The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world to abandon the light of receivers and speakers for disposable e-waste that costs _much_ more for a _far_ worse experience. Cannot stress enough how absolutely suck-ass all this stuff is compared to what you can find at a thrift store.
Reposted from
I finally got fed up with Sonos last year and got a receiver and passive speakers. It’s incredible that we had a modular, interoperable, durable sound system paradigm 50 years ago that’s only gotten cheaper, but all the hype goes towards app-mandatory devices that brick after two years.
* Still bitter that they discontinued these.
His second-best trick was capitalism.
bsky doesn't have DMs, but I'm just andrewelmore on discord if that's easier
We’re in an apartment so I don’t need a whole thing, but I’ve always wanted something nicer for movie nights
I've never encountered this before.
Were you putting them in furniture where they didn't have ventilation or something? Usually an inch of space on the top and sides is plenty for an open cabinet.
These were all the lowest end I could get that still had the features I wanted.
Meanwhile, the early 90's one keeps chuggin'.
These were all modern 4k HDMI kinda things.
I’m sorry to hear that others haven’t been so lucky.