Maybe the plan is to bankrupt them, then make them an offer they can’t refuse. One of the steps of a government takeover, seize the means of production.
And, just as they did 2x the last time, millionaire Senators Grassley and Ernst will be the first to belly up to the trough to the detriment of small, particularly Black, farmers.
He really hasn’t a clue, or a care, about how anything works. This year’s crops are already planned, loans arranged, seed purchased, etc. They can’t turn on a dime.
Doesn't this idiot know that there's only so many consumers in America? Who are they gonna sell it to? They're gonna lose foreign accounts, food stamp income, & USAID accounts. They're about to suffer cataclysmic financial burdens. It's worse than last time when he had to fork over $16b of our taxes
No one outside would buy it anyway because he demolished the food safety regulations.
Even before that, certain American foods were banned in EU. Now that there is no control and screening for salmonella, listeria etc, who in right mind would even eat American food?
Canada here. Canada's domestic producers are enjoying an influx of Canadians turning away from anything American, including travel plans to the US. The patriotism here is comforting - we are uniting here like I've never seen before. 🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦
I’ll have plans to visit Canada for the first time in July… I hope I’m allowed in. 🙃 I plan to wear something at all times that says ‘I voted for HER!’
Yes! Everyone I know is going out of their way to avoid anything from US. We would rather go without or buy from anywhere else than buy food from US (also no gov. watchdogs to keep us up to date on recalls, so 😱). I will gladly spend an extra hour at the store to make sure I’m getting it right.
Same... it's like a weird scavenger hunt: toothpaste, batteries, raisins... but I love it. I feel like we can all make a HUGE difference if we keep this up. 🤞🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦
Wouldn’t they have potential for a bigger income if they have worldwide market access?
Sounds like he’s going to limit farmers income and if he does that long enough, small farmers are going to have to sell their farms.
This sounds like a win for industrial farming.
Donation to cryptocurrency?
so basic food prices rise in the USA possibly meaning people buy less product than before...AND....tit for tat tariffs make USA produce overseas uncompetitive meaning farmers don't get export orders
I predict a lose/lose for the farmers and consumers
Our farmers depend on international trade, especially with Canada and Mexico. That’s because most farming is for commodity production. Fruits and vegetables you buy at your local farm stand are considered “specialty crops” and are only 15% of U.S. farm production.
Just in LOL: Sen. Susan Collins on Trump’s tariffs: “I'm very concerned about the tariffs going into effect. Maine and Canada's economy are integrated. Much of our lobster, blueberries are processed in Canada and then come back over.We have a paper mill in northern Maine that's right on the border.”
Demonstrating once again that donOld has no clue about economics, the farm business, or pretty much anything else for that matter.
Further proof he must have failed Econ 101.
Reportedly, the US is self sufficient with food. It imports specialty foods, seasonal foods not grown in winter and tropical foods. One grain imported is barley. Not much to be sold internally. But lots for export. Those will be hit by tariffs and products that get imported will increase in price.
It’s ironic to me that the MAHA crowd would cheer this. I thought they wanted unprocessed food for all yet with this escapade where will all that healthy food come from? And at what cost?
Hey dumbass, every farmer in the country has already purchased what they’re going to grow based on where they are going to sell it… You just royally fucked and bankrupted most of them.
Bankruptcies soar so Vance and Friends buy for 25% on the $
He got the farmers must buy numbers from Canada and Mexico last term 1/29/2020
Best trade deal ever?
So China went to Brazil
So now he destroys the Farmers again!
$38 Billion bail out last term.
russia supplies it :/ but on the funny side, that wont matter when he accelerates climate change with drill baby drill...the only thing that will grow is dust and malcontentedness
2nd and 3rd world producers
2. Russia
Potash production: 9 million metric tons
Potash reserves: 920 million metric tons and 3. Belarus
Potash production: 7 million metric tons
Potash reserves: 750 million metric tons
Maybe the orange dickless-traitor thinks its owner will cover the loss.
RFK's camps. For all the ADHD kids and folks on any SSRI's or stimulants. 3-5 year detox/reprogramming/reparenting farms. Just good clean organic farming for their health in the lovely midwest...
