Bafflingly (to people posting “what kind of boy dreamed this?”) they were used in 1900 Paris. Unlike America where everyone had a revolver, weapons were strictly controlled in France. So gangs used these to carry many weapons in a single pocket.
i'm no anatomist but pretty sure if you wear those brass knuckles in a way that lines up with the curve of your hand that you will be pointing both a gun and a knife at yourself
The 'grip,' the blade, and the trigger fold up so that when you use it as brass knuckles, the revolver cylinder is basically held in your palm, and I suspect, though don't know for sure, that doing so blocks the hammer from dropping. So it's only wildly impractical, not THAT dangerous. Kinda tho.
i mean, what if you need to punch a fool AND shoot the fucker at his right, but at the same time with only one hand? This seems like it would be an excellent Gun Kata weapon (Equilibrium 2002)
the idea is to shoot your shots then get to boppin, so there's no issues with misfires possible! though generally you'd have ways to keep a hammer from falling on a live chamber anyway (empty chamber, safety notch, hammerless action, etc) to prevent accidents during carry.
Leveling my opponent with a devastating brass knuckle-jab to the jaw but it accidentally activates the firing mechanism and the bullet goes straight through my eyehole, ricocheting around inside my skull.
I appreciate the sentiment, but sadly, I feel compelled to wellackshually and point out that these things were extremely cheap (for what was, technically, a "functional" gun), and mostly used by French street gangs, lol.
I know this has its ‘doubters,’ but I could kill a ton of guys with this. Seriously. Stabbity, stabbity, stab, stab, stab. Pew, pew, pew. Pummel, pummel.
Seems like they needed to make the revolver flip over the handle. If I am beating up some dude with my brass knuckles and I suddenly see someone that I need to shoot, I don't want to waste time taking off the brassers to unfold the pistol.
For 6-year-olds, the 1800s are a comic book: completely absurd, riding a horse somewhere so that people can talk to each other. They should just use their cell phones or post something on Bluesky.
This, um ... thing I spotted in a naval museum last summer had a similar vibe. It totally looks like the most preposterous prop from a silly pirate movie.
Function -3/10
there's gotta be a fold-out fork on it somewhere
It was a Parisian street gang.
Begins to bleed out...
Was I the enemy the whole time?
Well, I guess that’s one way to stop an attacker: do the job yourself.
My dream toy :)(be scared)
Hammer can’t reach the chambers; bayonet is tucked between the barrels and the handle when in knuckleduster mode
I want one immediately