Persecuting who, Marc Elias??? I hope he tries. The idiot went on National TV and said the worst things about Marc. All lies. Marc needs to sue the shit out of Trump because the WHOLE WORLD heard what he said. He has the tape. Do it Marc.
Yes, he is, and Pat, he wrote a letter that was so beautiful, heartbreaking, and heartfelt to the core. I cried and I will never forget it. Nobody loves this country more. Trump said, despicable and horrible things that are lies to the whole world. He needs to sue the president.
persecute: : to harass or punish in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict
specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief
: to annoy with persistent or urgent approaches (such as attacks, pleas, or importunities) : PESTER
You are at the DOJ … Don’t you mean prosecuting?
Trump is such Dotard.
How did the guy who’s command of the English language is only at a grade 3 level, become a “world leader”?
So tired of this man. He KNOWS that violent crime dropped dropped during the Biden administration. HE KNOWS THIS, because it is easily verifiable. And yet I have to listen to this POS make a remark that the “violence was the worst in many many decades.”
USA is not immunized against authoritarianism or totalitarianism. Immigrants who fled these regimes have been pressing their Americans neighbors to notice the symptoms and rise up to resist any amplification of these regimes since Jan 7th 2020.
Terror on immigrants also serves a purpose. They KNOW!
Why do so many Americans see a messiah and not the Moron that is the real Donald Trump? It's almost as if they still believe in Fairies...Oh yeh, I forgot, many of them do believe in a 'Sky Fairy', the result of which, is they've given up on their critical thinking skills, Baa, baa sheeple baa, baa!
Is that some kind of "American language" thing that this dumbass Canadian doesn't get, or is the fucking guy being honest for the first time in his pathetic life?
The mind of Donald Trump: What has motivated Trump to be so callous and needlessly destructive in Washington, how it fits into his longer-term objectives, and what can be done to overcome Trumpism.
Trump isn’t negotiating with Putin—he’s obeying him. From wanting Canada as the 51st state to eyeing Greenland and the Panama Canal, it’s all about justifying Putin’s Greater Russia dream. America, don’t be fooled!
He kept saying he wants to see the return of large mental institutions, he needs to be the first patient. Lock him up, sedate him and throw away the key 🗝
America is having a moment of impairment. They don’t see the threat on the horizon. Like when the Hawaiians couldn’t fathom Captain Cook and what was coming. They’d never seen a ship like that before, never see a gun, etc. they were mystified and then outflanked. They Thought he was a God.
He rants about how this department has been used to persecute him and how bad that was, then he turns around and vows to do the same thing in retribution. He's a complete idiot. I hope the courts keep doing what they are doing.
I think there's also a trust factor. Back in the day they called them confidence men, hence con men. He's able to con people out of anything, even their dignity.
I would expect the leader of my country to know the difference
The ICC Statute defines persecution as “the intentional and severe deprivation of fundamental rights contrary to international law by reason of the identity of the group or collectivity” (Art. 7.2. g of ICC Statute).
Violent crime decreased (over 45 levels and more) while 46 was president. But the cult believes everything he says so here we are. Persecuting was about right, tho. Just ask Mahmoud Khalil and others. Just ask swasticar protesters, soon.
How much is because he's bad at English,
and how much because he forgets he's got a bigger audience than just the cops he's directing it at,
and how much is just saying the true stuff out loud by accident?
Sometimes his incompetence is useful.
I mean, he told us during the election that he was going to do tons of horrible things that he went on to do. He was actually really honest about just how terrible he was going to be.
He's only lying when he says reasonable or good things.
I don't think America will ever mobilize... y'all don't have it in you. The same goes for so many countries, we don't have it in us to stand up to our government.
Look who decided to tell the truth—FOR ONCE! We MUST stand up and RESIST this authoritarian madness! The RULE OF LAW matters—let’s make sure he’s held accountable! #MakeAmericaFairAgain
His brain is full of dementia holes. Swiss cheese for a brain. Maybe soon he’ll confess his more heinous crimes. Persecution, right, I’m obsessed with persecuting my enemies. And everyone is my enemy, eventually.
Don't worry Chemteails and frequency bioweapons warfare and Mass concentration camp poisoning isn't real. Everyone's just deathly Ill around every full moon because the white lines you can taste in your mouth are pretty.
Back when Liz was alive, Michelle Obama commissioned a brooch for her. It was cheap - copper and 14K gold, moss agate, barely worth $500. The GOP made hay for two days about how cheap the gift was.
But then the Liz turned around and wore that very same brooch the last time she met Trump.
( There used to be a whole single-topic wiki about Liz's brooches that had the design and the full non-300-characters story, but it seems it's gone from the internet now. Bah. )
No, he hasn’t yet mastered the “official language” of the US yet. And he never will because he’s a stupid, ignorant, and cruel tool for the billionaires.
We and millions are with Marc Elias. He is an American hero, a decent human being and a man of integrity.
If we want to verify again who the convicted criminal is, what his character is, and how cold and empty his soul might be, let’s not look further than the White House.
Elias, we are with you!
talk about a self own - nothing's changed, he's always been about that but was slightly more subtle about it
Now, as most bullies are - with backup, he's really brave.
FOTUS is the cancer of crime and disgust in this country and all GOP and Magats that still don’t see the shit they promoted need to be flushed down the toilet too #shame #usa USA is better than these crappy low life politicians and people
specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief
: to annoy with persistent or urgent approaches (such as attacks, pleas, or importunities) : PESTER
Trump is such Dotard.
How did the guy who’s command of the English language is only at a grade 3 level, become a “world leader”?
Man those were the days
They wanted him.
They got him.
Unfortunately, the rest of us did too.
Cuz I need Freedom too...
I break chains all by myself... Won't let my *freedom* rot in hell...🎵
Terror on immigrants also serves a purpose. They KNOW!
Who do you trust right now to protect the constitution?
1. The President?
2. The Congress?
3. Justice System?
If you cannot honestly answer this question, then you admit, the country is in trouble.
Congratulations, America! You’re on track to winning the “Ignore Fascism Until It’s Too Late” speedrun challenge.
Fuck me!
Is that some kind of "American language" thing that this dumbass Canadian doesn't get, or is the fucking guy being honest for the first time in his pathetic life?
as a treat
Biden did not direct the DOJ to do anything.
Trump is having another famous TANTRUM NOW!
Only morons who are extremely insecure have to be surrounded by LOYALISTS to say only YES to their DANGEROUS & DESTRUCTIVE STUPID POLICIES!
Grow. The. Fuck. Up.
He is not intelligent but he is conniving and sly.
The ICC Statute defines persecution as “the intentional and severe deprivation of fundamental rights contrary to international law by reason of the identity of the group or collectivity” (Art. 7.2. g of ICC Statute).
Cannot use language correctly.
and how much because he forgets he's got a bigger audience than just the cops he's directing it at,
and how much is just saying the true stuff out loud by accident?
Sometimes his incompetence is useful.
Someone get a giant (sturdy) cane & get him off that stage. Shows over.
Good grief.
He's only lying when he says reasonable or good things.
Are we mobilizing soon, or what?
On top of that, if we leave our jobs to protest, our health insurance goes away.
This system cannot be reformed.
But then the Liz turned around and wore that very same brooch the last time she met Trump.
If we want to verify again who the convicted criminal is, what his character is, and how cold and empty his soul might be, let’s not look further than the White House.
Elias, we are with you!
Now, as most bullies are - with backup, he's really brave.
Reminds me of a sign I saw at a remote gas station in Arizona years ago:
"Gas skippers will be persecuted"