Ryan has failed at protecting children, parents need to step up their game in defense of their children’s’ rights…Schools forcing students to do anything, EVER; should always be unacceptable to parents whose childcare responsibilities&on whose shoulders the burden of guilt ultimately falls upon
Tyrant Trump is selling HIS bibles? Trump gets a kickback? Not legal. IMPEACH THIS GRIFTER. HE IS A CROOK! The RED use GOD to make money. Despicable. Forcing religion and right wing craziness on people will not improve education. It will HURT it more.
She and I and a few others I know are examples that it is possible to escape the bigotry and close-mindedness of KY once you get out of there and away from all of the brainwashing. So very few back there grow up with open minded parents who teach them to be critical thinkers.
I’m sure my parents really regret encouraging me to go to college at this point. I left home a straight Republican girl and ended up a lesbian Democrat living in CA. Dad can’t accept the Democrat part. 🤣
What is the point of having these fascists in a network news show. Just report facts - Oklahoma is 48th in education and money is being spent to support Trump, not kids education. There’s no defense for this so don’t give him a forum to lie and kiss the ring in hopes of a better job.
Is Walter’s also admitting that OK history teachers have not been able to teach about the Constitution and Bill of Rights? But now they can since the Trump bible includes those documents? Hallelujah. No wonder OK test scores are rock bottom.
I can’t wait until we find out what skeletons he’s hiding. Because these guys always end up being either gay (which is fine, obvs, but hypocritical in his case), or a child molester (not fine), or a serial philanderer, or a domestic abuser, or involved in financial shenanigans, or *something *.
He doesn’t give any data/evidence to back up that bibles will improve education or that there is record growth in his state. Unfortunately she doesn’t ask for any either.
Remember when Pres Obama gave an address to students & republicans lost their💩saying he would “indoctrinate" schoolchildren with "socialist ideology?”🙄FL GOP said schools were forcing kids "to watch the president justify his plans for government-run health care, banks, and automobile companies…”🫤
"... Record numbers of schools are improving here in Oklahoma."
But they don't have those special Bibles yet, right? An improvement from a No. 48 ranking means what?
OKIE DRINKING GAME --> Listen to Walter's Faux News Comedy Show and drink a shot of tequila with a splash of ivermectin every time he says "WOKE" or "RADICAL LEFT" and you'll be ready for that date w/your 2nd cousin in no time!
He wants to remove "liberal" education from his schools? He and his ilk have ran those schools for decades. Plus, the founding docs are FREE everywhere.
This isn’t helpful at all. He gets to spew his “Trump mandate” shit regardless of her pushback. Just because a public official does something stupid, doesn’t mean they need to go on TV.
The Republicans have been in charge of education in Oklahoma for DECADES! How is their failure anyone else’s responsibility?? It’s just not. It sits squarely on the shoulders of OK Republicans.
Want to see Ryan Walters? Really? Go to “The Lost Ogle”. Find the story about Ryan’s closest adviser, the just retired gay pornstar. Ryan is a very sick person.
Want to learn about little Ryan? “The Lost https://Ogle.com’
Ryan is a real chode. Go back and find the article in there about Ryan’s closest advisor! You couldn’t make up a story like it if you tried.
I live here. They took away the summer free lunch program. He’s an idiot and we all LOATHE him.
Plus, we are tired for paying for his vacations and his Grindr accounts 🙄🙄
You can tell he doesn’t care. He’s going to do whatever he wants bc he can and everyone else (incl. the parents and kids he’s supposed to rep) be damned. Let’s see in a couple years how those Trump Bibles have changed their 48th ranking.
For years, our Sheriff has had "Through God We Serve" on patrol & school resource officer vehicles & nothing we can do about it. The Constitution does not apply here anymore. This is in NC. imagine what this guy will get away with in a super-red state.
Every document he cited as being in this bible that make it worth the $60 are available for free. I’ve lost count of how many bible I was given FOR FREE in middle school alone. This is just him giving his buddy $6m
This is one of many clowns in our state! He’s a young earther, believes the universe is 6,000 years old and dinosaurs took orders from Noah! There’s no turning around in this state, we’re already parked and out of gas!
Putting together video threads on Bluesky like this one 👆 is a breeze thanks to SnapStream, the premier tool for social media video. If your company or organization wants to clip like me, click the link below for more info and to set up a demo. (end 🧵)
And for anyone curious, here’s another article explaining why he did this under $25k, so he could skirt the normal bidding process and purchase the Trump Bibles without any pushback. Sick
There was no prayer in schools in Maryland or Virginia in the 80s-90s when I attended. There's not "bringing it back" if it wasn't there in the first place.
No prayer in the 50s and 60s either in school, has there ever been? I would, bet not in public school. Isn’t there a constitutional amendment about separation of church and State? His ignorance will be shot down by the SCOTUS. So will the one in Louisiana. As we know GOP doesn’t care about laws.
