I am constantly impressed online and in life how many people think they are blocked or not invited or whatever because others can’t handle their brilliant philosophical analysis and not because they are just mean jerks who make everyone feel uncomfortable
But if that spares them being annoyed or triggered by me, it’s better for all.
Life’s too short.
No, mate, let's not.
Wait, @danlane.bsky.social and I have a paper on this...
A lot of people block and honestly, yeah, go for it.
Personally, I doubt you (or anyone) alone change many minds. But if you're willing to deal with angry people and occasional nut jobs: I say, try to be kind. Raindrops in a flood and all that.
Too many folks play the victim card or wear the philosopher hat when they just need to own their actions. Let’s encourage less posturing and more honesty. It’s healthier for everyone
Like if you were out at a bar watching a football game with friends, and a stranger came up to your table and demanded to debate politics, no one in the world would think you're obligated to indulge them.
It is the enemy of the liar & corrupt.
But corrupt liars are the comfort blanket chosen by many who can't deal with an uncomfortable reality (truth).
i.e. Migrants are not stealing black jobs.
they presume the only things you feel are humiliation, intimidation, or despair. which I sometimes do, just not from them.
No, you're being a jerk.
"Everyone loves my stuff, I must be doing something right."
"Everyone hates my stuff, I must be doing something right."