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Andrius Kubilius, the European Commissioner for Defence Industry and Space: “There are 450 million Europeans. We should not be crying out for 340 million Americans to defend us against 140 million Russians, who are not even able to defeat 38 million Ukrainians.
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Me and countless other authors today…😂
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A lovely Neolithic knife - with its wooden handle - from a site with houses built on stilts on marshy land in Germany. Usually, the wooden part rots away and we just have the blade. This makes so much more sense! OP - David Connolly on FB:
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Dass in deutsche Talkshows immer noch Menschen sitzen, die behaupten, Trump sei kein Faschist, denn er sei ja von der Mehrheit der Menschen gewählt, ist absoluter Wahnwitz. Was ist denn das für ein Faschismusbegriff?!
🔴 For *four years* officials refused to release names of all companies linked to Conservative donors and party figures put in the 'VIP' lane for bumper Covid contracts Now a judge has ordered them to. Huge win for (and DfS)
“While drug shortages have become a problem globally in recent years, the UK is facing “a worsening situation” compared with the rest of Europe because of Brexit” Excellent work, Brexiters. Absolutely nailing our sovereign right to be self-harmingly idiotic.
In China werden freiflächen Solarzellen mittlerweile durch Roboter gereinigt, die wiederum mit Solarenergie betrieben werden😀