I'm curious as to why he always sits like he is on a toilet. He also has his hands in a position to protect his genitals. Always. Protecting the only thing important to him?
An amendment may be proposed by two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. It must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification
I know. I’d even take a wink to the camera. I keep thinking of the antiquated yet E-Z script (which worked) given to Berlin subway riders late 90s in the event they see skinheads throw an asylum seeker off a moving car. (“So ein Verschämtheit!” /Shame on you!) If only to ameliorate the migraine?
Oh, no no no, we can only change the inconvenient ones that give rights to the Wrong People!
(I'm kidding...we know they'll change it to get rid of that pesky "well regulated" part of the 2nd to justify getting rid of what farce of background checks remains)
I have been a US citizen for over 50 years due to the 14th amendment. How does he plan to square that circle. You can’t make people stateless, but he doesn’t care. He thinks it is just people from countries that fit his racist ideology. I have a second safe country, many do not.
This is going to be a true test of his power. Will SCOTUS, the Senate & the House allow him to unilaterally “amend” (nullify) a constitutional amendment?
Well now, don't forget that he has a concept of a plan this time 🙄
I suspect that he will simply throw a random percentage of the non-white folk with birthright citizenship out and hope that others will leave. Or refuse to accept any possible proof of place of birth, like they tried with Obama
I agree, George! I never could understand how he was able to run again, especially since the 14th Amendment was made to stop anyone just like him! On the other hand, when states that tried to keep him off their ballot due to the 14th then he just had it taken to his SC to get rulings biased to him
I find it extremely interesting Conservatives claime they wanted to preserve the Constitution and have often accused Democrats of wanting to dismantle the Constitution when in reality it’s conservatives who want to dismantle it.
Again, kids, you need 38 state legislatures to enact or repeal a Constitutional amendment. The US couldn't even get the equal rights amendment for women in 10 years. And that was an easy one. So, Trump is blowing smoke here but not doing anything.
but his current wife asked for favors getting her citizenship and then after she was married to the orange she got her parents citizenship but NOOOoo you cant be born here,,,
I think you will find that the only the Native American People will qualify to be American
And yes you will be welcome in Èire when they send you back.
In the United States, the most common method is to have proposed amendment must be passed by a 2/3rds majority of BOTH the House of Representatives and the Senate. The proposed amendment must then be submitted to the legislatures in all 50 States. For the proposed amendment to pass…
Barron was born to a no citizen mother , how will it work for him , back to Slovenia ? This orange fart doesn't have any idea what he is talking about .
Just watch out for the wording what they will put out to the people to vote for. They may just include the unlimited number and length of the period of presidency. You don’t have to vote no more. Does this ring the bell?
Yep amending the constitution and making changes to an existing constitutional amendment is akin to putting toothpaste back in the tube, it’s damn near impossible.
Who is moving tRumps lips? Does he secretly receive these ideas on Happy Meals packaging?
Perhaps, he is given good ideas and just gets things backwards.
The normal mind boggles🥴
So we will take people from the country of their birth and send them to another country as an immigrant as if no other country has immigration laws, too. I’m not sure Archie B. Trump has a comprehension level above the 4th grade.
It would take years if the rule of law hadn't been overturned by SCOTUS - I don't blame you for missing it the corporate media wasn't interested in the story.
This part of the 14th isn't vague like the other part is. "Reinterpreting" it would literally just be denying what is written.
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."
It’s pointless to argue because it’s all just wild speculation. But the 14th also says that one is ineligible to hold the presidency if you have engaged in insurrection or given aid or comfort to the enemies. The scotus has also held that the federal government has no ability to tell states
how to run their elections. And yet the scotus said the 14th insurrection clause doesn’t apply because congress has not passed a law to make it apply yet, and the feds can in fact tell the states they can’t do that. So my position is I would not put anything past them.
The other thing is that if CBP agents in Texas within 50 miles of the border conduct a raid on a house with guns drawn, and they find 2 parents who are undocumented and their citizen children, and then they put the entire family on a bus to Juarez, literally who is going to stop them?
