Hegseth’s lies, projections and dodging are predictable because - as with all Trump nominees - it’s the ultimate test of loyalty. It’s also the means justifying the ends just as with the Nazis.
They -Sen Repubs are so afraid all the information will come out. Refusing to meet with Dem senators, FBI failures to interview involved victims of Hegseth’s assaults, his financial mgmt.
Sen. Wickler should at least raise his right hand in the proper salute if he elects to do the Fuhrer's bidding and foregoes his responsibility as an elected Senator.
This hearing is a farce. FBI background check incomplete for this raping alcoholic white supremacist. It reminds me of the Kavanaugh hearing. Soon I expect him to say “I like beer”. Hegseth refuses to answer yes and no questions and pontificates on how wonderful he is.
I can’t believe I’m going to say this! PH will be the defence secretary loyal to Trump NOT the constitution. He will get the job because none of these senators really have the balls to defy Trump! They don’t have the balls to laugh PH out of the room, ridiculous waste of time for an obvious outcome!
Honestly, that smirk on his face. The smirk that says, "I know the system is unfair and benefits white men and we are gonna keep it that way. "
He likes that he's unqualified and getting the job anyway. That's what the system stands for.
Just sharing this article from 2021 #MilitaryTimes. Recall that Senator Mike Gravel read the Pentagon Papers into the Congressional record and was remembered for this action throughout his life. One-man filibuster.
Yeah, well the last two didn’t have records of probable rape, mismanagement of funds, alleged abuse of alcohol. These mild mannered men are facing serious problems with Hegseth and they sit there like school teachers in front of the principal. 🤦🏼♀️
Why didn’t the FBI do a thorough investigation of Hegseth? Just like they didn’t do an investigation into Kavanaugh. You can bet Kash Patel will throughly investigate any Democrat.
Yeah: because more information about Hegseth would only serve to scuttle his fucking nomination! Gotta keep the members of the SENATE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE as ignorant as possible to further the GOP agenda--let me VOMIT.
They don’t want the full Congress to know the results of his background check. We paid for it with our taxes , we should all have access to the report. It is our lives they will be putting in danger .
There has NOT been much discussion about this! There has been tons of press and speculation, but this very short hearing is the only legitimate chance for everyone to question and find clarity. Let make it so. Don't dust anything under the carpet - put it out in the open.
Why even do the background check if committee members don’t get to see it?!?!? Certainly if it was a glowing reflection of him, it would have been shared far and wide.
Senator Wicker, 73, has chaired this committee since 2007. Why are there never any limits on these fuckers holding power? Why aren't the dems introducing legislation to limit committee terms?
So, basically, the GOP is making this an almost rubber stamp exercise for Trump’s unmitigated disaster of a nominee. No second round of questions, no meetings with Dem members, no access to the background check . . . This is bad 🤨
Reed: "All of your public comments don't talk meritocracy. They talk about liberal democratic efforts that are destroying the military, 'those people are our enemies.' That's not meritocracy. That's a political view. Your goal as I see it emerging is to politicize the military"
There will be mass resignations of high ranking military leaders. Then we will see military members dying en masse due to unqualified partisan flunkie drunk leadership.
The completely unqualified nominee talking about meritocracy when he's only sitting there because he is a white supremacist, misogynist sycophant who promises to carry out any order trump gives no matter how unconstitutional or illegal.
Hegseth was forced to step down by two nonprofit advocacy groups that he ran, Veterans for Freedom and Concerned Veterans for America in the face of serious allegations of financial mismanagement, sexual impropriety, and personal misconduct. He spent organization money like it was his own cash.
That someone who has the character and history of this man will likely be confirmed by GOP Senate demonstrates how deeply deranged our politics have become.
He and his handlers were afraid to meet with committee members. For a guy who purports to be offended by lowered standards for women he sure does seek out lowered standards for his own purposes. What a joke - he runs away more than Josh Hawley at a “peaceful Capitol tour”
Are you watching the same hearing? Reed looks like he’s got one foot in the grave. If we harnessed all the electricity coming from the guy, we might be able to toast some bread. If given a year. He’s terrible.
I think you may be talking about the chair or Angus King who Hegseth bowled right over. I still feel Reed did a good job in his opening however, Hirono really took hegseth to task
@atrupar.com does an incredibly valuable public service, but tbh, I couldn’t get through all his Hegseth posts yesterday. Too sickening and disheartening.
Extremely well rehearsed answers. He has been trained for hours on how to answer the questions he would be asked.His intensity shall likely become evident.He will need a sedative, or a drink of alcohol(likely), on lunch break‼️Balance with him WILL NOT BE POSSIBLE.A KILLER; NOT A COMMANDER. BALANCE⚖️
It is infuriating. First the FBI doesn’t interview the ex-wives (Hegseth’s own mother defended) nor the woman he sexually assaulted (for which a police report exists). Then, the FBI’s half-assed report isn’t even shared with Dem committee members.
