Rubios always been bought and paid for by the highest bidder. He's been in bed with the Koch brothers for years.
The current dismantling of government was financed by people like the Kochs. Over multiple decades.
Rubios hands are very dirty in the current destruction of govt.
After seeing what Schumer and other Dems did to my house today I’d fight for Canada.
Today’s shit goes deep and a few newly elected dems in no way assures us there aren’t more Schumers Fettermans Shaheens Durbins and the others who could be the same.
Has Putin made his argument as to why Alaska would be better off joining Russia? Or has Sheinbaum made her argument why Texas would be better off joining Mexico? Good grief, Rubio is a clown working for an evil wannabe dictator.
Rubio has sold his soul to the devil. Everyone knows Trump is insane. But this makes Rubio look like an uneducated sniveling gutless toady who can’t stand up to Trump.
Alaska should be part of northern Canada. It’s physically attached. Just a fake line delineating it. They’d be better off in Canada. We don’t need anything from there but we could make it our cherished 11th province.
So it's only about economics then? Let's just ignore the whole going bankrupt under medical bills thing, the getting shot going to school thing, the being ruled by a maniacal dictator thing, the having our savings funnelled into billionaires pockets thing...
On top of all the venal, ignorant knuckleheadedness of it all, Canada has 10 provinces, spanning beyond the breadth of the U.S.
Presuming to fold all that into one state, equal to North fcking Dakota?!?
It’s amazing they don’t tar & feather him, and run him out of the country on a rail.
It's worse than that. These MAGAts don't even want to make Canada a state, they want to make Canada and its 41 million people a territory, with no voting rights.
Trump, Rubio, Lutnick, Musk, Hegseth, (and Poilievre & Smith here in Canada) - all of them can get F'd.
There are millions of Canadians who would happily volunteer to tar and feather him and throw him out of the back of a pick up at the nearest border crossing.
I don’t condone violence but I would really like history classes at military academies teaching about the first warship disabled by a sealskin kayak, and mechanized infantry not keeping up with or getting a firing solution on a 2004 Toyota Echo (600,000kms ODO) in the snow.
Remember that the United States wasn't able to conquer either Vietnam or Afghanistan after decades of trying. Canadians will pick off invaders one by one if necessary.
Methinks the Dumpster will soon be too busy dealing with his own population of enraged, desperate Americans to be able to mount any organized invasion of another country.
I don’t know, maybe Canadá should just say, “Trump is tanking your economy. How would that be economically better for Canada? To join a nation being run into the ground by its current President? Get a different President, then we’ll talk..”
There's no disagreement. Canada is its own country and has no desire to become a state in what is rapidly becoming a shit country. Why would they? He sounds like a sulky child answering the question.
I’m sure there has been plenty of arguments as to why United States would be better off not having Trump and Musk as their presidents ! Maybe it’s time to take control and make America great again !
Marco is only interested in positioning himself to run for U.S. President in the future. He would not be the first U.S. president without a backbone, but clearly the most obvious about his lack of a spine.
If Marco wants to become president one day, he might get disappointed. I would not be surprised at all if Trump would try and start a royal Trump dynasty. By now I don't even expect them to ever hold scam elections, let alone real elections.
"I made my argument as to why I think that you all should give me money and not work at all because I'm dumb, and I have the cognitive development of a 3-year-old."
The internet allowed our crazy uncle Daves to find each other and create a sufficient critical mass to mainstream their ideas. What once would have been that loony relative in the corner is now trending on TikTok.
And, worse, create new crazy uncles because that uncle has zero critical thinking skills and/or is too lazy to look into things further from different sources.
This is pretty much a discussion among law scholars about birthright citizenship…that it’s so obviously guaranteed by the 14th amendment (and decades of understanding clear precedent) that no credentialed lawyer should argue otherwise.
I believe that distinction belongs to Fox, social media and other radicalization / propaganda vehicles geared primarily to activate unemployed, destitute and semi-illiterate adults with little to no education and impressionable pubescent trolls.
Covid was just the "timing"
How low can Little Marco go?