The only point of attack I can see would be at "subject to the jurisdiction thereof". This however presents the problem that whatever land someone was born on wouldn't actually be US soil.
A whole bunch of dumbasses on Twitter are arguing that all Congress has to do is pass a law redefining what "subject to the jurisdiction" means and voilà.
2/2 The 14th A is deemed “meaningless” iconic words based on SCOTUS ruling to overturn Roe, & now SCOTUS ruling that the 14th A, Sec 3, was no reason to keep 1/6/21 insurrection schemers off the ballot.
To abolish birthright citizenship, aren’t Barron, Don Jr, Eric & Ivanka, at risk, now too?
1/2 That “pesky” 14th Amendment has been the talk of many issues, like reversing Roe. Modern MAGA majority of conservative justices didn’t agree with their majority conservatives all male peers from 1972 who voted 7-2 that the 14th A was the basis of reason making Roe a law.
Our thoroughly corrupted SCOTUS added unrelated language from Section 5 into Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, making enforcement of that provision in divided government a practical impossibility. I fully expect SCOTUS to OK deportations of American citizens who were born here.
3/4 of the states have to ratify ANYTHING pertaining to amendments. Thank gawd.
What a mess this is going to be. Watching some inept dude blathering on about nonsense and blowing up our constitution for 4 years. We need to take Congress and this time make impeachment stick. Can’t BELIEVE this.
Moreover what is he even talking about??? Every interview he's done since before the debate with Biden he's been sundowning on live TV every time he speaks. He frequently looks like he has no idea where he is.
He believes that a vast majority are his nd will vote for whatever he tells them to. For the hypnotized, that’s true, and maybe, since we don’t vote in large #s in non-Presidential races, he could make this happen. What a hellscape he could create.
The birth rate of "white people" is below replacement rate. In about 10 years America, like Japan, would have to start inviting people to live here because there wouldn't be enough "white people" to do the jobs and support the rich.
@brookallenauthor.bsky.social I think the reason no one asks the next logical follow-up question is because despite the fact it's logical, the question just flat out challenges the reality MAGA tries to set, so it then becomes "combative" and "biased", and NBC doesn't want to be labeled biased.
By which I mean, labeled biased by the Right, because when anyone else says it, we're told it's an unfair criticism or given platitudes. The real joke, though, is the Right is going to call them biased anyways. They turned on Fox News when they stopped carrying water for the 2020 election.
Trump will probably have the children of illegals deported to Puerto Rico. This would be the option most seamless. Just dump them all off there. Trump doesn’t consider those islanders citizens any way. It’s a foreign country to him.
They would all too quickly make enemies of the House and Senate if they allowed it. Even the people who agree ending birth right citizenship won't take too kindly to having their own power taken away.
The corrupt SCOTUS could very easily "interpret" that the 14A was only intended for slaves and that it no longer applies today for birthright. Not that hard to legally end birthright with a complicit biased Court.
Oh there's zero intellectual or moral consistency in the right wing. They have neither shame nor care about hypocrisy. And again it's quite easy to make the counter argument they are *fixing* legislating from the bench.
They will happily stick them in cages in horrid conditions until they choose going back. And the US can bludgeon a lot of countries into taking people willing or not. It definitely will be gross and inhumane but don't think they won't stay committed to a process to do it.
They will find ways. I expect the creation of mass deportation centers here in Texas. This will be a crime against humanity. But most Americans won’t care sadly.
If he tries this, we push the SCOTUS on the obvious truth that most Americans are citizens because of birthright citizenship. Dig into any family and you’ll find an ancestor not born here. Even some of the founding fathers were immigrants.
And early on, they didn't consider Irish people to be white. Even now, Jewish people who look white don't count as white. So if they ever find themselves with fewer targets, they will just move the goalposts
The Klan would burn crosses on my great grandparents farmland. This was done to intimidate all those immigrants who didn’t speak English, weren’t white enough, and were Catholics.