Trump doesn't & will never grasp will bankrupt US farmers 1st but not last. >20% US crops goes to "---foreign markets---vital---($$)success of U.S. farmers---over 95% of the world population---" outside USA & foreign customers buy the crops Americans don't. Trump FUBAR
Farmers are increasingly under attack by this regime!
How stupid does Trump, his minions and corrupt regime think Americans are? Absolutely insulting.
I wonder if he is including all of the orchards and fruits etc rotting away🧐 Maybe he, and his wannabe administration, along with the Republican caucus can take field trips to pick those fields since they don’t do anything else for the people of this country
Hey dumbfuck dotard, they don't make food, they grow it or raise it, usually with plenty of help from immigrants that work long hard hours for less, while paying taxes.
Yeah he's going to put his white people to pick the veggies & fruits and build the houses & do all the low labor work that the so called illegals do now.
The aid sent overseas is surplus of surplus, that's how big the fucking surplus is. I wish the people making decisions had even a little knowledge about the things they were doing, but that's too much to ask for i guess.
Um, but Trump you've fired or deported most of their workers as illegal immigrants.
And those left have gone off to hide themselves and no longer available.
I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that most of their products were shipped out of the US, w/USAID be a massive part of that !
So why would trump assume that we're suddenly gonna start buying more produce ?
Especially in the midst of having our jobs & income stripped away, by our government !
Yeah! Have fun while you cannot obtain the potash for your crops which I understand most of which comes from your northern neighbour that your Russian operative president just whacked a import tariff on.
1 of 2: hahahahahahahaha what Fuckwad? : farmers don't make products to be sold in the US.. They grow a lot of food that is sold outside the US because they grew it in surplus meaning if they can't export.. they go bankrupt unless you write them BIG checks.. History:
With modern transport... there is no need to trade with the US...The Commonwealth and the EU.. would be the largest and most powerful economic zone ever created...
capitalism is bastardized socialism... instead of the community reaping the rewards.. the people who "own" do.. In the history of humankind... we have had a short interregnum of time where this has been thus... before that there was no such idea
This will be the future. Humanity actually progressing, trading with one another as billionaires go bankrupt and will soon need our help.
This was actually part of a fascinating conversation I had with my Lyft driver a week or so ago. About how we may need to go back as a society to survive.
they don't grow for food... they grow for profit... corn is for alcohol and cattle feed... its a terrible human food.. generally soybeans aren't fully edible... you are supposed to cook and ferment them.. to break down the enzymes.. and increase the food value
The fields would have to be reconditioned first not enough nutrients in the soil, and in my area the aquifer is drying up. Most plants for food consumption require more water than corn and beans.
“If Trump’s gaslighting is any indication of history, the green farmers are being bamboozled by a ‘Stalin Cult’ or a Holodormor act of terror! The tariffs, will bring about bankruptcies for farmers and the businesses, that they provide. Let’s call this what this is! ‘A Red Flag!”
Kill farmers by imposing tariffs on imports.Customers go elsewhere.
Resuscitate them with $25B of taxpayer $$.
1) This is what he did last time
2) China bought their soybeans from Brazil
3) They're probably not coming back
4) This should be banned for giving money out for his fuck ups
Typically, the republicans here get along with the dems and vice versa... but the last 8 years has really but a fork in that once singular road..... not to mention pete ricketts is a little bitch piss boy.
but anyways, I'll let you know when we start suffering. I know we lost a lot of fed emps.
I actually stocked up beans, lentils, split peas, and rice in anticipation of the coming shit show. And I got them at small local and ethnic markets for much less
He doesn’t eat real food. He eats McDonalds hamburgers, steak with ketchup and chocolate cake. He has no clue what’s healthy. He probably doesn’t know grapes turn into raisins, the difference between a peach and a nectarine or that pickles are actually cucumbers. He’s an idiot.
To my married sisters and brothers out there, if you took your partner's name, make sure you own a passport with that name on it. In order to vote, you may be required to show a passport or birth certificate that matches the name on your voter registration. Many married women don't own a passport.
Well, considering it’s probably Ten-to-One or better odds that Donny threatens 20% tariff on Hawaiian coffee “imports”… maybe everyone should be planting everything everywhere.
