatory.
I certainly agree. But that is only a recent concept. The U.S. is the first nation to recognize and codify laws to that effect. State religion still exist in over half of the world's nations. In America crooked politicians and greedy religious leaders are now conspiring to do the same here. Outrage
Pascal's Wager doesn't account for the countless other religions and denominations that have conflicting interpretations. It also assumes that biblical teachings are all good, which is debatable. We have a near identical chance of going to a hell or hell equivalent if we account for all religions.
Matthew 25:35-36
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’”
How exactly is this the opposite of helping/loving people?
"Do not think that I come to bring peace, I come not to being peace but to spread war, I come to turn mother against daughter, father against son, brother against sister" Jesus christ mathew 10:35-36
The context of the verse is that it was a message to His disciples preaching the gospel to the Jewish community, where some would believe He was the messiah, and others would believe he was a deceiver.
One of the common things that quite a few Christians falsely believe is that every word in the
Bible is meant for them, when it’s not. The Bible is a collection of stories. There are teachings that are meant for modern day believers, but this isn’t one. The Prosperity Gospel is vile in the way it bastardizes parts of the Bible for their own gains and manipulations.
I was just trying to make a logical argument without bringing in faith. I’d rather be a good/helpful person and burn alive than be justify hatefulness and bigotry in the name of Christ.
That's just not how it went. Disagree with religion all you want but it's development is a lot more interesting and tied to what it means to be human today.
The final frame ‘growing up’ doesn’t quite capture the unsuredness thoughtfulness confusion inquisitiveness of atheists who want to live a meaningful useful ethical beautiful life.
And no I will not suck on the dummy of religion to placate me.
Don’t even say this abt all religions. I go to a catholic church(not cuz I’m catholic but for my soon to be 99 great grabdmother) Nd the priest accepts all people Nd spreads Jesus’ real teachings of acceptance
The reason there has always been a need for worship throughout history is that, as old and ancient as those pagans were, they understood that this world could not have been made from nothing, an aspect they had right. They only needed to find the one and only God and not be deceived by Satan.
I’m all for quiet religious practice until it becomes law that is oppressive to non believers. Lol, it’s a meme, you got triggered. Maybe you should calm down.
To this is I simply say, show your proof of disproving the existence of God because science doesn’t have it. Why can’t we all just get along? Next it will be favourite colours…….
Religions are the evolving ape’s attempts to understand the universe. It’s a picture of us back there in time, in our first struggles to understand where we are. We have continued to evolve and now have science and philosophy instead of superstition to help us.
science and philosophy are equally superstition, though, and every bit as fake. Superstition is always the other guy's religion. We always believe in the truth. The other guy is always misled by untruth. The formula is always the same despite random variables.
"every bit as fake". science and philosophy have allowed humans to rule the earth for thousands of years, travel to space and peer into the atom. it has provided the technologies allowing you to post your ignorance. and yet you insist it is less reliable than fanciful group delusions.
that isn't what I said at all. What it allowed to happen was for you to maliciously make false accusations against me. Not sure that's a great advertisement for "Science"
There is no "both sides" to this one chief. Science is reproducible and consistent within its field and can be changed once we have a better information/model of how things work. 80% of philosophy and most of religion is just pure stream of consciousness bs
Science is a method, no more. Any further claims for science are scientism, just another silly religion with delusions it is "proven." Philosphy is only proper as a branch of mathematics. The rest, as you say, is usueless bollocks, no matter how pretty it might appear.
science isn't evidence. Science is the collection of data, the testing of data, the evaluation of data as evidence
I'm starting to see everyone talking about science has no clue what science is, just some vague notion they have projected their ideals upon to use it as verification of their ideals.
no, those aren't science. Scientism has lied to you about that and you are accepting the illusions of scientism. They are the result of the use of scientific method. Do you not see a distinction here? Science doesn't do anything, it just sits there. People do things using the scientific method.
