No it's not. I'm straight I can tell you that for a fact no it's not not everything is gay. And the affection and love that a man has for a woman straight is not gay it is passion and compassion in the form of straight. Stay in your own lane okay
So me saying my wife is my favorite person…is super gay?
But hating my wife and adoring a bro is majorly hetero.
This is gaslighting but just breathing the fumes.
The level of masculine toxicity in that is astounding. Basically anything that isn't misogynist is 'gay'. Of course, should I expect anything else from people who figure gay=wrong?
Did his microphone hand job and fellatio not tell you enough about how repressed he is? Dude only engages sexually with women as an act of power, not eroticism.
Considering Nickie Poopiepantes dates femboys, he hasn't got a leg to stand on calling ANYTHING OR ANYONE "GAY". He's just a miserable, self-loathing bisexual that women want NOTHING to do with. Same for Tate, tbph. 😂🤣
Since there are two meanings to the word I agree. After all why is it bad to be happy? And why is it bad to be gay? Two questions with the same answer. It's not
I get the feeling that IF Taint has ever been inside a woman, it's been with a strap-on 🤔 Some "men" stopped growing in the first trimester, and he seems to be one of them. Not even that swim diaper looks bulky.
George, you have an uncanny skill at putting everything into context with a single comment. :D It makes perfect sense you are the most followed/responded to account on Bluesky. Never ever stop, please.
There's a big difference between being gay and an AFC (average frustrated chump). An AFC is a straight guy who has no clue with women. That's not "gay", that's just sad.
Andrew Tate. The same guy that said he would fuck a trans woman that looks like Megan fox over a cis woman that looks like hulk hogan is calling men that loves theirs wives gay?!?!
You just know Women have always hated these two, forever it seems. So long they don't even know what sexuality actually is anymore. They are so lonely they have reached pure delusion smh. 🙏🏿
It's nice to know I'm gay. Answers lots of questions. I'll have to tell my wife now and she'll probably tell me she's always known. She's smart like that.
I tend to think that all these people who are against the gay community are secretly gay or curious. If you’re straight then why are you worried about what a guy does with his body? Wouldn’t you think about women? Or women thinking about men instead of women if you’re straight?
Let us now have a moment of silence for the generations upon generations of girls and women trapped into a lifetime of marriage these kinds of mouth breathers.
Like I’ve said before, if you want to call me gay, I’m literally not homophobic enough to care. I’ll dress my kids up in rainbows and go to the parades!
The comprehensive stupidity of this dialogue aside, the use of the term "objective fact" - demonstrates that these clowns have no idea what an objective fact is.
This is literally the evolution of a 4chan meme that goes something like “fellas is it gay to like women? After all you’re kissing someone who kisses guys.” It was just meant to be a dumb joke holy shit i can’t believe they’re making it real
And those losers wonder why their only authentic, not paid to professionals dates are with Handgela.
Effing losers: 🤦🏽♂️ “Let’s be loathsome to women?! That should get us laid!” 🙄🙄 Frigging “shave their own bodies because they’re definitely not gay” clowns.
As Hannah Gadsby said, "When you hate what you love, that's fucking TENSE!" She also called out misogyny as a mental illness, another good thing to remember right now.
The sad thing is that definitely Mr. Fuentes is gay and probably Mr. Tate, who’s at least bisexual. But because they’ve embraced and internalized homophobia and treat it as “weak” and “lesser,” they cannot live their true selves honestly and have to hide it from their followers.
Why worry about these toxic morons? Why do you give this hatred oxygen? They aren’t worth our notice and can’t influence policy- these are just distractions. We have bigger, much more important battles to organize and prep for!
"You'd make someone a nice wife!" is something I've been told hundreds of times in my life. And a 6'1" 250lb dude who does copper smithing and firearm safety instruction.
But I also will drop everything to buy friends Pads, or to make soup for them if they're ill. It is telling, I think...
... that a subset of the population finds healing, supportive, nurturing things "gay." Or that several of my coworkers over the years INSISTED I had to be married because men don't cook for their co-workers. (Side note: I was the only front desk employee invited to the housekeeper lunches.)...
Some people really struggle with even the CONCEPT of positive masculinity. Can't blame them, even "ultra-woke libruls!" love their gladiator games.