He’s MILES from the bottom
To imply that Canada should be a state is fucking bonkers and Little knows that
This is a organized criminal cult
But Canada is a sovereign nation and they do not want to be part of the U.S. leave them alone do not invade them do not tell them what they have to do you are not King of anything 😱
Rubio would turn his parents over to Castro if it proved politically expedient. He is a cretin without morals, integrity, or honor. And no amount of shit-posting bible quotes will ever change that.
Exactly .. Trying to force one to do something against their will and threatening to use $$$ power to get what he wants .. Coming from a sexual predator .. that's 100% normal behavior.
You have every right to take Bob's home as he has nice things in it you could use. Just tell everybody that you do it because of fentanyl or something like that. You do need to come up with some justification, no matter how flimsy.
Northern passage (Artic ocean) water rights with climate change. Possibility they also understand the more habitable and agrable lands will be far northern US and Canadian climates with warming, esp with their refusal to do anything to prevent warming 🤦♀️
Yes, I keep thinking that so much of this boils down to a handful of incredibly wealthy incredibly immoral guys seeing climate change coming, and deciding to just flip over the game board of global politics to take what they can. Smash and grab.
Yeah, Funny you should say that he’s not so hip to the consent thing. President toddler man will throw a tantrum until he gets his way or just grab it by the pussy. He is scum.
Hey, Canada - please keep up the boycotts and turn up the gas on tariffs. Make it too difficult for these lackeys to tell us that America is "on the right track".
Why not the UK? Why not Mexico? Mexico joining the US would solve a lot of problems - wouldn’t need a wall. It would give the US a chance of winning the World Cup next year. Why not?
Why not LET’S NOT NORMALIZE any suggestion that the Leaders of ANY country have a right to pick and choose other countries and territories to annex. FFS.
No, we haven’t had a public discourse on it. It’s a particularly stupid example of Trump getting a dumb idea in his head and his supporters lining up behind it.
And most other people just shrugging it off as “Trump being Trump”, as if that isn’t a fucked-up and dangerous way for a president to be.
LOL because most of the journalists in the US are in their damn pockets and most of the journalists in Canada are in companies owned by USA, or Conservatives. Soooooo....
Fuck Rubio and the traitor he represents. The US needs to be dis-invited to the G7 meeting in June. None of these assholes are acting in good faith and they need to be treated like the enemies they now are.🤬🤬
Never again should we extend the red carpet to this idiot. Even a short carpet that ends in a puddle is showing him too much respect for my liking 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Imagine if the US was threatening to take over Cuba, the country Marco’s family is from ..not to “liberate” Cuba, but to annex it completely into the USA. Would he be so flippant about that?
I wouldn't necessarily think "rule". Imo he's molded T and E to remake the countries in his image. Both are republics, so maybe he thinks America should be part of his 21 republics, 9 territories, 46 regions, 1 autonomous region, 4 autonomous districts, and 2 cities of federal subordination (?).
The planet thinks Shitlers arguments are full of shit crazy train, lock him up fucking rhetoric! Most of America thinks so as well. Use those fuckin’ elephant ears to listen Dumbo. Grow a pair you clown
Who the f**k do they think they are. To even suggest it is ridiculous but this…I think the Canadians are very clear on how they feel about it you jackass
True. That Poilievre sounds dam dangerous. Besides, his name is hard to spell and no one will ever pronounce it correctly, least of all Trump. It will be Pollever coming out of his mouth.
At THAT moment he should have unceremoniously been thrown out much like Zelensky was. We unequivocally stated that UNTIL Canada's sovereignty was respected, there would be no discussion. WTF was he even talking about. Throw the bum out!
And the Canadians who DO support it are likely the #WhiteSupremacists who helped organize terrorists to infiltrate & accelerate violence during #BLM protests. Law enforcement found lots of chatter on that from Canada. And those idiotic truckers…
It was a small fraction of them that weren't, and a much smaller number that were in the Convoy - the vast majority of participants were in private cars, pick-ups and SUVs.
Better off how? Taking away free speech, no healthcare, no voting rights, school shootings, college debt, medical debt... That's what everyone wants right? These people are unbelievably stupid arrogant and POS
As an avid news reader here I think I first heard about it in late January this year.
