Sadly, irony does not translate well on social media. People on here are too literal. The replies to you are examples of why I find bluesky to be a progressive version of X!
I love irony,it will never die, despite how people prefer the literal.But there’s a preference 4the literal because it’s viewed as more transparent,explicit, a bit obvious, because once u take a dip into irony, there’s a danger of being perceived as obfuscating the truth. Literal, to many, is truth.
This thread is a cultural superfund site now, which I welcome, but there actually is a socialist bookstore (1804 Books) a few blocks from Stavros Niarchos library in Manhattan, where I went today.
Should be the iOS official client; you can also get to these options on web. In the header of a post there’s an icon button on the right that lets you change that post's reply settings, looks like two equaliser knobs
I think people who develop web apps still don't understand how much interface is destiny and I'm amazed that's still true in the year of our lord 2025.
I love Left Bank Books. And I love that it's totally in-your-face, a place you MUST pass to get to the fish-tossing, kitsch-selling, Starbucks-birthing Pike Place Market.
I don't know the hx that well. My impression is they've never been hardcore like RCP or cwp etc. They've really flourished over the last couple of decades. Moved uptown opened a coffee house/bookstore that works pretty well & involved in a lot of community work. A successful collective for once.
Your original post is very funny and well worded, and holy HELL these comments are off the rails. I can't quite decide whether it's a flood of idiots or bots or both. Ah well. Either way, blockity block!
I haven’t been yet because it’s been closed when I’ve been nearby. I miss Revolution Books on 19th st. Bluestockings is still going though, I just learned! They offer Narcan training every Saturday at 2:30PM.
Yes, and Narcan is part of why some of their neighbors were trying to force them out! I have been sending my ducats to them ever since
Next time I go to the library I’ll ask where can I find books on socialist Physics, socialist mathematics & socialist aeronautical design & engineering.
Could you define those three concepts please - just so I can check that they actually exist … because books about subjects that don’t exist would be silly.
Socialist physics and socialist engineering - nothing. Socialist maths - a couple of “Does it exist” references, and a couple of reviews on how it (Maths!!!) is taught in socialist countries.
So not huge areas of the publication industry and probably not worthwhile stocking in your local library.
In all reality, that was probably every proud boys members' 2nd field trip to the library in their entire lives.
First time was probably in elementary school.
I've heard many showed up at different Ontario, Canada libraries protesting. How dare drag queens read to other people's children, so they can be educated!
Because it succinctly states the matter. It articulates an idea that some may not be able to articulate as eloquently even if they feel it in their bones. You done good. That’s why. We like what you said because we agree.
I wish. my friend is a librarian and the local right-wing group has targeted their library a TON. she’s found white supremacist pamphlets tucked into books, been harassed over the phone, and they mounted a successful campaign to get one of their members onto the board of trustees. In a blue state
I tried to go to the conservative bookstore, but oops, they burned all of the books except the Bible, but they banned the Bible because it's too violent and sexually explicit. #yourestupid #fascism #books
... but only the pastors that have overturned convictions of child molestation because of out of court settlements. Because, you know, those are only the most inspirational ones, cuz they dealt with adversity. (dripping sarcasm)
Confused. So the liberals have been removing books from libraries? I’m pretty sure you can get yourself a copy of Mein Kampf in many larger public libraries. I’m assuming you are looking for that as a self help read?
It is impossible to keep annotated bibles, study bibles, Bible concordances and the like in circulation. These items are expensive. Ask me how easy it is to steal from a library and I won't tell you.
With 33 years as a public librarian in many roles, I am qualified to speak with authority on the subject of library book theft. Here is a nugget not often spoken about... books about serial killers and their crimes are stolen with regularity.
They don't mean "socialist bookstore" as in it only has socialist books, but that the library is close to socialist principles of shared ownership and mutual aid. Although technically state capitalist because the state owns the books and the librarians work under a employer-employee social relation
Yeah. And that’s really awesome. At some point “the government” be it state or federal decided that books should be made readily available to all people. Ignorance went out of fashion at some point. And yet….here we are. 🫤
Libraries serve everyone. I admire their value as social workers. They give people a safe place to spend the day, a computer to use, and tons if resources to help them. Librarians are fairy godmothers.