So when they encounter me, cooking up a storm for the holidays, making soup deliveries to friends, showing kids how to make soup and candles...
... I come off as queer. I give zero fucks. I love cooking for people. I love teaching and passing on skills I've acquired over a lifetime of exploring. I love HELPING people. (AAA is irritated with me: I respond faster than they do.)
If that is gay, well, bring on the sweaty basketball players.
As a straight man. How long do I have to think about women's breasts before it's gay? Will I no longer like breasts? Is it like the law of diminishing returns? So many questions.
What’s wild to me is the chase of this moving target of masculinity. Tights and doublets was once the height of masculinity and now it’s not. There will be a time where everything they hold sacred now will be of a womanly favor in the future and the future “alphas” will be laughing at them.
I'm starting to think that being an "alpha male" is sort of like a Highlander situation. There can be only one, so you have to prove everyone else is gay before you can be the ultimate toxic male.
Nope. They're training young boys & men right this moment to continue their harmful legacy. I see it in my white neighbors
teen sons; my cousin & her 2 young adult sons; boys in the high schools & middle schools--heck, even in elementary schools. They have poisoned the well for downstream effect
This 💯 it’s disgusting what they are doing on social media to young boys. My only hope is that we change the future for young girls and instead of promoting “get married have kids” we promote “be educated, don’t bother with men”
And i personally would NOT care how broken they are, except that they really want to control and break everyone else. I wish they would just sit in momma's basement and play video games and stop bothering us.
Despite being hung like a light switch and a chinless rapist, Andrew Tate never fails to convey how ill, depressed, and frail he is. What a lonely life.
Patriarchy is gay as all hell - it's just men using women as a way to preen and peacock and posture for one another. They only feel "manly" when seen as such by another male, and women are the vector. Arm candy. Body count blasting. Body building. All displays for other men.
Cars and motorcycles. Wrestling...dear God, wrestling. Sports. All the bullshit about ancient Rome. The obsession with the penis, even tho 75% of women can't get off that way. Patriarchy is a veritable pageant of homoeroticism. It's Narcissus starving as he stares into the pond at his own reflection
He told me a story about getting queer shamed for eating a banana at school in 6th grade, and it had humiliated him. I'm at the point where I consider that kind of shit a form of slow, subtle terrorism, bc it uses fear to make men deny some of the most beautiful parts of themselves. It's torture.
I got to watch my husband have the above realization in real time a couple of weeks ago, and it was pretty funny. Lots of saying omg, then long silent stares into the middle distance followed by another, more emphatic omg. I think it was really liberating for him tho.
Totally!!! MAGA is a psychosexual nightmare. I have a whole theory that the enormous penises they inadvertently watch in the course of their porn addictions leads them to eroticize the penis and then on to trans/gay porn, and that's part of why they hate LGBTQ so much. They're brain damaged.
I think a lot of them would let TP bang their wives so they could rush in for sloppy seconds just to experience his 'aura' LoL
Sort of gay by proxy.
You know how you know you're gay? You're sexually attracted *only* to people of the same gender as you.
That's it.
If you don't fall into that category, you're not gay.
Unless you're Andrew Tate - in which case you're the gayest person ever, all the time.
Men who hate women, so they don't get laid, so they hate women more, so they don't get laid even more, to the point where they essentially enslave women because they're so radically unlikeable and see the rest of us as weird for...enjoying our partners.
I wonder what they actually mean by “Gay”? Do they mean unmasculine? Do they mean one who is sexually attracted to those of the same gender? (Nuff respect, Sulu.) Do they mean showing compassion for someone and helping to make their life a better place to be?
Why do they think those things are bad?
Wait, a man who doesn’t actively hate women for just being women to the point of enjoying being married to her? Yeah, he’s definitely not straight whatsoever 😂 what clownassery
And these guys think that women are just going to take it.
Women don't have accept it.
We're such a misogynistic country. Couldn't vote for a woman even tho she had their best interests in mind. I love the Mexican pres standing up to the 🤡 and his lies, like the "phone call" he had w/her.
I used to think this was Internet nonsense but I've been encountering an increasing number of otherwise clean-looking young guys that smell like literal shit. And then they wonder why women won't date them.