Crazy Peter Thiel and Curtis Yarvin are looking for climate safe places for their CEO kingdoms (I shit you not) where we the enslaved happily work until we become fuel for the buses.
Again-no shit.
GOPs have no pride in their own country - they're ripping apart what America was so they can't understand that we love being CANADIANS not Americans, we have our own identity, culture, history. We are united, they are broken and fractured. We'll protect Canada from their destruction at all costs!
Cancel the F 35 contract and buy the Swedish Saab JAS 39 Gripen.
Why? The F35 has "stealth" over the Gripen. BUT the Pentagon has tracking of all F35's in the electronic package.... so "Stealth" is useless against the USA.
The USA is the biggest threat against Canada, so Gripen is a better option.
As an American, I support you and encourage you to stay strong. Fuck Trump up. Humiliate him. Make him beg like a dog. That's the only language that felonious loser understands.
Ya I hope our new PM will knock him down a few pegs! He better not call him governor 😤😤🤬 Meanwhile we're doing pretty good with the boycotting, which helps trump look bad
Bahhh. He was governor of two central banks so if Trump uses governor Carney can say "oh so you're a fan of my past accomplishments. As Governor of the bank of Canada or England?"
I’m doing my part. I’ll help CANADA in anyway I can. I just spent $65.00 on 3 CANADIAN flags and one for my car. And I bought them from a CANADIAN company…❤️ CANADA❣️
I married into a Canadian family and we still have family there. If we could move we would. The GOP is beyond corrupt and yes fractured. Before trump, things were civil. Yes there was always an undercurrent but respect was present; since the clown, everything's a mess and I don't a way to recover.
So if Canadian government suggests US would be better off as it’s 11th province, I assume Rubio would calmly comment that that is a simple difference of opinion between the two countries.
I can’t decide who is worse. The fascist criminals or the people who know that they are fascist criminals (and have literally said as much in the past) and for political reasons defend and protect them anyway.
Runner up: the people who are supposed to be fighting the fascists from the opposition party but hesitate out of sense of preserving normalcy and decorum.
It actually doesn't sound like Rubio is defending Trump's position. He's apparently just a messenger boy and has no agency to do anything except say that Trump has made his position clear.
What an absolutely lack of respect this reprobate and the fascist regime he shills for have for the Canadian people. This type of gross American exceptionalism will be their undoing.
i hope people in US understand that Canada dies not find any humour in Trumps annex language. or his asslickers repeating it.
attack on Canada will literally destroy the US. Vietnam would be seen as a walk in a park compared to what would occur. The US must incarcerate that fool. he is unfit
I’ve been saying the same. I did the research and learned Canada has nearly 15 million private firearms. U.S. jets and ships are good, but our ground game is terrible. We constantly withdraw due to being outnumbered by civilians. Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan all beat the U.S. military badly.
I never understand Americans who always think it will be easy to invade other countries. Sure, we can bomb a country better than anyone, but once those boots hit the ground we find out real quick what a civilian population can do.
Plus, I’m sure many Americans would covertly help Canada resist.
I don't think Canadians should address it at all. It is insane, responding to it elevates it to where it doesn't belong. If anyone asks directly just laugh at them and say "come on."
Much like what Canada feels about becoming the "51th state", Europeans feel about the way Trump treats Ukraine and talks about Greenland belonging to the US. You are talking about what were until recently your closest allies. Former friends might very easily become your greatest enemies that way.
American here. I see no humor in it at all. No one of consequence will tell Trump, "Your fantasies of expansion are just that--fantasies. You need to shut up!" I'd do it, but every other word would be some form of "fuck", plus I'm not someone the Mango Menace is trying to flatter. Blargh!
It makes me so angry and embarrassed that our president would disrespect any country that way, but most of all, Canada. I would rather be Canadian than American. Hopefully when this Trump nightmare is over, we can learn from our mistake and elect someone with integrity.
