Does Muskkk have a death wish? He certainly pisses a lot of people off with his stupidity and arrogance…..3/4 of the planet hates him. Someone, somewhere, is gonna clip him…..I say good riddance!
When did it become cool for a foreign born asshole to attack a United States hero? After the orange a-hole took office thats when. Remember the John McCain a-hole trump comment? This country will be better off after the orange wanna be dictator kicks the bucket and we vote all his ass kissers out.
Elon confirming what we already knew. The United States president has aligned itself with Russia as its ally. How could anyone interpret the evidence differently. In a court of law the evidence would be insurmountable to defend.
Elon is a dual citizen, just to keep facts straight. That said, he is not an elected official and has political (attempted) influence in multiple countries - usually supporting far right… oh who am I kidding. Nazis. He’s supporting nazis.
Mark Kelly is an honorable man who is standing up for a country led by another honorable man.
Elon doesn't possess any honor or compassion. He may have the most money, but he lacks these qualities that no amount of money can buy.
Really, have you seen the build on Musk? Most people who can stand upright could kick his ass. His entire exercise routine is draping a 4 year old bullet deflector around his neck. Sen. Kelly would definitely do him in.
or maybe he should drive one of his new aluminum swastikar's into the ocean proving he can visit the wreck of the Titanic and let him join that ships crew with his new toy and stay there at crush depth.
Musk the Putin-boy carries on his bad behavior by accusing someone else -- anyone else! -- of being a traitor. Can't we send this arrogant, ignorant, heartless magat heelclicker back to South Africa? (Yes, I know he was in Canada first, but I wouldn't wish him on our friends to the north.)
Senator Kelly you must kick back - that drug addict MusKKK has access to Top Secret clearance and has direct to contact with Russia! How is this does not raises red flags!?!?!??
Putin needs to get out of Ukraine and stop trying to invade their peoples...his war on Ukraine is most stupid and there is nothing good about it as there is nothing good...
about war in like ever...for what good are the ways of destruction?...I don't understand why wars happen in the first I never understand's so stupid and scary...
Lone Skum is a federal employee. His algorithms he is using should be made public. He should be subject to random drug testing. He should detail he conflicts of interest. His own working/companies should be placed in the hands of an ombudsman that will service his interest. Both not allowed allowed.
This is shocking ! Musk is so full of himself … the more they speak and show their true colours the more people will hopefully see how bad they are and that they are the very traitors and threat to the USA
Senator Kelly does not need to say anything or pay any attention to Musk. Kelly's record speaks for itself. He is a true patriot and a hero; and helping Ukraine is his duty as a representative of democracy and as a compassionate human. Musk is s small man and an enemy of the United States.
I've never been prouder of my US Senator Mark Kelly. Great of him to go to Ukraine and thanks for all he's done since he's been back. As for Musk ... everything Trump touches dies.
I’m old enough to remember when GOP got their panties in a twist worrying over foreigners who brought their foreign values with them, & tried to impose their dangerous ideology on other Americans who understand the Constitution & rule of law.
Turns out that only applies to left wing ideologues.
Yeah, I explain how DT’s a XENOPHOBIC populist who exploited readily-available untapped power of latent white bigotry and grievance to ascend to power, just like Hitler did in post-WW1 era by tapping into latent resentment of “Aryans”. 🙄
Whites w/Tiki torches chanting “Jews will not replace us!” are “very fine people”, but MAGATs say they hate Muslims wanting to impose Sharia Law in US (even though MAGATs LOVE the idea of eg chopping hands off shoplifters, despite it being Unconstitutional (see 8A’s “cruel & unusual punishment”))
That 1st meme reveals MAGAT pecking order of hate, ie Palestinians are public enemy #1 after DT placed Muslims back as his top target of hate (eg Palestinian activist Khalil).
DT knows he can easily shift back to manipulating his MAGAT mob to scapegoat Jews, as they’re well-rehearsed to do it
Now he just needs to sell his Tesla and, if he owns any (highly likely) Tesla stock. Do it publicly. Maybe drop in at one of the protests going on in Arizona to announce it. The one in Tucson is peaceful, well organized, and would probably be glad to have him since Ciscomani is a no show
If the Senator is a traitor for visiting Ukraine, then Musk feels Russia is the friend and the good guys which shows just how anti American Musk and Trump are. Musk was only taken on by Trump because Musk bought the WH.
He should have known he couldn’t win against a highly decorated former astronaut. Elon can only look at rockets from the ground. Senator Kelly has actually piloted them.
and you notice none of the mission Senator Kelly has been on exploded, musk's were not even out of the atmosphere before and boom 💥 twice, so when do we start charging him for cleaning up his mess he made, I think a few hundred billion would do nicely for all the clean up now, as partial repayment.
