i keep seeing people saying “no way to know why dems lost” and it makes me want to lose my mind
they lost bc disengaged voters bought gop bullshit and its pretty obvious this was the payoff of a generational effort on the right to work the refs in media…
they lost bc disengaged voters bought gop bullshit and its pretty obvious this was the payoff of a generational effort on the right to work the refs in media…
What if it’s your fault too & you’re looking for a way to make yourself separate & above while targeting everyone else for blame?
You’re not perfect nor all knowing. I suspect your analysis is based on the same media.
you are arguing over a girls high school volleyball team in utah without ever challenging their underlying argument…without ever even asking “why are we talking about this, why are you asking me about this”
"Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.”
Real candidates = 0
These stories don’t matter on a national level. It’s cable news bs
"Republicans are bringing this up instead of the real issues because they're sick freaks *and also* because they want to pick your pocket while you're riled up about irrelevancies"
Republicans don't care about defending girls' high school sports. The Republican position on trans people is in a forest northeast of Warsaw.
We should argue against their actual position instead of the sports fog-machine debate.
On what do you base your analysis of what’s wrong with everyone but you in this ecosystem where people put being tickled by newsy entertaining clips, hot takes from hacks & weigh credibility in “likes”?
When we allowed Trump to incite an insurrection and did not come down with consequences,
it showed them how "strong" our laws are for those with means. Which they aren't.
They couldn't wait to bow the knee out of fear.
I'm willing to fight and die for this cause.
But not everyone is.
They are afraid and we allowed it.
It is voter suppression in its most insidious form.
Also.... why did they lose? They allowed an insurrection to be spun into a shadow government, opposing the administration domestically and internationally, that pumped out a firehose of propaganda over four straight years. Thats the Root Cause IMO
Too many ppl are asking the wrong questions, getting the wrong answers. The country is awash in disinformation
Or plainly, why is it any of your f'ing beeswax?
Cutting off pandemic era subsidies
Not offering anything to voters
Funding a genocide
Not caring about global warming
Yeah it was impossible to lose fairly
Two women losing to him but one man winning should tell people something, but most everyone seems to ignore that coincidence/point.
This country is as sexist as it is racist. Possibly more sexist than racist. Possibly.
Lush Rimjob gets nationally syndicated 1988.
So two generations.
It's so painful and disappointing
Concrete policy proposals are not what this election was about. Trump was barely putting sentences together by the end.
Both Musk and Zuckerberg Meta/FB are deeply vested in this chaotic, insane outcome.
They persuaded Dems to forget or not bother
Stop the excuses. Take responsibility.
Not the first time Dems came up short when stakes were so high, but this time will be the most damaging.
Americans, you are not living the only country affected by this. We see Russian and right wingers pulling this strategy all over the world.
It's just that we see the Supreme Court and don't want more Scalias and Alitos, and non voters don't care about those factors.
No. You’re doing fine.
You probably just temporarily forgot what words mean when you decided to change “with” to “for”.
Again I don’t think gaslighting other people is very effective when you choose to pretend you don’t know how words work.
I don't like Liz Cheney, but pretending that Harris supported any Cheney policy or action but the J6 Committee is bizarre and definitely horseshoe stuff.
I guess it depends who you ask.
Some people look only at foreign policy results and ignore any other potential and long-standing harm.
I don't .
they get on school boards while dems are keyboard warriors
learn anything from the last election? some of us have said this since the 90s
1. Average citizens are disengaged.
2. Average citizens don’t understand the economy.
3. Average citizens believe all politicians are corrupt.
4. Average citizens are enamored with celebrity culture.
The “liberal” media is about 1 1/2 legacy media and a bunch of podcasters who don’t benefit from the infusion of cash from right wing oligarchs and also $ from Russia.
A radical right wing populist.
They are unreachable & unteachable.
Democrats will continue to ignore this while saying "stock market good".
It's the constant attention to help for specific demographics that leaves so many people out in the cold. Where were the sweeping proposals for everybody?
Page 13
She had the policies people were asking for. Even if she HADN'T had anything on the table and we just kept everything the same for another 4 years, it STILL would have been tremendously better than what Trump is proposing- cutting SSI, health, edu. etc.
But, my personal theory is that the handling of the conflict in the Middle East had a very big impact; one of your graphs seems to support that.
If dems already have their boot on your neck and only offer "their boot is worse" of course you're disillusioned. 🤷♂️
They would rather vote for a rapey con artist.
Other racists and misogynists didn't bother to vote against the fascist.
The election was about hate. Too many white people think hate doesn't matter.
After the first few weeks of the campaign, Harris referred to these issues less and less, and when she did, she used loaded words that didn't translate well.
You can't paint yourself as progressives while courting dissafected conservatives.
A lot of people either weren't paying attention, didn't care, or were too gullible/stupid/misogynist/racist to vote for candidates who actually give a crap about their needs.
You cannot say “everything costs too much” too much.
Voters who follow MSM (ave Print and Network): Blue (62%) Red (28%).
The MSM bashing fad is baseless
Simpler to focus on the fired 'slug' (DT) message rather than the multiple fired 'bb' issues that Dems covered. The monied-aristocracy is self-profit motivated and media efforts shows
If you aren't going to address that, you are missing the plot pretty hard.
The toxic soup of podcasts/X/Tiktok/whatever is not going to suddenly clean up because legacy media starts reporting news better.
This was a flood the zone, not ref working, that lost it.
This country is misogynistic and racist.
I don’t believe we will see a female president in my lifetime, and I’m 57.
Like… figure out what % of ppl have negative wealth (debt > income/assets) & consider that an economic factor. MUCH different picture.
*points to the 95 million who stayed home*
Voters will remain disengaged until it starts affecting their lives or their wallet and that just may happen.
Despite a media complex to conjure an economic crisis out of a world-envied economy, it just wasn't true and people returned to trivial bullshit.
A lot of racism and misogyny among the "undecided"
Working the refs is true for every election.
To blame ignorant voters loses the forest thru the trees.
The dem message of Democracy and Abortion ignored voters primary concern: the economy.
There’s a reason the GOP message hit home & Dems didn’t & it’s not just the voters fault.
It's a nest of rats.
I don’t know why, it’s quite plain to see.