The reason for Trump’s book is they had no copies of the constitution or the declaration of independence and they couldn’t find it on the Internet. The School system is just learning about Internet down in Oklahoma.
I attended public schools in Montana, South Carolina, Massachusetts, North Carolina, North Dakota, Illinois, and Florida. 1963-1976. Some really good school systems, some not as good. Not once did we have prayer in schools.
I attended public schools in Illinois in the 1960s and '70s. No prayer (except for "under God," which was added to the Pledge of Allegiance in 1954).
My two older brothers attended Catholic elementary schools. They're the reason my parents sent me to public school.
Same but in the 70s and 80s. In fact, at my high school, an evangelical student club tried to bring a pastor on campus during school hours to lead prayers and they were told in no uncertain terms that was inappropriate.
This nice Jewish girl was born & raised in Oklahoma. I had a 4th grade teacher who made us say the Lord’s Prayer everyday & had to read the Old Testament in my Senior Honors English class. Supposedly, it was only as literature. My Southern Baptist teacher called me an atheist because …
Were you like me? Shocked to find out prayers and Bibles were ever a thing in schools at all? I went to school in CA in the 60s too, and then OR in the 70s. Never heard of it.
I was talking with my dad about this, and he said in Portland back in the 1960's they were forced to walk across the street to the church to do Bible study.
Small-town New Hampshire public schools in the 1970s. No prayer in schools, ever. Pledge of Allegiance, yes. Religion was taught in either the one of the two Protestant or the Catholic Churches in town. There was no question they were separate entities (education and religion).
I'm in the Lakes Region now (school in MA). Why are so many screaming, "Bring back prayer in schools!" when it was never a thing to begin with?? It's baffling to me.
Unless you went to public school before 1962, I doubt you would have had recited classroom prayer. The SCOTUS found it unconstitutional that year. The next year they declared school-sponsored Bible reading also unconstitutional.
Thank you for clarifying my memory. I do remember praying before eating lunch and at the end of the day in kindergarten and first grade, which would have been 1959-1961, but not after that. Now I know why.
Tennessee public schools had The Lord’s prayer recitation in the 60’s. I was exempt on religious grounds, one of the few good things about being raised in a doomsday cult.
My maga-leaning, nonreligious dad was going on about this ("We need to get Jesus back in the schools"), and I asked him how exactly Jesus was in the schools in 1948-60. Were there Bibles? A crucifix above every doorway? Ten commandments hanging on walls? Prayer? Mass?
Hell even here on Kentucky there wasn't any official prayer in schools in the 60s or 70s. There was a bit of unofficial prayer because some teachers & principles beat us kids like we were rented mules. I kid you not, one used a boat oar, another had holes drilled in the paddle...
Ok, I agree beating draft animals like mules, rented or not, or indeed any animal, is more than wrong it is a sign of disturbing psychological deviation at best...
I keep yelling this every time someone says bring back prayer to schools! I went to schools in CA, MN, SC, SD, TX, FL & a DOD school! We did not pray in any schools that I went to.
I did, too. Never, ever was a prayer uttered. It would have been like saying the Pledge of Allegiance during Mass. Wasn’t done. There was separation of church and state. The Christian Right wants a theocracy here.
My parents attended HS in OK in the 60s and they didn’t have prayer. I attended HS in OK in the late 80s and very early 90s and we didn’t have prayer either. He’s lying.
Had a great-aunt that taught English in the late 1930s-1970s. Very religious woman. She had a fit when they added "under god" to the Pledge of Allegiance.
I went to schools on Air Force bases in the 50's and 60's--no prayer in schools. For a few months while waiting for housing. It was segregated, named for a confederate colonel, and my 5th grade teacher and the principal were anti-Semitic. Prayer and Bible verses were mandatory. It's not patriotism.
We didn’t have prayer in our schools either. Prayers and Bibles were banned from schools back in the 60s because they were declared unconstitutional under the first amendment
Same here for public school but my parents sent me to private school. I don’t remember praying in the Evangelical school I went to but we did have Bible Study as the first class for an hour. For High School I was sent to Catholic school. No Bible Study but we did start off with a Hail Mary.
I attended school in Arizona so, yeah... It was prayer then changed to a moment of silence so we could all pray to "our God of choice" but different teachers decided which God that was. And were never confronted by anyone. #DontObeyInAdvance
I attended parochial school (Lutheran) in the 60’s and we were taught the importance of separation of church/state. This bible stuff is full on evangelical grifting. They don’t know it yet, but that earns you a seat in hypocritical hell.
Nor in the late 60s and early 70s when I attended school in Georgia. There was a prayer club for those so inclined, but never a public prayer and never saw a Bible that I can recall.
I attended FL panhandle schools from 1978-1988 & they squeezed in prayer whenever they could: before school sports events and practices, at student assemblies, at pep rallies, in “clubs” and extra-curricular. A lot of individual proselytizing by coaches and teachers.
Sure by that time there were Supreme Court rulings to remove organized prayer. Although any student could say a prayer or lead a prayer group. Before the 60s though, I guess it was pretty common in the South at least.
