I think we’re all used to American Catholics defending the death penalty on social media but it’s not every day you get a literal priest inventing Protestantism in real time as a way to rationalize the state killing people
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Rage quitting Catholicism because you don't like what your god's rep said. That's some bone deep faith right there yes sir, and not at all the actions of someone who just uses it as a convenient lever to exert power over others. Yup yup. Molto Serio.
The ramifications of the translation of the commandments are still heavily debated today. But if you look at the Torah and Jewish law, murder was a capital crime. If you use the modern translation this creates a logical contradiction. There was understanding of "appropriate" times to kill others
the entire bible is just contradictions, lies, badly-written parables, and abject moral weakness. it is a despicable text to make the center of your ethical philosophy
I was raised Catholic and as far back as I can remember, that always meant anti-death penalty. Idk how long it's been that way, but the church is pretty clear about it now.
Funny! Also, the Protestant NAR is —as we speak—jettisoning sola scriptura and reappointing gods mouthpieces on earth (while keeping anti catholic sentiment ) in order to fuel their lunge toward theocracy
It's always a race to the bottom for which religion can be the shittiest. Catholicism has been the front runner for a while. Kind of explains why my parents converted to it.
Yeah the Pope is the conduit between humanity and god and speaks the word of god but I REALLY like state sponsored murder so I’m mad we don’t get a mulligan for that sin!
And they did get him, even though the rulers at the time wanting nothing to do with the stupid Jewish religious squabbles as long as they venerated the Caesars in the Temple
Look. If the guy's infallible, then he's always right.
The Pope is infallible.
Therefore he is always right.
It's a religion. Not a cafeteria.
It's also your religion, not mine.
I mean whether protestant or catholic they all ignore like the 100 explicit Biblical warnings not to harass people who aren't in their original tribal-cultural niche
Infallibility only relates to specific topis (maybe the catechism?). The pope can have his own opinions about everything else, and catholics can disagree with those opinions while still being considered good catholics. There's tons of wiggle room.
The death penalty is barbaric, putting us in the company of nations like Saudi Arabia, Syria, and North Korea.
I'm not a fan of using any religious leader to pressure the Supreme Court (besides, the Opus Dei Catholics on the court aren't going to listen to Fr. Martin anyway).
I shouldn’t go there but, one might even say that the liberal RC judge is more authentically RC than some because she’s Nuyorican. To me, anyone who joins an extreme RC cult is overdoing it. The Church is one of the oldest, fanaticism is for newbies!
I was pointing out that Catholics online oppose the practice. It’s part of a thread…I don’t think Fr M is trying to pressure SC, do you? He seems to be opining amid his fans. (We often forget that one of those SCOTUS libs is RC, or maybe she’s just culturally RC.)
I get it's an example of that point and I'm sure he doesn't expect they're actually reading, much listening to, what he says. But I agree the implication that Catholic justices should vote according to church dogma is off-putting and he could have more carefully avoided that suggestion.
But you're right, relatively few Catholic clergy are out there openly arguing for the death penalty, and a great many including generally conservative ones can often be found reiterating the church's official position on the matter.
It's the usual arbitrary arguing styl of right-wing Catholics. Over here in Europe (where Catholicism is much more liberal and 'death penalty' a concept associated with Iran and Adolf Hitler), when a Catholic says sth liberal it's 'you are not Catholic, the pope says otherwise, and 1/2
Doctrinal opposition to the death penalty isn't even some newfangled Pope Francis thing! EVERY Pope of that asshole's ENTIRE LIFETIME has made opposition to the death penalty a central cornerstone of Catholic faith. EVEN FUCKING BENEDICT!
It is a two billion-plus person religion founded on an act of capital punishment and obsessed with the tool of a brutal but effective means of execution as a symbol of faith so yeah you’d think believing the state actually murdered god might make a dude in a dog collar think it through a little.
Twisting yourself into knots to find theological support for the death penalty when your religion *explicitly* teaches that your God was wrongfully convicted and executed by the state seems... Tenuous?
I'm pretty sure every Catholic Pope of my lifetime (40+ years) has been staunchly anti-death penalty. It was a huge sticking point between Scalia (who used his Catholicism to defend being against abortion) and the Vatican, who insisted life was sacred from "the womb to the tomb."
He follows Tucker Carlson, Jordan Peterson, and the Babylon Bee, plus he looks like he might just be noticing weird little hairs in his swimsuit area. I feel very comfortable ignoring his thoughts on Christ's teaching about literally everything.
35 years in death row, 1 failed execution attempt and then this experimental method; looks like torture before killing to me. Maybe he should look into the Inquisition texts to support his argument.
seems odd that he has an issue with the Pope making shit up as he goes along, but no issue with the people who came before making up their shit as they went along
The greatest prize a Xtian can win, we’re told, is the crown of martyrdom.
Here’s an opportunity, then, to make Fr. S. incarnate support for his beloved death penalty and at the same time speed him to eternal glory, if indeed that is what awaits him.
Dude is literally contradicting the Catechism:
Consequently, the Church teaches, in the light of the Gospel, that “the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person”, and she works with determination for its abolition worldwide.
yeah, so i may not be a priest, but was raised Catholic and even i knew the church was explicitly opposed to the death penalty since Vatican II. this "priest" doesn't know dick and is in violation of church teaching. what a 🤡
Also Catholics: “Starve the fucker and then throw him in the gas chamber. He’ll learn to love God in his final moments.”
Kill who? Anyone? Anything? Does this mean you're obligated to be a vegan, or even a fruitarian?
Why is this part a mistranslation and not the "handful" of times homosexuality was condemned?
Though Shalt Not Kill*
*See pages 1280-1314 for exceptions to this commandment.
Finding out god's word on homosexuality was about pedophelia: yeah, so what?
The Pope is infallible.
Therefore he is always right.
It's a religion. Not a cafeteria.
It's also your religion, not mine.
However, because this is a priest, there is a matter of papal supremacy which does apply.
I'm not a fan of using any religious leader to pressure the Supreme Court (besides, the Opus Dei Catholics on the court aren't going to listen to Fr. Martin anyway).
Can it be in December? Prague is beautiful in winter.
jesus: wtf dude
Here’s an opportunity, then, to make Fr. S. incarnate support for his beloved death penalty and at the same time speed him to eternal glory, if indeed that is what awaits him.
Vero, “pater”, crucem tuam ferre cogaris…
Just like R governors would reject the Constitution if the govt took their guns but it's fine if a woman is made to bear young resulting from rape.
Solo Scriptura; Solo Fides; Solo Gratia.
(Help a Buddhist out)
Consequently, the Church teaches, in the light of the Gospel, that “the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person”, and she works with determination for its abolition worldwide.