I remember teaching phonics to a boy who could not write the letter m, until he went to a doctor in Mexico over winter break and got glasses. He came back and — voila— he could read! This is such great policy.
Why do you think you are the most powerful nation on earth? Does your criteria only include who has the most nuclear bombs? Because THAT is the only way you are 'powerful'. Other than that powerful stink emanating from your white house.
Ayn Rand and Friedrich Hayek both championed the primacy of the individual and the virtues of the free market leading to the views of Reagan, Thatcher and the Tea Party. Which in the UK led to the thatcherist views "greed is Good" and "there is no such thing as society" so the poor get poorer
The USofA has always been ruled by the elites. The US Constitution was never intended to apply to everyone, it was just meant to apply to the elites and to protect them from the lesser beings.
Because the word 'woke' was invoked, even though the people using it can't actually define it. They just know that helping others is Socialism and that's a bad thing.
Greedy oligarchs are in charge of America...because people aren't smart enough to know the difference between a politician who works for them and a corrupt con man who has a grudge.
She has also initiated a program to compensate women for their domestic labor and child raising chores. Payments will first go to the oldest and poorest.
That's what you get when you hire mediocre white men and women. They're so busy sucking oligarch dick that they forgot to work for their employers. The go along to get along plan has been working well for our employees I'm not so much for us. Anybody elected in the last century needs to go
American schools have funding for glasses, hearing aids and assistive tech for non verbal kids. The problem is they won’t tell you and you must know how to ask for it. I’m sure that’s being done away with now. It’s pathetic all the resources that were available but schools don’t let parents know.
There is a scene in the problematic Education Of Little Tree that explains it: when he gives the sharecropper's barefoot daughter a pair of moccasins and her father shows up, makes her take them off, throws them at Little Tree and screams they don't take no charity...
Never ever ask us to help you. You're not poor. Wear rags. Go without running water. Keep working. Keep tithing. God will reward you, but not us. Asking for help is A Sin. Accepting help is also a sin. Have pride in yourself.
I read an awesome article by Sapiens recently that showed how matriarchal communities had better quality of life for all society members vs patriarchal communities where men have the same quality of life but the women and children had a significantly lower quality. Empowering women empowers all!
The same goes for economics. Trickle up economics generates far more wealth for everyone. Even the wealthy do better. Trickle down economics is the snake oil of economics. It helps no one but the rich.
I'm in the UK, we have had 3 female Prime Ministers who have been awful and truly uncaring of the needs of the poorest, including children. Margaret Thatcher is still remembered for stopping free milk for the poorest school children.
The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world. Come on people ! I’m a US citizen and I’m ashamed of our government. Seems that we are being ruled by white old fat men. I didn’t vote for that piece of shit either time. Looks like if you want to get ahead you have to be white and man
That includes Republicans that don't do any good to help constituents who voted for them. But people still continue to vote same person even that Republicans keep failing them. Think for a awhile. Why is the question.
Isn't sad. This is why we always somehow have problems improveing our country. Because people voted against their own interests that could've serve and help them. We are freedom and democracy, but people chose a dictator to put us back like this. It's like they don't want a better life.
Governments that support and lift up their people will prosper. Governments who treat their people like cattle that can be used and discarded eventually end in ruin.
Too many undereducated citizens who believe that what Mexico is doing is considered communism. They believe that socialism should only be provided to the rich and powerful
The difference is that half of Americans don’t care about anyone but themselves and are indifferent to cruelty and of course most of them would call themselves Christians.
That would have made a huge difference in my life as a kid. I didn’t know I was practically blind until I joined the Navy. This is a great move by Mexico’s president. Children should not suffer at the hands of their parent’s economic inequality.
George Eastman once provided free eye exams for his employees, provided a lilac infused public park for his employees, found a symphony for his employees - all when Kodak was a thriving company. Why does Musk do nothing for anyone??? Empathy is weak to him because he has exposure to arts history phi
Philosophy. He has not seen the world in a way that is not sanitized techno dribble. His view is cold without listening to anyone’s perspective but his tiny narrow view. Dangerous.
Because the US is run by greed, and money. As well as a deadly me first attitude. And this attitude can be found in both US parties as you do not have any real leftist or social democratic parties. The concept of "for the benefit of all" seems heretic to the US, unlike in the rest of the World.
Your country don't even have a national health service free on use ( paid fairly by taxes) and in the UK they provide free breakfast for all school children.