I hope Canada knows most of us find his “jokes” utterly disgusting and disrespectful. Stand strong Canada!🇨🇦 Most Americans support you! I mean, we’re pretty fucked right now, you don’t want this mess. 😂✌🏻
We don’t find any humor in it, either. It makes those of us that aren’t suffering from MAGA brain rot just as livid, every time these degenerate assholes say it.
You know, I know you’re from Canada. I don’t understand why these people in the Trump administration is so fucking hardheaded. We know you people from Canada does not want to join the United States. It is freaking obvious. I am so sorry that we have a clown as a president here USA
He should have been jailed for January 6th, but former Attorney General and Piece of Shit Merrick Garland dragged his feet and the Supreme Court gave him a free pass to be above the law. I'll never figure out why J6 wasn't the end of him, or why so many millions still voted for him.
He’s saying this on our sovereign land? Boot his ass out now! Quebec you know what to do.
F*** this asshat and the dictatorship he rode in on. Elbows up!
Nope. #LittleMarco @senMarcoRubio is a brown-nosed boot-licking little #TrumpToady who should be deported back to Cuba where his IMMIGRANT ancestors came from.
Have you read the book? It was an indictment of the arrogance, incompetence, and greed of Americans working abroad. Strangely, the character identified as “The Ugly American” was the hero who helped regular people’s lives better.
Rude? Its well beyond rude.
Its fucking outrageous!
Should of been run out of town and country the moment the last syllable left his mouth.
Fuck Trump, fuck MAGA and fuck America.
He’s completely dead inside at this point…just an old plastic jello mold reminiscing about the good old days of its once semi-popular status as a gelatinous party staple.
He’s your President, he’s your problem. The rest of the world doesn’t have to pretend he’s some clever negotiator; we see him for the vain and vengeful old man he is. The Emperor has no clothes, and we aren’t having it in Canada.
Honestly, I hate that guy. I couldn’t stand him since he took that escalator in 2015. Never voted for him. But in CA my vote is 180 times weaker than vote from Cousinfuckistan.
I hear you, Joanne. Too many Americans have coasted on the lie that we’re the "good guys" while their apathy and lack of geopolitical awareness led us straight to this mess. Now, when accountability knocks, their fragile egos can’t handle it. But ignorance was never innocence—it's always complicity.
Yet, we keep hearing people like Ford and even Trudeau say publicly he’s a good negotiator and a smart man. I know they are doing it to appease him but I want to hurl every time I hear it. Mind you…Ford might actually think he’s smart 🤦♀️
Yeah, I was thinking more along the lines that trump can’t see his feet due to “girth challenges”, therefore he’d use his fingers twice…stable genius that he is.
Many of us know he's nothing but a useful idiot who only cares about himself and his rich donors.
I'm so sorry. It's humiliating and terrifying. He's alienating all former allies, hurting EVERYONE, ruining economies, and trying to kill democracy in our country.
Because bigots and misogynists stopped thinking critically as soon as he told them it was okay to shit on brown people and women, and the unscrupulous wealthy only hear ‘pay less tax.’
A lot of us in America see Trump exactly the same way as you do. He’s an insane, stupid, evil man who is screwing everything up here at home and harming the international order.
you're right about all of that except he is making himself our problem too. We have to take his threats seriously. He has made a career out of doing things he can't or shouldn't do. The rhetoric so far has been testing for resistance.
That isn't going to stop. Next is finding ways (FB, X/Twiter, TikTok) to undermine that resistance. Build support for more aggressive moves. He won't stop because stopping is a good idea. He will stop when he is made to stop.
If we put export taxes on potash, oil, and electricity, USians & their businesses will howl & scream at him. That's what it's going to take because he doesn't care what we say.
As an American, this is a spot-on analysis, and I fully support Canada in this. Fuck him up. Humiliate him. That's the only language he understands. Very sorry our electorate has foisted this pathetic buffoon on the world again.
💯 I’m appalled by my fellow Americans and am shopping now for a new country. I love Canada and as an American, I’m ashamed and formally apologize for this BS.
Trump is there for the world to behold. In all his narcissistic, illusionary, stupid, orange, small minded, racist, rapist, fascist, inhuman glory. This guy is one for the history books, the dark page section. I'm pretty sure his name will end up being a cuss word: "You are such a Trumper!"