Science is a method of describing the universe and how it works. It is the best model we have. Sure if you want to base your life on an inferior model like a big old guy in the sky then be my guest. Don't be shocked when a bad understanding of the universe yields shitty results tho
Sounds nice, but that isn't what science is. Science is a method, a set of procedures. What it captures might be true but meaningless, just as what it misses might be essential. It's just a method, it is neither inherently good nor bad, it's useful where it can be applied and useless everywhere else
I believe religion should be to oneself as our sex lives. I believe it to be so private and intimate in our lives. Just to be discussed with the ones we trust and love
I'm not going to tell my coworker I enjoy glory holes the same way I wouldn't tell them I'm a satanist. That's too intimate for me
I do not believe you have to listen to another person telling you what you must do to be good. And to be really good, you must buy this or drop money in a dish.
I believe in science, nature, democracy, human rights, loving who you want, and that evil will eventually get theirs.
Had someone honestly say to me once “well how could you instill morals in your children without religion” uhhh what? Is that the only reason you behave morally, because of religion?
Also - moral behavior doesn’t seem to track with the lessons contained in the text anyway.
The evolution of morality as we currently know it, to be honest, has been greatly influenced by religious beliefs back in history. Completely ignoring that would be ...
Not ignoring. Just in the past. I expect my morality was based on those early religious influences. We (my agnostic partner) passed on morality to our children without the need for formal indoctrination. I'd say we're spiritual without following any one particular religion. We have room for all.
If the threat of eternal hellfire and a promise that if you're a good little simian, you'll go to an afterlife of bliss is the only reason you don't pillage the neighbor and eat his firstborn then your morals are fucked up no matter what your excuse is.
Always amazed me how the "godly" are arrested for some pretty bad stuff. Not to mention some of the stuff in the books they worship. Oy! I'll stick with the path I'm on after having religion crammed down my throat, thank you. My kids, no formal religion. Fine upstanding, caring, generous folks.
Personally, if there is a life after death, then I'm pretty sure that any individuals existing in the afterlife would have better things to occupy their time, or what is the point?
Burning in hell is not really a threat. To feel pain, you need nerve endings: these will have rotted away when you die. Your biggest problem would be boredom - the same issue you'd face in heaven.
Religion is a tool. it can be used for good or evil. It can be used as a reason to be a good person. It can be used as an excuse to be an evil person. And some people don't need it as a justification to do either good or evil.
lol i'm a transgender atheist, i know enough about that. the comic isnt even depicting bigotry, just religion in general. this reddit atheist behavior really needs to get off bsky, it comes off as arrogant and eurocentric. to say "erm... religion primitive 🤓" isnt anti bigotry its just being a dick
yes, you making or agreeing with a blanket statement about all religious beliefs and religious people being dumb makes you a dick. i disagree with it too but i'm not going to sit here and insult every indigenous religion or insult the intelligence of people who believe in god. that's real maturity.
In many cases, ignorance and superstition gave rise to belief in the supernatural; the one good thing about pantheons, however, is that nobody was out there pretending their gods were infallible or beyond human reasoning and understanding.
It's not as dumb as it looks. It's perfectly logical.
1) We evolved to discern patterns. ie : "Hunter Krug has not come back from the river. There are lion's poop near the river. Hunter Krug has been eaten by a lion. I should be cautious when going to the river".
2) In particular, we evolved to discern dangerous hidden stuff, and hostile intentions. Like a lion hidden in a bush, an hostile tribe killing isolated members one by one, a cabal of rivals plotting to take over the village and so on.
3) Which means we evolved to detect intentions, particularly hostile intentions. This is a good thing, but too much of it lead to Apophenia.
4) Then, you have to remember that science did not always exist. Imagine knowing nothing about bacteria or virus and being confronted with the plague. Imagine knowing nothing about electricity and seeing a lighting strike burning your house.
5) Same with earthquake, tempest, volcanoes and so on. Our ancestors COULD NOT imagine a "natural" explanation for this things. The earth is not supposed to quake, the fire is not supposed to fall from the sky, people are not supposed to die without cause in throve.
