He gave up any footing the democrats had. As an independent, I will never support a democrat again! I’m supporting third parties only. I’d rather be voting a losing party than a coward party.
Say he lets the government shut down. What's that look like after a week, after two weeks, etc? Rs love a shutdown so in the end Ds would have to crawl back abd probably concede even more to reopen. He had no good moves. We got here bc they've misplayed everything for years.
He's right though. Now they get to work on their preferred policies like demonizing trans people, attacking immigrants, increasing government surveillance, giving cops more money, arming a genocide, censuring Democrats, deregulating cryptocurrency...
This was the strongest footing they had to make change, but they gave it up because they value the big bucks rolling in for the next year or two before Trump executes them more than they value the country.
JFC, the next thing up will be the Debt Ceiling vote. Republicans are absolutely going to tack their whole wish list to the thing and dare Democrats to vote against it. If they won't vote against a CR, they absolutely won't vote against a DC.
Like I said, they will hold the Debt Ceiling hostage to get through any piece of legislation they need to pass with a 60 vote threshold. Schumer has shown he doesn't have the stomach to call their bluff and risk a shutdown, and hitting the Debt Ceiling is 1000% worse than a shutdown.
The Debt Ceiling allows the government to accrue debt up to a certain point. The country currently needs to borrow money to continue paying its debts. If the DC isn't raised, the country quickly defaults on its debt. Basically, rates sky rocket, markets legit crash, and the dollar loses value.
Defaulting would be catastrophic to the economy. It would likely trigger a depression worse than 1929. Which again is why this fight for the CR was so important. Schumer showed he wouldn't fight to negotiate to keep the government open, he certainly isn't going to fight for a clean DC bill.
That's the big reason why this cave during the CR vote is so bad. Hitting the Debt Ceiling is like a government shutdown on steroids to the economy. Schumer didn't just hand them a black check financially, he gave them a blank check legislatively.
Which is why Republicans will add their voting 'reform', abortion restrictions, and every other piece of legislation to a DC bill. They risked a default in 2023 by trying to use the DC to get budget cuts, they will use it now because they know Schumer has no spine.
Screw him, screw this party. I just tore up my absentee ballot for the April 1st election because I just realized it doesn't mean a goddamn thing who I vote for.
Schumer is trying to gaslight us. It was never about choosing the lesser of two evils and reducing the amount of harm Musk/Trump could cause to the country. He got a call from Wall Street telling him to keep the government open and like a good little dog he did just that.
They literally refused to filibuster the bill when they kept telling us they couldn't abolish the filibuster under Biden lest they need it when the GOP is back in charge. Where the fuck do they think they're possibly going to have stronger footing after openly rolling over for the GOP like this?
That’s a joke. You are no longer respected. Time for you to go. You sold us down the river and now we have to live with this. Hopefully no one buys that stupid book of yours and hopefully there are demonstrators everywhere you go
There are no other areas they have stronger footing....they just handed over the only leverage they had. Rs are laughing and celebrating right now about how easy that was I'm sure.
The annoying thing is that Chris Hayes didn’t seem to have a response to Schumer and Bernie didn’t either. Bernie just ranted about town halls which are happening anyway. This is a literal coup and no one knows what to do about it.
I saw the Hayes clip and it was so relatable. He couldn't find the words because Schumer's argument was so obviously stupid there was just nothing to say about it.
If the government is shut down the president can decide who to fire!
His argument was they lose access to the courts under a shutdown. Right now we are winning in the courts. Hayes didn’t respond because Schumer is right about that part. I don’t honestly know what the fuck we are supposed to do but I want someone to address the argument at least.
I don't know what the correct answer is but unfortunately the courts don't matter either because the rulings don't enforce themselves.
What's worse: not having access to the courts during the shutdown? Or codifying into the law that Congress actually doesn't get to determine spending anymore?
Bernie’s response was shut the government down and then millions of people protest. The fuck? I don’t see millions of people doing anything. Trying to game a coup is exhausting. Personally I opt for violence but that’s just me.
This argument has never been the case under any shutdown. The courts will stop hiring, but they actually will run funded by court fees for at least two weeks without need of congress.
What we did now is make the courts less powerful by giving Trump leverage and legalizing his coup. @schumer.senate.gov is a traitor and an utter idiot. He is worth over 80M, this was about his pockets.
I’m not saying I agree with it but it’s worth addressing what Schumer is arguing. Under the shutdown the democrats loose access to the courts to appeal department closures and there is no mechanism to reopen the government. They could literally just shut down social security entirely permanently.
Holy crap, that was the perfect time and place to start pushing back hard. Closing the government, or threatening to do so, didn’t seem to hurt the GOP.
Pardon my French but where the FUCK do they have stronger footing? The courts that the admin isn’t listening to? Enlighten us CHUCK @schumer.senate.gov
You’ve proven time and time again that you will drop to your knees when pushed and that’s why the GOP keeps bullying you.
Aka Bullshit
What on earth.
Tell us what you _will_ fight for, Chuck. Give us something we can hang a hope on. ANYTHING.
Or admit that you have nothing and let someone else lead.
We need to primary all of these idiots.
--- Titanic Captain Chuck Schumer
When ?
You've got a stronger stomach than I.
Schumer opens mouth “blah blah blah. I’m an pathetic sycophantic coward blah blah blah”
Yup I apparently can hate him more.
I'm afraid you blew it
If the government is shut down the president can decide who to fire!
But that's what's happening now!
What's worse: not having access to the courts during the shutdown? Or codifying into the law that Congress actually doesn't get to determine spending anymore?
Oh boy, Chuck will never be forgiven for this.
Seems to me this vote today caused you to lose your footing.
Big misstep