Presented with evidence that innocent people who are not members of any gang were wrongly deported to a slave prison in El Salvador, Homan flatly insists that all of them were in fact gang members (but he's unwilling to detail any evidence showing it)
You cannot ship people off to a gulag with no trial. There is no due process in El Salvador.
Rubios parents were from Cuba. Under current policy Rubio would have been sent to Cuba as a kid.
Before this is over, Trump will have instead of throwing him under the bus will have loaded him on a plane..
Wishful thinking and all!
The crowd who were loudly screaming "Innocent until proven guilty!" in regard to Krasnov sees it the other way around.
"Better to set 100 guilty free than to condemn one innocent man"?
It happens all the time in America. What an ignorant person.
Their MAGA base is full of conspiracy theorists who don’t believe anything govt says - BUT they believe whatever lie this government spins
Mind boggling
This is a lawless, impeachable offense
This is pure Shitler.
Rule of Law is dead.
If a bloody revolt comes to the streets of America, it will happen because institutions and people in power, the ones who claimed to be guardians of the Constitution, betrayed us.
I believe that's the firm's name.
There are no names. It was a movie created by Shady Vance and Trump's son heavily invested in AI. They have to justify the amount of money they are stealing using the narrative of "MASS" deportation.
"Grand Theft is what they should be in jail for.
They've literally kidnapped them and trafficked them into slavery.
No due process, he doesn't care...
$10,000 per person, and 300+ sent, that's a cool $3 million in his pocket... the government pays for the cops and vehicles, planes, etc... I think that this guy is getting a cut too....
Netanyahu told Trump to do something about that...
He has no power to do anything to the world cour, Netanyahu has been found guilty!
Next President should declare Elon a gang member of a Russian gang and just deport him to the Ukraine.
And by getting interviewers to debate that,
They want a WHITE America, unless they are RICH DONORS to MAGAS or of USE somehow.
Their writings go way back, too.
When Breitbart died suddenly in March 2012, Bannon assumed role of executive chairman, an active hand in directing Breitbart News’s editorial"
Steve Bannon
the rest is history.
Unless we can STOP it.
deported by ICE
are NOT considered dangerous gang members and don’t have a criminal record.
That’s an error rate of 1.2%
If 1,000,000 is the target in the next few months,
that translates to 12,000 innocent people being wrongfully deported.
Could lead to lawsuits.
Gee, such's almost as if Trump is following in Putin's footsteps. 🤔 Dah!
Trump wants to BE Putin, not just his PUPPET.
From the UK!
Shit he can’t even fucking speak!
I’m sure lots of Jews, and others, said “turn those trains around now!” last century. Didn’t stop a goddamned thing.
Epstein knew it too.
They have people that are incarcerated they plan on shipping them to El Salvador.
Bosberg is only hearing the one part about the law, but they say there's other laws that allow them to do this without due process and secretly.
"It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission"
"Sieg Heil! "
Why do they all smell bad?
Annihilating life in the process…
“Dear Homan…”
This interview was a national embarrassment.
"Now, Musk holds immense power in the Trump administration, and the possibility of drug overuse or abuse in a man many call "co-President" has caused concerns
lol, ya right
Expertise wasn’t important.
He told the YES gullibles that They were definitely Qualified for the jobs! - & they believed him. 🙄
They’ve never had so much Power! - and so much responsibility - & liability!
What Karma is going to find him?
The Alien Enemies Act
Deny the harm or abuse occurred;
Attack those who were harmed or who protest the harm;
Reverse victim and offender (which tends to reverse burden of proof).
Surely the American Nazi party is a gang. What is the essential element of gang membership that qualifies for deportation without due process?
Maybe being not white is all that’s required.
No one should be subject to being incarcerated in a prison without due process of law. The US government placing these poor people in inhumane conditions in a foreign penitentiary will not stand.
This is bigger than anything else they’ve done and complete deprevation of Constitutional rights.
It cannot go further; it needs an immediate Congressional investigation
I wonder if he's the first regime flunkie (and only one to date) who has an inkling how badly history will view him.
Solution? Normally CONGRESS impeaches/removes. They’re (Rs) complicit too. We either drag him out or he dies (natch or …). Did I miss anything?
Our new reality is that due process no longer exists in a uniformly applicable sense.
Just as evil, though.
Thats it. That’s all this is. Pure Racism spun and packaged up as a US Security concern.
Nothing to see here. Trust me, I love America so much, it hurts, others.
Remember: ICE has quotas and the prisons have profit motives-they are rounding up anyone and everyone.
The job of a journalist is not to continue to platform blatant lies and the lying liars that blatantly tell them. It is to terminate the interview the moment it became apparent he was refusing to supply even a snippet of the evidence that is necessary...
He is a racist and a terrorist just like Hitler
I will never step foot in China again. Sry I meant America but same diff
Mark my words‼️🤬
Other groups I’ve donated to who are doing good work:
Public Citizen
Democracy Forward
American Oversight
The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression
I don’t have a pinned post, but I’ll pin this list now.
For $$$ AND sadistic pleasure...
So we have a paper trail.
The Goddamn idjits.
Apparently Siberia is nice at this time of year!
That’s for sure.
Otherwise, they would be posting it
More importantly, however, it doesn't matter what he *thinks*
Where is the Due Process, called for in the Constitution, and when were *any* of those prisoners ever in court?
If they had it, two dozen different administration flunkies and spokespeople would be blasting it out, day in, day out, over as many communication channels as they can access.
The fact they haven't is VERY strong evidence they've got nothing.
Now he says he doesn't know if he signed it or not
The AEA was about an act of war being carried out and an army invading
Their claim about "immigrants invading the country" is bullshit, as there were "immigrants invading" constantly when the AEA was written
And despite the orange felon yapping about “an invasion of immigrants”, the AEA never contemplated such a thing, as there were no immigration laws
There was a steady stream of immigrants
Anyone could get on a boat and arrive, in as many numbers as they wanted
This would instead be ABDUCTION, RENDITION, or other words.
Be careful with the words you use or repeat. When you repeat their frame, you invoke their frame.
They're nonsense about "an invasion of immigrants" doesn't hold water
In 1798, there weren't any immigration laws, and anyone could come here in any numbers they wanted, without restrictions
The AEA never contemplated immigrants
This is what you should be arguing.
Nazi Homan doesn't care if they were gang members or not--he only cares about meeting his ethnic cleansing quotas to please his fuhrer.
P.S. The republicans belong to a gang, hacking our information, taking food out of kid's mouths, encouraging major pollution of our air and land, ruining our education department, taking benefits from our vets and so much more.
They are the 2025 Gang.
Get his entire regime out of the Whitehouse!!!
You can’t undo the pain they are experiencing NOW!
WTF are we doing America???
Our rage meter is not dialed up nearly enough in comparison to what is happening!
If people don’t understand that, they better wake TF up quick!
You can roll the dice and take your chances that they will never come for you, or you can stand and fight now.
A lot of Trump supporters are already finding out that his policies will crush them too. It’s a big risk to take.
Fucking idiotic country America is now. Homan just gets away with this injustice and travesty scott-free while the FBI, CIA and all other agencies just sit around and watch.
Who will hold his feet to the fire?
He talks like he has a mouth full of shit.....and he does!