I think of all the places the UK infected with its particular brand of racism, the US has tried hardest to outshine its preceptor in terms of pairing state-sponsored racist policy with carefully ignored criminal racism
There’s always a scapegoat. Once the first group is checked off the list. They move to the second, the third…until the list is complete. Nobody is safe.
✅ That’s why they’ll waste so much time!!🤣 Trying to thread a needle to get rid of others. There’s no way to exclude whites without creating unintended loopholes for everyone else.
Everyone with a forgotten 4x ggma who was Native will be trying to bank on it as birthright more than they already do. The rest of us probably don't have access to our parents' citizenship info. The $ & time spent trying to set the grandfather clause age will drag any legislation into the trash can.
I think my dad’s family goes back to the Mayflower. Still immigrants. The House will be twisting themselves into pretzels trying make it so what they propose doesn’t apply to any of them. TBH, it will be hilarious watching them squander what time they have on this.
The only way it will work is if they say, from x date forward newborns' parents must be citizens. No deportation, no proving & approval process. Just a line in the sand. But they are so full of hate and racism they'll never agree to that.
It would still require an amendment to the constitution. The republicans don’t have a big enough majority for it to pass either chamber of Congress. They’re pretty much spitting into the wind.
Thing is, why is 34 already going to official business, like to French for Notre Dame and giving out countless interviews when he's not President yet? Is it normal practice for incoming Presidents to do this.
And then he'll make it retroactive to justify deporting even more brown people. Welcome to Dystopia Bingo, where everybody has to play but there are no winners.
Has anyone sent a FOIA for Melania’s visitor visa application? She is on video saying she came to America to work and then indeed did work on a tourist Visa. Visa misrepresentations don’t seem to be on the radar.
He’s an incredibly stupid man, but smarter (and equally evil) rich men have been dreaming of a Constitutional Convention for years now. I’d I’m not mistaken it was a big Koch Brothers project since the 90s.
They took a decent word and made it synonymous with "ignorant anti-democratic white supremacists." Aside from everything else, they're wreaking havoc on the English language.
What the hell happened to @meetthepress.bsky.social and @kristenwelker.bsky.social? If Tim Russert was still alive, he’d be devastated at what MTP has become. Time to hire @nicolewallacebr.bsky.social.
This meme! ^ Section III of the 14th Amendment makes him unqualified to even run for Congress, POTUS, etc! Even if majority RW SC was biased in his favor, he is still illegitimate!
Sadly, it's also thanks to those majority conservatives on the SC who let him get away with it whenever he was challenged by the 14th Amendment by any US State!
even IF he wasnt guilty of doing this before now, hes sworn to pardon the J6th insurrectionists. pretty sure thats literally providing aid to insurrectionists.
The amazing thing is that these folks don't grasp what being a grifter does to the office, to the respect, of/for the president. Instead, they believe they're buying a precious piece of history (& I think they think he actually is aware of them, personally and individually). 🤯
How have people not figured out how his mind works to ask him questions? First, lead him to what you KNOW he is thinking, then trap his mind to answer the real questions. Don't attack him. Don't ask logic or critical. Ask questions if he is a 5th grade bully.
What's he going to do about his anchor babies. Only ONE of his KNOWN children had an AMERICAN by birth mother and the other kids were HERE before their mother's became citizens. OOPS!
This dimwit has no idea how our government works and doesn’t understand that he doesn’t have the necessary majorities to pass a constitutional amendment. Especially a very critical one.
We'll have to go back to the people. WTF does that mean? Since when does he ask for permission to do anything? These idiots don't even let the states have rights, how is he going to the people about anything?
I'd say I hope Americans are paying attention to this but the election proves they're not paying attention to anything but the price of eggs apparently.
I've said this before. The sequince that will happen is this. He will try to get the 22nd repelled.
If he succeeds, he will run for a third term. If he starts to lose, he will declare martial law to keep power.
If he fails, he will declare martial law to keep power.
He is that much of a psychopath.