#KarolineGhislaineLeavitt, #MarcoGhislaineRubio et al who, instead of attempting to get adjudicated rapist Trump to FINALLY understand #CanadianNoMeansNo, decides to act his ACCOMPLICE in #Trafficking a whole Sovereign country!
This is how many of us feel! Not just Canada, but so many others in the way Trump is handling foreign affairs. We’re just as concerned for our own country!
Thanks also to the "First Past the Post" electoral system - the Electoral College - the gerrymandering. Votes count waaay more in a lot of the rural Red states. (And yes, we have FPTP in Canada too.)
We’re nice until we get pushed too far, and threatening our sovereignty will do the trick. We’ll be more than happy to teach him once and for all that no means no. 🇨🇦
Mexico and Canada need to counterattack Trump to save THEMSELVES. In doing so, they may save the U.S. from its own greedy, ignorant Rightwing scum. The U.S. had many chances to avoid this disaster, and it flunked all of them.
You can't imagine the contempt I feel for the 77 Fascists and Stupids who voted for DJTraitor. Some did it to get cheap eggs; others b/c they hate Hispanics; others b/c they learned nothing from his first abomination. A 1000 years will pass and the guilt of the U.S. won't be erased.
It's an internal issue.
Only the American people can save their own democracy.
Don't pass off responsibility.
An American Civil War will be far less damaging to every single living soul on the planet than a NATO war.
Sadly, you're right. I wish I had an infinity stone glove and could snap my finger and remove all the magats that voted for him from existence. I was about to say "from our country," but I would want to ensure that they don't go to any other country and ruin that one too.
The audacity of Rubio to call it a "disagreement".
As if, "we want to take over your country and make it the 51st state" constitutes a normal topic of conversation to agree or disagree upon.
These people have lost their damn minds.
#KarolineGhislaineLeavitt, #MarcoGhislaineRubio et al who, instead of attempting to get adjudicated rapist Trump to FINALLY understand #CanadianNoMeansNo, decides to act his ACCOMPLICE in #Trafficking a whole Sovereign country!
PSYCHOPATHS Putin’s/Trump’s/Eloon’s MAGAs are a redux of PSYCHOPATH Hitler’s Nazis = psychopaths (1 in 25 persons in the general population) & their psychotic human pets.
History’s confirmed that these stupid, fragile, gaslighting, SADISTIC PERVERTS will grow HORRIFICALLY worse until stopped.
Tell me again why there was so much bellyaching about Biden’s age last year?
What the fuck was Joe Biden’s age going to do that’s worse than Trump threatening war with Canada? What would have his age done that’s so much worse than ALL the things Trump is doing now?
I actually hate that these Americans are not only welcomed here by our government but that they're given airtime. Could they not have held the meeting via Skype? I'm serious. If someone threatened to Rob my house, I sure as he'll ain't inviting them to my backyard BBQ
What argument? The entire schtick is reminiscent of his Access Hollywood tape only now he thinks that when you’re president, you can just grab a country by the democracy.
But we’re telling you no. Directly.
Read the fucking room, Marco.
Canadians are actually ready to kill to save their country.
I honestly think that trying to make his insanity a reality is what would push America into open civil conflict.
We don’t have money to take care of children,the sick and the elderly, but there’s money to try to conquer Canada of all places! People would be in open rebellion.
Especially that part!
Like it’s Canada!
Did he think because they are in general polite people on the world stage that he could just snap up the country like a bully stealing lunch money!?
It’s disgusting!
WTF is wrong with him!?
See: Ukraine
Donny sees what happened and thinks he can do better.
He thinks the war started in 2022 - because he was not president*
- because Putin is smart
Donny only sees the surface of any issue: what do you have that I want/ what’s in it for me. Not a deep thinker, 0 empathy. For him
There are small cracks that are starting to form, even within MAGA land. But the reality of the situation is that the world literally cannot wait while these folks grab a fucking brain and develop a conscience.
I’m not disagreeing with the reality of the situation. It’s only been in the last few years that he had literally been held to measure.
He’s always used power, influence, and money to get out of tight situations.