As many Democrats on this committee during this hearing asked of Hegseth, what is Wicker afraid of? Republicans will do anything, and I mean anything, to avoid the truth.
Wah 😫Wah 😭Wah the Left is smearing my alcoholic binge drinking, cheating on my wives and impregnating my girlfriends, and driving Vets orgs into bankruptcies while just trying to get to the stripper at the strip club! 😬I’m a CHANGE AGENT dammit! 🙄
He’s not addressing any issues, just pushing FOX talking points, right wing propaganda. He’s not serious. Just a game. Can he beat those left wing enemies?
Like I have said before, little Petey H. is a comic book villain. Look at his face when he talks. Who got him up today to get him there on time, mother Penelope?
All the media is owned by right wing people so how can the reporting be left wing? Do they think if they just keep saying this it’ll eventually be true?!
They're all batshit crazy. I don't know what is worse, either they believe the crazy shit they spew, or they know better but are just kissing up to Trump.
Hegseth wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him on the butt. I watched for a couple of hours this morning. I applaud the Dems, especially the women. They asked hard questions & didn’t allow Pete to sidestep. GOP threw him softballs & praise.🤮
One round of questions? Republicans are so scared of this convicted felon they are turning their backs on law and decency. Not sure how any of them look in the mirror
Dumpy has really brainwashed this sad sack of shit. None of gop have a clue on truth! It is amazing one orange fuckhead has this kind of reach. To hell with his terrible cabinet picks, the worst is dumpy will completely destroy America!
His cabinet picks are only following his babble lol
Glad you moved from X to Bluesky! Americans fall into two groups. One group remembers Trump's 4 years and despises him. The other group has been led to believe that Trump was the victim of an all-out effort to destroy him. Truth has been distorted by left-wing media. Trump is the savior to them.
Perhaps one of our esteemed Senators could remind him of Fox News settlement with Dominion for KNOWINGLY AND REPEATEDLY LYING about their voting machines.
Who are the prop women? I hate how Republicans always use women as props to try to lend legitimacy to illegitimate candidates. Hegseth is a rapist. Shame on those women for allowing themselves to prop him up
Poor Pete is already playing the victim—those big meanies in the dishonest liberal media. Setting the stage for an us and them confrontation instead of a WE solution.
Senators have to remember that these candidates will all
Lie to get by. Once confirmed , it doesn’t matter. All the Trump supremes did it. I will respect settled law and whamo there goes Dobbs.
You cannot trust any GOP period!!!!!!!!
If the job of the department is "war fighting" why did they change its name from the department of war to the department of defense? Then again, that's probably another change Trump wants to roll back to the 1800s.
That's why the leftwing media outlets have been successfully sued for defamation, their irresponsible contempt for the tru- [holds hand to ear] - oh, wait, I've just been told those weren't leftwing media outlets.
Sure it is the left wing media . Trump won his presidency based on lies about the last election, about immigrants eating the pets and lies about the economy . It was right wing media who helped push those lies.
Broken clock: That “leftwing” media didn’t say word one about how good the economy is until *after* the election, didn’t talk about Project 2025 except to parrot Trump saying it had nothing to do with him, sanewashed everything Trump said or did. End result: Trump elected.
If I was his mother (and I am old enough to be), I would slap that boy into next week for lying and generally being an idiot. Whatever possesses him to think he can run the DoD, with zero experience or qualifications and if GOP senators go along with it, they all need to be sent to the war they want
Criminal Hegseth is spewing right wing lies to please his “boss”. Again GOP chooses to “blame the other side of what they themselves are doing” like they did during DJT’s first term. #GOPLies #HegsethIsNotQualified
Well, crying worked for Kavanaugh, soo...I love how MAGA bros claim to be so tough and "manly," but if they're confronted at all about anything they turn into little crybabies.
All Rs/magas in gov't, all levels, are dummies for the maga ventriloquist. Who, or what cabal, has the diabolical mind that comes up with the lying messaging that is then disbursed to and required by all? It's not rump.
This is soon irritating. It's insane how Trump lied 50000 times and they talk about the left wing not caring about the truth. God help us if this man gets in.
And there's confirmation of his opinions expressed in his writing, book, and Fox career.
Whatever he says that seems like qualifying, explaining, or walking-back shouldn't be believed. Comments like this confirm the truth of his opinion of more liberal Americans.
‘It’s the media’s fault.’ You mean the media that sanewashed Donald Trump? We’re beginning to understand that ANY reporting that makes MAGA look bad is ‘left-wing media’.
The U.S. media is broken, because it has undermined its own authority by creating fake realities for target-marketed audiences.
Murdoch deserves much of the blame. He’s responsible for Brexit and Trump. But all corporate media has a built-in bias towards protecting and furthering corporate interests…
…personally, I think all press should be not-for-profit, but at the very least, ownership laws need to change and there should be a balance between corporate and public media.
“Left-wing media” - ha. Wasn’t it Hegseth’s right-wing network that had to pay a big fine to settle a lawsuit for not telling the truth about the 2020 election?