He won’t be running for a third term. He will be 82 if he makes it to the end of his term. He has signs of dementia. We will see less and less of him. The rest of them will try to keep power going. But they don’t have trumps following
Oh, those pesky constitutions, always getting in the way of a president just trying to get things done! Who needs checks and balances or rule of law when we could have streamlined efficiency? After all, democracy’s greatest flaw is how it keeps power from being absolute. So inconvenient!
I'm sure the corrupt 6 on SCOTUS could pretzel themselves into reinterpreting 14th amendment to have a new definition of birthright citizenship. Just like they reinterpreted, "he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed" to mean "Republican president's have absolute immunity."
I have a hard time believing that. His entire base is head over heels in love with their guns. Their guns have more rights than their wives and children. That’s quite literally the only mistake 45 would never survive through… his base even forgave him for being pro covid vaccines (like twice).
1. He's said in interviews that he'd take guns and go through due process later.
2. All dictators eventually come after the guns.
3. He thinks he will be in power indefinitely, so he won't want an armed public to overthrow his criminal operations.
Actually, by his logic Donald John Trump might not be a U.S citizen. Fred Trump was born in the U.S. but neither of his parents were U.S. citizens. If Fred wasn’t naturalized his children with his Scottish wife, wouldn’t be U.S. Citizens either, even though they were born in the United States.
The same for Barron Trump, who was born March 20, 2006. His mother didn’t become a citizen until July 28, 2006. If Trump’s stance is that both parents must be American citizens for their children to be Americans, then his children are fair game to lose their citizenship.
Under that scenario, even if those 4 children of Trump’s were deemed naturalized upon their mothers’ naturalizations, none of them could ever become President of the U.S., thereby ending any Trump dynasty.
I wonder... if he does away with the 14th, will that set a precedent for future presidents to do away with the 2nd? And have MAGA even thought of that?
To the extent that they think about stuff, they believe that once they've won, it's permanent. No awareness that the current SCOTUS is overturning established law almost left and right.
Notice she never asks why. They just let him spout out bullshit like this without any reasoning. Same thing with tariffs. Follow up and make him show his ass or don’t have him on.
tRump's response is what you'd expect from an idiot, who's a racist who's void of understanding or the capability to learn.
He's afraid of people of color and strong women.
Doesn’t his son have birthright citizenship? 🤨🤨 I mean that *cough* woman he married is a foreigner 😏😏😏. And by that same dictum, shouldn’t she be deported as well? 🤨🤨🤨🤨
Hi kids (born in the US), you're parents are undocumented & will be deported. You, too.
Where? To a country you have never lived in nor was born in, but we're racists, so we don't care.
She should have asked if he would deport back to where his parents came from after, if he will deport Melania and baron plus all kid kids except Tiffany , also Byron Donald would be deported, and Elon musk would need to go as well
From "the illegal aliens that are criminals" to "all illegals are criminals because they are hear illegally" to "the ones that are here legally will lose their status and become illegal" to "those with citizenships will lose it too" and to "and their natural children too" to "and fuck the left"
Anyone who voted for Trump in 2024 voted knowingly for an anti american demagogue who wants to end America as we know it. They are traitors to our nation.
I find it almost contradictory that we consider being born on a certain piece of land sufficient for citizenship, but living somewhere and paying taxes isn't enough to be allowed to vote.
Birth tourism brings Russian baby boom to Miami
Social media is full of Russian women boasting about coming to America to give birth, sometimes staying at Trump properties.https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/birth-tourism-brings-russian-baby-boom-miami-n836121
Russian 'birth tourists' are flocking to Miami, and Trump condos, to give birth to American citizens.. January 12, 2018...https://theweek.com/speedreads/748344/russian-birth-tourists-are-flocking-miami-trump-condos-give-birth-american-citizens
Doesn’t this apply to everyone? He has no idea what he’s talking about and you can tell. Someone should explain the Dred Scott decision to this ass wipe.
What if this whole immigration thing is for him to deport Melania and Baron because they get on his fucking nerves? It's fucked up for the population, but that's a Dumpty Frump thing to do.