You really want to know? Because too many are unwilling to leave their comfort zones. Too many want to be revolutionaries until it's time to do revolutionary shit. Americans are brought up on other people doing the heavy lifting. Protesting is one thing. STOPPING THIS REGIME IS ANOTHER.
I believe it is the individualism of the American people, what is good for the individual, me, me, me. Other countries are more communal, what is the best for all...there is a definite contrast in the way people think in the USA vs many mother parts of the world.
It's called the 'don't end up like a fat, toothless, stupid American hillbilly plan' wildly popular in Mexico and Canada. Someone should tell them about their rights to be dumb and blind like 'Murica.
Because too many Americans are either greedy, stupid or downright nasty (or some combination thereof) and voted for a wanna be king who doesn't give a damn about us peasants.
Mexico is behaving like a country on the way up does, like the USA was back when us old ppl were young. The USA is now acting, and becoming under tRUMP, a country in decline. Those that voted for tRUMP bc of their own greed & stupidity have locked us into a downward spiral that we must pull out of.
Yet, we all went to public schools and drive on public roads and enjoy clean air and water and live in safe neighborhoods. Everything in society requires contributions for the greater good. Otherwise, we’ll live in a shit society.
Mexican chuds in comments: Americans see you’re parroting recycled talking points. Your imported fear-mongering won’t fly —the contrast between US and Mexico’s realities is too glaring. Stop embarrassing yourselves.
Because our leaders are only interested in building their own power, not actually solving problems. The purpose of government is to solve and manage problems on behalf of the people. US leadership spends too much time trying to wrest control from the other party.
Lol. The US is leaping to the top of the shithole pile. You keep electing the worst that Republicans have to offer. Perhaps one day, you will learn, but not before the US is isolated & burned to the ground. Just don't look to Russia for help. Her work is fait accompli.
Why is tRump able to threaten people's lives to get what he wants shouldn't he be put in jail??. Enough already. Americans are not asking we're telling you this is illegal he needs to be put in jail this is not North Korea
That’s awesome, meanwhile here in America we’re about to give $4.7 trillion in tax cuts to big corporations and billionaires. Make the middle class poorer.
Because it seems like that's what it's turning into. It's weak George. It's a cowardly weak Nation, no one is taking a stand, so here we are!🤷🏻♀️ They will find out one way or another.
I mean, they elected a woman for President and they're a very patriarchal society built on machismo. Americans love their Bible a little too much and believe women are ribs from men - an accessory. Our priorities are all fkd up.
In all seriousness, I don't know why. I think a major problem in our parties these days is the US keeps voting in the crazies of each party to lead instead of moderates. The US seems to love the sensational instead of the logical.
Imagine if we voted in moderates from both sides. These are people who don't agree, but at least get along civilly and are able to work together to create real policies and make the country work instead of extremist crazies dedicated to destroying the last administration's accomplishments.
We need more progressives in government. The people that are often the problem on the dem side -are- the moderates. But they go along with anything the right wants in hopes that they get pity nazi party votes.
And for the nazi party, they need to stop supporting nazis, straight up.
I agree for Dems, but not for Republicans. Look at Trump, he's an extremist and evil Republican, but there are many Republicans who are moderates who do not get educated most of the time. And especially not for President. If the entire administration was moderate Republicans, they'd get along (+)
and work with the Democrats. The thing is, if have far too liberal Democrats (as in extremist Democrats), they may refuse to work with moderate Republicans. Normal liberal Democrats, though, would work with and get things done with a majority of moderates & a President who is a moderate Republican.
It's going to be weird in 10 years where every democratic nation has all these social programs and America is a shithole full of serf feeding money to the wealthy.
Ugh. American culture is not interconnected. We are very solitary. You could point to the nuclear family ideology as an example, even though in many multi-generational homes, the overall burden on everyone is significantly reduced (i.e. finances, childcare, elder care). In other words, we suck.
I mentoned that Denmnark has a very high percentage of multinational corporations in comparison with other Scandinavian countries. Vey successful in other words.
"They are very nice people, but they are very serious when it comes to business" was the answer.
Because decades of voter suppression and organized undermining of democratic institutions have allowed the worst of us to take control of our country and redirect our resources to themselves, the neediest among us be damned. They are evil and soulless and, sadly, in control. For now.
... and here the orange menace offers a $5 mil greencard, for what?
gun violence,
runaway corporate greed,
govt undoing advances in every field,
greedy wanting to dismantle the education system,
growing limits on our freedoms.
The enemy of fascism is the ability to acquire reliable and factual knowledge. They don't want us to read. They don't want us to learn. They don't want us to think. They want us to work and die and produce. They want us to be their dogs, breed to do the job they train us to do and nothing more.