I first read Kim Stanley Robinson thanks to my library. I do everything I can to support them, but I also support my local bookstore. My local bookstore also supports cats.
I remember watching the PBS show reviewing children’s books and getting those books at the library or buying them at the bookstore at my grocery cooperative or through my public schools scholastic book service. Yes this was Berkeley California.
As someone with a masters in library and information science, I applaud your choice. If your socialist theory of choice isn't available, try inter-library loan.
Yeah, but in reality, those books are written for profit as products and the library is just kind of like goodwill for books. It's not socialism that writes the books in the first place. It's the two ideas working together and when properly balanced they are a check and balance against each other.
Except...ya know...the part where Goodwill is more properly analogous to a used book store, because libraries don't sell the books, allow you to curl up in a chair and stay all day if you like, have other services besides books available to the public, and usually don't smell funny.
True. But many of the socialist and anarchist books can't be found in local libraries. That's why Bluestockings in Lower Manhattan and Autumn Leaves (PM Press) in Ithaca are so valuable.
There was an adult bookfair yesterday. The line was 5 blocks long, despite the 20-something degree temps. I felt hopeful knowing my community values reading this much, as I decided to go to the library instead.
That's the joke, but apparently a lot of folks aren't getting it?
I always have to remind myself that even intelligent, sensible people can have a hard time understanding irony on the internet. Whole subcultures just don't *do* irony, it's not their way.
As a child, I depended on the library for entertainment in what was a small town (now the second biggest city in Iowa). I rode my bike downtown to a grand old building that is now an art center.
I still ride my bike downtown to a little less of a grand building. Not much has changed in 60 years.
Library kid, too. Didn’t have a bike. Had to walk there in the stifling humidity of a small town in Louisiana. Can still picture every row and stack in that place. Always snuck into the Genealogy room to read because it was cordoned off and had better furniture.
No joke - I was raised by a library - i just went there everyday because it was quiet and I could read and home wasn’t like that. I turned out weird and stuff. So it’s true what MAGA says - kids can learn all kinds of things about stuff like sex and socialism (mostly different books) and be weird
Thanks - I’m glad you saw yourself in this. I say ‘no joke’ and then am a bit jokey about it because things at home were much worse than loud and chaotic, but it’s not something I go into on SM. I went straight to the public library when school let out until it closed and it was safe there for me.->
The librarians took care of me, mostly by just leaving me alone and letting me read quietly. So, I get irrationally angry when libraries get politicized or I see them made less safe by dangerous bad actors who want to dictate what children should learn and read on their own.
Officially the library system I work for has an ‘unattended child’ policy but we definitely use our discretion. The kids who are reading alone after school or in the holidays? I for one am not doing anything except keeping an eye on them.
I really miss having a socialist bookstore near me. I've lived in four cities on three continents that had them, and it was always a wonderful experience and community site.
If socialism means our tax money gets spent on services we all could use, then call me socialist. Why can't community colleges give Jr/Sr HS kids an associates degree for their last 2 yrs of school? Our prop taxes already pay for that. Or we can pay Musk to do what, exactly? Socialism? Fuck yeah.
Many already do - my middle kid got his HS/AA degrees paid for by our state - OR. But they yanked the programs bc too many kids were jumping ship and the HS were losing federal money… or at least that’s the excuse given
Fwiw some school systems do just that (state of Florida does, so I assume others do as well). But the kids have to actually take cc classes (free though) because the high school versions are watered down.
Exactly. And for kids who want to graduate into an apprenticeship, CC provides many more options for them. Imagine walking into a good paying job at 18? Electrician, construction, animal husbandry, mechanic; choices. Which our kids deserve.
That isn’t socialism, it is usually social democracy or welfare capitalism. There is some overlap, but socialism is primarily defined as the “democratic ownership of the means of production”. What that generally means is that the workers of a store own it and run it democratically.
I am not sure what this has do with the differences between social democracy and socialism, but yes. I have been very aware of how the US is transitioning from a kleptocratic to a plutocratic state for a long time.
Good. I thought you were just mansplaining with no real point, and was initially sarcastic. I was a history major and studied...fascism. Not posting my CV (or does work history have a new name?) but there's more. Don't ask for citations; I'm retired now.