It's not the gay that enlarges the prostrate. Super masculine men spin that dial to 30 to try to scrape away some of that extra prostate. If they get enjoyment out of it, who am I to judge?
I highly suggest singing or quoting the Disney hit, "We Own the Night" in response. Especially speaking the words at the as serious as a heart attack? 'So, you are the alpha? You are the leader? Would you say you are the one to trust?'
I once had a mid-level manager ask me if I was 'beta'. Not thinking an actual adult in a serious workplace would ask that, I asked what he meant, including "Do you mean like as opposed to that 'alpha' crap incels spew?" The look on his face said 'yes', and after his silence I said "What're you, 12?"
Spending huge amounts of time in the gym, with other men, half naked , oiling your self ,looking at yourselves in mirrors. Added to the women hating, has always seemed an unlikely bastion of all things Hetro to me.
I dunno, but it seems like my hub is now on the Gay-train. Loves me, loves George. Uh-oh! Should I break it to him he's gay? He might...dunno...SHRUG OR SOMETHING!!! 🤯
Oh, so the rapist believes being in love with your wife and respecting her is a “negative?” By now I hope everyone realizes this creature actually does not love his life or himself.
Being attracted to your wife apparently gay. Being attracted to a girl who's too inshape apparently gay. There's a lot of things that I thought were straight that are now gay. This is confusing. I'm confused. Never thought the right would make me confused in my sexuality.
There's nothing wrong with being gay. Never was anything, never will be anything wrong with it.
What is wrong is that these hateful folks have some serious issues for therapy to solve if they'd go.
I don’t mind either way, but he sure does!
But hating my wife and adoring a bro is majorly hetero.
This is gaslighting but just breathing the fumes.
... be consensually taken by another man?
Is that right? If so, can anyone help me make sense of this?
Nick Fuentes is the biggest pussy on this earth.
Make it make sense
We are all imperfect. We are all hypocrites. We all hate something about ourselves.
Effing losers: 🤦🏽♂️ “Let’s be loathsome to women?! That should get us laid!” 🙄🙄 Frigging “shave their own bodies because they’re definitely not gay” clowns.
And they're teaching this garbage to impressionable young men.
They are afraid of being true to themselves, so they must persecute those who can and will.
We need an edit button. Maybe on a timer. Like you get 30 min to edit.
It's pretty pathetic how these psychos try to make young men feel so terrible and try to manipulate them with their bullshit.
Tate can't even grow a chin for God's sake.
Misogyny = Not gay
I’m lost.
But I also will drop everything to buy friends Pads, or to make soup for them if they're ill. It is telling, I think...
So when they encounter me, cooking up a storm for the holidays, making soup deliveries to friends, showing kids how to make soup and candles...
If that is gay, well, bring on the sweaty basketball players.
Nope. They're training young boys & men right this moment to continue their harmful legacy. I see it in my white neighbors
teen sons; my cousin & her 2 young adult sons; boys in the high schools & middle schools--heck, even in elementary schools. They have poisoned the well for downstream effect
🚨 Empowered women are a threat to authoritarianism.
Sort of gay by proxy.
That's it.
If you don't fall into that category, you're not gay.
Unless you're Andrew Tate - in which case you're the gayest person ever, all the time.
Could dispel a surprising amount of anger?
But I'd rather be gay than a bigot using the word "gay" as an insult in almost 2025.
Why do they think those things are bad?
Women don't have accept it.
We're such a misogynistic country. Couldn't vote for a woman even tho she had their best interests in mind. I love the Mexican pres standing up to the 🤡 and his lies, like the "phone call" he had w/her.
Ew ..women. No, that's gay. I hang strictly with Alphas
(said lovingly, of course)
What does that make us? 🤔
I can't decide whether to tattoo this on my forehead or have it engraved in my tombstone - maybe both!
You know, just to groom people into thinking...
So terrified that you make it your entire personality
Subtle difference...?
Except hate and anger. Those are broful.
Doesn't that make him gay?
She’s cute
Yes, I get the irony.
Man loves man = gay.
Hating women and gay men, but loving incels = ?🤔🤔🤔🤨