Prayer in some state schools started after the Birch Society convinced Catholics and other christian groups to join their war on drugs. Under God was only added to the Pledge of Allegiance in the 1950s. Beware there are millions "home schooled" today. See the John Oliver spot on it.
Why doesn't she push back more on the lie that Democrat have taken the bible/prayer out of school?? Christian prayer and bible reading was never a formal part of publicly funded education. That's what private Christian schools are for. It blatantly discriminates against non-Christians
I hope the teachers have the balls to either refuse to teach it, or at least cover all other major religious texts first, then the Bible if there's time left in the school year. The burger King and his maga nuggets want to go back to 1950.
- a teacher and a Catholic
Churches are always giving away free bibles. They’re generally cheap, for a reason, spreading Christianity. You can buy a nice one, if that’s what you want, but cheap/free bibles are everywhere.
Ryan Walters should be investigated for wasting tax money on $60 bibles.
He needs those founding documents? Sounds like anything related to Civics will be tossed and replaced by the Chinese Bible. I wonder what the tariff on it will be?
I love that the constitution and bill of rights are in there since America and Jerusalem were such strong partners during this time. Finally a Bible that tells the true history ✨
Believe you can get pocket guides to the DofI and Constitution for free. So paying $60 a pop for things that can be had for free or for half that is straight CORRUPTION!
That a$$hole is auditioning for Secretary of Education. And once Trump realizes how much profit he can make from having bibles purchased for the entire country, he might just pick him!
Well, shit. You can buy a Bible and a copy of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence for far less. Of course it’s two books, as it’s meant to be.
The declaration of Independence, Bill of rights are all in the Constitution are all free on the internet. Oh, and so is the Bible. Taxpayers shouldn't be paying for crap. And keep the Bible out of the schools, unless you choose to send your kid to a parochial school.
Paraphrasing Sorkin "7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, ... We lead in only three categories: incarcerated citizens per capita, people believe angels are real, defense spending, where we spend more than the next 26 countries combined, 25 are allies."
There was prayer in elementary school in Washington and Arizona in the 80s but then it went to a minute of silence with our head down which most kids slept lol by late 80s there wasn't a moment of silence anymore and this shouldn't happen again, separation of church and state.
The Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence are all available for free on the Internet. May I recommend https://constitutioncenter.org . Comes with teaching points, too.
What in the official FUCK does the Bible have to do with actual American history? Christians - you have to see how this does more to hurt your religion than it does to preserve it or attract people back to it.
Dude is just making up his own reality. The Supreme Court has ruled numerous times that you cannot teach religion in school period. He has no standing.
This is how MTG, Boebert, Goehmert and the other looks get in and keep winning. All because an R after their name. If Jesus himself ran but under a D he would lose.
Probably win? He WILL win. He’ll do what they always do right before elections. Start taking pics of him at church with his family and they’ll fall for it and he’ll be elected.
What a bully. They all are. I honestly don’t know how we are going to deal with it because they feel so emboldened with Trump. I don’t want these people in my life.
Somebody needs to check those bibles and read that Constitution and Declaration of Independence and make sure they are word for word true copies.
I wouldn't put it past that monster to make his own desired changes to them.
The Chinese Bibles cost Trump $3 each. He is selling them for $60. That’s a $57 profit on each book. Oklahoma is ordering 55,000 of them. That’s a $3,135,000 taxpayer funded kickback to Trump to promote the personal political ambitions of Superintendent Ryan Walters.
How many teachers could they have hired for $3million? Not only would that directly impact students, but improve the economy of the communities. This money goes out the door to Trump and accomplishes nothing for the state of Oklahoma. What a pitiful waste.
WTF is wrong with The Red side? The man breaks every law and every commandment and yet they BELIEVE him ? WTH Christians? You obviously weren't taught the same morals I was
Sure would be nice if trumdedumdumb knew what was in that Bible he's hawking, when he talks deportation,,, when the Bible talks about "welcoming the stranger, for we were once strangers in the past.. or "whatsoever you do to the least..you do to me" or on Statue of Liberty,,give us your poor..
Something very dishonest and possibly illegal about this. If they really needed the Bibles, why not get a regular book seller provide them rather than be party to chump essentially stealing 3 million bucks? Someone should sue those responsible.
Multiple video reviews analyzed by MeidasTouch revealed that notably missing from the Constitution in Trump’s Bible are the amendments following the Bill of Rights which make up the Constitution’s first 10 amendments.”
If this holds true with the Bible’s delivered to Oklahoma, it will probably cost the state more when someone sues their procurement process that violated the law the state created to make this happen. Edited versions of the constitution are not the US Constitution.
That video has to be in the top ten of disgusting displays of Trump sycophancy I’ve ever witnessed (not to mention a clear violation of the first amendment)
Good for those pushing back on this clown.