Sorry, I notice A LOT of misconceptions between social democracy and socialism. I just think that if we are going to be a union of political ideas seeking to push the conversation left, it’s probably best we all understand what the basic ideological positions are to avoid confusion.
Tried to donate large print books to library bc they are $$$ +elderly+low vision people have so little choice.They said costs them $20 to evaluate/label+they can get digital for that price.Also books have to be very current.Meanwhile people are complaining re being #414 waiting 4 even digital books.
If someone has difficulty reading physical books because of physical disabilities or low vision they can get audiobooks sent to them for free.
In Washington State it’s easy to sign up. It doesn’t take a lot to prove eligibility. Patrons can call and talk to an actual person that can help select titles. All equipment is supplied at no cost. They also record their own audiobooks.
Thats right without socialist ideas, they would be no library’s, just indoctrination camps.
Without socialist ideas you would be drinking sewer water, and breathing toxins gases, there would be no freeways, airports, trains.
Without socialistic ideas, you would be eating Dirt.
Bud !
It looks like you are a little unclear on what socialism means... a public library is a socialist institution, because it is publicly owned means of production.
Hey, libraries are the ultimate socialist bookstore anyway—everything’s free and shared by the community. You can still get all the fiery material you want, minus the price tag. Win-win!
You know social security medicaid medicare the post office the fire department food stamps welfare unemployment is as you call it socialism. Freedom to read what you want wow that's so woke, right?
Human Rights are a binary choice; you either have them or you don’t; you either have the right to vote or you don’t; you either have the right of sexual orientation or you don’t; you either have the right to bodily autonomy or you don’t. The Nazi GOP are well on the way to REMOVING YOUR HUMAN RIGHTS
Technically correct that it's a state capitalist institution, but I think you're missing the forest for the trees because it's still the closest to socialist organization that we have as a commonplace institution.
Actually the VAMC is the closest thing we have to being a socialist institution but still you must earn the criteria for treatment there & the majority of vets would tell you don't want to have to go there if you can avoid it. The red tape is a hassle, the care is often poorly given, Long wait times
People can assign any meaning to words they want to. They can call the “welfare state” socialism. But there is a drastic difference in practice between socialism in the historic sense and the modern welfare state as practiced in the U.S. and other well-off countries.
It's social welfare, not socialism. There are enormous differences between these two ways of organizing the economy and public administration of road travel or liberties. The difference is a comparison between lightening and the lightening bug. One is not the other.
Spare me the "My first Chomsky lecture," I said you were technically correct. Yes the state owns in the books in private and the librarians work under employer-employee social relations, but the library still *resembles* shared ownership and mutual aid while promoting communitarian values.
The state doesn't own the books, County libraries are owned by the county's citizens and are taken care of by the county library for county citizens, same for city libraries. County taxes pay for those books. Taxes collected from county citizens.
Generally "the state" when talking about leftist politics refers to the government, sometimes including parapolitical entities, not a "state" in the US sense as synonym for a province.
Also trust me if you want to promote socialist thought and build consciousness, you don't want to be going around "uhm, act-sholly"ing people. Being a know-it-all killjoy doesn't actually accomplish anything. Learn to "yes, and" the liberals.
This is a great way to rebel against capitalism. Libraries are funded based on usage & you are borrowing a book instead of buying it. I need to use the library more often.
Quite happy, actually, to support my local “socialist” bookstore (which really is pretty much that, w/out exaggeration). Picked up a copy of this excellent book there the other day for a $1!
Great book; he features the town where my dad grew up (Colonial Heights, VA - a/k/a “Colonial Whites”) and it shined a light on a lot of things for me.
Just getting into it, tbqh, but very much enjoying the read so far. Almost makes me want to go fire up “Ultimate General” and the innumerable other Civil War games inhabiting my computer.
I went down to St. James infirmary / I heard my playlist there / It’s stretched out on a long white table / So sweet so cold so free from copyright claims, y’all
Do you even know what a socialist is? Marxist? Communist? Capitalist? Probably not. Every time someone uses those buzz words they are just an inbred trumper lying about having brain cells and sowing more lies into the public square
You’ll also find books there on democracy, fascism, communism, the Bible, all kinds of religious books, and also sociology, medicine, biology. You might want to checkout self-help books, or read about failed governments, you can even find the Constitution there!