6) All those incredible things can only happen if something angry or evil is targeting "us". And that "something" has to be incredibly powerful. And invisible, as no one as ever see it.
What is an incredibly powerful invisible being launching lighting from the sky ? A God.
It happens but scientifically cannot describe. It is not perception. It is also real. Of course logical side of one denies it but cannot explain why. Palpable existence.
I don't know. It is not in right one or wrong one area, I suppose. But I see religion itself isn't bad but I see the people who use the religion to get what they want against what religion says. And all the blames go into the religion.
The weakness of Human psychology results in many peculiar behaviors in populations and groups. Mob mentality is different from individual thought. Religion makes a lot of claims that appear silly on their own but have appeal when when repeated by congregations of people. The gathering, the rituals
Not true. China alone is 16% of the world's population and they are 98% religion free. Europe is 600 million people and are only 50% religious. Do a demographic search of any continent and the world population is about 70% religious- and declining rapidly
Officially the figure might be. But Confucius is a Chinese, It's a social science so tendency is talking point. So, what Confucius said and did have come down and rooted deeply into the culture, ordinary daily lives. No regular worship but it is in the way of daily life interactions, I presume.
(4) Thank you very much. Today, you have made me want to become better writer. I couldn't be happier~ Good night ~ I have become better. Always open to be better~
(3) But the teachings passed down to generation after generation, smeared into the culture, the way of lives, how to interact with each other. So, it cannot be said they are religion free. When the religious teaching are already inside their daily lives in the name of culture.
(1) You are right officially the figure might be.
Also, since it is a social science area, not absolutism but tendency should be the talking point of mine.
Confucianism is one of the religions as you know.
Confucius is a Chinese. When he was alive? very long time ago.
I guess it's true that the two subjects you should never bring up at a party or a dinner table are religion and politics😃 It's bound to start a fight ultimately. We will always have our differences.
Reading through the comments to this post I am convinced of one thing, folks who do practice a faith, any of them, should probably pay more attention to the bit about not being an asshole.
If religion is about teaching people how to live in peace and harmony, there is work to be done.
Hmmm. The reverse is equally true. There is nothing positive about nonreligious people attacking those who are following any form of faith that is not money grubbing or supportive of evil.
With or without religion, there are plenty of pretexts used to justify their less than decent behaviour. A strawman comic made by an antitheist is one example.
Another example is a Calvinist who admits God decreed child rape in their deterministic theology
Weird. Making a post with the purpose of attacking others for being stupid makes people not like the person posting it. You don't want assholes commenting, don't be an asshole first. Assholes only bring more assholes and atheistic posts such as this is for the sole reason of being an asshole.
Nah, we're not doing this anymore. You don't get to simultaneously be a smug asshole and a victim at the same time. If you insult people, that's fine, but don't expect them to be nice to you. If you're an adult you know this already.
Where in any of this am I a victim, or claimed to be one?
You can be an asshole to me all you want, clearly you feel emboldened to do so, but being an asshole while simultaneously claiming piety, now that is a new level of hypocrisy.
The point was to be an asshole. I missed nothing. We know you feel superior to everyone while calling others stupid, we got that. Frame it how you want so you don't feel like the asshole everyone sees, we still see an asshole.
I think they're missing the point because they know their stance isn't defendible. They're lashing out because the image is right, and deep down, they realize it.
Here we go, your entire ethos is dependent upon the other side always being on the defense. You have no other stance and only make noise so people notice you. Billions of religious folks on the planet, billions of us and yet you focus on the actions of a couple of million so you can be assholes.
If we're making baseless assumptions about each other, let's be honest about it. You claim to have some sort of majority here, yet somehow also claim persecution. Why do you guys *always* cry persecution when people point out *obvious* issues with stuff? *Everything* is seen as persecution. Bizarre.
"Why are you mad that several million of us are bad people? That makes you a reactionary."