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act:
Decline in International Trade:
1. prompted retaliatory tariffs from other countries
2. reduction in trade deepened the economic downturn
3. Worsening of the Great Depression
4. contributed to economic isolationism
5. Increased Economic Hardship
Donny gonna fuck you up.
You'll have to excuse me if I have pretty much no sympathy for farmers considering most supported him. The first go around I had some understanding that people got carried away and fucked up. This time it's FAFO season
No they want to bankrupt family owned farmers to force sales to corporations, foreign investors, and private equity. You end up paying more for food forever.
It isn't bad enough that farmers have to deal with floods, fire, drought, and the commodities exchange. Now they have to deal with a moron for a President, that thinks it's good to cut off their exports. If they had markets within the U.S. for all those extra crops, they wouldn't need exports.
I love this. Farmers got beat up badly during Trump's first term, due to his idiotic trade war. Some committed suicide, many lost their farms. THE DOPES VOTED FOR HIM AGAIN, and now he's telling them that they are going to lose BIG money again. It's their own fault.
I wonder what would happen if groups of private citizens banded together, bought some of that farmland, but let the farmers stay on it and keep producing rather than force them off their land. Made their own private arrangements. What kind of money would that take?
The issue I personally see is with tariffs going into effect and increasing in April I wonder if farmers have the capital for the product needed to farm and then who is going to buy the product at inflated prices?
I am no farmer but seems like they will produce less product
GOP calls that "right sizing." I suppose as a regular person I was hoping to find some way to keep land out of foreign hands if possible, and maybe help a fellow citizen not lose their farm. I was thinking saving family farms, not the corporate giants. My mind went towards "how can I be a helper."
I don't even know how we'd identify who to try and save. Perhaps there are more organizing-oriented type folks on here who have ideas for how we could do an end run around some of this destruction for the sake of our nation so there is as much as possible left to save.
I keep seeing this... yes, this is the plan, no AcreTrader has nothing to do it with. AcreTrader makes investment in farm and timber land more accessible (e.g. over 1 million in assets, but less than a million to invest in farmland). Bottom-end 1%ers have traded directly in farmland for decades.
So, the point makes sense (crash the economy, drop the value of property so the 0.01% can buy it all), but the involvement of AcreTrader is complete nonsense.
This ignores that nothing is special about AcreTrader. Foreign investors can already buy American land, as they do all the time in places like San Francisco.
That is largely a bad thing (as SF proves), as is the conflict of interest, (though that's common). The image is still misleading.
The image represents that vance does own an unspecified amount of ace trader
From what I've researched, there is still no solid proof that he has divested from Acetrader. As far as I'm aware, he still has a stake in Narya Capital Fund I, Narya Capital Fund II, and Rise of the Rest Seed Fund
Exactly! Already happening with houses, mobile home parks, plumbing and HVAC companies -bought up by LLCs and venture capitalist firms. Drive out family farms and family businesses and raise prices. And remove regulators and oversight. A free-falling economy.
Do corporate farms like getting their money from the government instead of facing the pressures of free enterprise. Seems like Washington Post would write opinion pieces against this disruption of free trade
And once again, rumpled foreskin absolutely proves being on a shadow of a doubt that he knows nothing about agriculture or the economy… our farmers wouldn’t be hurting if you’d honored the contracts that Elroy Muscovite canceled and if you sent the aid overseas and had not dismantled the USAID
Clearly Trump has zero understanding of the farming calendar: how far in advance seed is bought, when it is planted or harvested. Hard to believe farmers have had adequate time to plan for this.
You know TRUMP the rest of the world can be just as uncivilized as you. They may start boycotting, targeting US products/farms & apply tariffs to the US. The world will go on with out the US. There will be no market they will find new farmers in other countries.
Here's my prediction: It's not going to be a farmer bailout. It's going to be PE firms buying farms and engaging farmers as share-croppers on the same land they used to own.
So, U.S. consumers are expected to pay 25% more for the same produce… and even that isn’t enough to cover the cost of U.S.-made goods. In the end, the only ones who suffer are the consumers.
