One reason there should be a revival of physical media is because it used to be possible to give people movies as gifts. You used to be able to hand someone Matango: Attack of the Mushroom People on DVD and then they'd watch it. You can't do that anymore and it sucks.
I've got 1400+ songs saved on my computer that I can't do a damned thing with because they fucked up the music files. None of them are MP3; it's ALL their proprietary file formatting bullshit.
Also a lot of cheaper editions of books have tiny print that's hard to read
I often do this
I still buy physical media myself, although I stopped giving it as gifts a few years back when a friend told me he no longer had a DVD player.
Always have a DVD/Blu Ray player, kids!
When you bought someone a DVD, you knew they could play it on their DVD player. That's the difference.
In audio, you can get SACDs, but the players are wacky expensive and the disks are wacky expensive and if you aren’t a 50+ YO man they won’t have the music you want.
Physical media has been around for 147 years and streaming media has been around for 29 years.
The solution to improving sound and video quality in streaming media isn't to regress to older technology, but to keep advancing.
Please tell me you don’t think you’ve watched uncompressed digital video of a movie before?
Like, even in 50 years, we won't be streaming at the quality of today's 4K discs?