society erred when we removed the computer from its honored place in the home and ushered it into every part of our profane world. we must rebuild the temple of the Computer Room
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Our electronic overlords escaped the Computer Room in the early 2000s. Too many people prayed at the alter of the beige monolith and the demons inside were freed.
I'm giving my kid an Edbuntu computer for her 5th birthday in a couple of weeks. It's on a standalone desktop. I hope she learns to tame that wild horse like I had to do.
We did this with the front vestibule of our house and an old low-quality windows computer so the kids can learn about wikipedia and such within eyeshot of our living room
People in the 2010s made fun of me for saying "Some screens are better than others" with "Leaving bad screen to go to good screen" and history will vindicate me.
I remain convinced that in terms of sheer Pandora's Box-style social evils, all other tech developments pale in comparison to the impact of wifi & unlimited data
the internet absolutely got worse when it became EVERYWHERE and not relegated to a single point of entry. Sure we're living in a technological wonderland....but at what cost?
Give me an inexplicably heavy desk complete with a 10 cd shelf with tracks so that I can’t store anything besides a couple Kazaa mixes and a disc full of SNES roms. I want a printer drawer, damn it.
what type of cheap phone if you don’t mind me asking? i’ve been thinking of doing the same. i’ve also been wanting to separate the different utilities i use my phone for back into dedicated devices, e.g. a dedicated mp3 player and camera, carrying a pocket notebook around, etc. and thats been nice
Absolutely ruthless social media hygiene. No social apps on the pos phone. No group chats. No I won't download whatever app we all have to have now. Email me. It sucks hard in many ways and people think I'm so fucking difficult and that hurts my feelings, but the mental health boost is worth it.
Now everything is computer.
Praise the Omnissiah!!
*Binaric screeching to figure out similar for the phone lol