But just because somebody has been able to game the system
does not mean that the world needs to just sit by, lean back, close its eyes and think of something pleasant and distracting while he completely fucks us.
I may die, it may be a complete fucking fool’s journey, but I believe in Canada. I am willing to bleed and if necessary, die for Canada.
And I could recognize that many people will simply try to find a way to make it as easy for themselves as they possibly can. Up to, and including welcoming our new Dumfukistan overlords with open arms.
When the time comes, people will make their own decisions and they will have to live with them.
The Canadian Military should (like right fucking now) be offering firearm training courses all across the country. Let’s go - guerrilla warfare in Canada would not be a good time for the yanks.
Problem is they’re gonna be busy. As will be the militia folks and other PriRes.
The oldboys, we’ll be brushing up our stuff soon enough.
You’ll figure out a way to join with us. For now, go get your PAL/ CFSC.
Isn’t it just horrific?! These horrible people are subhuman and it is pure anguish to be a 60 year old American and witness our govt. so corrupt and craven. I am ashamed! I will keep resisting at every turn! Our lives depend on it.
No such thing as subhuman. They are evil. Pure and simple. Plus your justice system has let so many of these guys off. You’ve set yourself up for exactly this moment. It’s ironic in many ways.
I do appreciate the look of extreme discomfort that Rubio is displaying, in those moments taking questions. He looks like he received the welcome he deserves.
We're ready burn our own country to the ground. I don't really think Trump thought this through. Of course that would give him credit for thinking at all.
Rubio is embarrassing . I am totally sorry. the United States to people in Canada. I cannot believe we have a dumbass as a president and an idiot like this a Secretary of State.
People in other decent democracies saying "but OUR government" seriously have never paid attention to the US "corruption as a feature" form of government.
Kick his ass out of our country now!!! WTF this is so disrespectful! Go back to licking Trump's feet your useless waste of oxygen🤬🖕Stop inviting these people here ffs.
It's taking everything in me not to chuck my phone at the wall as hard as I can hoping it'll knock some sense into this knucklehead. Instead I'm just silently screaming into the void.
He said this— Inside Canada?! Why didn’t they kick him out? We all know you guys are the nicest country on earth, but you gotta treat these traitors like the Nazi scum that they are.
He's simply reiterating what Fat Bastard has already said actually.
We know who to be angry at, and besides, Rubio's just a brown nosing mouthpiece. He too stupid to come up with his own stuff. He's just stupid enough to go along with Trump.
First Lady, Senator, Secretary Clinton how did we get here? Senator, Vice President Harris how did we get here? May the souls of Elizabeth Dole and Madame Albright watch over us🇺🇸There are enough women in Congress and on the Supreme Court to stop this insanity: for Women's History month just do it🇺🇸
Fuck him, fuck you too Rubio
The current dismantling of government was financed by people like the Kochs. Over multiple decades.
Rubios hands are very dirty in the current destruction of govt.
After seeing what Schumer and other Dems did to my house today I’d fight for Canada.
Today’s shit goes deep and a few newly elected dems in no way assures us there aren’t more Schumers Fettermans Shaheens Durbins and the others who could be the same.
It’s clear he has no issue with what Putin has done in Ukraine, so why would he behave any differently with Canada?
What alternative universe are we living in? Trump fawning over Putin while being utterly revolting to America’s allies is almost too much to process.
So why not them ?
Because Musk-Trump want Canada's ressources. it's only about stealing. Just stealing a rich .land
Kevin O’Leary has admitted he told Trump that making Canada a State was a great idea
O’Leary needs to relinquish his Canadian passport and move to America
I could die happy.
Karelia would be better off rejoining Finland
Start spreading the news
Im leaving today
It’s up to you New York
New York
Because we’re never allowed to have nice things
Presuming to fold all that into one state, equal to North fcking Dakota?!?
It’s amazing they don’t tar & feather him, and run him out of the country on a rail.
Trump, Rubio, Lutnick, Musk, Hegseth, (and Poilievre & Smith here in Canada) - all of them can get F'd.
#cdnpoli #ElbowsUp #Never51
Meanwhile..another idea.