New Canadian Prime Minister #Canada 🇨🇦
Seriously, considering ready to turning off the gas to Trump’s White House—courtesy of WGL Holdings, a Canadian-owned company. Trump’s approval of the WGL takeover in 2017 could come back to haunt him. #Politics #EnergyLeverage
Chump and Musk-rat, wage war on America and threaten our ally, neighbor, and trading partner, Canada. Who benefits? Putin, Chump’s boy-crush. That’s treason. Enforce the penalty.
Spread the word. Together we win.
Remember that Musk called one of the guys who orchestrated the rescue of the Thai football team a ‘pedo’ because the guy criticised Musks ridiculous submarine robot idea. Musk has form for lashing out with the most polar opposite insult when he feels threatened.
Some South Africans, particularly those who fled rather than joining tk remake a just and strong new nation, are excessively selfish, lack loyalty to anything but their own current interests, and are lazy and lack courage.
A traitor?? Capt Ketamine, who constantly uses his child as a shield, is a coward. Someone will get him. He's a shriveling has-been. He needs to be gone. You're going down.
Yeah that coming from a draft doger himself, the guy who fled South Africa to avoid having to do military service. FElon has no right to comment on somoene who served their country honourably.
Senator Kelly should declare his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president for the 2028 election now and start campaigning against the Republicans. Hold weekly rallies, claim the party’s leadership on popular support. Don’t wait. There’s a leadership vacuum. The time is now.
It's a shame that so many people think that Musk has brains, when all he has are sales skills, just like orange baby. You don't have to be smart to be a snake oil salesman, just remember which lie you have told to which people. But these days you can even get caught lying and it doesn't matter.
and honestly, I do not think Lex would lower himself ever to musk's level, Lex Luthor had to much respect for himself to be around immature mentally deficient individuals unless make a donation to help, yes a Super Villian but much like Doctor Doom, he deep down only wishes to protect his homeland.
I’m guessing that’s what Elon actually meant: Kelly’s a traitor to Russian Federation.
There’s no way in hell DT believes Ukraine invaded Russia: if he did, he wouldn’t have supplied Javelins to Ukraine to help the invasion (DT did it to save face after he was caught red-handed extorting Zelensky)
He and 13 other Dems, just voted for the Labor nom. He has also voted for other nominees. In this case there were R's who voted no, so if the Dems had also voted no, the Labor nom would not have gone through. Voting no is the bare minimum but Kelly and other Dems, just can't seem to do it.
What Sen Kelly needed to say was, how in the heck is a man who was an illegal, and now the richest man in the world thanks to America, who is funding a dictatorship. How does he have any right to call me a traitor?
Musk wouldn’t survive a junior league paintball match. Like literally. He would actually die. The man is made of cobwebs, and tissue paper held together by an oily ketamine crust and malignant narcissism.
Elon Musk, a South Africa escapee, has no right to call Senator Mark Kelly, a traitor. Senator Kelly has served in combat, flown into space and visited our ally Ukraine multiple times. Looking at Elon Musk‘s service record is an embarrassment compared to Senator Kelly.
The HON CAPT Mark Kelly needs a Medal. 🥇
The other is a South African Drug Addict.
Elon doesn't possess any honor or compassion. He may have the most money, but he lacks these qualities that no amount of money can buy.
-- unknown
Don't buy his Swasticars
aka picked on the wrong one
never pick on a man in army fatigues
he fears nothing
hiding behind a computer screen and a kid on his head
Just like I don't fire people before thinking
Elon Musk has devoted all his fortunes to attacking democracy and is systemically destroying our government.
But Musk calls Kelly a "traitor"!?
Musk is an Evil Fuck!!!
Turns out that only applies to left wing ideologues.
DT’s normalizing white supremacy.
DT knows he can easily shift back to manipulating his MAGAT mob to scapegoat Jews, as they’re well-rehearsed to do it
A member of the government using his own social media platform to dish out puerile, childish insults like a teenager.
Seriously, considering ready to turning off the gas to Trump’s White House—courtesy of WGL Holdings, a Canadian-owned company. Trump’s approval of the WGL takeover in 2017 could come back to haunt him. #Politics #EnergyLeverage
Spread the word. Together we win.
There is no bottom with that party. Just reprehensible in every way.
Fucking kill me.
And no 5 year old human shields may be brought with you.
There’s no way in hell DT believes Ukraine invaded Russia: if he did, he wouldn’t have supplied Javelins to Ukraine to help the invasion (DT did it to save face after he was caught red-handed extorting Zelensky)
Checks notes* crickets...
Kinda like his orange buddy.
Nazi + Oligarchy = Elon