I just won the world championship wiggle ball tourney held in my basement, I got a perfect score! (Another one!) I’m so good, better than anyone ever in history. Excuse me while I bask in my own spotlight and enjoy this heartfelt victory. Yay ME!!!
No way on God’s green earth that a fat, weak, 78-year-old hacker like Trump could beat all the younger, lower-handicap golfers at his club without some serious cheating going on.
I always said I wouldn’t wish death upon anyone, but…. Ive changed my mind. It needs to happen not only with trump but Elon and his lil team of employees too.
Mar a Lago is a microcosm of what Trump wants the rest of the US to become. Wealthy, powerful people praise him, all the events are centered on him, it shuts down without him, and all the staff are disposable.
He has also played a round at a different course and said that score counts as his second round for the total. Tiger Woods got what he deserved (ruptured Achilles) while playing w him last week.
It's white supremacy. Dip your toe into conservative media a bit. Bill O'Reilly once did a segment on the danger of mixed race classrooms. White kids would languish in boredom while blacks and Hispanics got participation trophies. Only until adulthood would they see they can't compete w/whites 1/
Oh for sure. White supremacists are his base. Anytime people bemoan the plight of rural America, they're taking about white grievance masked by pseudo-religion.
But one would think that even they could see through Trump's claims of winning every golf tournament, even the ones he didn't play in.
Sadly white supremacy is so baked in the cake it's insidious. How do you reach people when they think God is made in this, their image, and loves America most? And non-white white supremacists are some of the most devout.
2/ Imagine watching that shit for decades. Then you'll understand why people desperately need a world where everyone has to cosplay that Trump isn't Obama's equal, but superior in every way. And the only thing they hated more than seeing that black man in a space reserved for white men only was the
Any guesses on who the biggest threat is to white supremacy? I'll give you a hint. It's not the group that makes up about 14% of the population. But voted over 90% for Harris. Just sayin'
If he doesn't get the Nobel Peace Prize he'll make up his own Trump Peace Prize and award it to himself and Putin, Zelenskyy of course won't get a look in.
😂 Correction: I just awarded myself the winner's trophy at the latest tournament I participated in at one of my golf courses. Amazing that I always win!
If you're looking for the bit of 'good news' in this it's that because donnie cut the NOAA most of these folks never knew what hit them.
They mostly 'woke up dead.'
Hope their families send thank you cards to the trump administration.
Russell Vought, the kkk guy who wrote 2025 is the real president. Musk is raping and pillaging our data while destroying critical agencies illegally.
If they stop the flow of money thru the government, the economy (our lives) will starve
The author of Project 2025 Nazi playbook. He's a sick fuck. Whoever gets to send him to hell, hits the jackpot prize along with Elon Nazi Musk. Trump's Master - Russell Vought!
The greatest golfer of all time has never lost a club championship. Amazing skills and prowess have served Trump well on the links. Now he can die a happy man. I hope.
The trophy can go next to his EGOTs, his Nobel Prize in Economics, his Olympic medals, his Eagle Scout awards, and his Medal of Honor. I think he has a 3-D printer in the basement to make all of those items.
No, I think in his first term he said he wouldn't mind having a purple heart. He didn't want to earn or deserve a purple heart, cuz that would make him a sucker. But he'd like one.
Let me fix it. “I just cheated and declared myself the winner. I am the greatest golfer of all time, everyone is saying it. I stopped my destruction of democracy for a few hours for a round of golf. But don’t worry, I will continue my quest to bankrupt America just as I have all my businesses.”
I read this as an admission that his blood pressure, kidney function, and dementia is catching up with his morbid obesity and fast food diet and his health is declining so rapidly he knows there is limited time left. As we know, all dictators die eventually.
“Probably my last”…..hmmmm…wondering if he’s going to flee the country now that he’s wrecked it….I know I’m hoping for a different reason it’s his last…..
Sadly, I believe you may be correct. 30-40% of Americans are against Trump and will not fight in his way) and may fight against him. Sadly, the last 1/3 of Americans are so oblivious to anything outside themselves that they will be too busy on their computers/TVs to notice the war
For people who are supposed to represent freedom l/bravery, this Admin is actually imprisoned by their own cowardice that they removed Black people & women service people from the Arlington Cemetery website. Their insecurity, trying to rewrite history, & relying on white supremacy is unsustainable.
That's not true one bit! You mean you're not at all satisfied when a trump supporter who finally experienced what we've been warning against isn't Justice?
No no I’m agreeing with you! I’m calling the guy who voted for Trump the “I only wanted to hurt other people not me” crowd. There is a lot of them, I do not understand it. I don’t want anyone hurt.
He wins it every year. 🤣🤣🤣by cheating and forcing his staff to just say he won but lol wins it all the same. 🤣🤣🤣 I can not take 4 more years of his bonkers bullshit.
No. He was incredible. It was like Arnold Palmer drilled a hole in a pumpkin and banged it until baby trump popped out with a full set of new clubs ready to go.
