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If you were outraged by the crimes against civilians on Oct 7th but not by the many more crimes against civilians *since* Oct 7th - just this week: kids being burned from head to toe; having their limbs amputated without anesthetic - then you don’t actually care about crimes against civilians.
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Elon uses your tax dollars to build rockets that blow up like fireworks before they even reach orbit. Everything he touches turns to shit, and now he’s got his hands on the federal government.
When there is uncertainty, lenders get persnickety about lending money. And yes that’s an #econsky official term
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Ach guck.🙄 Das kommt davon, wenn der Wahlkampf nur aus populistischen Müll besteht. Da muss man dann hinterher zurückrudern.
Imagine negotiating with Putin and then coming out and telling everyone what bastards the Canadians are. Imagine having a brain so broken that this sequence of events is even thinkable.
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Russia demands to keep captured territory The new Private Eye is out now
With everything happening in the US right now, how safe are scientific conferences for foreign participants in the US? I think this is something we have to discuss as a scientific community. I am hesitating to register for US meetings due to the unpredictable situation. Others who feel the same?
“There is this terrible misconception that disabled people just take, but actually by taking from us, you prevent us from being able to give – we want to be able to participate in life equally the same as anyone else, and that includes going to work.” Disability campaigner Tanni Gray-Thompson