My dear friend’s niece, who in October developed sepsis when a Georgia hospital refused her a D&C after a miscarriage, will be taken off life support tomorrow.
I don’t know the names of the countless others who have suffered and will suffered because of anti-abortion laws.
But her name was Haley.
I don’t know the names of the countless others who have suffered and will suffered because of anti-abortion laws.
But her name was Haley.
She deserved a life.
Refused a D&C ‘after a miscarriage’.
I’ve reread that, each time with increasing incredulity.
My late niece would have been about her age, so if you need to talk…
They should be the ones being taken off life support.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I’m so sorry and so disgusted.
No other words.
Pure and simple.
I would sue the hell out of every person involved in this decision from the law makers to the doctors.
Wishing Haley a peaceful transition and all who love her the wherewithal to use their rage to fight in her memory.
Let this country burn to the ground
Nothing is gained by pretending this isn't happening *because* being anti-abortion is a driving force in American Christianity.
Those debates are an internal matter within the faith, and thus none of my concern as a non-Christian
These people identify as Christian, and their actions are informed by their understanding of Christianity’s dictates
THAT'S what matters to me
If other Christians have a different approach to the faith... well that doesn't change what THESE Christians are doing because of it
politicians should stay out of medical procedures.
* reposted for accidental weird punctuation.
Doctors aren’t lawyers, but we’ve put them in a position to choose between women who desperately need care and their own livelihoods or freedom/imprisonment. Most will choose the life of the patient. Some panic in the moment.
Did not have to happen
Doctors take an important oath
Hope it means more to them than the value Trump connectis to his.
Abortion rights are human rights.
But it's not a just universe. God (if s/he exists) & his followers are psychopaths, & there are no consequences.
Sending your family peace and grace
So sorry for your loss and disgusted with the people who actively or passively supported this.
I will not let them forget
Thank you for sharing this
This is disgusting and should be criminalized!
Freedom of choice about one’s own body is a human right.
Trump did this with his stacked Supreme Court.
There's a reason the Furies were portrayed as women.
No mercy for those who would extinguish the Light.
I am so sorry to hear this! 💔💔💔
And angry.
Be at peace Haley
Your country let you die and for that, there is no excuse.
States with strict abortion laws will soon be losing their medical staff. Years of med school and taking the hippocratic oath means something to Drs. Our government,…not so much.
May whatever positive force there is in the universe be with you, your friend, and her family.
This evil against Haley and other women is sad and maddening. Haley didn't deserve any of this!