But they clearly had some idea, because in addition to “I didn’t know” not being a defense, they ask another pair of women if they’re old enough to go to bars.
I just went through the texts and other evidence in the report and if he's not politically FINISHED and criminally charged then I hope karma is swift and painful. Talk about a deplorable "human" being.
Invaded his privacy. Am I the only one who remembers that the first Trump administration seized the phones of congressmen Schiff and Swalwell because they accurately pointed out Trump's collusion with Russia
It would be interesting to know who else was at those parties and either witnessed or participated in these sexual encounters. I shouldn’t be shocked that he is getting away with all of this, including the illegal drug use and sex with a 17 yr old, but it’s disturbing
Who cares about cbs, cnn or the rest of legacy media! Stop giving them views they assisted what the next four years of hell will bring.
Easy enough to post a link to the actual report.
This part especially piss me off. Minor girls usually end up here due to poverty and needing an immediate solution. This man is worth millions and taking extra advantage of children who are desperate and naive. Imagine being a congressman and knowing you could easily be taken down, asking for free?
curious... they been investigating Gaetz for a while. Why wasn't charges charged when he was in Congress?
this seems to be normal in our government. They find truth & don't press charges. Trump, prime example.
DOJ is there for what? only go after non federal workers.
MSM is now emphasizing that this all happened while Gaetz was in office. Who the F cares about that? His disgusting behavior was illegal whether in office or unemployed.
They won't be looked into though, he's just a fall guy for this behavior. I'm not even sure if he'll be held accountable for his actions. The justice system of this country is a joke. :/
Matt Gaetz’ own Ghislaine Maxwell.
Pretty clear Matt idolized Jeffrey Epstein.
Hope this spoiled, snot-nosed pedo brat takes down his whole family, including his enabler father.
He must've sniffed too much of the white powder that week & was thusly running low on funds. Instead of buckling down and skipping his lattes (isn't that what the GOP always tells the truly disadvantaged), he decided to "stiff his sex workers." (Feel free @stephencolbert.bsky.social to use my pun.)
Just the slimy little creep we all knew he was. This is bad enough, but the bigger issue is that the next guy wanted him to be the Atty General of the US… and Republicans would have let him.
@speakermikejohnson.bsky.social @charliekirk13.bsky.social @bennyjohnson123.bsky.social These soulless men have daughters and fully support a drug addicted, rapist as president and for AG. Their god is a figment of their imagination and they lie about faith for POWER! STFU 🤫 I TOLD YOU SO …
The MAGA GOP are ALL a bunch of sexual predators! This is why they need to “claim it’s not the lack of morality” why we don’t think he’s presidential material. They are defending their own unacceptable behavior!
Whether it should be or not, paying for sex with another adult is technically still illegal most everywhere in the US. It's not just the age thing. This person was nominated to be the head of the fucking Department of Justice.
If all you focus on is what's illegal, you've missed the plot. These sanctimonious SOBs run around the country as the party of family values while telling you they're holier than thou. They vilify the LGBTQIA+ community. They'll follow you into the BR to check out your genitalia.
They want to tell you who and how you can love, all the while participating in depraved behavior. They're straight up hypocrites. If you insist on telling us and legislating us how to live then you better be damn well squeaky clean, you know, like the popes 😉😉. Miss me with the "it's not illegal".
yep i agree a lot with you
please consider following team aoc @teamaoc.bsky.social
my hopes are her and who she runs w will set the agenda in a better direction
Strange Trump is a rapist he is no Christian and Charles Manson was a rapist he was no Christian and Moms Boucher raped and he was not Christian. There is rape in India but there are relativity few Christians there. Peter Flynn the Wpg rapist and Rolf Harris the rapist were athiests. Do some
Why aren't charges being filed for this? Especially the one with the 17 year old. It's funny, that side throws around pedophile with abandon and they have one in their midst and they just kind of shrug.