Mexico in my view has done thing right! They are progressive and elected a woman. Unlike these SOB racist in America who will soon be dummer when education department is terminated.
none alive today remember the hard times that our predecessors fought through to give them the good times that they took for such granted. Some want to convince themselves and others that it never even happened. we;ve become so weak and foolish, shortsighted indeed.
This is just not true. I remember the hard time my predecessors fought through. Many, MANY of us do. It's just that MANY alive today don't fucking care about anyone except themselves. America's problem is not a lack of memory--it is a lack of morality.
my point was none of us experienced it, even those of us that know it happened have only heard stories, seen the documentaries, read the books, etc., few know the true horror of war, certainly not the average american sitting at home
I am not sure how knowing "the true horror of war" is related to anything.... I don't need to have lived through Vietnam or fought in the trenches of WWI to have basic human decency, and frankly it's pretty weird that you think America's problem is that we haven't had a war recently enough.
America has been thru it's good times. Unfortunately most of you were robbed from experiencing it by wealth inequality. Mexico is leaving it's hard times and entering it's good times. I'm sure trump will try to fuck that up to.
It might help the situation, George, if you and people like you stopped referring to the US as the “ most powerful nation on earth.” Perhaps on paper, but Trump has reduced you to a risible banana republic. Frankly, your country is a Third World dumpster fire.
Because we are. We have been sitting on our butts, binge-watching tv eating pizza and assumed that our government was safe and was doing its job because of the Constitution. We didn’t think that felons and grifters could disrupt that but…
We worship money. Capitalism works within certain bounds, but Government is supposed to protect minorities and long term interests, such as health and the environment, as well as stop companies from growing so big that it doesn't work well.
Because America is a nation of broken people, who have nothing to live for except the eventual hope of freedom from endless struggle, who're willing to drag down anyone and everyone in an effort to do so, not realizing that behavior keeps us all trapped.
Years of force-feeding individualism, libertarianism and distrust of experts and authority to your population have led you down a dark alley to a dysfunctional society.
They are so fortunate to have a President who only wants the very best for their country. That is why everyone in Mexico loves their President, She puts them before herself.
Because your country is badly educated, riven by class and race and prey to the most corrosive media on earth (sadly the UK resembles you re class and media).
Of course I trimmed this down A TON, but the point, ultimately, is that we got too comfortable having others do our civic duties for us.
We can’t let it stay this way.
because white Christian pride
Give to help the poor and needy!
Never ever ask us to help you. You're not poor. Wear rags. Go without running water. Keep working. Keep tithing. God will reward you, but not us. Asking for help is A Sin. Accepting help is also a sin. Have pride in yourself.
Preying on the weak and vulnerable is their business idea.
Fucking lice.
He is truly a pervert.
People are our most valuable resource and yet we treat them like widgets.
When you invest in and unify people, you really become the most powerful force on the planet.
Capital does not equal real power!
Change the narrative!
and another 1/3 of the electorate is politically apathetic
and then there are those who throw there voted away in performative protest
Elon outright said empathy is weakness, which is a perfect example.
They think they have a left party, but those of us on the outside know better.
Your oppression is their profession.
Ask Scandinavia.
For only .5% a percent a day of your total yearly salary, pre tax. You too can help a billionaire. These poor mistreated souls need your help….
The problems we face began 40 years ago, not 4 months ago
But morally weak, intellectually weak, shallow & materialistic. Rotting from the inside out.
Of what not to do.
Because we don't give out free glasses!
(Cont'd in next reply)
And for the nazi party, they need to stop supporting nazis, straight up.
For the richest nation, we do nothing for our people.
Damn near a painted ghetto.
But, I do admire the Danes.
2. Denmark
3. Iceland
4. Sweden
5. Israel
Spot the odd man out.
I mentoned that Denmnark has a very high percentage of multinational corporations in comparison with other Scandinavian countries. Vey successful in other words.
"They are very nice people, but they are very serious when it comes to business" was the answer.
gun violence,
runaway corporate greed,
govt undoing advances in every field,
greedy wanting to dismantle the education system,
growing limits on our freedoms.
all your for 5,000,000!
So many do not understand fundamentals...
And the last 5 presidents have been the best on TV. Not those with the best policies.
We are so far removed from this with a Sociopath at our helm
Happy for our Mexican neighbors
of a society.
As VP Coach Walz says, 'We call them neighbors.'
Happy weekending to you 💙😊