Canadians have so many federal benefits that don't exist in the US (vacation days, maternity/paternity leave, abortion rights, etc).
Plus gun laws, much higher minimum wage, no death penalty...
It's a long list of differences.
Americans are not like us.
That said, 3 ways Canada is more similar to the US:
- City design: car first model (although urban planners are trying to change this)
- Media intake: Canadians watch US TV shows and movies (ironically, Netflix has helped expose Canadians to some EU media)
- Consumerism
It will trigger WW3 & he wants the Nobel Peace Prize
He forced Canada & all our allies to build up military incl. 🇩🇪 while cutting US military
He really believes tariffs & interfering in our election will force Canadians to take him up on his offer
And don’t give asylum!
We said no. That won't change for any president. Americans who can't see why are part of the problem.
and Trump may not understand that Canada’s population is greater than California,
and its statehood would be disastrous for the GOP in Congress and the Electoral College.
Trump is suggesting invading sovereign nations.
These fuckers are inviting a war to North America.
Trump dynasty.
I bet he dreams about that.
It did not end well for the French king!
Make an attempt to reclaim some integrity.
But he won’t.
You know, if you really want safe, fuel efficient cars, take all that anti-pollution crap off 'em!
The result?
2025 MERIKA!
Covid was just the "timing"
I'm just a little guy 😢 please don't blame me
How low can Little Marco go?
He’s MILES from the bottom
To imply that Canada should be a state is fucking bonkers and Little knows that
This is a organized criminal cult
Secretary of Weasels
Sad little boy
Not one of these mother…er monsters understands “No!”.
Right now I am *gonna need a new word for what I am*
Congress has abrogated, SCOTUS is in his pocket. He's put his unterfuhrers in the military. There's NO ONE stopping him!
Was is near.
They want to be in control.
Nazis .
Tiny dick and
Big ego issues
Most are addicted to steroids, viagra, coke, fentanyl, molly...
It’s sooooo fucked up.
It’s vile.
So we can laugh
I know it’s all about resources and money to him
I think strategy of any sort flew the coop when he fired all the competent folks
His first go around….
That's just as rational as any argument he's ever made.
Unfortunately, this regime in particular doesn't really get 'no means no'.
Lumber for Russian oligarchs.
He has no capacity to sparce what he hears both in the briefing rooms and the crazies around him.
And most other people just shrugging it off as “Trump being Trump”, as if that isn’t a fucked-up and dangerous way for a president to be.
Sickening to hear someone justify taking over a sovereign nation.
Also, America sent their best.😂
Y'all realize that the G7, June 2025, is being held in Kananaskis, Alberta.
Almost 90% of truckers were vaxxed and working.
It was a small fraction of them that weren't, and a much smaller number that were in the Convoy - the vast majority of participants were in private cars, pick-ups and SUVs.
It was a national embarrassment.
Perhaps it’s because Trump feels outdone by Project 2025. He really wants his _own_ agenda imposed.
The GOP are scurrying to give him cover.
As an avid news reader here I think I first heard about it in late January this year.
Crazy Peter Thiel and Curtis Yarvin are looking for climate safe places for their CEO kingdoms (I shit you not) where we the enslaved happily work until we become fuel for the buses.
Again-no shit.
This weirdo, imperial obsession is a new thing.
Why? The F35 has "stealth" over the Gripen. BUT the Pentagon has tracking of all F35's in the electronic package.... so "Stealth" is useless against the USA.
The USA is the biggest threat against Canada, so Gripen is a better option.
As an American, you should currently be acquiring a GD pitchfork.
He is a mealy-mouthed little prick
attack on Canada will literally destroy the US. Vietnam would be seen as a walk in a park compared to what would occur. The US must incarcerate that fool. he is unfit
Imagine the US trying to fight against 40 million people who look and sound just like them.
The ultimate FAFO.
Plus, I’m sure many Americans would covertly help Canada resist.
I mean there a nuclear capable sub parked IN Halifax right now... So... Bring it Dumpy.
There are a multitude of skilled physicists and biochemists in Canada.
