Welcome to Bluesky! Some ground rules if you’re just coming over from that OTHER site:
1. Podcasters aren’t a punchline here. When they speak, we listen. We don’t make jokes about their masculinity.
2. If you see someone making fun of podcasters, speak up. Silence is violence.
1. Podcasters aren’t a punchline here. When they speak, we listen. We don’t make jokes about their masculinity.
2. If you see someone making fun of podcasters, speak up. Silence is violence.
Hit the RPT button, if unsure.
Podcasters are the NEW Mimes
New mimes for new times.
[spons] O'Keefe's Working Hands & Lucozade Sport
Oh and crypto. We frooking loooove crypto.
"I love your podcast and have already subscribed!"
2. Silence is violence. Hey; that's got a ring to it.
2.01 Some podcasters believe they are funny but aren't.
Are we allowed to point this out? How?
Just want to conform with all Intertube traditions.
I might learn something accidentally.
I can barely do the latter, the former might kill me.