On a trip to Paris my daughter and I wandered into what we thought was a bookstore. It was a meeting of a socialist group. They gave us free beer and lentil soup.
Interestingly / ironically (but not negatively) bookshops who describe themselves as “Socialist Bookshops” are almost definitely run on capitalist lines (financially) - whether that be plc or cooperative or charity or whatever, whilst Public Libraries are, as mentioned, run on socialist lines. 🫨
I was going to walk into town along the socialist pavement, next to the socialist road, past the socialist park, and the socialist schools, and socialist children’s playgrounds.
And you'll be confident that socialist police and fire departments are there if you need them. And appreciate the fact that your food and water is safe to consume because of socialist inspectors.
Theres a tool lending library in Oakland, CA. You can rent everything from garden shears to jackhammers. They also give out free seeds for your garden.
A library is a place of “ism”. A place to freely explore, educate, create new knowledge of what the meaning of socialism, imperialism, what ever ism.
A library is a place of freedom to learn.
The interstate is not socialist. It is paid for thru gas taxes and excise fees meaning only those using the interstate pay for it. If you're walking, you're not paying.
Actually, Western socialism, American style. Federal tax money paid 90% of the initial construction, pays interest on the Federal construction bonds, pays the cost of new road & maintenance by the states.
Or if you are a child, or (with income tax) if you are low-waged.
Not sure if your insistence that only universally applied taxes can equate with socialism is, er, on the money. And anyway - taxes are not usually hypothecated.
I never hinted nor stated that taxes are hypothecated. Social welfare simply put us not socialism. This includes roads, hospitals, libraries, fire depts... I merely stated for interstate travel, the roads are paid for by users thru gas taxes and federal excise taxes. I still stand by that.
Ur (obviously) correct. Those entities they *want to be examples of socialism are all produced and funded by capitalism. That is, by definition, not socialism.
If a library system decides to purchase your book, that is a huge purchase that can influence other systems and adds the book to lists that garner it attention
Public libraries are paid for by all and available to all at no additional cost. They are, like fire departments, an example of socialist practice within our capitalist society.
By contrast, the "socialist bookstore" is (presumably) a capitalist business.
some, there’s no layer at all.
i used to go to the communist bookstore in baltimore
Then I’ll report back.
If you use your favourite browser and type in these terms you can look at what results
So not huge areas of the publication industry and probably not worthwhile stocking in your local library.
A but like defence … socialist defence if you like.
Of course that doesn’t mean that the library, or the defence, appear socialist.
The provision is socialist.
A good choice!!
The ones I go to are politics free. That is what I love about the. Don’t care if you’re MAGA or Woke.
(The Proud Boys showed up at my local library & I live in one of the most liberal areas in the country)
First time was probably in elementary school.
Source please as I call BS.
Free Bibles are available everywhere, from all the churches.
Sounds rather oxymoronic. (the oxy is of course optional).
Let's get weird and say fragrantly!
I always have to remind myself that even intelligent, sensible people can have a hard time understanding irony on the internet. Whole subcultures just don't *do* irony, it's not their way.
I still ride my bike downtown to a little less of a grand building. Not much has changed in 60 years.
Truly dystopian times
I’m not sure, but I think this might fit into this conversation.
It’s the best I’ve got .
Without socialist ideas you would be drinking sewer water, and breathing toxins gases, there would be no freeways, airports, trains.
Without socialistic ideas, you would be eating Dirt.
Bud !
"Libraries aren't socialist. No agenda."
You are a strange incoherent person...
Or is... is that a question for Google?
See what your can do to help, donate, volunteer if not to buy anything to meet n talk to some solid people
You better run….just sayn
Take out a few books and you can learn in weeks what individuals took all their lives to learn.
So a lil of one a lil of other is probably a good strategy
So I did.
A library is a place of freedom to learn.
But remember that buying books pay authors
Not sure if your insistence that only universally applied taxes can equate with socialism is, er, on the money. And anyway - taxes are not usually hypothecated.
By contrast, the "socialist bookstore" is (presumably) a capitalist business.