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼Precisely! I found it hilarious when he was asked about his favourite verses from the Bible only to respond that he’d ’prefer not to say’…Yeah right! 😂
It’s amazing how brainwashed MAGA has become to buy Bibles from the anti-Christ. Ever seen the “Book of Eli”? The Bible or religion can be used in nefarious ways to control people especially when they don’t understand it. It’s been used by cult leaders in America before. KJV will be hard for MAGA
Schools throughout Oklahoma school districts are refusing to do this guy’s bidding so not sure where the Bible’s will go but it’s guaranteed that he’s making money from the grift.
Isn't there an anti- kickback statute for this situation? In healthcare, violating AKS is a felony:
Jail time
Up to 10 years in prison per violation
Up to $100,000 per violation, plus additional fines of up to $50,000 per violation under the Civil Monetary Penalties Law (CMPL).
The far right doesn’t want their tax dollars going to places like Planned Parenthood that support abortion but they can take tax dollars from everybody else to pay for Bibles ? And forced Christianity ! Indoctrination? In “school” ? Not church ,, school! Math , English, History, Christianity 🫢
And you call yourself a 'Christian', Mrs. Bowers?...
Just ask yourself, "What would Joel Osteen do in this situation?" Clearly, he would do exactly what Superintendent Ryan Walters has done. Just as the Lord intended.
Pretty sure that Trump just endorsed these Bibles and it's Lee Greenwood or someone who is selling them. So Trump himself isn't getting a full $57 per Bible out of this deal. Let's try and be factual in our criticisms of the grifter-in-chief.
What if your child's parents are of a different religion or none at all? What happens to that child during whatever they plan to do with those "bibles"?!
How will teachers explain to children why there are using bibles from a racist, non-Christian, convicted felon, conman who brags that he can “grab women by the p***y”becz he’s famous? And who will explain the absurd cost to the parents (taxpayers)? Or do they care (MAGAS)?
Ryan Walter’s is obviously pandering to Trump. Showing his “loyalty”. It’s disgusting. If trump nominates Ryan as Department of Education, I am going to freak the f*ck out.
As a Christian this is so offensive...you shall have no other gods before me. These people are playing God's face. God's word has to share space with an individual nation's? Gtfoh.
The “God Bless the USA Bible” does not include the 11th through 27th amendments of the Constitution, thus omitting the provisions that abolished slavery, granted the right to vote to women and Black people, and limited presidents to serving only two terms.
"I testify to everyone hearing the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone should add to these things, God will add unto him the plagues having been written in this book."
Revelation 22:18
Graduated from a public HS in Missouri in 97'. We never had prayer. Just the Pledge of Allegiance in grade school. Used a bible for 3 weeks in high school as part of an English Lit class. It was more a set up to discuss Western 'Jesus Christ' trope in literature.
He is complicit to the theft of $3 million from the taxpayers of Oklahoma. That money could have been better used to achieve better educational outcomes from the students in the state. What a waste of money. Fiscally responsible conservatives!
I wish she had asked why they are OK with putting a book in the classroom that talks about rape, incest, adultery, killing babies, killing children, and lost more violence.
So this guy thinks a printed Constitution (which surprise! always comes with a free copy of the Bill of Rights) and a printed Declaration of Independence are worth more than $30. Are there no photocopiers or printers in Oklahoma, or does he think there are copyrights on these very public documents?
Wait they made a bible WITH AMERICAN History in it? So Mormonism… 😂😂😂😂The Bible has NO connections to American History… not in the way they think anyway.
All these documents are freely available online. Why are we killing trees to print them? Also, nobody needs the full text of the Bible to cover the basics for a grade school education. Most of the relevant information about the history of Christianity isn't even in the Bible.
I prayed in school, but I attended Catholic school. I’m also sure he’s not including the Hail Mary, the Memorare, the Rosary in his list of school prayers. So whose prayers? He better be careful what he wishes for.
Aren’t they around 49th in education and test scores? Maybe they should rethink their priorities. Reminds me of convention of home schooled families on tv. No teens could multiply. But Jesus something something something
So instead of printing the bill of rights and constitution on regular paper for each classroom the way the civilized states of America do it he wants to incorporate religion into the bill of rights and constitution. The exact thing the constitution stands against. Real intellectuals in his party.
So the textbook the Oklahoma schools use for American history & American government don’t include the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, or the Amendments?
"If the parents or guardians cannot be bothered to teach the child their specific denomination of faith, why do you insist on forcing public schools teach a generic version of their faith, especially since it may contradict their chosen denomination?"
I grew up in North Florida. If you had told Southern Baptists that, for example, a Catholic was going to teach Christianity to their child, their heads would have exploded in rage.
Rev 22:18 - I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book,
Any self-respecting public school already has the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights available as teaching tools. So, nope!
Nothing pisses off phony baloney fake Christians more than those pesky 10 commandments and the teachings of Christ! REPUBLICANS - TAKING CHRIST OUT OF CHRISTIANITY!
No wonder this state is ranked nearly dead last for education. Sad for the kids. When I compare this to my child's education in a "blue state" that includes rigorous math and literature, critical thinking, and media literacy, it's night and day. Only half the country is getting an actual education.