It is widely known that golf is a game of honor. There are no referees on the golf course. Golfers are required to penalize themselves when they break a rule. There is honor in telling the truth.
This inbred Nazi motherfucker couldn't win a putt putt contest against elementary school kids without cheating. I guess the other Nazis at that hell hole let the inbred bastard win.
His strategy for fighting inflation and making America great again appears to be the same as O.J. Simpson's strategy for finding the real killer. 🏌🏻♂️⛳
i think we do have to stop doing actual damage. If we continue (worldwide) to damage and burn Teslas we are asking for trouble. don't step onto Tesla property!
We have every right for the sidewalks
The American Nazi President has FULL INTENTIONS on starting a world war.
And he’s been VERY public about his intentions…you can’t have missed his open admissions towards Canada, Greenland and others.
Have you seen him climb off the golf cart lately? He's not walking so well, unbalanced and dragging a leg. Put that together with his bruised hands, something is going on.
Meanwhile more than 30 people are fucking dead by a devastating tornado that hit the southern states and yet the felonous piece of shit cares about a fake golf club championship.
In a fair and just world, each of us would get our fifteen minutes of fame. In a fascist regime, greedy corporate oligarchs reap all the fun away from the rest of us.
They let him win as they do every year. I believe he is the only winner and if memory serves me, last year he. Only played half the rounds and still won!
Nah... Kim Jong Il was an the best golfer. He has an unbeatable record.
Also he was a real man. When the other dicktater golfers came out of the locker room... the look in their eyes. Fueled by totally heterosexual thoughts. It doesn't take them many strokes either off course, but that Il guy...
Why should he be exempt from health/diet consequences?
I bet he’s a non compliant patient for his team of doctors.
They probably prescribe his fun drugs too and enable him.
Somebody bumped into him in the face with a microphone recently. He probably thinks they were trying to assassinate him. I imagine he will claim he grew a new face soon too. We wouldn't be that lucky.
Pathetic person
Sadly this fucking moron is in charge.
Good for you Donnie, good for you 🙄
Sad day for America.
“My dad always told us to respect the game. That’s the one part of the game that tells me what kind of person you are. You play the ball where it lies.”
Trump doesn’t just cheat at golf. He cheats like a three-card Monte dealer.
Trump = amateur
Let’s get rid of this weak tool of Putin.
They’re part of the field so it’s technically not cheating, right.
But one would think that even they could see through Trump's claims of winning every golf tournament, even the ones he didn't play in.
Any guesses on who the biggest threat is to white supremacy? I'll give you a hint. It's not the group that makes up about 14% of the population. But voted over 90% for Harris. Just sayin'
who wouldn't......?
This MOFO goes to FL every weekend and play golf at our expenses.
Talking about waste, fraud and abuse. That is trump right there.
So, the usual Cabinet stuff.
He can't spell.
Caddy Shack was an awesome movie.
I love that none of them were moving at all.
Don't know why. They would have been furious if #Biden did this.
They mostly 'woke up dead.'
Hope their families send thank you cards to the trump administration.
What a narcissist
How's oligarchy going for you, America?
If they stop the flow of money thru the government, the economy (our lives) will starve
His narcissism and psychopathies have no limits. 💁🏻♀️
But, I doubt that his opinion of wounded soldiers is any higher than his opinion of POWs.
Remember, above all, he is a vile, repugnant man.
He fixed the game so he won more like it.
Not a lot of International tournaments happening in a World War - and this will be ON American Soil. Not British.
30% of Americans are Nazi supporters willing to start that war…
No work & all play makes Trump a dull boy I say.
God help us all.
So he cheated.
Waa he the only competitor?
“The sports writer says Donald Trump’s golf antics reveal a lot about the President and leave him terrified for the United States’ future”
It didn't happen.
We have every right for the sidewalks
Stand Up, Stay Safe and #resist
And he’s been VERY public about his intentions…you can’t have missed his open admissions towards Canada, Greenland and others.
Whole lot of exposure on a golf course.
Maybe I should create a photo award, then declare myself the winner so I can claim to be an award winning photog.
Also he was a real man. When the other dicktater golfers came out of the locker room... the look in their eyes. Fueled by totally heterosexual thoughts. It doesn't take them many strokes either off course, but that Il guy...
Is he gonna do the world a favor and croak soon?
DJT has made it perfectly clear he intends to start WW3.
He’s been OPEN about his intentions towards Canada and Greenland…and the Ukraine.
No one’s coming to play golf.
And I’d sell my left nut to participate.
I bet he’s a non compliant patient for his team of doctors.
They probably prescribe his fun drugs too and enable him.
Does that have something to do with the chronically bruised hand?
Don’t threaten me with a good time.
Unless he is just trying to drum up more attention
Or the Secret Service has decided Doral is unsafe. In which case, he'll cheat at golf somewhere else.