Again, he doesn't have to get a new amendment, he only needs a Sup Court ruling that overturns Wong Kim Ark (1898), and cites older Slaughterhouse Causes (1873). Racist xenophobes hated the 14th Amendment from the get go, and tried to limit it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Wong_Kim_Ark
Precisely. Thank you! Note that Wonk Kim Ark's parents, although Chinese nationals, were US residents/domiciliaries at the time of his birth. I can definitely see this SCt ruling that a child born of non-citizen non-documented-resident parents does not receive US citizenship through the 14th.
(I'm kidding...we know they'll change it to get rid of that pesky "well regulated" part of the 2nd to justify getting rid of what farce of background checks remains)
I suspect that he will simply throw a random percentage of the non-white folk with birthright citizenship out and hope that others will leave. Or refuse to accept any possible proof of place of birth, like they tried with Obama
If you want to punish people who are protected, strip away their protections.
He’s the president of cruelty. His entire agenda is built on hate because he has no clue how to love.
Do I get sent back to Ireland?
Come to think of it, I may be ok with this.
And yes you will be welcome in Èire when they send you back.
Perhaps, he is given good ideas and just gets things backwards.
The normal mind boggles🥴
Do any of you people not get it?
The plan is to alter/rewrite the Constitution.
This is the point.
And don't play the "it can't happen" game.
Cancelling the 14th Amendment with an Executive Order cancels The Privileges and Immunities. Due Process and Equal protection Clauses,
Without the Due Process Clause literally anyone can be imprisoned without trial - George Takei experienced that in his early years
The things that are there to stop him are a MAGA House a MAGA Senate and a MAGA Supreme Court.
Good luck with that.
It would take YEARS to do this.
"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."
I just can't.
The seditious six.
To abolish birthright citizenship, aren’t Barron, Don Jr, Eric & Ivanka, at risk, now too?
What a mess this is going to be. Watching some inept dude blathering on about nonsense and blowing up our constitution for 4 years. We need to take Congress and this time make impeachment stick. Can’t BELIEVE this.
It's a garbled word salad every time.
Money helps too.
So Trump rounds up all the children born here to illegals and deports them where?
What country will take them?
Cruel people do cruel things. Trump is cruel. But he’s very easy to read and transparent. Making him easy to game plan. Not bright either he is.
I think of all the places the UK infected with its particular brand of racism, the US has tried hardest to outshine its preceptor in terms of pairing state-sponsored racist policy with carefully ignored criminal racism
Melania can BE BEST somewhere the hell else.
She’s a shitty human being, period. Nothing to do with being an escort.
What's that right to bear arms argument again... 2nd amendment?
Only things that suit I suppose.
Trump has a standard?
Hold the press…
That’s new!
They keep using that word. I don't think it means what they think it means.
Words on paper?
Let's redirect what needs attention.
Biden, use your SCOTUS immunity!
He won.
Trump will want no. 22 amended #PresidentforLife
If he succeeds, he will run for a third term. If he starts to lose, he will declare martial law to keep power.
If he fails, he will declare martial law to keep power.
He is that much of a psychopath.
2. All dictators eventually come after the guns.
3. He thinks he will be in power indefinitely, so he won't want an armed public to overthrow his criminal operations.
Cabinet of hollow shells,
MAGA, fooled again.
He's afraid of people of color and strong women.
Trump lost me the moment he drew breath.
I've never pissed on a grave before, but I'm really looking forward to my first time.
Where? To a country you have never lived in nor was born in, but we're racists, so we don't care.
No, Trump & the GOP are not racists. 🤔
I don’t believe that’s his personal plan but there’s a lot of presidents now & the Maggats want it so he says it.
Only thing he wants is more money and to keep his ass out of jail. He has small and likely ridiculously soft hands.
Social media is full of Russian women boasting about coming to America to give birth, sometimes staying at Trump properties.https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/birth-tourism-brings-russian-baby-boom-miami-n836121