Remember this when a Category 5 hurricane batters the East Coast on Wednesday. Remember it well. Republicans do NOT give a flying fuck about anyone in this country. Not me. Not you. Not their own constituents. Not even their own families, really. Sociopaths.
Ethical governance?
Not. In. This. Lifetime!
For Republicans, cruelty is the point!
God, I hope Floridians aren't too fucked up after this ^..^;;;
Why don’t Democrats capture this in an attack ad tomorrow and run it in Fla, Louisiana and every swing state?
Punch back damn it!
piles and plies and PILES
of **it
Hows about we torch your neighborhood
The Speaker of the House refusing to reconvene to pass emergency FEMA funding is an expression of the latter.
I'm looking more at that whole western area of FL, which is more GOP. Example: Sarasota has almost double the number of GOP voters than Dems.
My guess is infrastructure damage alone may have some impact on the results (not necessarily left or right)
It’s in response to the logic in the previous post.
Please rethink your views here
Do not take chances!
Praying for your safety! 👋
(You, not them, to be clear.)
Don’t be them
The second best time to delete it is now.
And, for the record, I’m betting Penny wishes she’d worded her post a little differently. She, too, is a person and a good one from what I have gotten to know of her on here. To err is human…
No loss of life is acceptable in these circumstances if it can be at all averted or prevented.
I'm turning off replies on this post, now. Thank you everyone for making your voices heard.
I’m not sure how he would even react. God they really need to do this. 😹