Also, you don't know anything about me, or my ethos. You're just using a caricature version of a small number of non-religious people, gee, where does that sound familiar? At least my argument is accurate.
Religion is an *emotional* issue (when it's not from feeble-mindedness).
Now more than ever, I'm thinking of Jimmy Carter's "deep faith". He was demonstrably smarter than almost everyone else.
Sometimes I wish I could indulge in the *comfort* of religion....
But in my autism, I'm too logical always.
Very mediocre atheist take. I'm not religious myself, but it's not hard to see how people born into a universe that has no explanation or instruction manual, and are left with deep metaphysical questions, will naturally fill in those gaps in knowledge with beliefs they find meaningful.
oh, yes. for sure. BUT i would argue that having a question does not excuse making up the answer. or forcing everyone else to believe that. under pain of death. religion has done that multiple times throughout recorded history.
and anything human beings do in groups has and will be used to do those things. not unique to religion, religion has just been the veneer for a long time as it is one of the single aspects of culture shared by people across social classes in a single society - not to say whether that's good or bad
And? Exactly where does that conflict with anything I said? Religion is a man made construct and it is used as a way to incite violence. Pretty much every religion has experienced this.
Stop arguing against made up points
That doesn't mean they are correct so establishing laws and committing genocide based on those gaps you've filled in without context on how the universe works is a bad idea.
It's criticizing the importance of religion today. Sure, in a world maybe like 10.000 years ago it is relatable. As to people nowadays unironically and really believing in a "god" it's implied that they should grow up, move on. We don't live in the stone age, ancient times or medieval age anymore.
This is especially true if you're Catholic, those fuckers have some serious moral issues.
What makes someone a cult member is being in a cult, and any religion that has a church, temple or other sorts of gathering is a cult.
Non-religious people don't have that excuse, and the good ones look out for each other.
тнат iт's onl youг тiме тнат is гunning sногт
But I'm not religious, so I don't default to pitting them against each other.
In contrast, when they believe a god made it all just for them, and that he's gonna fix it when they mess up... well.
i love the show Yellowjackets bc the Wilderness is pretty much a character/an apathetic god
like who wants to believe in "thou shalt dash babies against the rocks and stone gay people" when you can read the actually cool shit
We just disagree about how many gods we don't believe in.
"A wrong answer isnt a meaningless one."
What religion does if forge extremely strong in and out groups and yes, those were used by political leaders to keep people in line and united, but that's hardly a pro. (1/4)
There are multiple wars fought even between catholics and protestants in Europe.
3 generations ago, a catholic marring a protestant was a huge deal.
So religion divides people and for what?
So the rulers don't have to justify their real motives for war and civilization. (2/4)
You can frame that as uniting people and it may have sped up some civilization building.
But also... imagine if the egyptians did education instead of building pyramids when the nile flooded; (3/4)
Religion as justification for aggressive warfare and slavery is just an abomination
Do you believe what you preach now?
Ultimately, you're living to satisfy your own whims, born of a desire to find meaning in your oh-so meaningless world.
Will you choose to perish, having willfully found nothing meaningful to cling onto?
Is this your true purpose?
Religion + Time = Myth
Myth + Time = Cult
Aber, es existiert… weil glauben wir, dass es existiert. 😃
But the overall sentiment is not entirely wrong.
Winter Nights is a killer holiday too
I’m sure it’d be easier to start a fundraising page to get a goat.
However - on second thought, starting a cult to get it may be more rewarding.
Anyhow, while I’m here… by any chance, do you have a spare goat on you?
A way to view prayer is to imagine a conversation with a being that knows the answer to what you seek, not literally having that conversation.
In modern times and past times, this has been...
You are right, we create our own heaven or hell here on Earth. And thankfully we have something called history which teaches us that religion Is used to justify hell on Earth.