I believe it’s missing key components of the constitution, such as freeing the slaves and women’s right to vote! Not to mention the whole separation of church and state thing. Plus trump doesn’t have a mandate with that close of an election. Why can’t journalists ask these questions?
This lying sack of turds wrote an RFP for Bibles that contain the founding documents, which of course describes Trump Bibles and no others. Another Christian who will be rejected by the bouncer at the pearly gates.
It's clear: they don't read the constitution. They don't know what's in it. They don't respect what's in it. They don't want soldiers or government loyal to it. All they care about is whatever Trump wants. It's a death cult.
If he gets public schools buying them by the truckload he won't give a crap about the tariffs because the taxpayers will be paying for them with no recourse. He would then care less if Bubba can't afford one, though Bubba would still buy it to go with his $400 sneakers
I’m going to lose my mind. The question IS NOT about Trump Bibles (and why does my phone not just explode when I type that?) it’s about buying bibles for schools with taxpayer money! Democracy will die when you chase the wrong story.
He’s bucking for Sec of Ed. Oklahoma, 44th in education in the USA. What better candidate than one who is responsible for turning out HS grads who are uneducated.
Oklahoma Republicans opted out of federal summer food program for school kids ..Meanwhile, Walters will spend $60 a pop for Trump Bibles.
Elon/Leon should begin his government efficiency budget cuts at red state levels.
Unlike Trump Bibles imported from China, prices for regular Bibles range from $5.19 to $24.29 on Amazon. Suffice it to say that Christo Fascists will deprive senior citizens of Social Security benefits, Medicare and food programs to offset the cost difference of $35.71 to $54.81 for Trump Bibles.
Having the Bible and following it is two separate issues. Apparently they want their students to go back to the 1800 so they can’t compete in the job force today. There are only so many hours of instruction in a day. Can’t the parents read?
He seems to delusional while separating himself from the fact that he is part of the system and administration that has failed those kids. The state that is number 1 in educating their kids (MA) followed the same legislation that they did and yet OK is 48th.
Let's start with this one then...
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem
In the name of God the most Mericful the Beneficent.
Oh Nourisher and Provider of all things.
We offer our thanks and gratitude for this food, and for those who prepared it.
Oklahoma ranks 49th in education, it's shameful to think they have any say in how our young people should be given guidance. Perhaps they should leave that to someone else who's actually qualified.
Hmmm does the prayer need to be silent?? "Dear God, Allah, El, and Elah please protect us from evil men in school board, please save us from rapist in white house...Amen and Ameen."
The numbers currently are a pop vote of 50.1%, which is likely to decrease, so not only doesn't he have a mandate, he likely only won due to voter suppression and minority rule usually doesn't work out great for the rulers.
He got a lot of Muslim voters who are angry about the Gaza situation. They thought a Muslim hater would work to stop the genocide of Palestinians. Now they’re crying.
And possibly vote rigging. Sounds like sour grapes after we’ve heard so much unsubstantiated rhetoric about cheating in 2020, but there is some compelling evidence that machines were hacked.
Vote rigging how?
Right now the only countries/states that keep on counting and cranking up new numbers and ballots are by Democrats. And we're week and half after the election already.
Yeah I'm not surprised you're linking some Reddit sub to support this bullsh*t. That site is absolutely a self-condirming echo chamber.
Also voters filling different parties down ballot isn't some weird inexplicable phenomena. It's been happening for many years & can easily explain the swing states
Lol the only thing that's weird here is that obscure youtube video. That keeps on verging on the obscure & amorphous claims to raise doubts about Elon Musk and voting machines (which doesn't make sense).
Sounds more conspiratorial and unhinged than typical anti-vax/Alex Jones stuff on the Right.
not non-citizens, citizens that were not required to show proof of citizenship. It is still illegal for non-citizens to vote in a Federal or state election, only exception is a local issue. Besides, why would someone risk deportation for a vote.
Yeah that's the point. You can't remedy that from happening when you literally outlaw the process by which to prove who is or isn't a citizen. Yes federally it's illegal. But Democrats seem not to care about that on the state level.
Where there's no enforcement, you can't prove it isn't happening.
22.1 million people don’t have documentation. With the hurricanes and fires it’s probably higher. It’s illegal to vote if you are not a citizen, they also check your address against other data. Our data is are on computers, fat chance of getting away with illegal voting.
There's pretty much one lone Left wing 'non-profit' think tank that commented about it, & sent identical talking points to all establishment media agencies to publish "fact-checking" pieces of that concern in July/August.
It doesn't disprove the legitimate concern that that law isn't fully enforced.
This demonstrates how the right and left see the world through very different windows. The reporter asks what legal authority justifies forcing students to read the bible - a policy that blatantly violates the Establishment Clause - and the school official describes the question as gaslighting.