What happened the first term is that China retaliated with its own tariffs and that fucked a bunch of farmers. Foreclosures and suicides soared. Trump threw billions at the problem he created but that money only went to the biggest farms. Mom and pop farmers got fucked. This time will be different.🙄
America First means they will sell out America, first. They'll start with their constituents, then sell out their families. Then they'll turn on the suckers who bought in. Then...
OK, Statista confirms this. Still, with 25% retaliatory tariffs from other countries, non-U.S. corn becomes cheaper. U.S. farmers lose business, and Trump responds by pumping billions into subsidies. In the end, the U.S. taxpayer pays twice—once through higher costs and again through subsidies.
Doesn't matter. At some level, farming is a business and farmers were making a living by selling products with demand and income.
Trump may have destroyed that.
We should remember where bananas are grown and why. We should remember where wheat and corn are grown and why.
That was in 2022. It’s probably much higher nowadays. Especially when you factor in China was buying basically all of the soybean production since the election.
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Who will harvest them anyway? Oh, that’s right, undocumented immigrants can work on conservative farms and in GOP owned businesses. Didn’t see that coming at all🙄🙄🙄
This is disastrous. Soybeans are Mississippi’s 2nd largest commodity, making up an average of 1.7 billion per year. 80% of the soybeans are traded to China. And about 25% of the global trade in soybeans are between MS and China. We have over 3000 soybean farms that are going to suffer from this.
First throwing out all hardworking migrants that actually do the hard labour that is required in farming and then raising the cost on imported food sounds like a recipe for disaster!
Hot on the heels of his bird flu residency, can't wait to see what "Don the Magic Con" does with grain crops after the cost of fertilizer explodes (no pun intended)
Canada is the largest producer of potash in the world, and it is also the primary supplier of potash to the United States. In the fertilizer year ending June 2024, Canada provided 87% of all US potash imports, which amounted to 11.7 million metric tonnes. It's fertilizer... Think about that!!!!
He forgets that he wanted dairy products to be sold in Canada. Think that'll continue? Does he understand that acreage is a solid and just can't be expanded at will? Will corn silage be diverted to table stock? He just doesn't get it; and, he obviously doesn't have farmers advising him.
Donald Trump spent $26 Billion on stimulus payments to farmers during his first term, as a result of his massively failed foreign policy in China and when he pulled the US out of TPP.
My family farms, and I can tell you that if they lose everything and are literally homeless in their 70s, they will still LOVE these Nazis. I don't feel sorry for any of them
You know it will definitely be the woke mob's fault. I'm so tired of them blaming everything on "woke". I asked them what woke meant, and they said it's when they put gay people in commercials and Disney films 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Nothing ever makes any Goddamm sense
Ah yes.. a character that resembles 8% of the American population shows up in media sometimes, very woke. Woke/DEI. Buzzwords they love to say but dont know what they mean. My instructor for a commercial wiring class was demonizing a certain regulation in electrical grounding as "probably DEI crap"
My family too... they have been loading up on subsidies since the 1930's. The most coddled occupation in the country. But somehow think they are supporting welfare queens in the cities.
Europe needs to treat Trump the same as Putin and televise the truth for all to see. These politicians are liars, they aren’t entitled to behave this way with OUR country. We must put an #end to this nonsense and now. Delete #meta #x #tiktok
Hubby and I were just talking about how eventually he’ll have to fix everything he is breaking and will demand he be praised for putting out the fires he started.
Trump wrote this.
Also, bailouts have to take funds from somewhere, where?
Even before that, certain American foods were banned in EU. Now that there is no control and screening for salmonella, listeria etc, who in right mind would even eat American food?
Now that there are no real regulations, at least i hope my country won't allow any unsafe american food products.
23% of their GDP is based on the USA.
Sounds like he’s going to limit farmers income and if he does that long enough, small farmers are going to have to sell their farms.
This sounds like a win for industrial farming.
Donation to cryptocurrency?
I predict a lose/lose for the farmers and consumers
Further proof he must have failed Econ 101.
They gleefully cheered for “smaller government” and “less government handouts” and now are like:
“What? You’re not sending money, what about our contract?”
Don’t make contracts with the devil.
