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CAF Reservist & general weirdo, here mostly to keep an eye on things & make smart ass remarks. I am an old. Do not expect me to always get it. He/him.
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Don’t know if there’s an alternative to Starlink, but if a couple of modern nations put their minds to it I’ll bet there’s a was to hijack the existing system…
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“They’re helping criminals…” Yeah Imma stop you right there with two important facts: a) a suspect is *innocent* until proven guilty in a court of law, and b) even criminals have rights.
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And when DOGE gets mad, answer with “Okay what’s my job & prove I wasn’t doing it?” Form letters cut both ways.
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He also accused the divers who rescued those Thai children trapped in that cave ‘p3dos.’ Why he has any credibility left at all eludes me…
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They’re trying to make a deliberate form of protest seem lazy.
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If he insists (correctly) on his title being used, call him “Madam Chairperson.”
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Thank you for your service, ma’am. 🫡
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It’s be epic if the new appointee declined the appointment & condemned his predecessor’s firing. It would be a career ender, but WHAT a career ender…
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It’s not that the dog is full of giant bacteria, it’s that the giant bacteria is cooperating to disguise themselves as a dog.
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Total Recall had Arnie wrapping a wet towel around his head…
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Probably surprised at how heavy a real chainsaw is, compared to how it looked in ‘Doom.’
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There’s a reason that gangsters were celebrities back in the Great Depression.
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The local bodegas could start selling individual eggs/slices of bologna/cups of marinara. They’d make a killing… 😂😂😂
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Trump to the man who should have been dead or in exile from a devastated nation three years ago: “You’re not very good at this.”
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Jade City is excellent! SE Asian gangster story with magical martial arts elements. Fonda Lee has a very unique take on what could otherwise be a very tired premise, and creates a caste of believable characters in a very strange setting.
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Given how much he seems to believe in eugenics, it’s likely that he thinks his job is already done.
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I’ve probably seen a hundred versions of this kind of video, and I’m always fascinated…
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This is heartbreaking… Worse, it’s started a lot earlier than last time.
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People are losing their jobs. Arbitrarily. In many cases it’s just one email then ‘goodbye.’ People with families who then get to see the owner of T3sla (the richest man in the world) go on Twitter & call them all ‘the parasite class.’ People are going to snap.
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Not that it takes away anything from Trump’s actions, but Biden was getting Panama to deter migrants by forcing them to cross the Darien Gap. What’s changed is scale & the sheer glee in the cruelty.
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In this day & age, kindness is punk.
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“Fear the government that fears your guns” takes on a whole different meaning when watching these spineless cowards bend the knee.
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Do they believe they’ll be safe if these freaks consolidate their power?
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“If we just starve them & destroy their infrastructure, they’ll be sure to welcome us as liberators! 🙄🙄🙄
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Don’t forget your oxygen bottle!
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My understanding was that the names Elmu found were just deceased SS-recipients who hadn’t yet been purged from the rolls, not necessarily people who had been receiving funds. If there is, in fact, a 150-yo on the rolls, that suggests they need to catch up on bookkeeping, not that there’s fraud.
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She should be forced to give Lia Thomas a cut of her funding. If it wasn’t for her Riley would be a fifth-place nobody instead of a fifth place victim.
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A very Nixonian vibe to this version of Penguin…
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The stories that really haunted me were the patients who, as they struggled to breath on a ventilator and death drew closer, finally “gave in” and asked for the vaccine. The Doctor would then have to explain that it was too late…
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Well yeah, a competent, experienced employee can demand a competitive salary & benefits. A newbie is not only cheaper, but serves as a scapegoat if things go wrong. Management’s big failure was letting you get too good at what you do… 🙄🙄🙄
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Too late. He doesn’t need them anymore. Hell, it’s not like really placed much value in their votes in the first place. They knew their place and voted for their betters as required. Acting like they have “rights” and can “hold” their masters “accountable” is pretty uppity, really.
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The fact that they may have bigger fish to fry doesn’t change the fact that the small fish are getting fried *now.* Or that saving the small fish now will help protect the bigger fish in the future…
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Acting as life support for a broken, failing empire as it strives to undermine your former allies is certainly…unique…
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Well, maybe those American GIs who herded Japanese Americans into camps…
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Because there’s a Simpsons scene for everything…
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Go fasc? No cash!
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The scene where he’s showing Forest the man building a boat on the roof! They can’t understand each other at all, even as they’re agreeing with each other and laughing their asses off! 🤣 ❤️
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The twisted screaming figures of the original Guernica are at the bottom of the painting being stomped on by statuesque, half nude aryan superman who appears to be descending from the sun itself. A beautiful nude woman stares up at him adoringly. Also, the screaming figures are all Jews.
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Just make sure you tie him into a fetal position first. Flailing limps produce drag & reduce the range.
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What’s the protester version of ‘Blue Flu?’ [fake cough] “I woke up feeling like shit, so I called in sick then went to the pharmacy for some cough syrup and…whoah! Who are all these people? Is *everyone* sick today? Oh no! The crowd swept me past the pharmacy! Guess I’m following them now…”
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“Dang! Why didn’t I just pick Kamala?” -graffiti found on cattle car circa 2028
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This from the guy who prefers H-1B hires because citizens might stand up for their rights.
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“Loyalty to your country always. Loyalty to your government when they deserve it.” -Mark Twain
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“The Air Force has a perfect recovery rate. They’ve never left one up there…”
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Which is why they’re targeting Trans people as the “first domino.” Small group, politically (mostly) powerless, and ill-understood even in this day & age. Ideal targets.
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The Luigi jokes got a time & place, and it’s not when you’re standing in a crowd that wasn’t asking for them.
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Sorry to hear that recovery is rough, but glad & grateful that you *are* recovering!
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This is Bond villain stuff. Literally.
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If you want to talk about people trying to fly…
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To put things into perspective, the various strains of COVID have had R noughts estimated at 1.9 to more than 6, with 2.5-3.5 being the average. Not even *close* to what Measles can do…