Oklahoma is 44th in education and 50th in test scores, so students will have a problem remembering the prayers, & they’ll never pick up the Bible they want in all the classrooms
Went to Public schools all through the 60’and 70’s. We only recited the pledge of allegiance every morning. Do they do that anymore? I know it says One Nation Under God. Anyway, we never prayed. The only school that started the morning with a prayer was at my daughter’s elementary parochial school.
Wait. Are Jewish prayers included? How about Muslim prayers? Other lesser known religions? What about no religion? Must they sit through prayers to an entity they don’t believe in?
Back in the 90s, in the Florida county where we lived, the council voted to open council meetings with a prayer. A Jewish council member promptly invited the high priestess of the local Wiccan coven to pray. The council quietly dropped the whole prayer thing.
I’m 67. We had a morning prayer on the PA system in junior high/middle school and high school. Also, on the PA system before football games. This was at public schools in TX. Madeline Murray O’Hair ended that! It didn’t bother me that it stopped.
Those things do not go together, and it's a craven plan to make them appear as if they do. As with personhood language, Christian Creep will be attempting to convince students that the Founders were all ardent Christians when they were very, very much not.
Does Donald Trump have a favorite prayer, or maybe just "all of them"? No, "I wouldn't want to choose," he'd demure, BECAUSE HE DOESN'T KNOW a single solitary one.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”, Declaration of Independence.
The constitutions purpose is to provide a framework for the creation of a government. The government is not the nation, it’s a product of the nation. The Declaration of Independence states our rights come from God. That is not an enlightenment concept.
It’s funny how his argument about left wing ideologies completely leaves out how dominant MA is who voted entirely blue in comparison to his state who voted all red
Man. Fuuuuuck this agenda. I mean if you need religion that’s cool but they’re literally forcing it on everyone at this point in an attempt to “reject leftist ideology.” They can get fully fucked.
Gen X here — prayer was never in school during my lifetime. This weirdo needs to stop jerking off to Little House on the Prairie reruns and rejoin reality.
Praying for Trump? Is this why he wants to arm teachers and send armed veterans into schools? So children are forced to pray for the President at the point of a gun?
Let’s start by praying this prayer. God help us Americans to fight the evil one that has come. I believe God that by your word as we speak to fight and overcome evil with good
Also even if he did have a larger win, it doesn’t mean the American people are clamoring for every insane idea somebody pitches in his name.
“We will require Christianity in American life because trump won”. Absolute lunacy
It was in some. Until SCOTUS ruled it violated the establishment clause of the 1A. No confidence this Court will uphold that precedent, either. But so far, the lower courts are.
In my third grade in Texas one of us would get picked randomly to say a Bible verse. The teacher called on me and I quoted the verse ‘Jesus Wept’. My teacher gave me a frown but it was after all a verse. Public. school in the 50’s.
BC became officially secular in 1989; unofficially it was secular long before. I remember the lord's prayer in my elementary school in the late 60s, but I don't recall it at all in the 70s. FWIW, religion has absolutely no place in public education and religious schools should get no public funds.
Yup, we said the Lord's Prayer at assemblies in the 1980s at my publicly funded, non-Catholic school in Ontario. I was surprised as hell the first time.
I went to around 7 Michigan public schools during the 80s and 90s (we were poor and moved a lot) and we never had to pray in any of them. My siblings are a decade younger, grew up in a conservative-leaning suburb, and none of their public schools held prayer either.
It was same in UK back then. But we are founded as a Christian Monarchy, we just progress to function more as a secular representative democracy over time.
Unlike that other nation that gained independence, founded as a secular republic, and regresses closer to Christian Monarchy every day since.
And Catholic Schools receive funding based on enrollment.
Which means a significant swathe of students are non Catholics
They will excuse you from things like Mass, and generally offer things like World Religions classes in case you don't want your kid to take a Catholic specific religion course
Apparently so, it was over 40 years ago all that went on and I have smoked alot of weed in between lol I was just commenting to the one person who said it never happened in Canada 😁
It depends on where/when you grew up. I started elementary school in Texas shortly after SCOTUS ruled in Engel v. Vitale. The principal recited a Christian prayer over the PA system each morning, and students were expected to bow their heads and say "amen."
We were subjected to religion in UK schools (in the 70s/80s for me). The result was that pretty much everyone left school as an atheist, in my circle at least.
Everything looks bad, the “other” side will hold the levers of power, innocent and good people will suffer. But for example, bibles and prayer into schools might be worth not fighting. They want it to be a culture war fight delineating sides and ignoring the specifics. Intellectual jiu jitsu maybe
Ironically, Jesus taught to pray in SECRET, right there in the Sermon on the Mount when he taught The Lord's Prayer #Matt6. The church does not want it known that prayer is supposed to be secret because they gain money and power by show-christianity.
Well, I think you are wrong about that. In central PA public schools in the late 1950s and early 1960s, a passage from the Bible was read along with the Pledge of Allegiance. I think Bible reading came to an end around 1964. Individual students could be excused from their turn to do the reading.
