I finally checked -- 108K words, 1176 footnotes. I am now the number one authority on the University of Texas women's basketball team in the 1970s. I know too much about it, really.
I bet what you know about the team pales in comparison to all the things you know about the world surrounding and subsequently related to the team! The array must be amazing.
Hello Wagatwe For the most nice person here
I'm ashamed to ask you for help, my heart is breaking inside but things are getting worse
Can you boost my pinned post please 🙏
Hoping there are still academics left in April for you to defend it in front of 🤞🏼…Otherwise your best denfense will be going on the offensive. At that point, of course, your subject matter would only draw the most sincere questioning from an unqualified gallery. Also, Congrats!
Oh, I remember those well. "Signed up for Calc III, forgot about it, woke up on the day of the final suddenly remembering..." Since earning my doctorate in 1995, I've had only 4 years of not living by the semester. Had a kid at 40, homeschooled him, & now he's in college, so now dreaming for him!
That was my frequent dream for years, even after getting faculty position. Then one night many years later I dreamt that it was day one of classes and I forgot to prepare my lecture. When I woke up the next morning I thought, "Thank God, I finally graduated!" 😁
It's wild how our brains operate on partial truths at night! My kid is starting to have "the dreams"... so I will be able to give them over to the next generation.
Congratulations!!! Now go have a glass of wine (or whatever your preference is) and go to bed. At least that's what I did 😁 I had no energy for anything more.
I wrote one, became a faculty member, and directed many others. You have done something big that not many people have. Huge congratulations to you. I hope you feel so proud - you earned that wonderful feeling!
I remember when I did mine many years ago, been putting it aside for weeks only to finish it all in three days, just before the deadline, I was that lazy and unorganised at the time, all went well though 😅
Good luck!
You should be very proud of yourself. I need you to know that I mean that sincerely. There is vulnerability in that level of effort. We all deserve our own love and respect, and there can be no doubt in your heart now that you have earned it.
An incredible exclamation point on the end of a long journey to this point in your life. Congratulations to you for all of your hard work and dedication! You will always cherish this experience. --- Dr. K
I'm ashamed to ask you for help, my heart is breaking inside but things are getting worse
Can you boost my pinned post please 🙏
Good luck!