I am so tired of these people claiming ANY legacy media in the US is "left wing" with NO PUSH BACK with the FACT that ALL legacy media in the US has been owned by MAGAt Republicans since 2018!
He clearly wants to politicize the Defense Dept, Defense of our nation and the defense budget….that is enough to make him extremely unqualified for this position.
Our media, all mainstream media in fact, doesn’t seem to want to talk about the truth of the allegations against him, regarding alcohol abuse and womanizing. I’d be happy to hear more about those truths in MSM, how about you my friends?
This guy wouldn't speak the truth if it was right in front of him. Fox News lied; Trump lied, so why shouldn't he. Until Republicans stop blaming the media for their problems and are held to account, this is the type of kiss up to Trump stupidity all of us will have to endure.
No, what they were out to do was shed light on the fact that you have NO BUSINESS BEING INVOLVED IN ANY LEVEL OF POLITICS OR SECURITY!!!
I wouldn't even want you as a door knocker
They are not anonymous. They filed lawsuits against him. We need to point out the truth here. He's a lying piece of filth who does not belong in the seat of SecDef. Or any other seat that grants him power.
Omg you mean some media actually told the truth for once? Kudos. There is no left wing media. There is trump scarify cat kiss ass media, and a struggling msnbc trying to eke out some truth. Someone call this petulant moron out.
Agreed. This is going to get much worse before it gets better. It’s really going to take a catastrophe. I promise you, these guys are going to have an epic failure of some kind due to their incompetence. Maybe the knuckleheads will wake up in the GOP after that.
Yeah… but that’s their M.O. They never give an inch, they never admit to any kind of wrongdoing or apologize for it. Especially, to a woman. Joni Ernst, as far as I’m concerned, has prostituted herself figuratively. She lobbed softballs . Lack of spine because she doesn’t wanna lose her Senate seat.
I heard Donnie Convict was PO’d because the flags will be at half mast during his inauguration in honor of Carter. Doesn’t that show his pettiness? Hopefully, when DJT kicks the bucket, there will be very little fanfare. Maybe people will line up to piss on his grave.
Benedict Arnold looks downright saintly next to these MAGA ghouls.
He likes that he's unqualified and getting the job anyway. That's what the system stands for.
All I can figure is it's really bad.
What’s hard about that?
There, I fixed that for you.
Yep GOP is the stand up party.
fuck the republican party
Have all witnesses been heard from? If not, there should be NO VOTE!
But I’m afraid we are dealing with COMPROMISED MAGA Republicans…
Partisan hack that doesn’t care about Americans or America.
(Who were about as similar Hegseth as seahorses are to horses.)
This is how democrats lose.
Because we live in a Russian vassal state.
This is what happened here in the USA.
Is Hegseth THE BEST, MOST qualified person in the United States to lead the DOD as SecDef?
No, he is not.
Such an embrassment as well as his ass-kisser. Tubberville as well.
Top to bottom, forever and ever.
Vodka bombs
Jaeger bombs
Car bombs
REED: The only reason you asked for a pardon is because they were convicted
Ol' drinky Pete wants "to destroy with and close his enemies".
HEGSETH: I don't think I need to
REED: Why?
HEGSETH: Because the men & women watching understand
REED: Perhaps some of my colleagues don't understand
HEGSETH: It would be a jag officer who puts his or her own priorities in front of the warfighters
He is a deeply disturbed individual.
Put it to a vote!
The DOD acting on fake news is the most terrifying thought of all.
Equal time between spurious notions
Facts, data, observable reality
Ol Pete would attempt to gaslight his way into a job he is unqualified for in every way:
A rapey drunk who's bad with money
His cabinet picks are only following his babble lol
It they can confirm him they can confirm anybody.
Lie to get by. Once confirmed , it doesn’t matter. All the Trump supremes did it. I will respect settled law and whamo there goes Dobbs.
You cannot trust any GOP period!!!!!!!!
That's rich coming from the Fox Entertainment weekend co-host.
We are not a serious country.
Come in kettle.
You're black, over.
The media just shined a light on that destruction and exposed it for average Americans to see. 🔦
Whatever he says that seems like qualifying, explaining, or walking-back shouldn't be believed. Comments like this confirm the truth of his opinion of more liberal Americans.
The U.S. media is broken, because it has undermined its own authority by creating fake realities for target-marketed audiences.
Most of our media is RW, constantly berating our LW government.
Were looking across the Atlantic and seeing our future forming before us.
Leftwing media ... 😂😂😂
That’s weird since the “War Dept” was dissolved and split into the “Defense Department” and the Department of the Air Force.
Our media, all mainstream media in fact, doesn’t seem to want to talk about the truth of the allegations against him, regarding alcohol abuse and womanizing. I’d be happy to hear more about those truths in MSM, how about you my friends?
Not like FOX, OAN, RSBN, Newsmax, Sinclair , etc...
I wouldn't even want you as a door knocker
The pettiness boggles