America apparently now doing the Russia-style "secret [ie totally made up] chemical labs in your country justifies the cross-border menacing we were already doing" move.
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
Kevin Hassett suggests Canadian authorities are covering up major fentanyl operations: "I can tell you that in the situation room I've seen photographs of fentanyl labs in Canada that the law enforcement folks were leaving alone. Canada's got a big drug problem."
Fuck with Putin
And also support Christian fascist terror groups inside Canada
"The big lie is a central tenet of fascism." – Madeleine Albright
"The press is our chief ideological weapon." – Khrushchev
The U.S. Customs does.
Toronto, as compared to pretty much any major US city, is a paragon of clean orderliness.
(WMD: Weapons of Mass Destruction)
what the US and Britain said about Iraq?
Here, they're totally making it up, to fight an ally not an adversary, and know it.
I've never bought the "Bush lied, people died" narrative. It's historically untenable.
cool cool cool...
Trump is in the background of these photos encouraging him.
See? Anyone can say anything. Proof. Or shut up.
They wanted us to see Canadian and think the drugs were going south. NO ... drugs were moving from the US to Canada.
If LYING benefits their cause, it must be ok!
EX: “I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have!”
~ Donald Trump
HINT: If you had won, you wouldn’t need to find VOTES!
About every third millionaire in this country probably made their $ distributing, manufacturing, or getting a cut from them.
Almost all of the narcotics being smuggled across the Can/US border is being carried by American citizens.
This is also true at the southern border.
Americans are also responsible
For illicit arms trafficking at both borders…
This clown is full of shit.
When will the Jewish Space Lasers be activated?
Call Marjorie the "screaming fuck face" Greene.
She might have some up her box
Canada: 21 deaths per 100,000 population, (2023).
U.S.: 32 deaths per 100,000 population, (2022).
Facts matter.
It's a defensive alliance and, members are sworn to protect each other from invasion.
At this point, we are doing more harm than good.
Unfortunately, our allies can no longer deem us an ally.
Every American should read
There’s a chapter I’m reading now about disinformation that echoes what hassert is saying!
I don't believe anything Hassett is saying here, let alone anything from this Republican administration. Canada is not a significant source of illegal Fentanyl.
Which is it?
Will Judith Miller find the WMDs this time?
#BoycottUSA #dontbuyamerican #teslatakedown
I call liar liar, pants on fire 🔥 🔥 🔥.
No wait, Edmonton?
What’s the capital of Canada again?
Anyway, they’re going to love it when we tear down all the Trudeau statues.
The US is responsible for what it allows to cross it's borders.
Same created crisis energy.
gop always with the 'manufactured justification'.
I'm old enough to remember this lie from Bush.
But it can't be WMDs since we promised to defend Ukraine forever and for free if they stopped that program.