Prayer was in public schools up until the 1962 Supreme Court decision in Madeline Murry O'Hare's case. But as George Will pointed out in the early 1980s, "As long as there are math tests, there will be prayer in the schools." I laughed at that, because it was so true for me!
Why the F does #CNN platform this community theater wannabe who is doing all of this exclusively as his audition for DJT to be named Secretary of Education???
What I find intolerable about this stunt is the fact that he can’t recognize the whole separation from church and state but then if we’re gonna go ahead and bring payers back into school, are we gonna be inclusive of other religions and why didn’t he buy any other religious books?
Catholic schools are closing left and right. Why don't these ppl send their kids to parochial schools to support them? Are you going to make a Jewish or Muslim kid say the Hail Mary?
I am not sure why the citizens of Oklahoma would give the superintendent of schools so much authority.Obviously,with their education level in the state he is not performing his job very well.Chump does not make decisions for us all, time to hold them accountable to the citizens agenda, not their own
The Bible has no place in our public schools. Especially with all of the different children of different faith (and non-faith). America was founded on the idea of freedom of religion.
it was.
Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962), was a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court ruled that it is unconstitutional for state officials to compose an official school prayer and encourage its recitation in public schools, due to violation of the First Amendment.
That’s prayer, not the Bible but also that’s a local level situation. Not national. And was only around (in certain schools) for about 10 years. So no it wasn’t engrained
Remember, Trump is a non-denominational Christian. He chose that for one reason, he doesn't have to defend or go by any church rules, nor attend any church services.
He is neither an athiest nor a theist. He only believes when it helps his pocket.
Brad Henry was Oklahoma's last Democratic governor. He left office in 2011 & Oklahoma was ranked 17th nationally in education. Depending on your metric, they now rank somewhere between 47 and 50. This is by design and they're giving the blueprint for other red state governors to tear down public ed.
Trump does not have a mandate. We need to push back on that hard.
We also need to uphold separation of church and state, which would prohibit prayer in schools, bibles in schools, and posting the 10 commandments as this religious zealot wants.
I’ve watched this guy for years now. What he lacks in intelligence is easily offset by his christofascist approach to indoctrinating Oklahoma children even if it involves criminal conduct.
Exhibit A of Your religion isn’t my religion & why the Founders forbid the establishment of a state religion
What's the ranking of Oklahoma public schools? Are we still at a 4 day school week? Are qualified teachers still in mass exodus mode? Let Oklahoma be your model for mass failure at educating society to be competitive on a global market bases. Any beta male who disagrees hasn't a f'ing clue.
Tick tock Ryan, based on how hard he is policing others and that every accusation is a confession with MAGA, it won't be long before a scandal breaks about him... Those skeletons in your closet are dying to talk! 💀
Hey MSM, try this next time: "Mr. Walters, you belong to a fringe cult that was created less than 200 years ago to justify slavery. Your theology is based in racism. What do you say to decent Christian parents who don't want their kids exposed to your heresy?
But they don't have those special Bibles yet, right? An improvement from a No. 48 ranking means what?
Letting Ryan "Pick Me" Walters on CNN is the whole game. That's what he wants.
Ignoring this mediocre grifter is the only response. (and also letting Genter Drummond take a crack at him in the courts)
separation of church and state
"we pray"
"go for it"
Ryan is a real chode. Go back and find the article in there about Ryan’s closest advisor! You couldn’t make up a story like it if you tried.
So, they won’t be teaching anything about Jesus. Gotcha.
Plus, we are tired for paying for his vacations and his Grindr accounts 🙄🙄
Separation of Church and STATE !
that's why you're bottom! lmao
The orange motherfucker has been 10 years saying how shitty America is.
RYAN WALTERS: The bible, declaration of independence, and constitution are all included in this bible that we purchased (3/4)
I hope he is sued from here to the moon and loses his position.
I know he's calling it history but there's no reason to have the bible itself there just to discuss how it affected the country.
The idea of "bringing it back" makes no sense unless they believe in the idealistic view of the 1950s and making the country a "theocracy".
& thanks Aaron, we're proud of your work on every platform!
My two older brothers attended Catholic elementary schools. They're the reason my parents sent me to public school.
He was...nonplussed (OG def).
Separation of CHURCH and STATE !
In fact, I had no idea what religion most of my classmates practiced, if any.
Maybe that's one reason why my class is still very close 45 years after graduating.
Unless that’s what that early “Home Period” thing was, a class you sat in for 15 minutes early in the morning
- a teacher and a Catholic
Ryan Walters should be investigated for wasting tax money on $60 bibles.
This guy is 48th out of 50 in intelligence.
The discussion is now the cost of the bibles and that cheaper ones can be found elsewhere.
THE POIINT is that no religious books of any kind belong in school. The idea of bibles in school has already been tacitly accepted.
That a$$hole is auditioning for Secretary of Education. And once Trump realizes how much profit he can make from having bibles purchased for the entire country, he might just pick him!
