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America apparently now doing the Russia-style "secret [ie totally made up] chemical labs in your country justifies the cross-border menacing we were already doing" move.

There's way too much focus on the "do liberal messages cause some people to go far right" and not enough focus on "does liberal overreach cause people to think 'well, this is thinking that doesn't help me, my community or my family at all'".

Indeed. Some of the Jan 6ers were basically McVeigh wannabes.

Now that the influential bigot who did a Hitler salute publicly claimed that organic protests against his malfeasance are secretly controlled by a list of foreign Jews, some of whom aren’t even alive today, are we allowed to call him a Nazi, or is there something even Nazier we have to wait for?

And don't get me started on people taking positions of power and expecting to be able to have the same normal lives as before.

This is so much it. There's a totally-blind arrogance (often found in business and always in Republicans) that thinks ALL of business is just the shrewdness of the people in power; that no one has any other options and businesses thrive or fail on the people who run them.

Einstein, in 1933, had a very strong response to colleagues who opposed scientists speaking out on public matters, which has been called to mind this week. I think Albert meant, we all have a responsibility to speak out against evil.

Surprisingly enough, if you brainwash people for half a century, they start to believe crazy shit

I keep thinking about this. I don't know why this didn't sink in before, but it's true. They have totally renounced Christ and all of Christian teachings. They have been totally taken in by the devil and they don't even realize it.

The ability to control mass party opinion this directly is unlike anything I’ve really seen in my time covering politics.

"Banal techno-fascism" is a great way to put it.

It's a problem when the only two people in a country are either order-abiding or unscrupulous and the unscrupulous are the ones giving the orders.

There's no way Biden could have won. He was too old! Voters would never go for that!

I always find it helpful to remember tariffs end with FFS

The man is human pollution, America's id. The international community is going to rally against this country to make sure we're hurt for decades because of all of this and we'll have deserved it.

They don't even need to *cave*. They just need to stop making these things the priority in their campaigning. The massive liberal mistake right now is thinking that you can't be in favor of something without making it your self-defining priority.

Such a coincidence that the strategy advice Dems seem most eager to accept is the advice that says: -you never need to take an unpopular position -you should continue to occupy your prestigious job as normal -you should focus on smallbore kitchen-table issues where you already have a familiar script

these people worship the devil. It’s point for point a recreation of the temptation of Christ in the Bible

The new line: yes, recession, but ... recession good!

republicans: fyi we are bombing france for being too gay and lead poisoning is now mandatory democrats: yeah? well prepare yourselves for several strongly worded haikus

Putin could not have personally done more to wreck America:

Hm, it seems like you guys feel like you entered the "negative world" right around the time you threw in your lot with a guy who is line by line indistinguishable from the Antichrist, weird

It is completely useless to point out, but just imagine if the economic things that are happening right now happened under a Democratic president.

well I for one am really starting to question this administration's commitment to free speech

Meghan McCain. Megyn Kelly. Ted Cruz. Marco Rubio. The sheer number of people that Trump has publicly humiliated and insulted - either directly or by going after their family members - and who then bent the knee to him, and sucked up to him, is truly astonishing. What is with conservatives??

I am as dedicated to fighting fascism as anyone but you still should respect the office of the reich chancellor

I see tomorrow is Friday. Is Friday going a tariff day, or a some-tariffs day, or a no-tariffs day? Or will it be some other kind of day, like an annex-Greenland day, or a Hannibal-Lecter-wants-to-have-you-for-dinner day, or an Arnold-Palmer-size day, or something else? I just can’t keep track.

There is no way to exaggerate how much the US is a bunch of spoiled children who think they get to insult and bully everyone and then are shocked--SHOCKED!--to find out no one likes them and will do anything to get rid of them.


"No no no! It's not us! WE love it. We love everything about it. Promise. It's just...well, it's the courts, see."

Said it before, but I think you have to sort of invert Marx to get current politics: A lot of rhetoric that’s supposedly about economic interests is a mask for cultural interests. They get reframed for pollsters as being about economics, because that’s a respectable thing to worry about.

"They'll never cut Social Security" is the new "they'll never overturn Roe v Wade."

The Constitution respecters are at it again

National Democrats settling on "You gotta hand it to him" as a central plank of their opposition strategy

The ones who don't are "originalists" 🙄

It’s a problem. Dems think rectitude and decorum are keys to seizing the center, but “we submit to abuse and never defend ourselves” is an ethos that appeals to approximately no one.

The trope that most empires last 250 years is hitting hard now.

When liberals say "I am NOT doing okay" or "this is all so exhausting", we expect the reaction to be "I didn't realize you were hurting". Republicans, including your friends and family, will take it as a sign that you can be completely walked over.

This piece is very much worth grappling with.

I've seen the same thing over and over at every nonprofit I've worked in: these messages get stunted by the idea that everyone needs to weigh on in them, and that by doing so, you can make it perfect and make everyone happy.

Aside from the obvious direct harm, what's so irritating is that a handful of spoiled ignorant assholes are breaking things that we all built together. They weren't content to own almost everything, they had to wreck what little they didn't own. It's vandalism on a mass scale and has to be punished

Only five votes on the Supreme Court for Article I of the Constitution of the United States

arguing about what sort of reaction Ds had to speech is stupid, irrelevant and counterproductive. the message is clear: Ds are only ones against Mr. Crazy Pants. Now get out and organize, demand town halls (even if Rs don't show), keep on Rs case (espec Collins, Tillis in Sen)

I would prefer the rule of law to survive by more than 5-4. But I'm getting used to disappointment.

Did they even try wearing the same color and expressing disappointment?

This really tells you all you need to know. They claim to support vets, and they know how to play the game with messaging and symbolism to exploit their patriotism, but every once in a while the mask slips and you see that they really think we’re just suckers and losers.

jesus fucking christ, man, it gets really tired noting this kind of thing, but "[veterans] aren't fit to have a job or aren't willing to come to work" is the kind of headline that should absolutely destroy a fucking administration and would, if that administration were led by a democrat

hey guess what trump's numbers about social security are total horseshit