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I hear people are calling his cars “Deplorians” these days.
Pete Buttigieg breaks down DEI for everyday folks… “The opposite of diversity is uniformity. The opposite of equity is inequity. The opposite of inclusion is exclusion.” Our problem: too many value uniformity over inclusion and they’re the ones running the government. 🧵
I've started to realize that Anne Frank and her family wouldn't have been safe around a lot of people I know and loved and once respected. That's not something you get over.
Trump just revoked my security clearance… one small problem: I haven’t had one in years. 😂 This isn’t about security—it’s about his fragile ego and petty revenge. My latest piece on Trump’s obsession with punishing his critics
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Medicare for All isn't radical. What's radical is that we are the only major country not to guarantee health care as a human right. Every other major country figured out years ago how to provide health care to all at a much lower cost. Please don't tell me we can't do the same.
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NONE of this is normal
What do you call humans being kidnapped and sent to another country to be imprisoned in shackles and forced to perform intense physical labor while living in horrid conditions under the threat of daily physical violence and rape? Open a history book. You can do it. I believe in you.
WOW! AOC and Bernie Sanders just held the Biggest political event in Denver since Obama 2008.
Couture: 700 billion in fraud that only he could find, yet hasn't produced the receipts… this is all about undermining your confidence in the program’s legitimacy so they can raid that trust fund
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This will be Paul Weiss' most enduring shame. Performatively denouncing an honorable man and a former partner in order to please an autocrat. "Paul Weiss has acknowledged the wrongdoing of its former partner Mark Pomerantz."