It would cause me to leave the country right away. There’s no way I am going to support such a terrible decision.
We're sorry
We're sorry
We're sorry
F*** this asshat and the dictatorship he rode in on. Elbows up!
Get fucked. Your master, too.
Not sorry,
You #@#$ Coward
I'm sorry this happened.
We're working on it.
How rude.
#cndpoli #uspoli #Never51 #ElbowsUp
Show some gratitude.
Rubio is the embodiment of the arrogant diplomat.
Its fucking outrageous!
Should of been run out of town and country the moment the last syllable left his mouth.
Fuck Trump, fuck MAGA and fuck America.
He wants he world ti look at him as this unpredictable mastermind. Reality he’s one of the most predictable ppl in the world
Myself, and nearly all of my extended family agree. He's malignant, possibly also syphilitic and demented.
I'm glad other countries aren't pandering or giving in to his bullshit
I'm so sorry. It's humiliating and terrifying. He's alienating all former allies, hurting EVERYONE, ruining economies, and trying to kill democracy in our country.
Many of us are still fighting.
Sadly, we don’t live in a parliamentary system where we can get rid of an unpopular leader without having to wait four years until the next election.
Well said, sir! 👏🏻👏🏻
Don't believe them.
They should be already. They are not.
The US military could flatten us in a week, probably less.
We've never been in this much danger, and this bluster doesn't change that, in the least.
I'm not trying to be negative, but that's the reality of it.
We are defenceless vs the US.
Hoping the EU can assist, too.
It's an internal issue.
Only the American people can save their own democracy.
Don't pass off responsibility.
An American Civil War will be far less damaging to every single living soul on the planet than a NATO war.
As if, "we want to take over your country and make it the 51st state" constitutes a normal topic of conversation to agree or disagree upon.
These people have lost their damn minds.
Time to annex Alaska. It only makes sense.
Ignorance is a problem in the US.
Until their money is all gone, I fear MAGA will never give up their cult and cult leader.
So is Fascism.
History’s confirmed that these stupid, fragile, gaslighting, SADISTIC PERVERTS will grow HORRIFICALLY worse until stopped.
What the fuck was Joe Biden’s age going to do that’s worse than Trump threatening war with Canada? What would have his age done that’s so much worse than ALL the things Trump is doing now?
It’s all just schoolyard bullies now.
But we’re telling you no. Directly.
Read the fucking room, Marco.
Canadians are actually ready to kill to save their country.
Patience. You’ll unfortunately get to quench your bloodlust soon enough.
We don’t have money to take care of children,the sick and the elderly, but there’s money to try to conquer Canada of all places! People would be in open rebellion.
Like it’s Canada!
Did he think because they are in general polite people on the world stage that he could just snap up the country like a bully stealing lunch money!?
It’s disgusting!
WTF is wrong with him!?
Donny sees what happened and thinks he can do better.
He thinks the war started in 2022 - because he was not president*
- because Putin is smart
Donny only sees the surface of any issue: what do you have that I want/ what’s in it for me. Not a deep thinker, 0 empathy. For him
He’s always used power, influence, and money to get out of tight situations.
But just because somebody has been able to game the system
I may die, it may be a complete fucking fool’s journey, but I believe in Canada. I am willing to bleed and if necessary, die for Canada.
When the time comes, people will make their own decisions and they will have to live with them.
But there is absolutely zero chance in hell that I am simply going to allow a copper faced cuntnugget to annex my country without a fight.
Too much drama.
The oldboys, we’ll be brushing up our stuff soon enough.
You’ll figure out a way to join with us. For now, go get your PAL/ CFSC.
Canadians are actually ready to kill to save their country.
The word itself is an act of war!
PTSD/ depression
Shot knees from a lifetime of fun
I’m picking up arms whether they belong to the Crown or a dead American idiot.
If it happens, well, choades, come get some.
Translation: Trump is trying to bully #Canada into submission without arguments, and Canada is giving him the finger.
There are other buyers for our resources.
We know who to be angry at, and besides, Rubio's just a brown nosing mouthpiece. He too stupid to come up with his own stuff. He's just stupid enough to go along with Trump.