When Republicans complain about "wasteful government spending" turns out they're just talking about themselves.
Paraphrasing Sorkin "7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, ... We lead in only three categories: incarcerated citizens per capita, people believe angels are real, defense spending, where we spend more than the next 26 countries combined, 25 are allies."
I wouldn't put it past that monster to make his own desired changes to them.
Them pews don’t fill themselves.
Didn't trump say that??
Worth repeating!!
Not even in office yet, but the grifting has already begun!
Multiple video reviews analyzed by MeidasTouch revealed that notably missing from the Constitution in Trump’s Bible are the amendments following the Bill of Rights which make up the Constitution’s first 10 amendments.”
I saw the invoice posted somewhere.
Still an enormous waste of taxpayer money.
Good for those pushing back on this clown.
Nice collusion- I mean intersection of interests
Jail time
Up to 10 years in prison per violation
Up to $100,000 per violation, plus additional fines of up to $50,000 per violation under the Civil Monetary Penalties Law (CMPL).
Why not profiteer?
I would bet that the $3 per Bible included shipping from China.
I should've seen that coming.
Thank you.
Just ask yourself, "What would Joel Osteen do in this situation?" Clearly, he would do exactly what Superintendent Ryan Walters has done. Just as the Lord intended.
You’re probably right
Inflation is now called GRIFT
sycophant. Pathetic.
Revelation 22:18
(Skunk Anansie)
Let the grift grow!
Took 24 years.. and we didn’t prepare
Average blue state student's answer:
The current consensus is that an asteroid impact was the primary cause.
Average red state student's answer:
What's a dinosaur?
Will people get Donny to sign them "into law" as proof of white Jesus's defeat of non-white demons?
Surely there is a law against that.
But we know the point was to line Trump’s pockets so whatever
"If the parents or guardians cannot be bothered to teach the child their specific denomination of faith, why do you insist on forcing public schools teach a generic version of their faith, especially since it may contradict their chosen denomination?"
He "forgets" that tell that bit.
Elon/Leon should begin his government efficiency budget cuts at red state levels.
3rd from the bottom.
Does this AH truly believe that a guy who only goes to church for weddings and funerals and Sundays are for golf wants religion in schools?
Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem
In the name of God the most Mericful the Beneficent.
Oh Nourisher and Provider of all things.
We offer our thanks and gratitude for this food, and for those who prepared it.
What kind of prayer?
What religion...
Yes, I know what he meant but the door is open.
I say that as somewhat of a feeble twerp myself
Right now the only countries/states that keep on counting and cranking up new numbers and ballots are by Democrats. And we're week and half after the election already.
Also voters filling different parties down ballot isn't some weird inexplicable phenomena. It's been happening for many years & can easily explain the swing states
Sounds more conspiratorial and unhinged than typical anti-vax/Alex Jones stuff on the Right.
Where there's no enforcement, you can't prove it isn't happening.
It doesn't disprove the legitimate concern that that law isn't fully enforced.
"Or we could just Crusade them.." -Deus Vult guy
-John Adams, Treaty of Tripoli, 1797
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”, Declaration of Independence.
Electoral votes don’t accurately reflect anything.
Kids deserve so much better than this.
It's America's Christofascism. Not anything else.
“We will require Christianity in American life because trump won”. Absolute lunacy
I'm 63. And Catholic schools should be abolished.
Unlike that other nation that gained independence, founded as a secular republic, and regresses closer to Christian Monarchy every day since.
Each moves closer and closer over time to what the other was at that point.
Took World Religions throughout instead of Religion (Christianity focus). Got to visit Mosques, Synagogues, met with local Sikh & Buddhist orgs
ExperiencesI'm thankful for and made me a more tolerant less militant atheist
It was a nicer school, with better resources.
Aside from the dress code, it was surprisingly light on indoctrination
Which means a significant swathe of students are non Catholics
They will excuse you from things like Mass, and generally offer things like World Religions classes in case you don't want your kid to take a Catholic specific religion course
We don't really have the same hard right religion in school crowd like the US does.
The public funding for Catholic schools is a weird impact of the Constitution act (1867).
I think Ontario ruled it a violation of charter rights in 88/89
And --- Trump said a lot of vile stuff in the past 2 years, but 'prayer back in schools' was not a prominent policy position of his.
Fuck Ryan Walters.
Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962), was a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court ruled that it is unconstitutional for state officials to compose an official school prayer and encourage its recitation in public schools, due to violation of the First Amendment.
He is neither an athiest nor a theist. He only believes when it helps his pocket.
He has however many man dates. Like the one he went in to the boxing match over the weekend.
on what planet?
In the '70s the Gideon Society quit passing out Bibles to public school students for this very reason.
Make them defend a theological choice.
We also need to uphold separation of church and state, which would prohibit prayer in schools, bibles in schools, and posting the 10 commandments as this religious zealot wants.
Exhibit A of Your religion isn’t my religion & why the Founders forbid the establishment of a state religion
Sweet baby jesus.
What a jackass this guy is.