The bored-faced figure has more of a growth mindset, it's just that they're smarter than the 'hm' figure and realize that the project is a waste of time and resources that will not happen anyway.
Had a resilience webinar this week where the bloke was talking about your resilience bucket. How you could make it bigger and more flexible. That’s not how buckets work, think he might have been getting confused with the anus
Work part time at a church and they do a yearly "leadership conference" and this year we had to interpret this image (yes I'm applying to so many fucking jobs)
Very insensitive of you to omit this, but designing these trainings provides important jobs for the most gormless dipshits in the world. Think of the dipshits!
I once put a picture of bacterial meningitis on my office door after having to attend a company meeting on "growth mindset." Management was not amused.
They skipped over the part where you need to analyze everyone's DISC or M-B personality profile and tailor your message specifically to optimize those behavioral tendencies from person to person.
I would like to file an anti discrimination suit to establish that I - of fixed mindset, pessimistic nature, extremely introverted, definitely not a team player and resistant to change - am a protected class and it’s illegal to attempt to change my immutable characteristics. Will you be my lawyer?
I once did a talk about how TV shows work - which I illustrated using animals (production managers were flies because "they get in your shit"). I triumphantly finished with a viewing of this classic from Charlie Brooker. I don't know why they didn't ask me again...
back in my pizza hut days we had meetings where we were asked to recite a corporate slogan and confirm that we were "100% C.H.A.M.P.S.," (Cleanliness, Hospitality, Accuracy, Maintenance, Product quality, and Speed of service) but eventually that wasn't enough and they added "with a YES! attitude."
My thought exactly - she’s not really winning until she’s talking about mice and cheese. Or fish throwing in Seattle.
Gawd, now I’m suffering work PTSD
At an old factory job I had every year when it started to snow we had to watch a video called "Do The Penguin!" which was a 10 minute video explaining how to safely walk on snow/ice because they didn't want to pay to salt and plow the whole parking lot
(to be fair, using *salt* is bad for the environment. It pollutes the groundwater and corrodes the infrastructure including the parking lot surface and waterways. as an alternative, while they don't melt the ice, sand and gravel help with grip while being safer environmentally)
Nah, you gotta outsmart them "Neither, the one with the growth mindset skipped the meeting to actually work on the project instead of contemplating if they want to work on it hard enough"
At first I was kind of having trouble conceptualizing this but I think I get it now. You can imagine the two people as sentient mice, right, and the project is the idea of cheese. Now maybe you're asking, why would a mouse be bored at the idea of cheese? And that's really the thread to pull to unrav
How is this worse than I thought it was going to be? I guess that sums up everything right now, "worse than I thought it was going to be" and I have GAD, catastrophizing is my jam. That's how bad this video and everything is right now.
Damn I thought it was a Viagra commercial, with the cheesy production values, the unhappy couple in bed, and all those arrows shooting through things. Probably an apt comparison come to think of it.
The most enraging thing is they didn’t follow up “2: You can choose to SURVIVE… OR…”
“1: You can choose to THRIVE”. Why are you saying “be a success” the rhyme is RIGHT THERE, you can still bring your weird prosperity gospel in there later, where you get paid in casino chips I guess
look, corporate work isn't that bad if some knobhead from management doesn't try to sell it as some kind of transcendental, spiritual calling of the highest level.
it's a job, try to motivate people and provide them with what they need to succeed. that's it. it's a job, not ayahuasca.
Make sure your "Hexagon of Aims" is not a hexagon. Extra points for writing this on a whiteboard, adding "DO NOT ERASE" to it and leave it for the next meeting.
Growth mindset has been debunked for like 5 years!!!! This is my Roman Empire. Growth mindset is just law of attraction or power of positive thinking with the serial numbers filed off. It’s bullshit. I cannot describe how much it pisses me off to still see it floating around.
For me, it's "learning styles". I stg if I hear one more person with an advanced degree and a six figure salary explain how they are a "visual learner", I'm going to lose my mind
Bored face. 100% of their energy is going towards thinking about growth and there is no leftover energy to send signals to the facial muscles to make a hmm expression
obviously it's the bored figure. have you ever encountered people more easily bored than "founders"? Elon Musk is one of the most incurious and readily bored human beings on the planet
Ooh, that’s a niche I never thought of as an illustrator. I bet I could make shit like “Team work makes the dream work” look amazing. And pick pretty colours for charts and Venn diagrams.
i'm an 80s-90s gal, plus in vet med, so meetings are always live and in person, never on-line, even during the pandemic.
Gawd, now I’m suffering work PTSD
“1: You can choose to THRIVE”. Why are you saying “be a success” the rhyme is RIGHT THERE, you can still bring your weird prosperity gospel in there later, where you get paid in casino chips I guess
it's a job, try to motivate people and provide them with what they need to succeed. that's it. it's a job, not ayahuasca.
I am so worried about not achieving a growth mindset
Here's an example