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NASA has several notable failures, including the Apollo 1 fire in 1967, which killed 3 astronauts. the Challenger disaster in 1986, where the shuttle broke apart shortly after launch, killing 7 crew members; and the Columbia disaster in 2003, which occurred during re-entry, killing 7 astronauts.
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So Blonde, how is the government provoking the blacks ?
Inquiring minds want to know.
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Really, you trying to blame the crash on republicans?
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You should be concerned about the Muslims in addition to the rich.
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Are you aware that its not really fish ? Its a pork conglomerate made to look and taste like fish. Something on the order of turkey bacon and a meatless hamburger but made with spam.
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He represents the winners of the last election.
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You're correct. Why couldn't that "qualified, intelligent, joyful woman of color—" and (lawyer, prosecutor, A.G and V.P.of the USA ) convice EVERYONE to vote for her?
Why did the MONSTER win ?
Maybe His message was what everybody wanted. Maybe they were tired of "woke", "DEI" and Bidens spending.
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He owned but he didn't run them.
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I would but all i see on Bluesky are people trying to out scream the other poster.
Not once have we seen any unified plan of action that accomplished anything.
It's always a "should have" meme, never a "WeDid" meme.
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Hey Frankie, more action, less talk.
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Try a help suggestion, he might need a few.
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Rick, You really need to look at your bullshit list.
You're 70% of the poor because 83% of you made bad choices.
Where did you come up with 66% and 50% and the 11% ? Any proof ?
No one is stopping you from owning land, that's your choice.
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83% of single parents is your fault. Remove that one from your needs list.
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3 months and Elons gone.
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Betsy, it's time to watch the news on TV. They're saying Alberta welcomes the idea of being our 51st. It wont happen by it does get screwed by the minute.
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How does one "rehilbilitate" a killer ? Why do we support these killers for years and years ?
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We have people arent in prison and they dont have guality of life.
My next question is can you "define quality of life" ?
"Quality of life" and "my rights" are determined by where you live.
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Because I wrote that "women can't keep secrets" after she complained that We gave Trump the nuke codes and keys.
Now she thinks I'm in favor of Russia. Some people become democrats and throw away their thinking caps. Another "Heavens Gate" follower.
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How many of those found innocent were sitting in a solitude cell with no window 23 hours a day?
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The death penalty is not wrong.
It's not as evil as locking a person in solitude confinement for 23 hours a day, with no window and no lights out.
Timothy McVey was smart.
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His body, his choice. Right ?
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Good for them. We renamed the Gulf.
Let's welcome Alberta, Canada as our 51st state.
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Please start working on your "should".
Convert it to "DID".
All y'all do is complain about what "should have" happened.
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Why so high ? 5% at max.
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Part 2. Why haven't we retrieve the astronauts that were supposed to go for an 8 days visit but are still stuck in space?
Your postings do nothing to solve any problems. You score no BLUESKY points.
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Are you saying we didn't fail when we sent up rockets ?
Apollo 1 tragedy: The fatal fire and its aftermath
On Jan. 27, 1967, a fire swept through the Apollo 1 Command Module during a launch rehearsal test, tragically killing
Astronauts Gus Grissom (l), Ed White (m), and Roger Chaffee (r)
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Yo! GOV, what rights are women missing ?
Inquiring minds want to know.
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Who's Jasmine Crockett? Any relation to Davy ?
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Isn't Canada already liberal ? Can't wait to hear more crazy liberal ideas. How about this, "if you're Canadian, you can only work the weekend night shift". Our immigrants don't believe in night work.
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I need Bluesky Admin to check if this a person is playing with a deck of 51 or did she forget to remove the 2 jokers.
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And ?
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Who said he wouldn't fight for his country?
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Well Sir, it was our choice to give them to him or the cackling jackass. Women can't keep secrets.
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We need those "Ben Afflect" accountants.
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What is AOC doing?
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How long did it take for France to surrender ?
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Now I know why people end up buried in their back yards.
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Hey Anita, you're as big an ass as Jon is.
Kennedy can't force PARENTS to have their kid vaccinated.
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THERE are 300,000 starving kids in America? Lets go protest at his golf course.
On the other hand, it's nice he won't be in the news about changing his mind.
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Earlier you said nurses were performing sex change operations at school. Please get your stories straight.
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Maybe we shouldn't let Monsanto make chemicals and sell pharmaceutical products.
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You have a pair of those sunglasses from "They Live" don't you?
Now, when those people bought the Tesla they thought they were helping the planet. There was no way they knew what the future held.
You're a sorry ass group of people.