To note are non-abrahamic religions practiced in cultures such as those practiced in SEA, polynesia, native america and africa, whose history doss not align with this comic as far as I know
With only 100,000 members globally, Shinto doesn't pose a threat like Christianity does
If one refuses to believe in Christ and Christianity is right about an afterlife, external damnation.
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’”
How exactly is this the opposite of helping/loving people?
He was telling a parable of a man who went to become king, but his people didn't want it.
It wasn't something Jesus himself said.
B. The parable is an example of Jesus
One of the common things that quite a few Christians falsely believe is that every word in the
They're just in it for the condemnation, similar to what you're doing right now come to think of it.
Ooh, expect people from Blue Sky.
All hail Blue Sky!
George Carlin
The final frame ‘growing up’ doesn’t quite capture the unsuredness thoughtfulness confusion inquisitiveness of atheists who want to live a meaningful useful ethical beautiful life.
And no I will not suck on the dummy of religion to placate me.
Most Catholics voted for Donald Trump.
Your Christ is a lie, that doesn't even convince his adherrants.
But you do need God to have a meaningful purpose.
I'm starting to see everyone talking about science has no clue what science is, just some vague notion they have projected their ideals upon to use it as verification of their ideals.
I'm not going to tell my coworker I enjoy glory holes the same way I wouldn't tell them I'm a satanist. That's too intimate for me
I believe in science, nature, democracy, human rights, loving who you want, and that evil will eventually get theirs.
Karma is a bitch.
Also - moral behavior doesn’t seem to track with the lessons contained in the text anyway.
These are animists who believe that the dead are somehow watching over them.
Much like most Evangelical Christians, in fact.
Perhaps we should ask if they are not entertained?
For starters, I can see him.
Main problem is it's being used as excuse for corruption, wars, mass murders and as excuse for criminal activities like for example rape
I can respect religion as part of culture but, I have zero respect for religion, which is used to kill and/or corrupt anyone
Unless of course no7,
Ie Jesus,
Was who He said He was
Then that changes everything.
1) We evolved to discern patterns. ie : "Hunter Krug has not come back from the river. There are lion's poop near the river. Hunter Krug has been eaten by a lion. I should be cautious when going to the river".
What is an incredibly powerful invisible being launching lighting from the sky ? A God.,globe%20identify%20with%20a%20religion.
It happens but scientifically cannot describe. It is not perception. It is also real. Of course logical side of one denies it but cannot explain why. Palpable existence.
Borderline gibberish
Also, since it is a social science area, not absolutism but tendency should be the talking point of mine.
Confucianism is one of the religions as you know.
Confucius is a Chinese. When he was alive? very long time ago.
Parlez Française?
Their Christ is a lie, that has failed to convince even his adherrants.
If religion is about teaching people how to live in peace and harmony, there is work to be done.
I was only suggesting that if people of faith feel the need to attack someone for their beliefs, perhaps their faith could be stronger. 🤷♂️
Was my perspective at the time.
Another example is a Calvinist who admits God decreed child rape in their deterministic theology
If you feel attacked by this post, and feel the need to lash out, perhaps what I said applies?
Where in any of this am I a victim, or claimed to be one?
You can be an asshole to me all you want, clearly you feel emboldened to do so, but being an asshole while simultaneously claiming piety, now that is a new level of hypocrisy.
Go about your business.
You made an assumption about me feeling superior, missing the point.
I didn’t say anything except maybe we, me included, should actually live what we believe, not just wear it on our sleeve.
Have a good day.
Also, you don't know anything about me, or my ethos. You're just using a caricature version of a small number of non-religious people, gee, where does that sound familiar? At least my argument is accurate.
are so broken
they cannot face life
without belief.
But they can with it,
and I'm okay with that.
Now more than ever, I'm thinking of Jimmy Carter's "deep faith". He was demonstrably smarter than almost everyone else.
Sometimes I wish I could indulge in the *comfort* of religion....
But in my autism, I'm too logical always.
The problem is they start killing, oppressing, and controlling people that didn't fill it in the same way
Stop arguing against made up points