barred from interstate fucking travel. anyone with a uterus is a second class citizen in potentia
Reposted from
Liz Szabo
An appeals court has ruled that Idaho can enforce most of its anti-abortion travel ban, making it the first state in the nation to do so.
An appeals court has ruled that Idaho can enforce most of its anti-abortion travel ban, making it the first state in the nation to do so.
The injunction lifted though, so Idaho will enforce the travel ban in the mean time.
Horrible law. Horrible ruling.
This is why.
This is why your children leave, never to return.
There are women trekking barefoot across Mexico for a better life. It’s not about affordability anymore. It’s about survival and this is a Country that no longer offers any guarantees.
Good thing we won the Cold War, huh. 😐
The fuck around and find out is gonna be a big deal when this gets put into law and someone TRIES to enforce it.
1. Blanket surveil to identify whose movements to track & arrest upon egress.
2. ID-check all border crossers incl. now-unblocked roadways.
3. Have cops kidnap & unlawfully imprison abortion seekers not returning & other states' residents providing Idahoans abortions.
I'm trying to think of something that's as regulated as people who can get pregnant, but I'm drawing a blank
How will white suburban women pay for those eggs?
FUCK whatever consequences they try to enforce. If your in Idaho it is your DUTY not only to disobey this law, but to prevent anyone from trying to enforce it.
Almost as barbaric as the Taliban at an earlier point.
They have been given a green light to track you like an animal if you leave the state for reproductive healthcare
How the hell did we get here with no real pushback
Why else would ANYONE choose a carnival-barking idiot over two highly qualified female candidates?
They just couldn’t stomach a girl potus.
They VOTED for us to DIE from PREGNANCY as PUNISHMENT for our AUDACITY to want CONTROL over our own LIVES.
Shitty but not the terrifying precedent it could be
Even in America money will eventually take second place to survival.
The only question is how bad do they have to make it before people break.
I guess if you have an abortion and claim the expense that’s how they find out?
It’s not illegal to travel
It might be illegal to travel to a state that offers abortion if your own one prohibits abortion
Or have I got that wrong
So next thought would be how would they know if u did that
Cant believe in bounties
Countrys going backwards
Legally you are retroactively pregnant until you menstruate, so it's probable cause. This is going to be terrible lol
Maybe roadblocks at the border of reservations.
Wait till women are caught eating poorly or taking a sip of the wrong drink once pregnant,
Do I see caged pregnant women? Hell yes I do.
Only leaving will change the landscape; not just fertile women, all women.