This is so real. I’ve reported on this over the years in many forms. Coral reef scientists. Conservationists caring for endlings. Public health workers in the pandemic. Journalists covering all the above. The people bearing witness are not okay.
Reposted from
Helen De Cruz
One unexpected thing in my qualitative study w natural scientists (one-hour interviews) is how deeply, deeply sad the climate scientists are. They say things like "you have enough information from us, why won't anyone act?" -- the psychological distress these people are enduring is very great.
Endling trauma.
you got a fuckin' PHD
IDIOT slinkin' off, i'll see myself out lol
It's a mix of anger and desolation.
We did all we could, we got the data, we see the increasing signs, why don't they listen?
And also, why they do not respect all the year I dedicated to this?
The cruelty and suffering tarnish your soul.
Grief over things that cannot now be saved
Grief over things that could be saved, but that one can see will not be saved.
If your policies get blamed for homelessness (and they are) you become the enemy of the poor, and you are the elite who is oppressing us. So maybe don’t divorce it.
I've always known that a lot of people, when it comes down to it, would choose denial over facing a difficult reality
but I didn't realize just *how many* people would rather live in denial of obvious facts than confront what needs to be confronted
instead I'm finding out it's like 90% of people who prefer denial, 10% of people who are willing to be brave
which is...well, something so deeply disappointing to me that I'll be processing it in talk therapy for the rest of my life
is super, super alienating.
Please. I have become significantly less trusting of the climate change thing as the policies destroy housing affordability and they keep targeting stuff disabled people use.
I'm rarely less optimistic about the future of our species than when I'm sat in international fisheries meetings listening to the most pointless objections to anything that feels even slightly like progress.
There's a reason we're almost all still so short staffed
s*icide in NYC. HCWs and essential workers are the GOAT.
and what we doing? havin' world war 3!
we'll be mid punch stopped by frozen daggers and hotter 'n lava, world disappeared under our feet! FUCKIN FIRE!!
And we cannot wait for Gen Z to get the power to save us. That’s decades too late. More needs doing now, but we’re all so tired and disempowered. 💔
It sucks for everyone who lives in reality.
Checking in this the "news of the day" is completely ingrained in me, especially during my work week. It's so pointless, all it does is make me angry & hopeless.
Those people live in absolute fiction. Which realities are they better at? The one where the reason the 1950's were so "good" is b/c unions were strong & top marginal tax rates were around 90%? No, no, not that one.