THIS is the GOP
The ‘Conservative’
Billionaire Club with grand puba MusQ support
This is who they are
Corrupt, immoral, traitors
And so are the voters that have kept them in power cycle after cycle while knowing this is who they are. When you do so, THIS is who YOU are
Does anybody understand how compromised this asshole is. What do they have on Trump or Musk that caused them to appoint Gaetz as AG, and why did they need him there. There are tapes somewhere on Gaetz, Trump, and Musk. Honeypot operation, classic.
With all parties using the term "customer," these girls denying they exchanged sex for money rings patently false. They were prostitutes, plain and simple.
most minors trapped in sex slavery do not see a dime. I'm a former sex worker. That's not sex work, it's disgusting and everyone involved bar the victims ie the kids should be lined against a fecking wall without trial.
This whole thing makes me question Trumps judgment and intellect. I mean who would nominate this awful person for AG, and never mind the national security threat this would pose! I hope the press make it clearly known that Trump is unfit for office.
1.Release ALL reports of criminal &inappropriate behavior the “ethics” committee is sitting on.MTG tweeted there are more.2.An ethics committee sitting on this kind of information and needs to vote to release it, must change its name.
What does it say about America that a majority of people in his District, even knowing about his actions, would re-elect him? It tells me we have a population problem.
"And it’s a political jolt that could have reverberations for years to come, as the Capitol Hill panel takes aim at a long-time Trump loyalist and now conservative anchor at One America Network."
Aww. That's so cute. It reminds me of the days when shame was still a thing.
#men #womensrights #mybodymychoice #roevwade #women #mybodyyourchoice #fucktrump As a woman, past the age of the ability to conceive...it's still inconceivable to me that a government thinks they can impose on my right to autonomy. I'm an adult human, and you've just made me into a pet. FU #resist
Trump and Casablancas also helped pick girls out that would "model" for Epstein through Elite. Trump would test their boundaries just enough by making young teens dance for him and go drinking. Julian would hire the winners and his girls were sent to Epstein.
Yeah. I was a sex trafficking victim for the first 17 years of my life. The male perpetrators outnumber the female perpetrators but really not by much.
And this is why Republicans didn’t want him as Attorney General? Shocking- or maybe because he was the most hated member of Congress- by his own party- ever! If he wasn’t so hated, the MAGA Republican caucus wouldn’t care
But please, show another picture of Hunter Biden's penis in committee again....
Easy enough to post a link to the actual report.
And it’s child rape
This is Florida, my friends
this seems to be normal in our government. They find truth & don't press charges. Trump, prime example.
DOJ is there for what? only go after non federal workers.
rule of law is just words
Also, why no Federal charges for all of this?
what’s happening with the Ghislaine Maxwell Contacts list?
Pretty clear Matt idolized Jeffrey Epstein.
Hope this spoiled, snot-nosed pedo brat takes down his whole family, including his enabler father.
“Hey, yeah, I’ve got a little cash flow problem, so if you could just consider this Customer Appreciation Week…”
Pretty sure I know they’ll respond.
They want your children straight, white, armed and angry.
MAGA must Lie, Cheat and Steal! Abortion. Guns. Equality. End Christian nationalism!Maga is the CONFEDERACY!!
the sex part
thats private
the point is that parading around his kink is just meh
its not against the law
lets focus on the fact he did things with minors
thats the tar that sticks
thats the bit nobody can discount
hit him where it hurts
the one fact no one can even litigate an honest defense of is sex with a minor
thats illegal everywhere
the rest is debatable, argumentative, and or could be argued in court
since i am studying law
i focus on what i can prove
and what i can hold people accountable for by way of statute
i try to remember not to call people names
to practice decorum
i understand they went low
but i still believe we can take all this back
and reverse this crazy
please consider following team aoc @teamaoc.bsky.social
my hopes are her and who she runs w will set the agenda in a better direction
The ‘Conservative’
Billionaire Club with grand puba MusQ support
This is who they are
Corrupt, immoral, traitors
And so are the voters that have kept them in power cycle after cycle while knowing this is who they are. When you do so, THIS is who YOU are
There is a reason why most of us recoil at just his picture- the same instinct that made us run from predators on the African Savannah.
Also an example of a conservative lying.
Also, there's a woman who's complicit in all this, eh?
Aww. That's so cute. It reminds me of the days when shame was still a thing.