Tough lesson.
He got the farmers must buy numbers from Canada and Mexico last term 1/29/2020
Best trade deal ever?
So China went to Brazil
So now he destroys the Farmers again!
$38 Billion bail out last term.
2. Russia
Potash production: 9 million metric tons
Potash reserves: 920 million metric tons and 3. Belarus
Potash production: 7 million metric tons
Potash reserves: 750 million metric tons
Maybe the orange dickless-traitor thinks its owner will cover the loss.
This reminds me of the time George Bush went to a grocery store and was blown away with scanners.
Big corporations who finance farm quotas, would rather destroy good food, than give it away.
They destroy enough food to feed the world for free!
Farmers are increasingly under attack by this regime!
How stupid does Trump, his minions and corrupt regime think Americans are? Absolutely insulting.
That's how that works, right?
Refuse and no parole ect. for them.
And those left have gone off to hide themselves and no longer available.
So why would trump assume that we're suddenly gonna start buying more produce ?
Especially in the midst of having our jobs & income stripped away, by our government !
How long can consumers live with 25% + increases in the cost of living?
This was actually part of a fascinating conversation I had with my Lyft driver a week or so ago. About how we may need to go back as a society to survive.
Farmers marched on Washington and Reagan won the election that year.
Without foreign markets, Canada and Mexico included, US farmers are screwed.
But, knowledge is way over-rated by his cult.
A Canadian that won't be buying ANY US grown ANYTHING, any time soon. IF EVER AGAIN.
Resuscitate them with $25B of taxpayer $$.
1) This is what he did last time
2) China bought their soybeans from Brazil
3) They're probably not coming back
4) This should be banned for giving money out for his fuck ups
Cobs of corn on the way North. As many as you can.
Double profit.
I live smack dab in the middle of this shit show.
So far our eggs are still cheap. "mine are free because I have social skills."
Obviously, this isn't going to last, we just got each others backs up here.
but anyways, I'll let you know when we start suffering. I know we lost a lot of fed emps.
I still think many of these farmers will back these guys..they say they hate who they have been told to hate.
Someone spoke to him 30 min before this posting he did and confused him into sending this out.
He has no idea what any of it means if you ask him
Bananas from Central America.
Hey America get used to eating corn beans and lentils!!!
Farmers on welfare checks! Nnot subsidies or bailouts. Let’s call it what it is!! Welfare!!
What a fucking idiot.
So, f**k Idaho.
Decline in International Trade:
1. prompted retaliatory tariffs from other countries
2. reduction in trade deepened the economic downturn
3. Worsening of the Great Depression
4. contributed to economic isolationism
5. Increased Economic Hardship
Donny gonna fuck you up.
🍊💩 is quite clueless.
A$$hole. 🤯🤬😈
"fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me"
There is a lot of distraction so it is hard to nail down the end game
I am no farmer but seems like they will produce less product
I see in my area building that are owned by Saudi and China but nobody talks about that
That is largely a bad thing (as SF proves), as is the conflict of interest, (though that's common). The image is still misleading.
From what I've researched, there is still no solid proof that he has divested from Acetrader. As far as I'm aware, he still has a stake in Narya Capital Fund I, Narya Capital Fund II, and Rise of the Rest Seed Fund
Not one.
They're still in this to 'own the libs' even as they literally lose the farm.
You don’t just change crops over night - it takes years before new crop production kicks in
I mean, come on….. 😩😩😩
The fuckers who voted for that piece of shit can all go bankrupt. I hope they don't get a single ounce of potash from Canada .
Trump may have destroyed that.
We should remember where bananas are grown and why. We should remember where wheat and corn are grown and why.
For maximum privacy, StartPage and Brave Search are often considered among the best options due to their strong commitments to privacy without compromising search quality.
First throwing out all hardworking migrants that actually do the hard labour that is required in farming and then raising the cost on imported food sounds like a recipe for disaster!
The price of eggs is going up!
Happy Easter America!
His master plan might be to force small farm co-ops to sell out to big farm corporations. More money for the mega rich, more suicides for farmers.
Wtaf is wrong with him.
Huffin' dat narc supply.
Sorry, not sorry